Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Japanese Pokemon Games

The Phenom1993

Active Member
SO i'm playing a japanese pokemon game on the NDS and i need some hep on it.

I don't understandt any japanese, so i need someone to fill me out on the basics pls.
The most importane would be words like yes,no,route etc.
Well, YES is always the option on the top, while NO is on the bottom. (or B is an automatic no) Routes always have a number behind them, and that number is all that matters. I don't know Japanese, so can't really help you, but at least I hope that helps.
If you're trying to figure out how to battle in Japanese, I HIGHLY recommend you look at an English version first, see which commands are located where (IE: knowing that the big center button on the touch screen is "Attack" probably is useful) and keep that in the back of your head. If you have no idea what an attack is, IIRC, the Attack Menu (for sure the Pokemon Select menu) will let you see its base damage, accuracy, and type, so that should be enough for you to know which moves are useful. Attacks with no base damage usually will be the stat boosters/status inflictions, which should be obvious based on how much PP the attack has as well as type. Type is color-coded (like Lightning is yellow, metal is grey, etc.), so that would be useful to know as well.

I seem to remember most of Pokemon games being in hiragana or katakana (the two phonetic alphebets in Japanese), so it's not THAT hard to learn how to read them. Probably more practical just to learn how to find the numbers, but being able to recognize attack names is always useful (I think)