Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Team Aqua Team Magma List; Does Anyone Know?

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BLiZzArD said:
old man why did you leak this info this list is not supposed to be posted till at least Saturday. I hope that you didn't mess things up for the rest of us by doing so. I for one would have been happy to wait till Saturday to see these cards. shame on you.

You were warned. You did NOT have to look at it. I have the list & the question was asked & I answered. There is no shame here. Where does it say the post is not supposed to be listed?
It seems this has bent a few people out of shape.

If you didn't really want to know, why did you look?

To those that don't believe the list, so be it. I will be proven right.

No I am not a PTO & I did NOT ge this info from a PTO!

So sorry if a list causes you so much problem. It's a good thing the cards themselves aren't posted!
old man said:
It seems this has bent a few people out of shape.

If you didn't really want to know, why did you look?

To those that don't believe the list, so be it. I will be proven right.

No I am not a PTO & I did NOT ge this info from a PTO!

So sorry if a list causes you so much problem. It's a good thing the cards themselves aren't posted!

It is not like we had a choice and such when you post it, and if we want to continue to read the thread we would see your list anyway. A better thing would be to have posted that you have a copy of it and if anyone is interseted to pm you.

As for your list I will honestly say it is what you have posted is not fully right. How do I know, I just do. Just one of the magic things of being a PTO.

It is true you are not a PTO, but you have posted on the Oklahoma Prerelease and you are helping the PTO that is running that tournament. SO maybe you got it from me :rolleyes:
Well....either way, wherever you got it from you should have been told not to release the list. I'd thought you'd known better than that. Chances are after this NO ONE will get the set list until the day of for future Prereleases (if we even have those n.n) (Thanks)

As for things not looking right. Note that every aqua/magma card starts with "Team" so everything is correctly in alphabetical order. :rolleyes:
soslowpoke said:
As for things not looking right. Note that every aqua/magma card starts with "Team" so everything is correctly in alphabetical order. :rolleyes:

Yes, I know about that :) But thanks for pointing it out.
I was going to post the list on my site, butafter reading these posts, I guess I shouldn't until Saturday night.

Yeah, I agree with what everyone is saying. If Nintendo finds out that someone posted the set list, as well as hints to what the pre-release card is, we may all be punished in some way. Nintendo may not even send out the lists anymore since the card info keeps leaking out, so I think we should wait until the first pre-release before doing anything like this.

Perhaps this thread/the posts within this thread that contain any spoilers should be deleted so that no one gets in trouble before its too late.
Isn't this fun!

Some people get to know ahead of time. They make a big deal of this with "I know something you don't know" smugness.

Some people just need to feel powerful and superior I guess... :rolleyes:

I direct this at no one in particular... but if the shoe fits...
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Broken Lizard said:
Some people just need to feel powerful and superior I guess... :rolleyes:

That, or how about that thought of us PTOs trying to keep tournaments going in our areas for your the Players. We keep stuff a on the hush hush for the reason we are told to by PUI, and that we want to continue to be able to hold tournaments so you guys can play.
NoPoke said:
Doesn't look like my wish for rares that parallel the foils has been answered. Is this another set where the Uncommons are rarer than the rares?
....or the ultra rares more common than the holos.....or the rares as useless as the commons?
I want to add to the conversation of this thread.

I see why the people in the high chairs would not want us to distribute the lists before the event, so others would not have a head up on what is in the set. But really, does it matter much to who wins at the event? It's still random cards in random packs, and even if you know what a card does, you probably won't draw that card. And if you do draw that card, it gives you no avantage at all. Someone that didn't know what it does would have just read it and been at the same point you are now. You just saved yourself 30 secs, one minute max.

And I really hate how Nintendo is scaring the TO's. I mean, it looks like the TO's are afraid to do one thing bad because then they will loose sponsorship in their area and they will have to find a new area to get sponsorship. And if that is true, I really hate it. Nintendo is giving us less and less that is good, and making us kiss their feet so we don't get in trouble. From the first set, we have had screwed up rarity schemes, crappy and lame promos, rulings are not helped out as well as they are needed, and now they threaten everyone with unsponsorship if they make the smallest mistake. Is this how a company should treat the people that make them money?
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I guess I'm missing it, why is everyone lashing at Old Man?

