Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1e Place ECC Report /w EXTC


New Member
Hey Guys,

Before I start writing I want to special thanks Anna Schipper, for not only supporting and driving me, but also for lending me her deck. At the league three weeks before the ECC I borrowed the EXTC-deck and I liked it right away. I did play Tornadus Terrakion at two City’s, ending first and second with it. And this deck was even faster! And to be mentioned: very consistent!!
A week before the ECC we went playtesting at Bert’s. I could borrow Anna her deck one’s again, and tested Terrakion in it. But he made the deck to inconsistent for me, because of a lower grass energy count and the chance of a bad start. So the next week I went looking for another lightning counter, but couldn’t find any.

At Friday we went to the hotel. I had been sick from Wednesday, and was still really tired. We were staying in a very nice hotel, 20 minutes from the tournament hall.
After having a delicious diner, we went playtesting. I was wondering if Eviolite was needed in EXTC and concluded it was because it helps you out against Yanmega, Reshiram and can be good attached to a Mewtwo. But I had to take out something and didn’t want to cut the consistency. So I cut the Revive.
Now I think Revive or a third Mewtwo EX is needed, but still I don’t know what to take out.

4 Celibi
4 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin UL

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Gear
4 Catcher
4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 Skyarrow
2 Switch (a third one is preferred)
2 Eviolite
2 PlusPower

9 Grass

I think there is nothing to be explained. It’s just consistency, only tech is Shaymin who has won me Round 5.
12 Supporters and 3 Gear so you won’t be out of supporters, because missing a supporter for a turn can lose you the game.

The next day we went up at seven, took a shower and had a delicious breakfast.
After that we drove to the tournament hall. I bought some sleeves there, resleeved and was exactly at 9.45 in line for my deckcheck. It was all okay and I could start waiting till we started.
We started around eleven, maby some later, but for a big tournament like this a great performance from the staff!

Round 1 – David G. (Spain) – Reshiram/Emboar
I opened well, and could take a big prize lead. Then I missed a supporter and had to wait a few turns, he could get a Reshiram EX and a Emboar out, but when I got a supporter again I could take my last prizes.


Round 2 – Mark H. (NL) – Durant
Started Mewtwo EX and just attached energies to it to take some prizes. He flipped two out of two Crushing Hamers heads this game. But because of carefully playing supporters and taking easy prizes didn’t my deck burn out that fast. Only at the end I had trouble to take my last prize, I had to play a Juniper (15 cards remaining) but missed the energy. Fortunately he didn’t Devour it, so I could Juniper for the rest of my deck and take my last prize.
He had one Durant prized, and it cost him 6 turns (one time he forgot Rotom) to get it. Just to mention.


There was a lunch break from an hour. I tried to take some rest by listening some music but with over 200 people in a sports hall it’s difficult :p

Round 3 – David C. (BE) – Zekrom/Eel/
He didn’t play Mewtwo. So I could just go agro Mewtwo without any response.


Round 4 – Mees B. (NL) – Mew/Yanmega/Terrakion
The die blessed me to start, what gave me a huge advantage. We traded prizes and at a point he could take over the lead, because of me missing a energy. Then we ended up with Yanmega against Tornadus, me having one Eviolite and him having a Terrakion as benchsitter.
We could take both our fifth prize and then he couldn’t take his last one in his turn. I could get out a Mewtwo EX with my Shaymin, Catcher on his benched Terrakion with 3 energies and take my last prize. GG Mees!


Round 5 – Gawein W. (NL) – Magnezone/Typhlosion
I think this was the game where I didn’t draw a single Catcher out of three supporters. So he got his Magnezone and Typhlosion, played a lot of stuff and ended his turn with only one card remaining in his hand.
I knew I had to KO his Magnezone that turn otherwise he would have his full setup. So I played my Shaymin, moved all my energies to Mewtwo EX and played Juniper hoping for that Catcher. Fortunately I drew into it and could KO his Magnezone, thanks to his two energies.
After that he couldn’t get anything.

Now I only had to win one more game for top cut!

