Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

News from outside the USA ... and Happy New Year

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mis-knowledge = ignorance

our OP provider's website is 99% Magic. You have to search hard to find any mention of pokemon!
Giving info, searching info, pushing, pulling, forcing, ... that's PUI/distributors business.
They've chosen to work together, thay've chosen to sign a contract.

I don't care who's responsible, who's not doing what he should do, who doesn't care of the european or local players.

PUI asked the players, and the european community, to give them time because things were more difficult than in the US. Let's say that I agree with that, and I know that they're really busy.

I love my US friends, and the people from the other side of the Atlantic who know me will confirm that ;)
But when I find a Pokemon Poster (really nice one) in the Inquest , when I read there one page about Dragon, one page about City champs, one page about State champs, one page about Nationals, mention of Worlds, when I see on the website League season five, promos, Prereleases, tournaments, ...
and when I see that most of our countries has absolutely NOTHING for the players, that the players in these countries believe that POP doesn't exist anymore, I wonder why and what we're still waiting and hoping.

I'm not jealous or frustrated, and I'm really happy for the US players that such things happen in their country.
But when you say everywhere that your game is international, I think you'd better try to start something everywhere before organising and advertising for the biggest events in one country only.
When I say 'start something', I mean league and tournaments in good conditions, which is IMO the strict minimum that a company who want to make OP must offer to the players.

But we may see something else too. There was a time when many european people were posting on the Pokegym. Who's still here ? We're in a topic about Pokemon outside the USA ... we see : one girl from Holland, three guys from UK, one from Norway, two from Italy, one from Germany, one from Spain, one from Philippines and one from Belgium.
11 people are still talking on the Pokegym about POP in their country. 11 'veterans' ( ;) Dave) and some people from Canada and the USA.

Where are all the others gone ? Are they this week end in Amsterdam for the Magic Pro tour with more than 300 players ?
I was almost forgetting that not such a long time ago, more than 300 Pokemon players from all over Europe were playing a qualifier in Amsterdam too :rolleyes:
Well, make that 2 people from the Netherlands, Michel.
Although I might not post so often, I still read all of it, but most of the times, Rainbowgym's apparent rant sums it all up for us.

Just to bring over some 411: Last week I and the other Professor our country's distributor is willing to talk to received an e-mail asking us whether we'd like to judge the upcoming Pre-Release tournament.
We were referred to as the 'official' Professors, although in the e-mail the other prof's son (who just turned either 14 or 15 after the switch to PUI) was mentioned instead of the person in question.

I will of course first inform what the terms are for this position, but as has been told to me by many people, they'd rather have someone with the knowledge working for our distributor than someone still operating under old rules.

I will keep you informed as things unfold.


"And he will give rings as of old."
Michel - that's a long time ago someone called me girl, you made my day.

Tahna - DarkGengar is here too, so that's 3 (not a bad score for a little country)

Still things are not the way they should be.
We have 5 professors and only 2 are asked for Judging activities. They even admit they don't want to work together with 2 of the profs. One prof is not know by them. I can remember an email from PUI that you have to leave personal aversion against people outside the question of being capable to organize or to let them organize.
We have 3 skilled TO's none is asked for City's or Pre-releases.

My best quess - Next pre-release organized by the Distributor having meaby skilled Judges but no players.
Other news from Italy:

today I talked with our OP manager, which didn't answer me because of some matters with PUI. It's a translation matter: Italy will have its League kits (and promos obiouvsly) translated in italian, but... PUI don't give to Nexus enough details for decide a good price. So, kits can't be shipped nor received until this price is decided (tomorrow or in a couple of days maximum).

For the other side, Italy will not have its Magma&Aqua preprelase cause for Nexus is not clear the shipping way of product from PUI... so, instead of announcing a prerelease and then don't make it becuase the material isn't arrived yet, they prefer do not announce anything and wait some details.
They'll use League to have a good start witrh italian OP... and then with tournaments and prereleases...

I understand their point of view, but it's not the way to have full OP working though. If PUI keep this way of NOT giving details, European OP will not go forward. We should have a Pokémon Europe office instead of having trobles with USA.
If distributors are responsible of OP, and PUI don't support them... It's PUI fault, not distributor's... Except for some cases (Rainbowgym's one).
Our distributor also complained about the lack of info/details, that's also a part of the story and about that I believe them.
It's not only the distributor, it also includes PUI.
PUI don't give to Nexus enough details for decide a good price

This is bad news .. the UK does not yet charge for the kits as the US does not either and just about all we get are US hand downs .. no translations for us!