If anything, he's just guilty of underestimating the backlash. This is a card game... there is no such thing as "private info"

If this is such a big deal, why did people start a topic about it anyways? Just don't theorize about the card lists when we obviously have about 20% of the population on this board already knowing the contents of the set. You're asking for people to say "Well I know, but I can't tell you :)"


~ RaNd0m
But the fun thing about a pre-release is the surpise of getting cards you have never seen or heard about. By giving out the list before the event, it takes out the fun of the set and some people may have advantages over others knowing what cards are in the set. All you need to know is the cards in the set and have access to Nick's site to form strategies before the tournaments even start, which is unfair. Nintendo tell the TO's not to let out info on the set for a reason.
2 days early, does it really matter that much? Besides, if it was really an advantage, the friends of TO's would be winning all the tournies. Thats not exactly happening. AXE won the 15+ niles prerelease, and i won the 11-14. i doubt that either of us knew the card list, and i dont even read Nick15's spoiler list. so we shouldnt exactly be hating on old man, i mean nintendo wont do anything im absolutely sure and it doesnt hurt anyone. In fact, many people have been waiting for this list this whole week.
Well isn't this special?? (sorry church lady, lol!) The cards numbered 39-?? are in alphabetical order. They are uncommons (just a guess!) right after the auqa and magma cards.
Water Pokemon Master said:
But the fun thing about a pre-release is the surpise of getting cards you have never seen or heard about. By giving out the list before the event, it takes out the fun of the set and some people may have advantages over others knowing what cards are in the set.
Water Pokemon Master said:
All you need to know is the cards in the set and have access to Nick's site to form strategies before the tournaments even start, which is unfair. Nintendo tell the TO's not to let out info on the set for a reason.
You shouldn't counterpoint yourself.... All you need are the Spoilers from Nick's site, cross out the cards we've already gotten, and you have a nice core...
Well another thing is...when the list goes out early. Who's gonna get the blame?
Not the secret third party source, its the PTOs.

I hope Duelmasters turns out to be a fun game...
BLiZzArD said:
old man why did you leak this info this list is not supposed to be posted till at least Saturday. I hope that you didn't mess things up for the rest of us by doing so. I for one would have been happy to wait till Saturday to see these cards. shame on you.

But just because you know all the cards in the set (doubt you even know them ALL, since fakecard's missing some translations from the half-decks) doesn't mean the fun's gone! This surprise in every box and/or pack is still out there, and I for one have seen VERY few of the illustrations from the set, so it's all gooooooooood!
Shakespeare said:
The cards numbered 39-?? are in alphabetical order. They are uncommons (just a guess!)

They are much more likely to be commons. The Japanese set has all the trainers uncommon and Nintendo has generally followed this. You get a nice balance (about 30-30) if these cards are common, there will be way too many uncommons if you add these.
First off a big THANK YOU for those who feel I shouldn't be bashed.

Second, Okay you get to see the list. Now what do those cards do? Does Nick15 have ALL those cards translated. NO.
Is there still a surprise at what most cards do? YES.

Let's see if everyone that is so upset by this because it was 2 days before the prerelease are still upset next week.
The same could be said about those having the 2nd weekend prerelease, that they shouldn't have access to the list or card pix until that time. Will that happen? You know it won't. If someone wants to see them, they will.

Some of the PTO's seem to be upset that will get a backlash on them. Maybe, maybe not. I say again that this list was not from or through a PTO. If you're so paranoid that PUSA/PUI/Nintendo will "fire" you from being a PTO, is it really worth it? I have nothing against PTO's or TO's except when they say, "I know something "special" but I can't tell you." If you can't say, then why bring it up? To brag IMHO.
I am & have been a TO for about 4 years now. I do hold & run tournaments & will continue as such, sanctioned or not.

There are others that think that if a person knows whats in the set it will give them an advantage. Maybe, maybe not.
What will happen next week after these first few prereleases are held and those that have to wait till next weekend to have their's? Would you say they are at a disadvantage or an advantage because next week there'll be the set list AND pix of the cards.
Is there equality there? That those with the 2nd week have a chance to see the cards?
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