Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Results Page-Updated daily!

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Iron Chef - Master Emeritus
Here is where I'll be posting match results. Be sure to look back daily to see if you won or not! =O

9/6/05: Mudkip (1) Beats Rokman (8) X-0 No Post #
9/7/05: SuperWooper (1) Beats Exodus (8) 14-10 Post #2
9/8/05: Dragonsol (5) Beats Supertyranitar (4) 10-6 Post #3
9/8/05: Cardzmaster2004 (5) Beats Waliken (4) 13-9. Post #6
9/10/05: Ruler of Ice (6) Beats Moltres423 (3) 12-11 Post #17
9/10/05: Whicker (2) Beats Choke Artist (7) 12-0 Post #18
9/10/05: Dld4a (4) Beats SceptileRancher (5) 13-7 Post #19
9/10/05: Venusaur (1) Beats Ky00ber the III (8) 15-12 Post #21
9/12/05: HypnosprojectHQ (2) Beats Bakufuun (7) 11-9 Post #32
9/13/05: The following matches were decided based on no entries/late entries by the deadline-

Lorak Lucan (7) Beats Garderocks (2)
Blastoise Shellshocker (3) beats Joe2Cool (6)
Zach ex (6) beats Snowball21 (3)
Xeno (8) Beats Blizzard (1)
zak The Geek (5) beats ShawofMordor (4)
Dragonspy900 (6) beats TrEkIeV (3)
Jesschow12 (7) beats Ancient Pokemon Trainer (2)
Lugia ex (2) Beats Pokeguru (7)
Theanswerthree (3) beats redsvbr (6)
EspeonChris (7) beats Bex (2)
Pokewisconsin (4) Beats ShadowZangoose (5)
Metagross (6) Beats Hot Mustid (3)

9/13/05: The following matches are waiting an entrant. If nobody sends in a deck by 9PM Central 9/13/05, then both are disqualified and forfeit round two to their potential opponents. They are:::

Penguinmaster (1) VS Vappy (8)
KG1337 (3) VS Dakin Myles (6)
Metal Master (2) VS Shwdwchu (7)
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"Owl Eyez::: (HL-On format)

Pokémon: 21
4 Plusle (DX #44)
3 Hoothoot (UF #59)
3 Noctowl (UF #53)
3 Voltorb (HL #80)
3 Electrode ex (RG #107)
2 Slugma (UF #73)
2 Magcargo (DX #20)
1 Zapdos ex (RG #115)

Energy: 14
11 Electric
3 Fire

Trainers: 25
4 Rocket's Admin
4 Rocket's Mission
3 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Celio's Network
4 Battle Frontier
3 Pow! Hand Extension
2 Rage Crystal
2 Swoop! Teleporter
1 Ancient Technical Machine: Rock

Total cards in deck: 60


Opening Setup: Your goal should be to start with Plusle DX. Using its first attack you should get a Hoothoot, Voltorb and Slugma onto your bench within 1-2 turns, depending on if Plusle was the only basic Pokémon you got in your opening hand. Because of the 11 Electric energy, Plusle can, if necessary, move on to use its second attack to damage the opponent's Pokémon with Powers. Once you have those three Pokémon on your bench, you should try to evolve them into Noctowl, Electrode ex and Magcargo.

Putting the deck into motion: Noctowl should be the main attacker in the deck. Put it up front, and use its first attack, Spearhead, to draw 3 cards, if Noctowl is not under pressure from attack. Magcargo from Deoxys should use its power, Smooth Over, to put a card on top of the deck which Noctowl can immediately draw into the hand. Besides directly synergizing with Noctowl, Magcargo can also quite easily find you cards in conjunction with Rocket's Mission (NOTE: Since TV Reporter is not legal until September 30th, I used Rocket's Mission to be safe). Using Rocket's Mission allows you to discard energy from your hand into the discard pile, where Electrode ex can get them back onto the field using its power, wherein it KOs itself and gives your opponent 2 prizes, being an ex, as well as putting 5 energy back onto the field.

Why this works: Electrode ex's detonation will give your opponent not only 2 prizes, but give you board control. After Electrode ex's suicide, Rocket's Admin will give your opponent 2 less cards then they previously would have drawn when you used it, Pow! Hand Extension will activate and allow you to move the opponent's prime targets to the front, and Rage Crystal will let Noctowl do 50 damage with its second attack, Surprise, instead of 30. Speaking of Surprise, here's why it works with Electrode ex: after you get your opponent down to 1 prize, Rocket's Admin them so their hand will only consist of 1 card. Then use Noctowl's Surprise attack, shuffling their last remaining card back into their deck and leaving them with the hope that their topdeck is a good one.

