Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

RI Pokémon League this week!

League is on, no Season 3 League kit yet... But we'll have our Unbroken Bonds Prerelease!
League is on! Season 3 League kit arrived yesterday! Without Challenge Placement promo cards :mad: Sorry to the 4 Juniors from League who participated in the last Challenge.
Our first session of Unbroken Bonds Season 1 is in a few hours! No promos yet and i forgot to print a new leader board for tracking your promos :oops:
League is on! Hopefully the Kit will arrive tomorrow.
League is on! Unbroken Bonds Season 1 kit has arrived! Just in time for today's League Challenge!
Our first session of Unbroken Bonds Season 2 is this Saturday!
League is on Saturday 10:00 - noon. Come earn your Rescue Stretcher!
League is on! So isn't our Unbroken Bonds Season 2 League Challenge! No League kit yet, hopefully tomorrow.
League is on! Rescue Stretchers did arrive last week!
Also our League Cup is Saturday. Thought i was doing a good thing having it count towards this year but guess not - didn't realize Intercontinentials is this weekend.
Our first session of Unbroken Bonds Season 3 is this Saturday!
League is on! No League kit yet. Also our Season 3 League Challenge is Saturday!
League is on! On League kit yet. Our Unified Minds Prerelease is also Saturday!
League is on! No Season 3 Unbroken Bonds League kit yet. Hopefully tomorrow
Our first session of Unified Minds Season 1 is on!
Unbroken Bonds Season 3's League kit arrived yesterday!
League is on. No Unified Mind Season 1 League Kit yet but there's still tomorrow
League is on! We'll have our Unified Minds Season 1 League Challenge too! No League kit yet.:(
League is on! Unified Minds Season 1 League kit came in! And League Cup supplies too!
League is on! Get your Electropower League promos so i don't have to carry them around.