Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Rage of Evolution

scyther dude

New Member
This is my first story, so bear with me on the (badness). I hope you enjoy the story! This that I just posted is the prolouge. Here we goes...

The Rage of Evolution

Outside of Azalea Town – Jhoto Region

Two young children ran through the meadow apparently in the middle of some imaginary game. They both appeared to be about five or six years old.

“I’m gonna get you!” the young boy exclaimed, “Nobody can get away from scyther!”

The young girl running from the boy squealed in laughter and ran as fast as her small legs could go. “I’m gonna be the first one to do it!” she said amid her laughter.

“No way!” the boy yelled running faster to catch the girl. They ran, laughing, into the forest fringing the small meadow. They ran on tagging each other and switching who was the Scyther until they were out of breath. They sat under an ancient tree near the beach to catch their breath. This beach was only a mile outside of Azalea Town so they had no chance of getting lost.

“That was so much fun,” the young boy said, “I could play that forever.”

“That’s silly, why would you wanna play that forever?” the girl questioned, “You would never get your own Pokemon then.”

“Oh yeah,” the boy said, “I forgot about that.”

“How could you-what’s that?” the girl was distracted half through her reply by seeing a large, pure-white oval shape sticking out of sand. She and the boy got up and ran over to the thing. It was bigger than either of them.

“What is it?” the boy wondered.

“I dunno,” the girl replied, “is it an egg?”

“Maybe,” the boy said, “I’m gonna touch it.”

“Wait!” the girl said, “It my not like being touched.”

“I don’t think so,” the boy said, his hand already inches from the thing. He quickly reached out and touched it. The egg shifted in the sand and the girl screamed.
Together than ran back to the trees and hid there. They peered back at the egg, but it hadn’t moved again. They moved back to the egg and the boy touched it again.

“See,” the boy said, “I told you it won’t care if we touch it.”

“Are you sure?” the girl still didn’t seem as convinced as he was.

“Come on and touch it,” the boy dared, “It won’t hurt you.”

The girl reached out and touched the egg. It didn’t move so she was satisfied. They then talked about what they could with it. Both agreed they wouldn’t show it to their parents. They moved the egg under the shade of one of the nearby trees. Over the next few weeks, they decorated it with flowers and various other things. They both spent a lot of time with the egg hoping it would hatch. Then, one day a month later, it started to crack.

“John! John! John! It’s happening!” the girl happily bubbled as she ran breathless into her friend’s house. She wasn’t as happy as she saw her friend. He was sitting in the corner of the living room crying. She walked over to him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Sh-shes gone!” the boy chocked out. It was then that she saw that there were other people in the house. Even though didn’t know it, her friend’s mother had been sick for a long time and had died in the night.

“Johnathan?” a man called. He had just entered the room from an adjoining room. He had black hair and had a suit on. He walked over slowly and leaned down and said again, “Johnathan?” The man was clearly uncomfortable with talking to the boy. Knowing she should move, the girl moved over. Her thoughts were very confused

“Johnathan?” the man asked again. Johnathan looked up, finally registering that the man was talking to him. “You don’t know this, but I am your father,” the man said gently. He clearly wasn’t used to speaking kindly. “I am to take you home with me,” the man said.

“Where do you live?” Johnathan asked his eyes red.

“Far from here,” the man said, as though he was avoiding the question.

“What about my friends?” Johnathan asked his expression turning to panic.

“They can visit whenever they can,” the man said, “Come on, let’s go.” The man was impatient. Johnathan stood slowly and took the hand of his father. Johnathan’s father moved him quickly toward the door.

“Wait!” the girl said following them. Johnathan stopped, making his father have to stop too. He turned around and looked at the girl. “When will I see you again?”

Before Johnathan could answer, his father cut in saying, “Soon.” He then continued out the door making Johnathan have to keep walking also. Outside was a black car that had the back door open. The boy was ushered into the back seat quickly by his father. His father then followed inside, shutting the door. The car drove off down the road. The girl watched it disappear around a corner, sadder than she had been ever in her life. She never saw Johnathan again.
To be continued...

More posted every week or so. Any help with editing would be nice.
Details. Details. Everything in writing is in the details. Was there anything printed on the egg? How long were the kids playing? What was wrong with the mother? Colors, textures, expressions, movements. There is precise language for all of these, and I see very little of it in here. Slow this down, let the reader understand what the characters are feeling, their motivations, their ambitions. But don't straight out tell us this. Let their actions speak for them. The way a person carries himself can tell more about that person than any explanation sentence you can come up with. Why is Jonathan so accepting of this strange person? What other motivations are there in here?

I'd suggest reworking this chapter before going on to the next one.
I agree with bullados.So being the hypocrite I am, I suggest you add more detail. I can't stand to look back on my earlier chapters without wanting to re do them, but I'm stuck enough with writing the next chapter, so I can't. The best advice I can give you is to listen to the more experienced writers (myself not included) and take their advice.
I really like the way that you write. I mean yes, you should add more detail, but that is something that will come with more writing. Don't rework the chapter, just add to your next one and continue to build a foundation until details and extrapolation just starts naturally flowing. For a while you will have to consciously think about what you're writing, but the more you write the easier it will become.
Overall, I really like this and look forward to more!
... i don't know what to do...
i've already written the next five chapters and they do get better...
i can your point, bullados, and also yours, mikswar...
i need more time to think...
You could just post the next 5 chapters and see what we think. You can always go back and re-write something if it isn't good or something like that.
This is the first chapter... Please help me decide.
ps: this chapter was wriiten at the same time as the prologue

Chapter One

Saffron City – Kanto Region – 20 years later

The room was unlike most bedrooms. It was small, with a bed and a dresser crammed into it’s small confines. On the walls there were hundreds of pictures showing a boy with a man doing all sorts of things. They stood in front of different sites, played games, and even – in one picture – were shown climbing a cliff. In most of these pictures the man looked on edge, afraid something might happen. He was absolutely frightened in the cliff picture. The boy, on the other hand, always looked like he was having fun, no matter what they were doing. The boy from the pictures was currently on the bed sleeping in a fashion that only a teenager could achieve. He had a mess of blonde hair and, as seen in all the pictures, had brilliant blue eyes. On the night stand beside the bed, there was a camera and another picture. This one was of the man from the pictures and a woman holding a newborn baby. According to the clock beside the picture, it was eight o’three.

“Tyler! Come on and wake up!” a man called through the door, “Quickly please.”

The boy awoke with a start. He looked over at the clock blearily. “It’s Saturday, why do I have to get up?” The boy thought as he sat up and stretched. He looked around at the pictures and opened the door. He walked down the short hall into the main room of the apartment. On one side was the kitchen and on the other, was the living room. Standing with his back to Tyler, the man from the pictures stood fixing something on the stove. He had brown hair with flecks of gray throughout. He was about a few inches shorter than the boy. The boy sniffed and he smelled bacon and eggs.

“Morning dad,” Tyler said stifling a yawn with his hand.

The man turned around, jumping in surprise. “Agh! Don’t do that!” He scolded as he looked at his son. He had blue eyes like his son, though he was on edge as though something bad was going to spontaneously happen. He was clearly a neat freak. As he turned back around, his son sat down at the counter separating the kitchen from the rest of the room. “How are you?” his father asked as turned back around with two plates piled with bacon and eggs.

“Good,” his son replied digging into his breakfast, “Why did you wake me up? It’s Saturday. Are we doing something?”

“Ah yes,” his father said nervously, “You know your cousin has been asking when he is going to see you next, and I decided now was the time.”

Tyler stopped eating and looked at his father curiously, “What do you mean?”