Odds 'n' Ends: Zapdos ex is included as TeCH. Since the deck focuses on electric energy, you may need a heavy hitter at times, and Electrode ex can get the 3 energy onto the field that Zapdos needs to attack with. In addition, Zapdos ex counters itself, which is important because Noctowl is weak to Zapdos ex itself. There is a balance between Elm's Training Method and Celio's Network because there is only 1 ex evolution to worry about, and you can find it fairly quickly with Magcargo's Smooth Over. Battle Frontier is great because the only Pokemon it could possibly affect is Noctowl, and it doesn't have a Power to shut off, so you can stop your opponent's Pidgeot and give yourself a speed advantage. Swoop! Teleporter ensures fast setups and Rock TM is just Rock TM. What more needs to be said?

There's Owl Eyez. Enjoy.

Quite a fascinating entry. Let's see how I'll grade it, though!

Deck (7/10): A good list overall. At least one of the fire energy cards seems a bit...random. You could definitely do without one or two at least. Although bulking up on admins was a great idea on your part, you don't follow out the pow-admin combo completely, because you only have 3 pows. Your draw is nothing out of the ordinary; quite good, in fact. But the five searcher cards, the PETM's and the Celio's, seem a tad overkill at 5 combined. The usage of Magcargo as a consistency crutch can be questioned as opposed to maxing on the noctowl/electrode lines, but I will not questoin it in terms of grade because it _works_ at the moment.

Creativity (4/5): A creative beast of a deck. Although, on the outside, it seems like a stereotypical Trode-Pow deck, it's pretty darn Lock-ish, and looks fun to play.

Card Use (3/5): Good overall, but I address a few of these concerns in the deck analysis. Your Fire Energy could have been used for a Moltres drop, or something a bit more significant than Magcargo DX. The comboes work fine, but they aren't carried out quite as well as they should be.

OVERALL: 14/20


"Name : Tiny Hands
Author : Exodus

4x UF Hoot-Hoot
4x UF Noctowl
4x DX Poochyena
2x DX Mightyena
1x Houndour (UF)
1x Houndoom (UF)
2x Jirachi (DX)

2x Swoop! Teleporter
2x Celio's Network
4x Championship Arena
2x TV Reporter
3x Poké Ball
1x EXP All
3x Energy Removal 2
3x Pokemon Reversal
3x Rockets Admin
2x Warp Point

10 Fire Energy
4x Dark Energy
3x DRE

The ideal strategy is to start with a Poochyena active and a benched Hoot-hoot, You straight away start by using Surprise (Discard a card from your opponents hand) and then try and evolve both your pokemon and maybe get a championship arena in play (to keep their hand size low). Then you could switch out to Noctowl and start surprising like crazy, If they ever get a huge hand, you may want to use warp point to get out a Mightyena with a couple of darkness energy and start pulling away (discard until they have 5 left) But its mainly about Noctowl. Houndoom is there as a little helpful thing to keep championship arena in play and so they have cards in their hand that you'd like to discard, Overall its all about disrupting your opponent (keeping their hand size low and using ER2 and Reversal to disrupt even more), whilst doing damage, and if you ever need big damage, you can start spearheading for dark energy and attack for about 60-70 with Mightyena. An interesting and fun deck to play."

Hmmm, a very interesting deck concept, Exodus. Good job.

DECK (4/10)::: Sadly, this is where your great idea really takes a bite in the butt. You have 10 draw/searching cards combined, and it feels like the choices aren't as nearly good as they could be. Despite Noctowl's card drawing and mightyena's searching, Poke Ball is not what I consider to be the best addition to this deck. The ER2+Reversal idea is quite solid, but could use more backup to it (ie 4 of each). The Darkness hitting idea is a cool one, and is done well. I think that 4 championship arena is overkill, especially since there are more disruptive gyms (battle frontier) than it. Last of all, nothing is holding the basic-searching together. I'd like some great balls or more swoops. =(

Creativity (3/5): This is a deck healthy with neat ideas. I don't see the usage for the random jirachis other than to just...be there, so it seems like a parody off of a T2 list. Good job on originality, overall.