Round 6 – Tom Hall (UK) – Zekrom/Eel/Mewtwo/Smeargle/Pachi/Shaymin
I think we opened both well. But I couldn’t get an energy for ages!
In my last 15 cards there were 9 energies :S
I hope our next game will be better ;)


Round 7 – Jouni L. (FI) – Zekrom/Eel/Mewtwo
When I came at the table I already remembered his face from before. He told me we had met last ECC and that I had donked him that time…
Then we drew our hands and I saw I could get the donk. He opened with only one pokemon and I won the flip. He flipped over and it was a Tynamo. I felt really sorry for him and we played a fun game which I won.
Fortunately he made Tops as well :)


Round 8 – Maxime R. (FR) – (Zekrom)/Zebstrika/Eel/Mewtwo
We were both happy to be in tops so we both played for fun. He’s a nice guy and we had a nice game.
He played Zebstrika which I hadn’t played against before. I directly made a mistake by Catchering his Blizzle instead of his Tynamo. So he could revenge KO my Mewtwo and win the Mewtwo trade.
I ended up with only Tornadus’, which he took out with his Zebstrika. GG


Now we had to wait very long for the standings, while I was hungry :p So when the standings where up, we took a picture and went to a hotel for diner. After that we went to the hotel, watched television and went to bed.
The next morning we went up a little later than the day before. Got breakfast again and went to the tournament hall for the Top 32:

Top 32 – Björn Reinsdorf (D) – Zekrom/Eel/Mewtwo/Zebstrika/Thunderus
I didn’t know his name, but recognized his face when I checked him on facebook :p
Still I didn’t know what he did play, but I expected lightning, because everyone did play that ^^

Game 1: When I saw he did play Thunderus, I started to worry. Thunderus can take down my Tornadus turn 2 so I had to go for Mewtwo. But still than Thunderus is good because I can’t OHKO it and with Catchers it KO’s all my Celebi’s. Fortunately he did play Terrakion and no DCE, so getting a Mewtwo out was difficult for him, certainly because of me KO’ing his Tynamo’s.
I decided to go for Cathering his bench and try to play around the Thunderus. He attacked my Mewtwo and KO’ed it when he got a PlusPower, me not expecting one. But at the end he missed a supporter, and because of forgetting a Dynamotor he was stucked. So I could take my last prizes with Mewtwo.
Game 2: I got a donk.
Sorry for donking man, but we got a really close first game! GG

Top 16 – Finn Looft (D) – Magnezone/Yanmega
Game 1: He judged me turn one. Giving me no supporters, but he also hadn’t got a supporter. So when I got my N, I decided to hold it because of me having better chances on a supporter than he did. Onfortunately he drew a Magnezone or Candy at his next turn and got his Magnezone on the field. He could make setup, what meant a lost for me.
Game 2: I got a donk.
Game 3: I could prevent him from getting his Magnezone out with a fast start. He could never come back from that.

Top 8 – Mees Brenninkmeijer (NL) w/ Mew/Yanmega/Terrakion
Game 1: My opening hand: 4 Grass, 1 DCE, Celebi, Dual Ball. He started Mew. I won the flip.
So I flipped my Dual Ball FTW, dubble tails… I came far behind and scooped.
Game 2: I donked him. He had Yanma and Terrakion, but didn’t put Terrakion down because if he did I could dragg it forward all game.
Game 3: He had got a really bad hand, no supporters and all his lostzone attackers for Mew. Game.
Three bad games… but we did have a good one in swiss!

Top 4 – Jouni Lehtinen (FI) – Zekrom/Eel/Mewtwo
I can’t remember much from this one. But it’s coveraged so I’ll wait till the coverage is up, and then include it inhere :)

Top 2 – Benjamin Behrens (NO) – Mewtwo/Eel/Tech
The match is recorded, watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQEwMrC-awM

Thanks too Marek Rehacek/Marcinho for coveraging this match!
I just copy passed it from his thread because it’s so detailed I can’t make it any better ;)

First game
DB: Started with Celebi active. Dual Ball - Mewtwo EX (one head) and benched him, Eviolite to Mewtwo EX, JA for Dual Ball (double tails), Juniper, attached GE to Mewtwo EX, Dual Ball (double tails), passed
BB: Thundurus active, Terrakion on the bench, attached Prism Energy to Thundurus, attack Charge and attached LE to him
DB: Attached DCE to Mewtwo EX. PONT, Celebi (Forest Breath) - GE to Mewtwo EX, Switched Celebi to Mewtwo EX, X Ball and OHKO Thundurus (5-6)
BB: Terrakion active. Benched Absol Prime, passed
DB: Benched Tornadus, attached GE to him. Mewtwo EX - X Ball for 80 to Terrakion
BB: Terrakion active, attached Prism Energy to Absol, passed
DB: X Ball - KO Terrakion (4-6)
BB: Absol active. Benched Mewtwo EX, attached DCE to him. Switched Absol to Mewtwo EX. Juniper, X Ball to OHKO Mewtwo EX (4-4)
DB: Active Tornadus, attached DCE to him and N. Benched another Tornadus and Hurricane - 80 to Mewtwo EX
BB: Catchered Celebi, retreated Mewtwo EX to Absol, attached LE to him, Vicious Claw for 70 (LZ Shaymin) and OHKO Celebi (4-3)
DB: Tornadus with DCE active. Played Skyarrow Bridge. PONT, attached GE to Tornadus - Hurricane and OHKO Absol (3-3)
BB: Mewtwo EX with 80 hits active. Juniper, benched Tynamo 30. Attached DCE to Mewtwo EX, X Ball for 80 to Tornadus
DB: Retreated Tornadus to another Tornadus, PP, Hurricane and KO Mewtwo EX (1-3)
BB: Tynamo 30 active. Benched Mewtwo EX, Tynamo and gave up. The first game for David Booij