If as I suspect you too are getting ex-US kits not translated the your distributor charging for them is a bit of a pain :( This may well start a trend for charging outside the US and as we already see Europe subsidising the US I could see this being the norm for distributors trying to keep costs down.

Here in the UK there are already mutterings over cost and PUI are not giving these promo's for free.. that's why it is important to buy locally so that your distributor see the reward for there investment otherwise the US gains when we grey import and the profit goes there but the Marketing Spend STAYS THERE .. it doesn't come back to us...

Certainly if OP and leagues are only just starting now I cannot see us being able to run City Challenges next month or the month after there will not be the players.. especially as if they want to find Leagues on the Pokemon TCG website they can't find anything outside the US!

Lots for PUI to sort the website, software and delivery on OP/Leagues are the most urgent to my mind...
ukpokemonpro: our kits will be localized in italian, so here explained the cost (I think(, but it's surely not only the translation print cost alone.
You're right, it's good to buy product locally (in these days the 1st italian ex set will be out - WITHOUT e-reader support) cause the distributor need to have a good feedback on its experience. But what if PUI don't help the distributor in its work?
News from Belgium ... !!!

The Belgian distributor has sent info about leagues and tournaments, with the opportunity to order league and tournaments kits to one of the belgian Professors. The documents are dated december 2003.

I don't know if material has already been sent (even if I'm quite sure that it has been) and if other former Professors/GL's/TO's have received the information. I'm sure that at least 3 former leagues (Brussels (me), Vise (Jean Marc Schoose) and Charleroi) haven't got anything about POP.

It seems that POP has already started, or will start very soon in some places in Belgium, and that's good news.

Sorry, but nothing is mentioned on the distributor's website and as they haven't sent me any info about POP, it was impossible for me to know about it. I've had contacts with them by mail last week and been to their office to buy products last Friday, but not a single word has been said about it.

If I hadn't met that Pokemon Professor at a YGO tournament I've ran last Sunday, and if she hadn't sent me the documents by mail, I'd still believe that nothing is done in our country.

I've emailed the OP responsible at Intrafin (distributor) on Monday, asking for information about POP in Belgium and proposing my help.
I hope to have an answer soon :D :rolleyes:

I'm quite surprised of that situation, and it gets me to think about some questions, but I don't want to make any further comment now :nonono:
Hapy New Year guys and gals it's now the Year of the Green Wood Monkey (http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/2004.htm ) and we certainly have some real Monkey Business going on outside the US.

It's seems that most distributors are giving haphazard support to OP and leagues and the real pokemon fans and TOs that kept OP and leagues alive are being ignored :(

Now that needs to be addressed before Pokemon is going to have anything but a lack lustre resurgence in the rest of the world. Here in the UK we are doing slightly better but todays news that league kits are going to be effectively rationed and will not match the US kits because of the costs to the distributors is not good news...

We are moving forward however and we have more active leagues than we did a month ago but my concern now is that perversely as we get more successful and more leagues come on line existing leagues are likely to get less unless we can address the cost v benefit sums the distributors are doing.

So happy Green Wood Monkey Year and let's hope PUI addresses it's part of the rest of the world problems.. Website... WEBSITE ... WEBSITE
What is OP and what is a League.

PSgames ordered my to find a store. I found one mailed them the adress so that they could recieve the kits.
Because PSgames don't want to mail them direct to me.

Now I got an email that of this store is not a customer of Psgames they don't get leaguea materials.
MIchel how did you called this Economical .................?

I'm going to mail to international@ again but they are spinning en bouncing the ball back to the local distributor.
That kind of exclusive deal probably breaks EU anti-trust law. Especially if PSGames is the dominant provider.

Its hard to avoid the conclusion that PUI don't want OP outside the USA to grow. All we get are barriers and obstacles.
If I'm right, we have the following situation :
1. one, and only one, distributor is 'official' in each country and has the responsibility of OP, including the distribution of league and tournament kits
2. there is no possibility for people involved in local OP to have official material somewhere else
that's a monopolistic situation, no ?

3. the official distributor decides if he wants to give or not material to specific shops or people involved in OP and/or lay down conditions (beeing customer, beeing friendly, ...) for the delivery of that material,
that's an abuse of dominant economical position (monopolistic situation).

I'm not a lawyer, but I'm sure it's against the European laws.

Actually, if you want to have OP material, you HAVE TO be customer of the official distributor, period. That's against the basic idea of free concurrence and open market.