Card use (3/5): The cards in your deck work well together. Being able to search your deck for any card OR draw three straight-up ones is a nice ability. The Pokemon all work fine together, and I'm quite pleased with that :D

OVERALL: 10/20


"Pokemon (16)
3x Rayquaza (EX Emerald)
4x Electrike (EX Deoxys Recharge)
3x Manectric ex
3x Numel (EX Deoxys)
3x Camerupt (EX Deoxys)

Trainers (28)
4x Lanette’s
4x Wally’s
4x Battle Frontier
4x Mary’s Request
4x Lady Outing
4x Swoop
2x Mr. Briney’s

Energy (14)
4x Fire
10x Lightning

Just so you know, this is one heck of a hard card to base a deck around. It really isn’t that great of a card at all…

Anyway, my first step in making this deck was to think of a creative and unique deck based around cards rarely used. I saw that the Rayquaza I was given used Fire and Lightning energies. So, my mind started thinking about fire and lighting Pokemon that can combo together and with Rayquaza, and I settled on Manectric ex and Camerupt.

Basic Strategy: First, you definitely want to start off with an Electrike and a Lightning Energy. Swoop is useful here to get Electrike if you don’t start out with it, but if you have Lanette’s, USE IT!!!! I really need to stress this. Lanette’s gets you’re your Rayquaza, Electrike, and Numel that you need. Basically, Recharge turn 1 for another Lightning Energy, then, by Wally’s or PETM, T2 Manectric ex! Ideally, you will be able to attach Fire Energy to Mega Shot anything out of your way, (or Lady Outing for another Lightning and Fire) but if you can’t Disconnect is just as useful to stall. After Mega Shot you will want to attach another energy (hopefully) and Disconnect away to stall your opponent and build up your bench. Once you have a Camerupt with at least one energy on it, let Manectric go down fighting. Send Camerupt up, and Back Burner the discarded energy onto either your Rayquaza or onto Camerupt himself so you can Split Bomb. After you have gathered the energy you need from the discard pile, and Camerupt is about to die, either retreat Camerupt or let him die. Send Rayquaza up, already all powered up, to proceed Dragon Dancing and . By this time, Rayquaza should be able to kill anything your opponent still has out (After being Split Bombed and Mega Shotted)."

A truly neat entry, Dragonsol. Good effort on such a hard challenge. However, let's grade it...hmmm...

Deck (5/10): This looks like a good, consistent decklist. However, I find a few things questionable. Your choices in draw/search aren't the best they could be...4 wally and 4 PETM seems way to extreme, especially in a Rayquaza deck. I don't think that Lady Outing is ever a good card to use unless you have three types in your deck...Lanette, however, IS an understandably good choice, and I'm glad that you're playing it. Your Brineys may be just dead meat on you when you're attacking with Manetric ex, and 4 fire energy is kind of a bad balance, especially in a deck meant to be themed around rayquaza, not as side-in. Outing doesn't solve this problem, because it is a supporter, and you must keep up the momentum by playing draw supporters _and_ attaching fire energy.

Card Use (2/5): This concept is a neat one, but it's apparent to me that Rayquaza has not been combined with Manetric and Camerupt to make much of a Rayquaza _deck_.I'm not convinced.

Creativity (3/5): Although I was not convinced of this being a Rayquaza deck, the concept of Manetric ex/Camerupt is quite creative, in my opinion! Good idea :D



"Dragon's Rage!

4 Rayquaza(Ideal Starter)
3 Remoraid(TRR)
3 Dark Octilery(main Attacker)
2 Slugma
2 Cargo(search engine)
14 Pokemon

4 Mary's Request
3 Steven's Advice
4 Battle Frontier
2 Scott
4 Swoop! Teleporter
3 Rocket Ball
3 Celio
1 Retriever
1 Shard
2 Charm
3 Energy Charge
30 Trainers

4 R Energy
4 Boost Energy
4 Darkness energy
2 Lightning
2 Fire
16 Energy
Strategy: Basically start with Rayquaza, use his 1st attack on 2nd turn and 3rd turn swoop, evolve to Dark Octillery, and then hit the oppenent for major Damage. With Rayquaza's 1st attack, it adds to Octillery's 2nd attack, which then I am able to deal this big damage. R and Boost are for maximum damage. Energy Charge basically is in there to get the R, Boost, and or Dark back into the deck.