“Well, I was thinking you could, um, well,” his father was clearly having trouble saying something.

“Yeees?” Tyler said leaning forward, his face hopeful.

“Welliwasthinkingyoucouldgoseehimbyyourself,” his father said in an incredible rush.

“What?” Tyler sat up hoping he had heard correctly.

“Well, I was thinking you were old enough to go to see him without me taking you there,” his father said again slower.

Tyler couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Had his father decided he was old enough to do something by himself? Was he still dreaming? His father was one of those way-too-over protective kinds of parents. He would never let his son go to another town that far away by himself. Even though he was fifteen, his father had forbidden him from owning a Pokemon, do anything by himself, or even let him go more than five miles away from him, his father. Tyler hated it, but he was almost the parent of the two when it came to dealing with other people. His father was so bad at talking to other people that he was still the lowest-level computer programmer at Silph Co. even after working there for over twenty-five years.

“You are letting me got to Fuchsia City all by my self?” Tyler said still slightly not believing.

“No, of course not!” his father exclaimed.

“Of course,” Tyler thought as he sat back down, deflating.

“That is why I am giving you a Pokemon,” his father said hesitantly.

Tyler looked at his father shocked at what he was hearing. A Pokemon? Was his father feeling all right? “What!?” Tyler squeaked.

“I am giving you a Pokemon,” his father said. It was obvious he was still having second thoughts about his decision. “This doesn’t mean you can catch more! This only to be used if you are attacked by a wild Pokemon,” his father spoke quickly, obviously he had prepared for this moment for quite awhile; he could remember what he was talking about. As he was talking he reached under the counter and pulled out a small box that had been wrapped in wrapping paper and had a ribbon on it. “I hope it is ok if you got your birthday present a little early?” he said as he set in front of Tyler. That was an understatement. Tyler’s birthday was still three fourths of the year away.

“Yeah sure!” Tyler said happily. He ripped the paper of the box and opened it. Inside, on foam pad, was the red and white sphere of a pokeball. Tyler pulled it out, unable to suppress his excitement. He, Tyler never-to-own-a-Pokemon Raive, had a POKEMON! Fumbling with the button on the pokeball he walked into the middle of the room. His father walked around the counter looking at his son with a proud smile on his face.

“Come on out!” Tyler yelled as he through the pokeball into the air. As the pokeball opened and the red energy flowed out, hundreds of Pokemon flowed through his mind as the one in front of him formed into its shape. The Pokemon body was very blocky and was colored pink and blue. It looked slightly like a duck. All Pokemon ceased going through his mind as he looked at his Pokemon. It was a Porygon. The digital Pokemon created by Silph Co. Tyler looked at it. It looked at him with a blank look on its face.

“I-it’s great dad,” said Tyler slightly crestfallen. Everyone at Siph Co. had a Porygon. Of course he would get a Porygon. It was silly to think that his father would have gone out and caught a Pokemon himself.

“I’m glad you think so, son!” his father beamed at him.

Later that day Tyler was ready to head on his journey to Fuchsia City. On his back was a new back pack filled with spare clothes, a first aid kit, and all other things his father had him take. Tyler himself chose to take the picture of him as a baby along with his parents. Around his neck was his digital camera. On his belt was Porygon’s pokeball.

“Remember, stay on the path, stay in the Pokemon centers at night, and don’t battle wild Pokemon,” his father said as they stood outside of the apartment building.

“Don’t worry so much dad, I’ll be fine,” Tyler said reassuringly to his father, which seemed to relax him a little.

“Just don’t do anything dangerous and I know ‘don’t worry’! I will try,” his dad said trying to reassure himself more than he was reassuring Tyler.

“Goodbye, dad,” Tyler said.

“Goodbye, I love you,” his father said.

Tyler walked off waving as he went. As soon as he rounded the corner, his walk turned into a run and a whoop escaped his lips. He was free!

He kept running until he was near the city limits. There, he stopped to catch his breath and to check the road signs.

Route 6- Saffron City to Vermilion City

A smile crept across Tyler’s face as he started walking down the path. He was on his own! He just couldn’t get over that fact. And the fact that he had a Pokemon! At this thought, Tyler reached down to grab Porygon’s pokeball, and dropped in the process.

“This is going to take some work,” he thought as he chased after the pokeball. When he successfully grabbed it, he threw it into the air, releasing his Pokemon. As the ball returned to his hand, the Porygon formed into its regular shape.

“Pory,” the Porygon said in a monotone of a voice.

“Hello again, Porygon,” Tyler said to his Pokemon, “Lets go on an adventure!”

Tyler took of running with the Porygon floating behind him as he went. Soon though, Tyler slowed and walked talking to his Pokemon.

“You know, when my dad said he was getting me a Pokemon I was thinking he would get me something, well, more cool,” he said. His Pokemon just floated along and said nothing. “I hope you don’t take that as an insult,” Tyler said quickly, “it’s just most people don’t get a Porygon as their starter Pokemon. Your probably level 27 just like all Porygons are when they are made. What attacks do you know, I wonder?”

Tyler stopped and faced his Pokemon. He then put his bag on the ground and rifled through it. He pulled out the shiny, red Pokedex his father had gotten from Silph Co. He opened it and pointed it at Porygon.

“Porygon, the Virtual Pokemon, it is completely made of programming code,” the tinny voice of the Pokedex rattled off, “This Pokemon can move freely through cyberspace.”

“I already knew that,” Tyler mumbled as he flipped through different menus on the dex, “Here we go!”

He pointed it once again at Porygon and the voice rattled off, “Porygon knows the attacks Psybeam, Recover, Agility, and Magnet Rise.”

“All right, not that bad!” Tyler said as he put the Pokedex back in his bag. “Let’s try out some of those attacks. How about that tree.” He pointed at a tree off to the side of the road. “Porygon! Use Psybeam!” Tyler yelled. Porygon complied, and sent a beam of weak purple energy at the tree. The tree cracked when hit with the attack, and the bark shattered. The tree swayed, and fell back into the forest.

“Wow,” Tyler said in aw, “That’s pretty cool! Alright how about you use-”


“What was that?” Tyler said as he jumped and turned to face the path, “Porygon, let’s go find out what’s wrong!” He and Porygon ran (and floated) down the path. Soon they saw, lying on the path, a metal brief case. There was a large puncture through the whole thing. Tyler could see the ground through the hole. It had to be four inches in diameter.

“What happened here?” Tyler said to himself.

“Heeeeeeeeelp!” a voice called off from in the woods.

Tyler ran off the path onto another path. It was a path of destruction, though.

“Dad is going to be mad when he hears about this,” Tyler thought as ran. Tyler ran into a small area devoid of trees.

“Watch out!” a man’s voice shouted, just as a large purple thing charged out from between a couple of trees. It was on all fours and had a row of small spines along its back. It also had two large ears and a horn sticking out of its forehead.

“Nidoooooo!” it yelled as it charged at Tyler, trampling bushes and small trees in its way.

“AAAAGH!” Tyler yelled as he leaped out of the way. Unfortunately, Porygon was right behind him and he was hit by the thing. “Oh, no! Porygon, I didn’t mean to- waaaaah!” Tyler dove out of the way again because the thing charged at him again.

“Attack it! Use your Pokemon!” the man’s voice said again.

“Oh yeah!” Tyler said, realizing his mistake, “Porygon use Psybeam!”

Porygon unleashed another purple beam of energy at the purple Pokemon as it was turning around. It hit the thing as sent it flying backward, crashing against trees and eventually stopped. It lay motionless, obviously defeated.

“Wow, I didn’t know it would only take one hit,” Tyler said surprised, “I thought Pokemon battles usually took longer than that.”