Second game
BB: Started with Tynamo 30, Mewtwo EX on the bench. Benched another Mewtwo EX. Catchered Tornadus. PONT, benched Thundurus, attached LE to him, retreated Tynamo 30 to Thundurus and Charge
DB: Tornadus active, Celebi on the bench, attached DCE to Tornadus, Skyarrow Bridge, benched another Celebi. Catchered Mewtwo EX, Dual Ball - Tornadus (one head) and benched him. Retreated Tornadus to Celebi (Forest Breath) - GE to Tornadus without energy (one Tornadus DCE, second one GE), passed
BB: Played Pokegear, found Sage´s Training and played it. Retreated Thundurus, attached DCE to Mewtwo EX - X Ball, 40 to Celebi
DB: Attached DCE to Tornadus with GE. PONT, retreated Celebi to Tornadus, catchered Mewtwo EX and Hurricane - 80 to Mewtwo EX
BB: Attached Prism Energy to active Mewtwo EX, benched Tynamo 40, JA for Catcher, catchered Celebi. Switched Mewtwo EX to another Mewtwo EX (with DCE) - X Ball and KO Celebi (6-5)
DB: Celebi active, benched Mewtwo EX, attached DCE, GE to him (hand, Forest Breath), retreated Celebi to Mewtwo EX - X Ball and OHKO Mewtwo EX (4-5)
BB: Tynamo active, Eelektrik, attached LE to Mewtwo EX (Dynamotor), benched another Eelektrik, attached LE to Thundurus (Dynamotor) and other LE to Eelektrik (hand), retreated Tynamo to Mewtwo EX - X Ball and OHKO Mewtwo EX (4-3)
DB: Celebi active, attached GE to Tornadus (Forest Breath), Switched Celebi to another Celebi, benched Mewtwo EX. PONT, JA for catcher, catchered Eelektrik, retreated Celebi to Tornadus and Hurricane - 80 hits to Eelektrik
BB: Played Shaymin and moved energies to Mewtwo EX. Switched Eelektrik to Mewtwo EX, played Sage´s Training, attached LE to Thundurus, catchered Mewtwo EX, X Ball - OHKO Mewtwo EX (4-1)
DB: Celebi active. Played N, catchered Mewtwo EX (without energy), retreated Celebi to Tornadus. Hurricane - 80 to Mewtwo EX
BB: Attached energy to Mewtwo EX and 2 LE to Thundurus (2x Dynamotor), retreated Mewtwo EX to Thundurus, Disaster Volt and OHKO Tornadus. The second game for Benjamin Behrens

Third game
DB: Started with Celebi, Benjamin hadn´ t a Basic, mulligan - Zekrom EX active. Benched Tornadus, Dual Ball - Tornadus (one head) and benched him. Attached DCE, GE to Tornadus (Forest Breath, hand). Juniper, benched Mewtwo EX. Switched Celebi to Tornadus, PP, Hurricane - 90 hits to Zekrom EX
BB: Benched Tynamo, attached LE to Zekrom EX. Played PONT, passed
DB: Catchered Tynamo, JA for Switch. Switched Tornadus to another Tornadus (with DCE, GE). Played PONT, Hurricane - OHKO Tynamo (5-6)
BB: Zekrom EX active. Played Comms for Tynamo 40, Benched Tynamo 40, Thundurus and Mewtwo EX, played Sage´s Training. Attached DCE to Zekrom EX, catchered Tornadus, Glinting Claw (heads) - OHKO Tornadus (5-5)
DB: Celebi active. Pokegear - PONT, attached GE to Tornadus (Forest Breath), Switched Celebi to Tornadus, JA for PP, PP. Played PONT, benched Mewtwo EX, Hurricane - 90 hits to Zekrom EX and KO him (3-5)
BB: Active Tynamo 40. Collector - Mewtwo EX, Cleffa and benched them, attached energy to Tynamo, retreated Tynamo to Cleffa, eek (slept)
DB: Played Dual Ball - Mewtwo EX (one head), benched him. Attached GE to active Tornadus. Catchered Tynamo 40, played Skyarrow Bridge. Pokegear - N, played Juniper. Attached Eviolite to Mewtwo EX (without energy), benched Tornadus. Hurricane - 80, OHKO Tynamo (2-5)
BB: Cleffa active. Played Juniper, nothing. Retreated Cleffa to Thundurus
DB: In his turn, Benjamin gave up the game. The third game for David Booij. He became the ECC 2012 Masters Champion! Congratulations!