Deck (3/10): Pokemon are okay. However, you're really messed up on trainers and energy. R energy does great for octillery, but consdering that D. Octillery peaks at 50 damage, it's not that good for your deck. It looks like you can never attack with Rayquaza, because two lightning and two fire are insufficient for a Rayquaza deck. Energy Charge seems unecessary for the concept. Shard will be dead-weight more often than not due to ray-ray being colorless (yeah, we know about getting around resistence), not enough celio's to make cargo pulling consistent. Lastly, Scott seems like an inferior choice for a deck that pulls you your battle frontiers whenever you need them, and your dragon dance+swoop+evolve combo doesn't work anywhere outside of 2-on-2, which is not the format we're working under (HL-on modified)

Card Use (1/5): If the dark octillery idea were legal for the prompt, then I'd be giving you a 3 or a 4. However, it's not.

Creativity (2/5): Dragon Dancing is definitely a cool idea, but it just doesn't work in my opinion.





4 Aipom UF
3 Slugma (Collect)
3 Magcargo (Smooth Over)

2 Celebi EX (POP 2)
3 Eevee
2 Vaporeon
2 Espeon ex


4 Swoop! Teleporter
4 Lanette's net Search

4 Mary's Request
3 Rocket's Admin.
2 CopyCat
2 Steven's Advice

3 Battle Frontier
2 POW! Hand Extension


7 Psychic
6 Water
4 Multi

Basic strategy: This draw line could easily replace all the LudiCargos out there right now and put forward a new, better t2-esque deck. Of course, the turn two focus is on getting an Eeveelution of any kind out by turn two and attacking, either getting out Vaporeon to power up your Espeon/Magcargo (whatever the need may be) or getting out EspyEX and dealing hopefully 90 by t2 or three.

Aipom is the draw center of the deck. Combined with Magcargo, you can essentially draw whatever card you need out of your deck, bypassing the need for a bulky Stage 2 taking up space in your deck. To a lesser extent, Aipom also combos with the new Celebi ex from Series 2 to get back those much needed low copy cards in your deck.

The downside to Aipom’s power is that he has to be shuffled into the deck. This is only a minor problem as you can use Lanette’s Net Search to refill your bench with eager Aipom or fill your bench with one Aipom, Slugma, and Celebi, use the Aipom, and Swoop! out whatever you end up not needing (i.e. the extra Slugma). You may just opt for two pokémon on a Celio’s due to the fact that you need Celebi in your hand for the power to trigger. Once Aipom is back in the deck, there are four copies of it in here, so getting him back down on the bench should be no trouble at all.

As for the other trainers, Mary’s is the dominant draw trainer due to the fact that I’m not running ANY Stage 2, Battle frontier is run so high as to be used as a counter gym and trick your opponent into playing a supportive stadium from their hand, boosting EspyEX’s second attack by 30, making its base damage 90, very brutal. Rocket’s Admin. is for general disruption, Steven’s and CopyCat are for random drawing situations, and POW! is used over reversal because this deck tends to get behind on prizes quickly and needs a way to quickly catch up.

There’s the basic overview of the deck. Hopefully it works well enough.

Cardz out."

This looks like a really fun deck :D

Deck (6/10): This is a good job, sir. The lack of Celio, although seemingly unintentional (you actually mention celio in your description, but don't have it in the list), must be counted off for. Your energy seems a bit too...clunky, actually. a couple boosts could have been good, while you save one or two valuable spots for other endeavors. Add a fourth eevee, and your strategy works out just nicely.

Card Use (4/5): I think that your card usage is very nice. There's enough in here to just keep Aipom going and going and going...Plus, you play enough Aipom to keep yourself from decking.

Creativity (3/5): Not the most creative deck that could have come out of Aipom, a card with lots of potential, yet still quite solid. I'm pleased with your effort =)

OVERALL: 13/20


"21 Pokemon

4 aipom UF
1 zapdos ex
2 rayquaza ex (Deoxys)
4 voltorb (recharge)
4 Electrode ex
3 slugma (collect)
3 magcargo(smooth over)

16 energy

8 fire
8 lightning

23 trainers:

3 rocket’s mission
1 Stevens
2 Copycat
2 fluffy berry
3 lannete’s net search
2 pokeball
1 warp point
3 Pow
3 Pokemon reversal

Strat: ideal start is voltorb so you can either get T2 trode or zappy, but you can start with pretty much anything and still win because it’s very consistent. the reason I use TV Reporter and rocket’s mission is to put energy in the discard so you can bomb trode, put energies on magcargo and if u play ray move all of the energy from cargo to ray and attach a fluffy berry to him so you can retreat. Playing fluffy berry also reversal proofs your magcargo. Aipom is in here for extra draw power and it combos with magcargo very well.