“It only took one hit because it was super effective,” the voice said.

“Where are you?” Tyler asked looking around; he hadn’t seen anyone else in the clearing except him, Porygon, and the purple Pokemon.

“Oh, sorry! I’m up the tree your under; watch out, I’m coming down,” the voice said again, as it’s body stumbled down the tree. When the man got to the ground he turned to face Tyler. He had gray hair that stuck up oddly on the top. He was wearing a white lab coat and he was surprisingly in good shape for one as old as himself. “Hello there and thank you for that! I am Professor Elm of Jhoto Region,” he said extending his hand to shake Tyler’s.

“Hi. I’m Tyler Raive, and you’re welcome,” Tyler said as he shook Prof. Elm’s, “What Pokemon was that any way?”

“It was a Nidorino,” Prof. Elm said looking at the form of the Pokemon.

“Why was it attacking you?” Tyler asked.

“Oh, it was overreacting. I stepped on its ear. It was totally uncalled for! It shouldn’t have been sleeping in the middle of the path anyways,” Prof. Elm said, “The thing is, most Pokemon don’t react well to me. It makes it very hard for me to study them you know.”

“Is that why you’re in such good shape?” Tyler questioned, “So you can escape from Pokemon like that?”

“Yes actually!” Prof. Elm said, “You know, I should reward you with something!” Prof. Elm headed back down the path cleared by the Nidorino. Tyler followed him with Porygon following him.

When they got to the path, Prof. Elm sighed, “The reason I have a steel suitcase is so that this wouldn’t happen.” He pointed out the gaping hole in the suitcase. “I hope nothing was damaged.” He opened it up and pulled out a mess of red plastic and mechanical parts. “Shoot! It’s destroyed!” he said dismayed.

“That’s ok, I already have one,” Tyler said, pulling out a non-destroyed Pokedex.

“Oh! That’s wonderful!” Prof. Elm exclaimed, “I’ll just give you a Pokemon instead.” He pulled out red and white Pokeball and handed it to Tyler.

“Thanks!” Tyler said to Prof. Elm, he then called to the Pokemon in the Pokeball, “Let’s see you then!” He tossed the Pokeball into the air and the red energy poured out and reformed into a small Pokemon. It was green on the back and had a tan underside. It resembled a shrew.

“Cyndaquuuil!” the Pokemon exclaimed in a high pitched voice.

“Cyndaquil, the fire mouse Pokemon,” the Pokedex rattled off, this Pokemon shoots flames from its back. These flames burn hotter if it is surprised or angry.”

“Awesome! Thank you Prof. Elm, it’s wonderful!” Tyler said, and then remembered something, “My dad is going to freak out. I wasn’t supposed to battle, leave the path, catch Pokemon, or talk to strangers.” Tyler groaned.

“You’re dad is a little overprotective, isn’t he?” Prof. Elm said knowingly.

“You have no idea.”

To be continued...
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I like this a lot. Just from your first entry I can see that you've added more detail and just that the writing is flowing easier. I particularly like the very beginning when you refer to all the photos on the wall, it was great. And just keep writing, the more you write the better you'll get. Keep them coming, these are great to read, especially for me because I'm a writing Minor in college. I can't wait to see what happens.
Hm, looks good. I'll let other people criticize your details.

How could anyone be dissapointed with a Porygon? I mean, it's a plastic painted thing that floats!
Here we go, the next chapter... I've decided to go ahead and just post them as they come.

Chapter Two

Pokemon Center – Vermilion City

“Yeah Dad…ok, I will…don’t worry so much!” Tyler said into the phone. His father was on the other side. The video phone wasn’t working at the Center, so he had to just talk to him. “Bye…I love you too…ok, bye,” Tyler said. He put the phone back and walked over to where Prof. Elm sat waiting.

“Everything go ok?” he asked when Tyler was close enough.

“Once I told him about you, he seemed to cool down a little bit,” Tyler responded, sitting down, “He should be ok with everything now.”

“That’s good,” the Professor said standing up, “I think I will continue on to my meeting with Prof. Oak in Pallet Town. I hope you reach you reach Fuchsia City safely.”

“I hope you reach Pallet Town without any more dangerous encounters,” Tyler said.

“Until I see you again, goodbye,” Prof. Elm said. He then walked out of the door, and was gone. Tyler walked up to the front desk and asked the nurse there that he wanted a room. After that he retired for the night and lay in his bed, going over that day’s events in his mind until sleep took him.

Fuchsia City – Three days later

Tyler arrived at the edge of the town, tired out by his journey, but proud of his achievement. He had reached his destination! Unlike his first day, the rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. Tyler checked the town map his father had given him. It had the exact directions to his cousin’s house. Tyler followed the map until he found the house he was looking for. He went up and knocked on the door, which was soon opened by his aunt. She was younger than his father by a few years, but her hair was had a lot more gray in it than his father. She was on the shorter side, with mostly brown hair and blue eyes.

“Tyler!” she said, proceeding to hug her nephew, “I heard you were coming, but I didn’t expect you so soon! I mean two days! You must have been travel pretty fast!”

“Actually, I left home four days ago,” Tyler explained, “Dad probably forgot to tell until two days ago; you know how forgetful he is.”

“Oh yes, of course!” his aunt said ushering him into the house, “Are you hungry? I could cook you something…” His aunt prattled on in her usual manner. She, unlike his father, could talk your ears off and then some. “…I’m afraid Steve isn’t here right now, he was off with some of his friends at the Safari Zone. You know how he likes trying to catch those Pokemon…”

His aunt talked on and Tyler responded at the right times, and soon he was alone in the spare bedroom. He set his bag on the bed and pulled off the two pokeballs from his belt. He found his way into the backyard and released his Pokemon. Porygon just sat there, but Cyndaquil ran about looking at his new surroundings. Tyler had found out that his Cyndaquil, unlike most, was overly curious. Most Cyndaquils are very shy and timid and don’t interact with others much. His was the opposite. Tyler stayed there for the rest of the afternoon until he was rudely interrupted by his cousin.

“So you’re here?” said a voice in a disgusted tone. Tyler looked up from his position on the ground. There he saw his cousin standing. He had blonde hair like Tyler except it was lighter, almost white. His gray eyes looked at him with a scowl on his face. The face quickly changed to a bright happy smile that was impossible to be mad at. “I’m just kidding about the face, I’m overjoyed that you’re here,” he said walking over to where Tyler was picking himself up, “How are you?”

“I’m good, and you?” Tyler said responding to his cousin’s question. It was impossible not to like his cousin. He was slightly taller than Tyler and held himself in a way that could only say, “I’m cool, I’m popular, but I’m not a jerk.”

“I’m much better than good now that you’re here!” he said enthusiastically, “I was overjoyed when I heard you were coming and you even have your own Pokemon! This is amazing!”

“Yeah, it is pretty cool!” Tyler said agreeing with cousin. Cyndaquil, finding something new to explore had walked around, in between, and over his cousin’s legs.

“Is this the one you got?” his cousin said as he leaned down to allow Cyndaquil to explore his hands.

“Actually I got Porygon from my dad, and I got this one on the way here,” Tyler explained as his cousin stood back up. His cousin looked over at Porygon, who hadn’t moved since being released.

“How did you get this one, then? I’ve heard that they can’t be found in the Kanto region,” his cousin asked puzzled.

“I actually got it from the professor from the Johto region,” Tyler said, “He was being attacked by a Nidorino.”

“You’ve battled with Pokemon already!” his cousin asked disbelieving, “I would think that would be on the top of the list of don’ts, with your dad.”

