Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Fragility of Light - Ch6

Thank you, I hope I don't disappoint..

Chapter Six

The Umbreon was no more than a shadow as it slunk through the undergrowth towards Ecruteak City, its ruby red eyes glaring menacingly at the backs of late night travellers. Its velvety paws barely stirred the blades of grass upon which they trod.

As it reached the top of the hill, it turned and surveyed the cityscape. Below, Goldenrod City sprawled magnificently. Bright lights still burned in the topmost floors of the radio tower and department store, the Pokémon Gym was bathed, as always, in its own pinkish roan. Umbreon’s long ears twitched in the still air, which above the city was laden with the luminescent tailglow of many hundreds of Volbeat.
Umbreon heard it coming long before they did. The Volbeat scattered in panic as the enormous, ominous silhouette of the bird plunged from behind the trees into the depths of the city. Umbreon remained motionless, unperturbed. The piercing caw it made sliced through the lazy night like a meat cleaver through melting butter; the phosphorescence of the flame it made lit up the sky like fireworks. It rose from the burning department store like the phoenix it was so often likened to, monochrome flame streaming from its golden tails like some twisted and devastating rainbow.

Umbreon did not turn as Neva’s footfall halted behind it. Neva buried his fingers in Umbreon’s fur and stroked.
“Beautiful, isn’t it.” It was a statement. “Beautiful fire. Beautiful night. Beautiful, beautiful Umby…”
As Neva leaned forward to ruffle the fur around Umbreon’s jaw line, a large stone on a thick black cord around his neck fell from the neck of his sweater. The stone was the colour of dried blood. As it swung in the pale moonlight, it shone disturbingly. Several swarming Volbeat fluttering from the heat of the blaze below in the city drew close. The light from their tails began to fade. Their wings beat slower, slower.

The stone was a rough heart shape. A Pokémon Centre employee could have told Neva that this stone had been formed inside the body of a Pokémon – a relatively common way for a wild Pokémon who fed from poisoned berries and drank from polluted lakes to pass away; all sorts of strange and unpleasant conditions undoubtedly ail the poor creature who cannot keep a healthy diet. One so large, however, could be considered especially unfortunate. What poor Pokémon could have carried a stone of this size inside?

But Neva had never been to a Pokémon Centre.
Neva could not read.

The Volbeat hit the ground with a quiet thump. Their small bodies were papery pale, their taillights all but extinguished. It was as though they’d been suddenly and quietly consumed by some terrible wasting illness…
The yellow rings Umbreon wore shone. Newfound power surged through its veins. Its eyes gleamed scarlet; its fur bristled with electricity; its muscles flexed powerfully. It threw back its head and keened at the moon. Neva laughed, high-pitched and maniacal.
“My Umby, my beautiful beautiful beautiful Umby!”
Umbreon replied with a look of quiet disdain, but allowed Neva to continue petting.
The stone hung heavy against Neva’s thin chest.

The night continued as though nothing had happened, despite the sirens screeching many miles below in Goldenrod City.