Kettler if this entry would be considered late please take into account the fact that i've been at school all day.
thanks and i hope you like the deck,

No worries, buddeh. It's not late...you did it a bit too early, as a matter o' fact. Oops! x_X

Deck (5/10): Overall effective, but some things that I still find questionable. Pokeball is always worth questioning due to your lanette's seeming like they get the job done. Fluffy Berry can't be played on ex's, so giving magcargo so much priority seems unwise IMO. One steven is very random, your pows aren't maxed in what looks like a clever trode-pow deck). 4 TVR over 2 Rocket's Mission, and like a lot of the time...I would have loved the swoops ;/

Card Use (2/5): I think that your card use COULD have been solid if you played admin. This is a trode ex+pow deck, and I was first under the impression that your card usage was in the 3 or 4/5 range, due to aipom/cargo saving your butt from inconsistency fits after admin. BUT, since you didn't play one admin, let alone four, I had to mark down in usage here.

Creativity (2/5): It doesn't feel like anything new...just a ZRE variant with Aipom and Cargo as throw-in. Good job, though.


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Jsut took a closer look at the results, and I was only one point away from scoring as high SuperWooper. I'm really looking foreward to our next round mathc and (hopefully unlike last contest) getting a decent second round card...

Cardz out.
SomethingElse said:
also....weren't others judging too?

We agreed that I would do all the judging in round one. It's obvious that 256 critiques aren't worth getting together...too much work ;/
Mudkip said:
johnny you have way too much spare time to review 64 individual decks like that, im so jealous lol

Actually I don't =x

LUCKILY, I was given a little something called "off periods" during the buzz of my day, so go me =D


"Pokemon 20

4 Magmar(RR)
3 Banette
3 Shuppet
2 Duskull (Dx)
2 Dusclops Ex
3 Voltorb(RG)
3 Electrode Ex

Trainers 24

4 Great Ball
4 Tv Reporter
4 R. Admin
4 Pow! Hand Extension
3 Professor Elm's Trainning Method
3 Battle Frontier
2 Mary's Request

Energy 16

10 Psychic
6 electric


Ideal starter would be Magmar dumping and drawing to put energies in the discard.Use great ball to setup your bench. Electrode ex puts itself in the discard and powers up Banette.It also can power up a Duskull and then evolve into Dusclops ex to do some major damage.Dusclops takes away Banette's weakness.Pows! ( the current ruling is up in the air) can move Dre and scramble to a basic making them be discarded to power up Banette.If the ruling doesn't allow that there still good for bringing up pokemon and switching energy around. Admin messes up the opponent because Electrodex puts you behind. Electrics are there because Dusclops and banette only take 1 psychic each so Electrode Ex can be used as an attacker if neccessary. The rest is self explanatory."

What a fun deck =O

Deck (6/10): As a ZRE afficianado, I think that your energy is too low to make Magmar an efficient starter or engine-runner. Swoops for a bunch of non-ex's would have been very nice, as would a maxing of PETM (having the wrong evo in hand sucks at times).Maybe if you switched your PETM count with your great ball count...but oh well. Okay job, here.

Creativity (2/5): Although Trode-Pow variants are typically not very creative anymore, this is not too bad of a take on it.

Card Use (3/5): I have to admit that you did a solid job here. Although the deck's engine seems biased to Dusclops ex, the dusclops is a cure to Banette's autoloss vs the likes of Dark Slowking and Tyranitar. Although I certainly would not say it, I was hoping that I'd see a cool way to abuse Banette's _first_ attack, and you accomplished that. An extra 20 damage for banette by giving them two prizes, though, seems questionable.

OVERALL: 11/20

-Ruler of Ice-

3 Shuppet
3 Banette
3 Cubone
3 Dark Marowak
2 Pidgey
2 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot
3 Jirachi

3 Stevens
4 Celios
4 Energy Removal
2 Swoop!
2 Magnetic Storm
1 Island Cave
3 Lanettes Net Search
2 Rocks

2 Darkness
3 Metal
3 Fighting
3 Psychic

Deck (6/10): An okay list, but there is a lot that I don't like about it. I think that you majorly give Pidgeot the shaft, and honestly I rarely see you getting it out in a game. I think that, for the prompt, if your engine focused on 4 jirachi/4 swoop, with 3 great ball (big maybe), then you'd do more. Your energy doesn't look that good, either, and it seems like a challenge to be able to attack with what you want always.