“It is actually,” Tyler admitted, he then proceeded to tell his cousin all about his adventure with the Nidorino.

“That is amazing!” His cousin said to him, “Why don’t you come with me to the Safari Zone tomorrow. You’ll enjoy it!”

“Thanks!” Tyler responded.

“Steve! Tyler! Supper’s ready, come on in!” Tyler’s aunt called.

The next day, Tyler went with his cousin, Steve, to the Safari Zone. When they got to the entrance, they met up with Steve’s friends. After introductions, they started talking about Pokemon, and battles.

“Hey, Tyler! How many times have you won when you’ve battled?” one of Steve’s friends, Chad, asked.

“I’ve only ever battled once, and that was with a wild Pokemon,” Tyler admitted.

“What! No way!” Steve’s other friend, Corey exclaimed, “How long have you had your Pokemon any way?”

“Including today, five days,” Tyler said.

“No way!” Chad exclaimed, “We have to have battle right now!” As he said this, he reached for a pokeball on his belt.

“Hold on!” Steve cautioned, “If he is to be battled, it will be me!”

“Wait! I don’t think I should,” Tyler said worriedly. Besides his father not wanting to battle, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to win.

“Oh, come on Tyler!” Steve said, “Just one battle, a one-on-one, even.”

“Come on!” The other two boys taunted.

“Ok, fine!” Tyler said, even though he knew hew shouldn’t, he still wanted to.

“Yeah!” the others cheered. They walked to an area more out of the way than right in front of the Safari Zone. There, they stood apart from each other. Tyler stood by himself, but Steve stood with his friend’s behind him, slightly father back than he was.

“Are you ready?” Steve asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Tyler responded.

“I’ll go easy on you and use a Pokemon I got a couple days ago,” Steve said taking a Pokeball off of his belt, “Let’s do this!” He threw the Pokeball in the air, releasing the Pokemon inside. The red energy reconfigured into the shape of a lizard. It was about three feet long and was a dark blue. On top of head, there was a metal plate. Also, its tail’s tip was wrapped in metal. On each shoulder, it had a small metal spike.

“What is that?” Tyler asked. He had never seen that Pokemon in the Kanto or Johto Regions.

“This is a Salasteel,” his cousin said. He was obviously proud of his Pokemon. “You won’t find it anywhere in Kanto and that’s for sure. I was given it by a strange man a couple of day’s ago.”

“Wow,” Tyler said awestruck. He then realized that he had to send out his own Pokemon, and he pulled of Porygon’s pokeball. He knew he would need his strongest Pokemon for this battle. “Come on out!” He yelled as he released his Porygon from its Pokeball.

“All right Salasteel, use Metal Claw!”

“Porygon, use Agility and dodge out of the way!”
Porygon flew out of the way just before Salasteel slashed it with its powered up hand.

“Salasteel, hit it with a Dragon Breath!” Steve shouted to his Pokemon.

Salasteel turned to face Porygon and spewed fire from its mouth. Porygon had no time to react, and was hit by the attack, sending it flying back. Salasteel dashed forward quickly and hit Porygon with a Metal Claw before it could recover from the attack before.

Porygon was knocked out before it hit the ground.

“Uh-but-wha-hungh?!” Tyler spluttered, the battle had last little more than a minute. He had had no time to react.

“It’s ok,” Steve said, returning his Pokemon, “It was your first real battle; you didn’t know you were doing. It will come in time.”

“Yeah,” Chad said, “it’s ok to lose the first time.”

“I guess,” Tyler said as he returned his fainted Pokemon.

“Hey come on,” Steve said putting his arm around Tyler, steering him back toward the Safari Zone entrance, “Let’s play the safari game. That will cheer you up.”

“I don’t have that much money, I don’t think I can do it,” Tyler said worriedly. Besides not having enough money, his dad had also told him not to catch any more Pokemon.

“I can pay for you to enter,” Steve said, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“Fine,” Tyler said giving in.

“Yeah!” Chad and Corey shouted.

“Whoever catches the most wins!” Cory said running ahead.

“Do you know how to play?” Steve asked Tyler.

“I think so,” Tyler said, he had heard about the Safari Zone game many times.

“I’ll just give you a quick run down of the rules,” Steve said, not confident in his cousin’s idea of the rules, “You get thirty park balls at the beginning and you can catch as many Pokemon as you want without using any of your own. It is sort of a surprise game. You have to sneak up on the Pokemon you want to catch it. Anyway, the game ends when you run out of balls or the time runs out. It is quite simple actually.”

“Ok,” Tyler said, not feeling as sure as his cousin on the easy part. It sounded confusing.

“Don’t worry, you’ll understand when we get in there,” his cousin said as they got their park balls and their timers.

“Remember,” the women at the counter cautioned, “when the timer goes off, you can’t catch any more Pokemon.”

The four of them walked through the door into the Safari Zone. It was a lush fertile area with trees and plains of grass. All about the fields and trees, there were Pokemon grazing and moving about.

“Wow,” Tyler said. That was about all he could say. The site was breath taking.

“I have an idea,” Steve said, “How about we pair up and the team that catches the most gets to eat for free.”

“Sound’s fine by me,” Corey said, “I get you, Steve.” It was obvious that Corey thought Steve was good at this.

“No, no, I’m going with Tyler,” Steve said shooting down Corey, “He’ll need some pointers on this.”

“Sounds fine by me,” Chad said, “This is an obvious win for me and Corey.”

“Don’t be so sure!” Steve called as his friends ran off laughing, “Come on Tyler, I’ll show you how to do this.” He and Tyler walked in the opposite direction than the other two had gone. They walked to a row of bushes and crouched down behind them. On the other side, a little ways off, was a fuzzy, two headed bird. One head was pecking at the ground while the other looked around.

“Stay here,” Steve whispered. He crawled off down the row of bushes until he was closer to the bird. He then reached down and grabbed a rock and threw it past the strange bird. It clattered on the ground and startled the bird which proceeded to look in two different directions and fall to the ground. Tyler assumed that the head’s wished to go in different directions, but found that they were attached to each other and halted their movement before it started. At the exact moment it fell to the ground, a Pokeball flew from Steve’s hand and absorbed the bird into its self. The pokeball fell to the ground and rolled and twitched for a little while before going still.

“That is how you catch a Pokemon in the safari zone,” Steve said as he picked up the pokeball.

“Awesome,” Tyler said in response. They walked on until they reached a small stand of trees. Grazing there was a large gray Pokemon with a horn sticking out of its forehead.

“You try to catch this one,” Steve whispered to his cousin, “It’s eyesight is bad so try to sneak around behind it.”

“Ok,” Tyler said. This was his moment to try catching a Pokemon. He snuck from tree to tree, moving slowly closer to the Pokemon’s back. When he was about two yards away, he stepped on a stick, snapping it. The Pokemon jumped from its sitting position and ran off.

“Better luck next time,” Steve said sympathetically. They continued on catching (or failing to catch in Tyler’s case) until they had about ten minutes left. Steve had used up all but three of his Pokeballs. All of the ones used had actually caught the correct Pokemon. Tyler had used all but ten of his Pokeballs and none of his had caught a Pokemon.

“We’re going to lose because of me,” Tyler said crestfallen. He had decided that he was going to give up on the game and hope that Steve had caught enough.

“Hey don’t worry about it,” Steve said encouragingly, “Those other guys are bad at this too. Besides, this was your first time. Hey look at that.” At the last remark, his voice had dropped almost to a whisper.

“What is it?” Tyler responded in a whisper. He looked in the direction that his cousin was looking. There, under a tree, was a Pokemon that looked asleep. The Pokemon was green, had two pairs of wings, and blades for arms. Its back was up against the tree and its head was down.