Benjamin was a great sportman, congratulated me several times, and he has given me a really nice picture! :p
Then, after shaking hands, talking allot about the tournament and thanking judges and staff, we went home.

What I like to at to this report at last is that I have learnt from this tournament that concentration, focussing and taking rest is really important, certainly at a big tournament like this.
Because playing eight rounds is tiring and you need to spread your energy all over the day.
Playing a fast deck like this did help me out too, because I wasn’t forced to play long games and could have some pause between the rounds ^^

Then I want to thank a lot of friends for their help and support, without them I wouldn’t have won:

- Rick for lending me his Mewtwo EX!
- Marina for lending me her Mewtwo EX!
Yeah it’s right: I hadn’t got anyone by myself :p
- Bert Wolters for playtesting and helping me with remembering my matches for this report
- Melchior Hillenkamp and Bert for being real nice roommates ^^
- Felix de Jong, Paula Jansen, Joris Jansen, Max Huisman and Melchior, for playtesting and being great supporters!
- Arjan Huisman for sharing his thoughts and being a great supporter!
- All my opponents for being great guys and making my weekend so super!
- All of the judges and the staff for making this tournament possible
- And special a thanks too Hapé and Elsa for all the organizing!

I hope to get some more info of the finals and Top 4, because I can’t remember all what happened.
I hope to see you all again next year, or maby at Worlds!
Thanks for reading,
David Booij.
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What Deck is Better for States?

Hello,My name is Filipe Passos and I do 6-1 in the City Championships, 2st-place.
And I NEED to win more than lose to guarantee a place in the national championships,here in Brazil on the State championships.

Help me what deck i go for state?
I lke these three decks?
Gothitelle/Gardevoir/Mewtwo EX
Tornadus/Celebi/Mewtwo EX

which is better for state???
HELP ME!!!!!!!!!
Congratiolationssss!!!!!! and help me
@ iLifeless: Thanks man!
@Filipe Passos: thanks you for the congratz.
I don't know if you have read my report, but if you did, you should realize that EXTC has won a big tournament and non of the other decks you have mentioned got into top 8.

Congratulations once again. I really enjoyed watching you play and progressing to the finals David. You mentioning your concentration and focuss as two of the learning curves during this tournement, speak for themselves. What i did like the most about your latest winning streak however, is the presence and attitude you enter your games with. It's cool to see the way a 17 year old is mindgaming with his opponents. Your constant gum chewing pokerface combined with that small "I know what your next move will be" smile, undeniably gives you a headstart in almost every game you enter. I think this is one of the major assets you posess and still improve upon which will automatically give you more great Pokemon results in the nearby future...
Congrats once again! Seeing you play that third game in the finals, and winning it, was one of the best things I've ever experienced in the Pokémon TCG. I still can't believe you won, haha.

Also, I want my deck back... ;)
@ Durant Eats Children: Thanks m8
@ Topcutter: Wouw, it's nice to hear that someone has seen more than only the games themself! And thanks because it's a big complement you made me :)

@ Anna: Thank you :) I still can't believe it either :p
He flipped all of his Crushing Hamers heads against me.

All 2 of them. :p I Junk Armed the other two for a Lost Remover to play it safe.

It was a great game, and I'm glad the better player won in the end. Congrats man!
All 2 of them. :p I Junk Armed the other two for a Lost Remover to play it safe.

It was a great game, and I'm glad the better player won in the end. Congrats man!

It were only two? Sorry for forgetting that, it felt like it were thousand :p
Yes it was, and really close!
Thanks m8!
Congrats, MTC seems like a great deck however Zekeel can have a advantage as long as it doesn't have a crud start :p