Creativity (3/5): I must say that this was an ingenius little idea. Hard Boning+swooping is so simple...YET, so effective =)

Card Use (3/5): Legitimate job, here. I think that many of your cards, including the er2 and atm (rock) combos, work well with Banette too. However, if you took it up a few notches, then this part of the grading would be higher.

OVERALL: 12/20

WINNER: RULER OF ICE!!! This is the hardest match that I've had to grade, but based on the fact that Ruler's creativity was just a bit higher up than Moltres', I have to give him the win. Good job to you, both.


"Pokemon (16)
4 Smoochum
4 Jynx
2 Houndour
2 Houndoom
4 Jirachi

Energy (14)
4 Double Rainbow Energy
5 Water Energy
5 Psychic Energy

Trainers (30)
4 Pokemon Reversal
4 Energy Removal 2
3 Pow! Hand Extension
1 Ancient Technical Machine (Rock)
4 Swoop! Teleporter
3 Rocket’s Admin
4 Mary’s Request
3 Celio’s Network
4 Curse Powder

I really couldn’t find any totally original ideas for this one that would stand any chance of winning. So I decided to cut originality and make a solid deck and hope it can take me to the next round.

Strategy is quite obvious. Jirachi is the ideal starter. Afterwards, you can Swoop for Smoochum and evolve it to Jynx. After that, you can Reversal up a Magcargo or something with a fairly high retreat cost and “lock” it into the active position using Energy Removal 2’s and Pow! Hand Extensions (which works extremely well here because you will aim to take all your prizes at once so it will almost always be in affect after something of yours is KO’d).

Smoochum- A very important card for this deck. It allows Jynx to utilize DRE (which is great because it doesn’t affect Pure Power whatsoever), Rocks, and Curse Powders. Another obvious use is that it activates Signs of Evolution, which keeps your opponent from stalling you with Special Conditions. Its attack is also a nice addition to this deck because it is like a mini-Pure Power that can be used for a turn or so if you can’t find Jynx. Another important thing to remember is that babies can evolve the first turn they are in play because they evolve using a power, and not by regular evolution rules.

Houndoom- I like this card a lot in these types of decks. It is also especially important in a lock deck because it keeps your opponent from playing key cards such as Switch and Warp Point which would effectively terminate the lock. It also stops many key cards in people’s decks such as Rare Candy, Reversal, ER2, Pow!, etc.

Ancient Technical Machine (Rock)- Speeds up the process a lot. Because you will be spreading out damage very thin, it can be very tedious to deal enough damage to actually knock out your opponent’s pokemon. Also, the more turns you take, the better chance your opponent has of getting out of your hold. Rock allows you to end the game much faster, and, although an important piece to the deck, isn’t NECESSARY to win, which is why only one was included.

Curse Powder- A pretty fun card to include in this deck. If your Jynx is evolved from Smoochum, you can attach a Curse Powder to it. This way, if they do manage to knock out a Jynx, they’ll take some damage (which will save you a Pure Power or two) and then you can easily just Pow up their heavy retreat cost pokemon once again."

Deck (6/10): An overall good list, but there are a few things that I certainly don't like. The Houndoom line, although okay, will rarely come out when you need it. Your energy seems just a bit low, where you could seriously go for 1 or 2 more of, well, any kind of energy card. You have WAY too many cursed powders, might have used just one more celio (not counting off, because sometimes 3 celio is more effective), and lastly, countergyms. Mount Moon should smash this in, but it doesn't seem that hard to fit in some caves or whatnot.

Creativity (2/5): You tried here, but even though you filled up the box, it's still a small box to begin with.

Card use (4/5): Well, even though the creativity is lacking, the card use is pretty solid. You even gave it more use past a typical version of this deck (if there IS a typical version, lol)

OVERALL: 12/20

-Choke Artist-

"Heres my deck for Jynx UF. Following an epic search for its scan since I don't know any of the new cards, I was able to come up with this SPECTACULAR BEAST of a competitor.

