Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Darkrai: Ends June 10th!


Front Page News Editor<br>Forum Moderator
[Gal=53031] Darkrai is coming! [/gal]​

For those with the English games, a /Darkrai WiFi event has been announced. Full details as of today (5/8/2012) show that it is now available for download!

To download onto your game you simply start your Pokemon Black or White games, select Mystery gift from the main menu, then via Nintendo WiFi.

The end date of this distribution is on June 10th, 2012. So download away until then!

OT: 2012MAY'
ID: 05092 (a day early apparently)
Ability: Bad Dreams
Hold Item: Enigma Berry (1st time available for Black & White)
Level: 50
-Dark Void
-Ominous Wind
-Faint Attack
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@Regis: Agreed. I really would love to have a shiny 'quazza, as I does look WAY better (IMO) being black vs emerald. But, it is emerald for a reason.

I also think that here in the USA the amount of WI-fi events increasing is better then going to a location to get special release Pokies that is only so far and few in the past. Nintendo made a great descision with working wi-fi into the games and what it can bring/give to the games as far as support and replay value.

Even though most Pokies that are event that get released are in the banned/restricted tournement list, it is better then not having events at all. Besides, who knows what the format for 2012/13 year will bring. We might be able to use one (1) currently banned/restricted with the amount of legendaries to choose from vs the small amount to select from in the past in the next format.
^It still is located in the electronics thread- I inquired about it and waiting a reply. Plus- I am going to hopefully clean it up/update it, and, it might be moved over here in this area since it is directly involved to Pokemon games while the electronics thread is (switching/converting?) to only VG's that are not Pokemon related.
Gotta wait and see what the mods would like to have happen.
@Regis: Agreed. I really would love to have a shiny 'quazza, as I does look WAY better (IMO) being black vs emerald. But, it is emerald for a reason.

You're in luck because I predict a shiny Rayquaza event in sometime starting in June.

Anyway another Darkrai is nice, but kinda unnecessary and I'd much rather prefer a shiny Mew or something like that, but I'm not going to complain about another event legendary.
Darkrai is a very nice pokemon to have. It would be even better if it was caught in the dream world like Arceus (restarted one of my games and went through with a obedient level 100 - VERY fun way to breeze through the game)
^ Darkria is pretty shweet Pokie, I spent so time SR'n for the one I have, which, I am working on getting a nice Arceaus as well. I agree that DR Darkria would be nice, get to name it, choose the Pokeball. Still working on SR'n for a nice Event Mewtwo. Glad to know the games have more slots to hold event Pokies and ya get to switch the order you want to recieve them in.

This Darkria will prolly be the only one in a while to get one legit- so- get it while ya can.

@The rolesweplay: shweet! it'll be nice to get a good one cuz the last one I obtained was from SS cartridge and I didn't want to spend the time SR'n for a shiny one. At least it didn't take forever to geet a good natured and iv'd one.
^pretty cool it has the berry, uncool that we can't plant it.........
^lol, true!
I accidently released a Pokie I was breeding that was holding the power bracer on White :nonono:
I like how it can be re-used in the Subway and other non-in game battles.
Got mine on both games. One day I will pick them up to be put in a box and never seen again...
^LOL! Very true since Darkria is not "battle worthy" in most tournaments, and has an ability and a move that is just nasty and easy to abuse which keeps it in the banned list. Still, it has it's "novalty" value, and trade value as well.
Oh, and it helps fill the Pokedex! (like, the guy rewards you with so much for doing so.......right? LOL)
Meh, it is an event, more support for the games, and once in a while a random battle that doesn't restrict it- keep the event Pokies comming! Hopefully we will get an event Pokie that can see the battle field.
Also, The event supports the TCG- it is only fair that the VG and the TCG compliment each other with all the new support. Props for the TCG, it promoted a VG event :thumb: