Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Some Shuffle-Draw Supporters/Items.


New Member
Professor Oak's Old Theory
[Trainer - Supporter]
Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 6 cards.

N's Formula
[Trainer - Supporter]
Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 6 cards, plus 1 more card for each Prize your opponent has taken, and minus 1 card for each Prize you have taken.

Professor Elm's Old Notepad
[Trainer - Item]
Shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 7 cards. You cannot play any more Item cards for the rest of this turn.

The PC Storage System
[Trainer - Item]
You can return any number of Pokemon from your hand into your deck to add the same number of Pokemon from your deck to your hand.
PC Storage + x Pokemon in hand = x Pokemon Communication + x Pokemon in hand. (x equals the number of Pokemon in hand.) Wow. Talk about freeing up card space.