4 TV Reporter
3 Prof. Elm's Training Method
3 Celio's Network
3 Sitrus Berry
1 Pokémon Retriever
2 Rare Candy
3 Super Scoop Up
4 Swoop! Teleporter
4 Steven's Advice
4 Rainbow Energy
12 Water Energy
1 Umbreon ex
1 Espeon ex
2 Eevee uf
2 Blastoise ex
1 Wartortle
2 Squirtle
3 Jynx uf
1 Plusle DX
4 Cleffa uf

Instead of going with a standard T2 engine, which I'm almost positive Jynx would fit fine into I decided on something quite rogue. Basicly the main objective is to get your Jynx out as fast as possible and knocking off bench targets. A quick Blasty ex can help out a ton in this situation since Jynx's attack is rather overcosted. Sitrus Berry is thrown into the mix for a nice combo with Blasty's power and Rainbow Energy. If you do it right your Jynx should be fully healthy when it starts it's beatdown. Espy Ex and Umby Ex were both thrown into the mix as nice combo cards with Jynx too. Umby is a free gust and Espy can KO a big HP pokemon unexpectadly. Super Scoop Up doubles as a healing card and allows for the reusability of both Eevee evolutions. Blasty, Umby and Espy also provide nice back up attackers vs an opponent. Cleffa, and Plusle with the 4 Swoops! should allow max set up almost every game. My draw count is also a nice high number too."

Deck (0/20): This is an illegal Deck (rainbows). Thanks to Moltres423 for pointing this out.

Creativity (0/5): This is an illegal Deck (rainbows). Thanks to Moltres423 for pointing this out.

Card Use (0/5): This is an illegal Deck (rainbows). Thanks to Moltres423 for pointing this out.


Winner: WHICKER!!!
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"Iron Chef: Age of Kabuto
Ingredient: Clefable EX

Before I explain how to run this deck, I’d like to explain how I arrived at this combo because at first glance it may look like I just dropped the Clefable EX line into a pre-existing deck.

When considering Clefable EX the most important thing to look at is maximizing Metronome’s effectiveness. It reads:

CC Metronome
Choose 1 of the Defending Pokémon's attacks. Metronome copies that attack except for its Energy cost. (You must still do anything else in order to use that attack.) (No matter what type that Pokémon is, Clefable ex’s type is still {C}.) Clefable ex performs that attack.

You don’t have to pay for the specific energy costs so what type of Energy you run does not matter as far as that part of the attack is concerned. However because of the language change in Metronome, (You must still do anything else in order to use that attack.) and because there are a fair number of attacks that increase damage with specific of energy type attached or discarded, you do have to decide what type of energy would be best to maximize Metronomes effectiveness. Fire and Electric are the obvious best choices to fill this purpose. Now the next thing to consider is that Metronome now costs two colorless instead of one, so it is more difficult to power, and keep powered especially if your using discarding attacks. So some type of Energy manipulation would be really helpful. Since I’m already thinking Electric and Fire, Electrode EX is the first thing that came to mind. And there you go, this deck just jumps up, slaps you in the face, and says “Run me, Run me!”. If you think about it Clefable EX fills the same roll as Mew EX does in a version that’ll be hitting the streets before you know it, but not nearly as well.

Pokemon (16)

4 Magmar (TRR) 44/109
2 Clefairy (RG) 59/112
2 Clefable EX (RG) 106/112
2 Voltorb (HL) 80/101
2 Electrode EX (RG) 107/112
2 Rayquaza EX (DX) 102/107
2 Zapdos EX (RG) 116/112

Trainers (27)

4 POW Hand Extension
4 Rocket’s Admin.
4 Rocket’s Mission
3 Professor Elm’s Training Method
3 Swoop Teleporter
2 Mary’s Request (TV Reporter is the better choice after 9-30-05)
2 Lanette’s Net Search (2 is enough because of Swoop)
2 Warp Point (still will suffer from an EX start)
2 Battle Frontier (Desert Ruins counter- 2 should work b/c of the Trode/Admin combo)
1 Pokemon Retriever (get back those Swooped basics)

Energy (17)

11 Electric
6 Fire

The basic set up is to start with a Magmar (or swoop to it if need be) and Dump and Draw Energies into your discard pile. By the 3rd turn at most (if not second with the aid a supporter discard) you should almost always have five or more Energy in your discard pile and in play. Then you use Extra Energy Bomb to pull the Energy from your discard pile into play and also activate your Pow Hands. Then use Rayquaza’s or Zapdos’ power to start attacking. Also with this deck you have the option of starting with a Voltorb and using Recharge to search your deck for an Electric Energy and attach it to Voltorb. Then on turn two you can either evolve into Electrode EX or swoop to Clefairy and evolve into Clafable EX depending on if one or the other can get you a win or major advantage.