Let's imagine I have a shop in a country which has an official distributor. I'm customer of another distributor where I have good commercial conditions (quick delivery, good prices, ...), good relations, ...
POP would oblige me to change of distributor if I want to have OP material. If I don't, I can't have access to POP.

Let's imagine I have a shop in a country which has an official distributor. For any reason (even if I'm a customer of that distributor), that official distributor refuses to include me in the POP program. I can't have access to POP.

We clearly see that the access to POP is 100 % in the hands of the local distributors who may decide who will be involved in the OP plans and lay down their own conditions.

We may not forget that we're here talking about business, about money, as POP should bring more customers to the involved shops.

Another question is : what will an official distributor do if individuals or group of persons run 'pokemon clubs' (non official Pokemon league) or tournaments that will not be reported, even if the tournament rules are followed ?
Michel, I'm going to find that last one out soon.
I have a TO access, and did sanction a tournament.

First we decided not to sanction at all, I changed my mind because of the stupid reactions we got out of the US.
If we don't sanction, there are no tournaments played overhere, because we are almost the only ones active.
that would give PSgames no record to point at and say look we have OP here.
But the other side was, I can't proof I really have tournaments and a large playersfield, so now I'm going to sanction en report eacht tournament.

POP/USA does not give a ..... about what is happening in Europe, they are bouncing the ball to the distributor.
They don't provide the distributor proper information, so distributor are running round and are biting their own tails.

OP is never going to grow this way and PUI will say at last, that it's the fault of the distributor and I don't agree with that.
PUI is mailed several times by Profs and TO's to warn about the situation and to ask for clear answers and by ignoring our warnings and bouncing everything back to an non-informed distributor they are more responsible for not getting OP started.

Every time I read about "worldwide a slate of programs" I only thing yes if your world is between the Great and Atlantic Ocean and you live an a piece of ground named the USA.

When PUI is talking about differences in market, they don't mean the same as we do.
For OP there is no difference needed. If we play the same game, following the same rules, why should there be difference.
Why do distributors have to pay for leaguematerials, it's promotion for stuff which profit is landing one way or the other in PUI hands.

Meaby Distributor were to greedy to get OP. They meaby thought they could earn money as easy as they did the years before. There was a time you didn't have to do a single thing, boosters were sold as hot cakes. OP was not checked because it was just roling out.
Global communities were not yet there, so distributors could do as they pleased or do nothing, money kept coming.
Times are changed, but their policy isn't.
For playing this game worldwide we need something else than what is offered now.
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When PUI is talking about differences in market, they don't mean the same as we do. For OP there is no difference needed. If we play the same game, following the same rules, why should there be difference.

I would admit some differences like Country championships instead of State Chamionships, Regional instead of City.

But the difference now is EVERYTHING and NOTHING !

And the things that are done in Europe are either without public information (like it seems to be in Belgium - no info from the distributor and no answer to my mail), or done in a quite particular way like in Holland.
If former Profs (those who're ignored in some countries) were not kicking distributor's 'back' in some countries like UK or Italy, these countries wouldn't probably hear about POP.
Norway has a Prof 'inside the house' and Amigo Spiele in Germany has always been very involved in OP (remember STS and World qualifiers).

IOW, as far as I see, the couple PUI/distributors is a complete failure in terms of positive results for the players. Is that a surprize ? :rolleyes:

And please don't email or call them, you're disturbing them. They know what they have to do, they don't need our opinion or help.
They all have a lot of things to do, so important things that they don't have time to listen or answer to us, no time to do what we could do by ourselves during our free time ... :cool:
But I understand that preparing City, State or Worlds, or selling boxes and materiel is far more important than a couple of crazy people who want POP in their countries ;)

Sorry guys, I'm tired, and I don't believe in beautiful promises and OP plans for Europe anymore. We're hoping for that for a too long time, but nothing is moving and nobody from the 'official side' seems to be interested in us.

When I read the posts on the boards, when I look at the PUI website, when I hear about tournaments, big events, promos, new decks and strategies, ... I can't believe it's talking about a game I love and I was playing less than one year ago. All these things seem to be so far now ...
I'm like a little kid who loves one of his toys, but someone has taken the toy away. The people who have taken it, and who could give it back, don't care about him, but put all their efforts in giving the best to other kids who play with it.
I'm not the only kid in that situation, ... remember how many people loved our game in Europe, how many were playing in leagues, tournaments, big events, ...
The difference is maybe that I do realize what's happening, many other European kids simply think that the toy has been destroyed.
But they are maybe right !
NoPoke said:
mis-knowledge = ignorance

our OP provider's website is 99% Magic. You have to search hard to find any mention of pokemon!