“It’s a Scyther that can’t be caught,” Steve replied, walking stealthily forward, “Me, Cory, and Chad have all tried to catch him. He is just impossible to get. He is always on guard, even when he is asleep.” He said this as though he hated it and respected it at the same time.

“What are you going to do?” Tyler asked, his opinion of the Pokemon now higher.

“I’m going to try again,” he answered, “Stay here.” With that, he snuck forward on his hands and knees through the tall grass. Tyler hid behind a tree to watch the attempt of capture. Steve crawled ever slower until he was ten feet away from the still figure. From there, he pulled out all three of his remaining unused pokeballs. He then pulled himself into a crouched position. He slowly pulled his arm back and threw it forward, sending a Pokeball flying toward the Scyther. Faster than Tyler thought was possible; the Scyther had stood up and deflected the pokeball with a scythe.

“Scyyy!” the Scyther yelled as it pulled itself into a fighting stance.

“Yaah!” Steve yelled standing up, all sneaking done. He threw another Pokeball at the Scyther and ran at it at the same time. The Pokeball was deflected and the Pokemon ran around to the other side of Steve as the third pokeball flew through the air.

“Shoot!” Steve said when he realized he was out of Pokeballs. Scyther then started to back away from Steve to the tree where Tyler was hiding. Tyler realized what was happening and pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket ready to throw. As soon as it was close enough, he threw the Pokeball; it fell with a soft thud at the feet of the Scyther. The Scyther turned around and saw Tyler. It then focused on him. Tyler reached into his bag and pulled out another ball. He knew he had no chance, but he still wanted to try. He heaved the ball at the Scyther with more force than the last one. The Scyther stepped forward to block the pokeball flying at him, but it slipped on the one on the ground.

“Scy?” It said as it slipped back off the pokeball. It was now defenseless to the one flying through the air. The second Pokeball hit the Scyther on the head and absorbed it. The pokeball fell to the ground and struggled and twitched on the ground much longer than the others did. Finally it stopped moving in defeat.

“Tyler! You caught it!” Steve said in a very surprised tone.

“I did! This is awesome!” Tyler said, amazed at his own achievement.

“Hey, and you did it just in time!” Steve indicated to their timers counted down the remaining seconds and buzzed when it reached zero. “Let’s go meet up with the guys and see who won!” Steve said obviously happy with Tyler’s achievement of catching the uncatchable Scyther. When they got back to the entrance, they returned their timers and Tyler returned his unused pokeballs. When they got outside, they saw Steve’s friends waiting.

“I caught fifteen,” Chad said, “and Cory caught twelve.”

“That makes twenty-seven,” Cory said smugly, “How many did you guys get?”

“I caught twenty-seven by my self,” Steve replied smugly, “and Tyler caught one himself. That makes twenty-eight. We win.”

“Aw man!” Chad exclaimed, “Now we have to buy your guys’ lunch.”

“Yep!” Tyler said brightly.

They then proceeded on to eat lunch (Steve got more than enough). After that they wandered back to the Safari Zone. They talked about their achievements in the safari zone. Chad had apparently come very close to catching the super rare Chansey. Steve then told them about how he had almost caught the Scyther. Tyler had to step in and say how he had caught it in the end.

“Are you kidding?!” Cory asked, “You actually caught it! It’s impossible to catch him.”

“No, I’m not,” Tyler said.

“I have to see this!” Chad said, “You need to use it in a battle!”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Steve said, “Who do you want to battle?”

“I actually want to try you again,” Tyler said to Steve.

Soon after that, they were back in the place where they had battled last time. But unlike last time, Corey and Chad were standing in between Tyler and Steve.

“Are you ready?” Steve asked for the second time that day.

“Very ready,” Tyler said in response.

“Let’s get this started then,” Steve said pulling a different Pokeball off of his belt, “Let’s do this, Nidoqueen!” The pokeball flew and the Pokemon came out forming it’s self into its form. The Nidoqueen was a large bipedal Pokemon that looked sort of like Nidorino. It was blue with a small horn on its head.

“Come on out, Scyther!” Tyler called as he released the bug Pokemon onto the field. His Scyther took on the same fighting stance as before.

“Let’s start this with a body slam!” Steve commanded, his Pokemon running forward.

Oh, no, Tyler thought, I don’t know any of Scyther’s attacks!

He then called out to Scyther, “Attack!” Scyther just stood there until Nidoqueen was right in front of him, and then jumped out of the way and slashed it in the back as it crashed to the ground.

“Yeah!” Tyler said an idea coming to him, “Scyther! Use Slash!” Scyther responded by running forward and slashing Nidoqueen on the back again.

“That’s no good!” Steve called, “Nidoqueen! Use poison sting!” Nidoqueen obliged by shooting a poisonous barb at Scyther.

“Deflect it!” Tyler called remembering how it deflected the Pokeballs. Scyther deflected the barb and ran forward again with its wings glowing with power. When it reached Nidoqueen it turned so it hit it with his wings. That attack sent Nidoqueen flying and it crashed in front of Steve, defeated.

“Wow!” Steve said, impressed, “That was very well played!”

“That was awesome!” Chad exploded, “It was very intense! I loved it!”

Tyler smiled. He felt good

To be continued...
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Looks like a pretty good chapter. It was kind of obvious that Tyler was going to end up with the Scyther once Steve talked about it, in my opinion.
Keep these coming. They're getting really awesome. I'm rather intrigued as to how many pokemon Tyler is going to catch before he goes back home. you're doing really well though. :D
Here we go, the next Chapter! (Cheering)

Chapter Three

Pokemon Center-Fuchsia City

“Whaaat!?” Tyler’s father sat down in a daze.

“It’s ok Dad, don’t hyperventilate or anything,” Tyler said reassuringly, “Just take a few deep breaths!”

Unlike in the last Pokemon Center, the video phone was working. Tyler was currently telling his father, his plans.

“No! Absolutely not!” His father replied standing up and pacing around the room he was in, “What if something happened you! Your going to be on a different landmass and everything!”

“Dad, I really want to do this! Now that I’m out in the world, I want to explore it!”

“I figured this would happen, but I didn’t expect the Sinnoh Region!” His father spluttered, “That-that-that’s too far away! Why not the Kanto Region?”

“I’ve already been almost everywhere in the Kanto and Johto Regions,” Tyler explained, “I want to go somewhere that I haven’t been before.”

“No,” he said, Tyler could tell that he was weakening.

“Please Dad? I’m going to go if you like it or not,” Tyler said.
Tyler’s father just sat there, a pained expression on his face.


“Oh, fine!” His father said giving up.

“YES!” Tyler shouted standing up from his seat, “Thanks, Dad!”

“You know, I even planned on this to happen. I'm too bad of a negotiator,” Tyler’s father said going to a shelf behind the chair. From there he pulled down an old book and opened it up to reveal a ticket for a ship. “I was given this last Christmas at the company party,” His father explained, “It says that it is valid for all of this year.”

“What is it exactly?” Tyler asked leaning closer to the screen to look.

“This is an inter-region pass for any cruise ship heading to another Region.”

“Really!” Tyler asked, he had only heard of those passes. They were very rare to find.

“Yes it is and I am going to send it to your aunt’s house. Stay there for a couple of days and you’ll get it.”

“Thank you so much!” Tyler said.

“It’s the least that I could do for my son,” he said getting red.

Steve’s House-Fuchsia City-Two days later

“Tyler! It’s arrived!” His aunt called down the hall.

“Yes!” Tyler jumped up from the couch and ran to where his aunt stood in the kitchen. Steve and his friends were behind Tyler as he ran. Sitting on the table was a small box. Tyler ripped it open and pulled out the ticket.