Now you may be saying to yourself, “Metronome with out an energy removal combo?” Well that was in the old days. Since Metronome now costs CC and Recycle Energy is not legal that combo is not nearly as effective, especially because Energy Removal 2 is a flip. So I decided to let the Pow Hand get that job done. Hopefully that will allow me to build in more early game consistency with the Swoop Teleporter/Professor Elm’s Training Method Combo.

Potential Tech Cards

Soodowoodo (UF) - On the surface this may not seem like a good card, but in this deck it might not be a bad idea. It is the perfect counter to Electrode EX and a really good counter to most other Electric Pokemon. Plus you can take down a Spinning Tail with it (I know it needs 5 Energy but with this deck it’s doable) If you do run this card I would definitely run 4 Multi Energy. This is definitely just a tech card, and I’m not sure if I’d run it in a general sense.

Rayquaza * I know that a lot of people are running this in their ZRE’s, but I’m not sure just how often it is being pulled off so I didn‘t include it in the original deck. I can understand the principle so it’s a viable and easy tech.

With out the ability to play test it is difficult to tell which cards can be pulled for techs. Off hand I’m thinking that the Swoops might allow you to drop to 3 Magmar (especially since both techs can be Swooped in or out). Other than that all I can think of is potentially a Trainer, but exactly which one is, as I said, difficult to tell with out play testing."

Deck (7/10): A nice, strong decklist you have here, DLD4A. You have a very good twist on the Trode-Pow deck, but you have a surprisingly low line for electrode ex (2-2, even with swoops and PETM's, doesn't seem to cut it like 3-3 would). Two BF isn't anything like three or four because even though you have trode-pow on your side, pulling one of two gyms in this deck will be brutally difficult, and Ruins players auto-win if they drop the third one on you. You could have used maybe just an extra Mary or two, but still a consistent machine. Energy seems just a bit lopsided in favor of lightning (maybe just one more fire...oi), but great job.

Creativity (3/5): Oh my lord, not another Trode ex variant! However, this is a relatively good one, so I won't go nuts about you playing this. Clefable DOES work in this deck, and good job for that. However, it does get an awful throw-in vibe, which sucks. I think that your sudowoodo tech idea would be simply AWESOME!

Card Use (3/5): Clefable ex is far inferior to Mew ex, because Mew can copy Electrode ex and voltorb's attacks as well, not just your opponents. However, the usage of Clefable ex here is good, because of how you can pow up a variety of good attacks, and just go nuts =)

OVERALL: 13/20


"here is my deck called:

4xUF Cleffa
4xClefairy RG
1xClefable UF
3xClefable ex
3xTRR Dark Hypno

3xstrength charm
4xrare candy
1xwarp point
3xancient tomb
2xspace center
3xstevens advice

4xdarkness nrg
okay the strat is to get clefable ex PRONTO via cleffa /PETM/rare candy. Then thanx to low nrg cost i can attack t2=). i use metronome beacuze now addays most deck use big ex's with BIG damage. but if the pokemon im attacking doesnt have any good attacks then i just use moon impact for a quick 40 . but after they evo then i use metronome. Dark hypno is there to take on any fighting types and even adds to the copycat theme=). i even have copycat in the deck.=). This deck is very fast and VERY original.
sceppy rancher "

Deck (4/10): Sure, this looks fast, but I see so much wrong with it. You have way too much energy for the deck, when you'd be fine with just 13-16. I question the use of one rare candy in this deck, much less four (yes, I understand why three would work, but why not just run Wally? It's that much better). Space center is useless in the E-on format because Ninetales and Dewgong still get past Clefable, 'Fabes can just toxic Shuckle right back, etcetcetc. Okay amount of draw, but considering that you don't run Swoops or a consistency crutch, it's just not enough. 2 admin/2 CC would have been a possible better play. It looks like you have way too any strength charms, but I might be wrong, because of being able to do 50 to ohko a weak basic. Mary's Request would have been very good here, and your other gym, ancient tomb, is not the best play because half of your attackers cannot manipulate it...why the random UF Clefable? o_O

Creativity (2/5): Well, it is creative, but not necessarily in the sense that I'm looking for. D Hypno is a unique partner for 'Fabes tho, so I'll give you credit for that cool addition :D

Card Use (1/5): This doesn't abuse Clefable at all. It's actually more of a Dark Hypno deck, from the looks of it.


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