My store is 90% Magic. Anyway we had a little problem back here. It has been week 4 of season 2 but the kits for the league for the 2 remaining stores have not arrived. The owner said it is due to the Christmas break. Is there anyway I could get an update if the order of the kits have arrived there and is it on the way? :eek:

Thanks :)
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NoPoke said:
That kind of exclusive deal probably breaks EU anti-trust law. Especially if PSGames is the dominant provider.

Rainbowgym said:
What is OP and what is a League.

PSgames ordered my to find a store. I found one mailed them the adress so that they could recieve the kits.
Because PSgames don't want to mail them direct to me.

Now I got an email that of this store is not a customer of Psgames they don't get leaguea materials.
MIchel how did you called this Economical .................?

I'm going to mail to international@ again but they are spinning en bouncing the ball back to the local distributor.

Let's see this from the distributor's point of view:

Why does a distributor bother to send League kits to different stores around the country? Because League program in stores raise their sales and profit from those stores. Send a store League kits, and the store will sell more of your products.

If your store is not a customer of PSgames, why would PSgames want to send you League kits? What they basically would be doing is to help their rival distributor sell more cards. Providing you with League kits would really be throwing money into the lap of the opponent.

I personally believe that the dominant distributor with the League kits on their hands should send them to any store because they should be interested in general promotion of their game in the entire country, not only sales and profit from individual stores. But I still understand their decision based on the distributor's angle I just explained.

In an ideal world, or in a reasonable and good system, the distributor should provide League kits to all stores. But this is far from an ideal world, and the OP system in Europe is maybe as far from perfect as it could possibly get. But give me a solution that works for all distributors and costumers here, and I'll admire you.

It's not your distributor PSgames there's something wrong with. It's the entire system of OP.
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Tego: Yeah, I can understand how the distributor is thinking, having worked in sales and marketing myself.
However, PUI should have, and maybe did, written the contract for these services such that the distributor must service all valid League locations regardless of their customer status with that particular distributor.

Otherwise, the other distributors in that country might as well drop Pokemon and carry other merchandise. Part of being an agent for another company is that sometimes you have to put your clients interest above your self-interest. If a distributor is not going to do that, then another distributor would need to be chosen for this status.

It works out in the end, too. Since the distributor does have this special status, they do wind up getting extra benefits. Most stores would figure, "I'm getting this special promotional materials from these guys. I might as well order my other stuff through them as well".
The only thing is that they can't make the above decision madatory.
It's anti-competitive.
You may admire me, I have the solution Tego :p


Wizards had understood it, they didn't work with distributors anymore. Kits were managed at Wizards Europe office, just like POP.

But I do completely agree with you. If you look at things from a distributor's view, their reaction is normal.
Like you say, there's nothing wrong with the local distributor.

The system is built on 'official' local distributors who don't care about the global market but are interested in their sales only. Quite different from PUI's interest as they get money from all the sales in a country.
Easier for PUI to work with local distributors, and all the benefits go in their pocket anyway.
Who is, for different reasons and on different aspects, the victim of that system (I was going to write a word in 6 letters starting with 'f', but I don't think it's a polite one !) ? The community of players.
But is that important ?????

I've looked at the 'old topics' and I've found something :cool: .

It's a topic started by J Nack (http://www.pokegym.net/showthread.php?t=1925&page=1) and it says :

"(...) In the coming weeks, you'll be happy to discover a program being put in place that is very similar to what is currently being run in North America.
I'm currently working with your local distributors to get the systems in place for leagues, tournaments and EX Dragon Prereleases to be set-up as soon as possible. (...)
It is great to see such a passionate and dedicated group of players and I encourage you to contact your local distributor listed on our site. While I will be coordinating all of the international POP efforts, your local distributor will be your contact for sanctioning, reporting and materials. Through them you'll be able to apply to become a TO and League Coordinator and get the materials you need to support your events. I encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas with them, especially on how to make the most out of your local POP experience. (...)
We look forward to supporting and improving your international POP experience, and know that only happens with your help and support. Thanks. -Jarrod Nack"

That post is dated ... October 16, 2003 ... more than 3 month ago.

And if you look at the post 46 (same topic), you'll see that I say exactly the same about distributors as what is said in the last posts of this topic ... and that was October 20, 2003.

And all these posts are in the Pokemon News Discussion section of the board :lol: :lol: :lol:
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