“Wow dude!” Chad exclaimed, “I’ve never seen an actual ticket before!”

“You are so lucky man!” Corey said.

“Your ready now, Tyler,” Steve said.

“Time to pack, I guess,” Tyler said.

Vermilion City-Three days later

“All getting aboard, do so!” A sailor yelled.

I’ve got to hurry! Tyler thought as he ran along the pier. He was getting on a larger ferry that would take him to the Sinnoh Region. Unfortunately for him, the pier was covered with people saying goodbye to those on board. Tyler ran, trying not to bump into anyone as he did so.

“Last call for the passengers!” the sailor called again. Tyler burst out of the crowd and ran into the sailor.

“Hey!” the sailor said stumbling back.

“Sorry, I was trying to get here on time and then-“

“Do you have a ticket?” the sailor said leaning down on Tyler. He wasn’t very happy about being run into.

“Oh, yes I do, here you go,” Tyler said as he pulled out his ticket.

“Fine,” the sailor said, “Get on board, the ship is leaving soon.”

“Thanks,” Tyler said as he ran up the gang plank. As he reached the deck he looked around in aw. It was a large floating town, in his opinion. There were shops and stores and all other manor of things he wouldn’t have expected on a ship. He walked around in a daze, looking at all of the different attractions. He would have gone on like that except he tripped on a rope and fell into a girl.

“Aaagh!” she screamed, she was now wearing a tray of food all over her shirt and her pants. Underneath the food she was now wearing, she was wearing a very large, baggy pair of black pants. Her shirt was pink with a disorderly chain of black hearts from her left shoulder to her right hip. The shirt was also small enough to show off her belly button. On her right forearm, she had two black bands. And from what Tyler could see under her giant pants, she was wearing pink shoes. Her hair was pitch black hung around her face in straight curtains. Her eyes were also as dark as her hair.

“Oh, no! I am so sorry!” Tyler said as he saw what he had done, “Let me help you clean up.” He moved forward but was stopped by her now extended arm.

“Don’t touch me!” she said.

“I am really sorry,” Tyler said hurriedly, “My name is Tyler and I tripped on that rope back there, I really should have watched where I was going.”

“Yes you should have,” she said as she stormed off.

That went well, he thought. Soon after that, he found his room for the trip and lay down on the bed. He soon fell asleep.


Tyler jolted awake from his nap. He had felt a large tremor along with the sound. He opened the door to his room and found that the sun was close to setting. More importantly, there was a smaller, sleeker ship heading toward his. It was quite obviously the reason for the explosion. Standing on the deck of this ship, there were about twenty people with assorted Pokemon standing with them.

“Who are they?” a man said as he looked out at the boat.

“They can only be one thing,” his friend replied, “Pirates.”


“All sailors, prepare for battle!” a voice on Tyler’s ship yelled. Tyler found himself being pushed back and told to run as sailors positioned themselves along the edge of the boat. Each of them sent out there own Pokemon for combat. Tyler could see that they were mostly fighting and water types. He looked back at the approaching ship and saw they had a lot of electric and psychic type Pokemon.

They’re at a major disadvantage, Tyler thought, The fighting are weak to psychic, and the water are weak to electric.

“ATTACK!” the voice boomed.

Tyler was knocked flying as many attacks bombarded the ship. He realized that he needed to get to the other side of ship before he was hurt. He crawled, staying behind the sailors, until he rounded a corner. From there he jumped up and ran. He glanced back to see two large almost dragonic heads emerge from the sea right beside the ship. Both creatures opened there mouths and released very powerful beams of energy at the ship’s deck. Tyler was thrown through the air from the force of the attack. He landed hard on his back and smashed his head against the deck. The world, for him, went black.

Tyler came to, hearing sounds of battles. His head felt like it was going to crack into a thousand pieces. He looked up, from where he was laying, and saw that the wall next to him had collapsed. He wasn’t crushed though, because a pile of rubble was holding up the wall. He sat up and pulled himself to his feet slowly. His head wasn’t the only thing that hurt; his whole body hurt. Tyler walked, leaning on the non-collapsed wall, to the side of the ship he had been on last. The whole area was in ruin.

“There’s one!” a voice yelled. Tyler turned to see two scrubby men coming toward him. They were obviously pirates and they each had a Pokemon with them. One of the Pokemon was a small green canine with yellow stripes on its head and tail. The other was a strange bipedal tapir creature with a brown bottom half and a tan upper half. “Electrike use Tackle!” The one man shouted. The green dog ran forward.

Oh, fudge! Tyler thought. He pulled a Pokeball off of his belt and yelled, “Attack!” He didn’t know which Pokeball he grabbed. The Pokeball flew forward and released the Pokemon inside. The energy formed into Cyndaquil and it released a fire attack as soon as it was completely formed. The Electrike was hit by the fire and skidded to a halt.

“Electrike use Tackle again!” the man yelled again. The Electrike ran forward once again.

“Use Tackle too!” Tyler yelled to Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil ran forward also and met the Electrike head on. They met with a solid crash and Cyndaquil went flying. Electrike was obviously stronger than Cyndaquil.

“This is no good,” Tyler thought and then yelled, “Cyndaquil, use Smokescreen!” Cyndaquil released large amounts of black smoke from its back, completely hiding the two Pokemon.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” The man that owned the Electrike yelled, “You can’t do that!”

“I just did!” Tyler yelled back, “Cyndaquil! Use Ember!” The cloud of smoke was momentarily lit up by orange and then, Electrike flew out of the cloud, defeated.

The man yelled at his partner, “Get him!”

“Oh, I will,” He responded, “Drowzee, Use confusion!” The tapir beside him raised its arms and they glowed in a purple energy. Cyndaquil was suddenly lifted out of the cloud and throw against the wall.

“No!” Tyler shouted, “Cyndaquil, use Ember!” Cyndaquil jumped up and released a stream of fire from its mouth. The fire flew across the open space and hit the Drowzee. Both of the pirates had jumped out of the way just in time. Drowzee fell back, defeated.

“That must have been a critical hit!” The Drowzee man said.

“Who cares?” the other man said, “Let’s get out of here!” Both men returned their Pokemon and ran off in the opposite direction of Tyler. Tyler looked over the edge of the ship and saw that the smaller ship had docked along side the larger one. There was also a large hole in the side of the larger ship so the smaller ship could be easily boarded. He realized that there were probably other pirates on the ship and ran toward the larger open shopping area of the ship. He figured there would be some way to help out there. He never got there because a scream coming from a side path caught his attention.

He and Cyndaquil ran down the path and looked in all the doorways as they passed. Soon they came upon the location of the screamer. It was in a larger restaurant on the ship. Many of the tables had been toppled over and there was a large open area in the center of the room. Standing there was two pirates and one of them was holding the girl Tyler had spilled food on. The other man was overweight and was wearing a large hat and a mask of a perfectly white face. There were also three Pokemon in the room. There was a small blue clam and a small white humanoid with green hair, that were both knocked out. The other Pokemon was a long snake with long pink hair and eyebrows. The back half of the body had blue and pink scales all along it. There were also four fan-like scales sticking out of the end of the tail. It was obviously the reason the other Pokemon were knocked out.

“Let her go!” Tyler shouted, running into the room. Both men and the girl turned to look at him. The man holding the girl looked slightly afraid of the newcomer, the girl looked as though she was doomed, and the man with the mask had an unreadable, fake face.

“Get out of here!” the girl yelled, “You’re no match for him!”

“No!” The masked man said, “Stay and battle me!”

“I was planning on doing that!” Tyler said. Cyndaquil was now in front of him, ready to battle.

“Well then, I, Captain Feebas, shall crush you!” The masked man said, “Milotic, knock out that weak fire Pokemon!” The serpent, Milotic, moved forward extremely fast and shot a stream of high powered water from its mouth. Cyndaquil was hit by the attack and flew across the room, crashing through a table.

“No!” Tyler said returning his Pokemon.

“I can see you still have more Pokemon!” Captain Feebas said, “Release their fury against me!”

Tyler reached down and pulled of Scyther’s Pokeball and threw it into the air. Scyther appeared and took his fighting stance.

“Use Fury Cutter!” Tyler yelled. Scyther ran forward ready to slash the opposing Pokemon with its scythes.

“Hit it with an Ice Beam!” the captain responded. Milotic moved slightly and shot a beam of icy air at Scyther. Scyther jumped over the attack at continued to slash the serpent repeatedly.

“Wrap that abomination!” Captain Feebas said to his Pokemon. Milotic quickly wrapped itself around Scyther, making sure its scythes were pressed up against its own chest.

“Scyther get out of it!” Tyler yelled to his Pokemon.

“Use another Ice Beam, please,” Captain Feebas said to Milotic. Milotic complied once again and knocked out Scyther. “You still have one more,” the masked man said, while Tyler returned his fainted Pokemon. Tyler sent out his last Pokemon, Porygon.

This is the last chance I have, Tyler thought.

“Milotic, use an Aqua Tail on that floating box of a Pokemon,” Captain Feebas said. Milotic moved forward preparing to attack Porygon with its tail.

“Porygon, use Agility and then use your new attack!” Tyler yelled. Porygon spun in place, using Agility, and then zoomed out of the way, just as Milotic smashed that spot with its attack. It then spun around and released a mixed beam of flashing red and blue energy. The attack hit Milotic just as it spun around and shot it backwards a few feet.

“Wrap that thing!” Captain Feebas said stepping forward. Milotic moved forward, but Porygon was behind it before it could attack.

“Use your Psybeam!” Tyler said. Porygon launched its attack sending Milotic flying backward into its Trainer. Both of them crashed backward into a table, splintering it. Milotic was obviously defeated. As the man stood up, Tyler gasped. Both the hat and the mask had been knocked off and the face was revealed. The man had a range of nasty scars that mutated the figures of his face along with an obviously blind left eye. His nose was missing a large chunk and he was missing half of his teeth.

“What happened to you?” Tyler found himself asking.

“Why do you think they call me Captain ‘Feebas’,” he said returning his Pokemon, “Since you actually beat me, I will tell you what happened. I used to be a famous Pokemon Contest competitor. But then seven years ago I was attacked by an angry Sharpedo. The scars scared away everybody at the contests so I stopped entering. A year after that I acquired my ship and I got a crew and we have gone around stealing peoples Pokemon and other costly things.”

“That’s horrible,” Tyler said. By this time, the captain had put his mask and hat back on.

He then turned to his pirate and said, “Release her, we’re leaving.”

”But Captain, you still have five more Pokemon,” the pirate said, keeping his hold on the girl.

“I know, but I have grown bored of this,” He then turned back to Tyler, “Don’t try to stop me. I do still have five more Pokemon and I could beat you quite easily.” He then turned and walked toward the entrance to the restaurant. The other pirate dropped the girl and ran after his captain.

After they had exited the room, Tyler turned and walked over to the girl and extended his arm to her, “Can I help you up?”

“Yes,” she replied, taking his hand and pulling herself up. She then proceeded to return her own Pokemon, “Your name is Tyler, right?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Thank you for that. My name is Jessica,” She said, “I was being chased by that pirate and he cornered me in here. I beat him quite easily but, when Feebas arrived, I was overwhelmed. They were about to take my Pokeballs when you arrived.”

“I’m glad I got here when I did,” Tyler said and then walked toward the door, “We should go see if anyone needs any help.”

When they got outside of the room they realized that the Pirates had all fled back to there own ship. The ship soon departed and work started on rebuilding the destroyed part of the ship. Thankfully, the engines hadn’t been hit, so they could continue on to Canalave City in the Sinnoh Region. Tyler was given a new room because his was now rubble. Fortunately, his bag hadn’t been harmed. It contained all of his items. The next morning, when he woke up, the destroyed part of the ship was completely rebuilt. He heard from a sailor that they had had this kind of experience before, so they knew what to do.

Tyler also met up Jessica and got introduced to her Pokemon, Clampearl and Ralts. He also found out that she was from the Hoenn Region and she was going to visit her aunt and uncle in Floraroma Town of the Sinnoh Region. He told her about what he was planning to do, the gym challenge. He was planning to go around the Sinnoh Region challenging all of the Gyms he came across until he could challenge the Elite Four. They went on and they decided that Tyler would go along with Jessica, saying it was smarter to travel together than separately. Two days later, it was announced that the Sinnoh Region was in sight.

“Here we go,” Jessica said as they leaned over the railing, looking at the landmass they were heading to, “Time to start this adventure.”

To be continued...
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My standard comment goes here. I love detail. I love writing it, and I love reading it. You never actually describe Jessica much, nor is your battle particularly interesting from a writing standpoint. This isn't a Gameboy game. You can do a LOT more with writing than you can in the GB games. Use the freedom, and put some expression into your battles, your dialogue, and your action. Just adding in a couple sentences per paragraph would make the writing more interesting.

That being said, you've come a LONG way from the first chapter. I'm impressed with the progress here, and I can only hope you continue improving your writing style to create something truly unique and special.
^And what are the other best ones? It's gotten alot better since chapter 1. Your chapter 1 is better then my chapter 1. Still need a little more detail, and I'm wondering why you capitalized the first letter in "pirates". And it does get a little old seeing the same thing over and over. Example. "Captain Feebas said." You used it so many times I'm beginning to wonder if "Captain Feebas said" is a new variation on "Simon Says". Try to use a little variety. *Looks at RQO for example*
Blah... This chapter is boring Anyway I will be putting a description of Jessica in the story soon. (Don't know how I forgot that...)

Chapter Four

Canalave City- Sinnoh Region

As the ship put down the ramp to the pier, the riders of the ship exited. Tyler and Jessica found themselves jostled and bumped by everyone around them. As soon as they cleared the crowds, they headed for the Pokemon center of the town.

“Excuse me,” Tyler said the nurse at the front desk.

“Yes, may I help you?” she said looking up from her book.

“Yeah, I’d like to get signed up for the gym challenge,” Tyler said.

“Of course,” she said as she pulled a thick stack of papers from under the desk, “If you could fill these out, I can give you your Trainer Card.”

“Great,” he mumbled as he headed back to the table Jessica was sitting at, “Just look at all of this paperwork!”

“I had to fill it out when I became a Trainer, too,” Jessica said as the papers thudded onto the table, “They just want to make sure you know what you are doing when you sign up.”

“It still doesn’t make it any less time consuming,” Tyler said as he started on the first page.

“Done!” Tyler exclaimed as he dropped the pencil down. He was pretty sure his hand would be cramped in the same position for the few weeks at the least.

“It only took you half an hour,” Jessica said, glancing at the clock.
Tyler got up and took the papers back to the nurse. She then filled out a few things on her computer and then printed off his Trainer Card. It had a picture of him and also his information. Along the bottom, there were eight differently shaped indents.

“That is where you put your badges after you beat their gym,” the nurse said when he had asked.

"Hey, you look good in that picture,” Jessica said looking over his shoulder, “My picture looks horrible.”

“I actually am a partial photographer,” Tyler explained, “I have actually figured the perfect way to have your picture taken.”

“Wow you should tell me how,” Jessica said, impressed. So he did, as they exited the Center. From there he actually did take her picture and she thought his advice actually helped. After that he took pictures of both of her Pokemon. They then headed for the town’s gym.

“You know,” Jessica said as they entered the doors, “I think that this gym leader is actually one of the harder gym leaders.”

“Why do you say that?” Tyler said turning to look at Jessica.

“Oh, maybe it’s the incredibly intense fight going over there,” she said sarcastically, pointed to the center of the room. There, inside the regulation white lines, a large four legged gray and brown Pokemon with a large, almost flat head blocked the attack of a fat gray feline. The feline jumped away from the other Pokemon and ran around to its opponents back. The other Pokemon was obviously slow and couldn’t avoid getting hit by the claw attack the other Pokemon released. Strangely, the larger Pokemon didn’t seem to very hurt by the attack. It then jumped a couple inches into the air slammed the ground incredibly hard. As it landed, the earth shook all over the field of battle and the cat Pokemon was knocked off of its feet, majorly hurt. The larger Pokemon then charged it and knocked it flying into the wall, utterly knocked out.

“Challenger loses, Gym Leader wins,” the judge yelled aloud. The two fighters returned their Pokemon and shook hands. The loser left, passing Tyler and Jessica on his way. He was clearly sad about his loss. The other man walked over to a bench and sat down.

He was an older man with plenty of wrinkles and gray, ragged hair. Tyler saw him pick up a mug sitting on the bench and watched him drink. It was most likely a tea.

“Are you gonna challenge him, or are you going to chicken out?” Jessica said prodding Tyler in back.

“Yeah, I am,” he said trying to be brave, unfortunately it had come out as weak and scared as he was feeling. He then walked over to the man. The man looked up and saw Tyler.

“I am guessing you wish to challenge me?” he said before Tyler could say anything, “Well, I’m sorry, but you will have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Why,” Jessica said, suddenly beside Tyler.

He smiled and said, “I am an old man and too much battling can get tire me out incredibly quickly nowadays.”

“Oh,” Tyler said, “Ok, we can come back tomorrow.”

“What is your name?” he asked, “That way I will remember to challenge tomorrow, and not someone else.”

“My name is Tyler Raive and this is Jessica White.” Tyler said.

“Ok then Tyler, I will see you tomorrow,” He said rising, “By the way I am Gym Leader Byron.” With that Byron walked to a door in the back wall and disappeared inside of it.

“Hmmm,” Jessica said as they exited the Gym, “What are we going to do now?”

“We could always explore the town,” Tyler suggested.

“Or you could train your Pokemon,” Jessica said turning toward the beach, “I’m sorry but your Pokemon would never stand up to his.”
Tyler figured that she was right and followed her. At the beach, they trained their Pokemon long and hard. Jessica said that she was training hers so that she wouldn’t be so helpless next time. Tyler focused on Cyndaquil because he was definitely the weakest of his three Pokemon.

The next morning, they got up and ate breakfast in the Center. After that, they headed to the Pokemon Gym.

“You are here early,” Byron said as they entered the gym, “Most people wait at least until they have eaten their lunches.

“Truth is,” Jessica said, “Tyler couldn’t sleep much at all last night.”

“Well, all the sooner for you to see if you can win.”

Tyler and Byron walked to either side of the battle field. From there the judge called out the rules.

“Each competitor may use three Pokemon during this match. The Gym leader is not allowed to switch Pokemon in the middle of the battle, but the challenger is allowed. You may both send out your first Pokemon.”

“I will choose Bastiodon,” Byron said sending out his Pokemon.

That’s the same Pokemon as yesterday, Tyler thought, It will be steel-rock type.

Tyler had checked what type it was in the battle the day before.

“I choose Cyndaquil!” Tyler said sending out his Pokemon.

“Bastiodon, use Take Down!” Byron said and his Pokemon moved forward, gaining speed as it went.

“Cyndaquil use Smokescreen!” Tyler said. Cyndaquil blew smoke from its back and clouded up the area around him. Bastiodon was not put off, and charged strait through it and smashed into Cyndaquil who flew out of the smoke and across the floor.

“Cyndaquil is out of bounds,” the Judge proclaimed, “Cyndaquil has been disqualified from the battle. Challenger must choose his second Pokemon.”

Great, Tyler thought, My best bet at beating his steel type Pokemon is disqualified. “Go Scyther!” Tyler said as he sent out his second Pokemon. Scyther jumped into its attack pose, ready for the battle. “Use slash!”

“Bastiodon, use your Ancient Power,” Byron said calmly. Bastiodon did nothing as he was slashed repeatedly by Scyther. He then began to glow, and sections of the rocky ground around tore themselves free and hovered there before they all went flying at Scyther.

“Dodge it!” Tyler yelled desperately. Scyther tried but he couldn’t dodge all of the shots and he soon fell under a mountain of rocks.

“Scyther is unconscious, the Challenger must choose their next Pokemon for the battle,” the judge called.

This is definitely not going good, Tyler thought, I only have one more Pokemon and he still has all three of his!

“Go Porygon!” Tyler yelled releasing his last Pokemon, “Use Psybeam!”
Porygon appeared and instantly shot a beam of purple energy at the Bastiodon. Bastiodon didn’t move as it was bombarded by the attack.

“Use earthquake!” the gym leader yelled to his Pokemon. Bastiodon jumped up in the air, just like the day before, and smashed back down sending shockwaves through the ground. A chunk of rock launched its self through the air and smashed into Porygon, damaging it.

“Porygon! Use Magnet Rise!” Tyler shouted. Duh, Porygon be hit by ground type attacks even though it is above the ground until it uses Magnet Rise.
Porygon flew up a few feet in the air and then dropped back down.

“Now use Signal Beam!” Porygon flew to the side of the enemy and launched a beam of color at Bastiodon’s back. Once again, Bastiodon seemed to be mostly unaffected by the attack.

“Finish it off with your Ancient Power, Bastiodon,” Byron called calmly. Bastiodon complied by raising more chunks of rock from the ground and launched them at Porygon. Porygon was also knocked out by the attack, just like Scyther.

“Porygon is unable to battle; Gym Leader Byron wins the match.”

“Good try,” Byron said as returned his Pokemon, “But this your first Gym battle, is it not?”

“Yeah, it is,” Tyler said looking down at the ground.

“Maybe you should try one of the easier gyms instead of the third hardest of the Region?”

“I thought you were the first Gym,” Tyler said, now confused.
Byron laughed and said, “You’re not from this region are you?”

“No, I’m from the Kanto Region, and I came here to go on my own adventure.”

“I sort of suspected so from the look of your Pokemon,” Byron said walking over to the same bench as the day before, “You should try the Gym in Oreburgh City. My son is the Gym Leader there and is much easier than I am. Either that or go to Eterna City and battle the Gym there. They are both rather easy.”

“Thanks I’ll try them out,” Tyler said.

“You know, I’m pretty sure I told that that Gym looked pretty tough, but of course, you didn’t listen,” Jessica said as they exited the Gym, “So what are you going to do now?”

“I was planning on heading to Eterna City,” Tyler said pulling out his Town Map, “It’s the fastest route in the same direction to your aunt and uncle’s house.”
“I guess that is true,” Jessica said, looking at the map, “You know, it is pretty early, so we could head out later today.”

“Yeah, I think your right,” Tyler said heading in the direction of the Pokemon Center, “But first I want to heal my Pokemon.”

Fifteen minutes later, Tyler and Jessica crossed the border between the town and Route 216. Then, five minutes later, they ran into their first wild Pokemon they had seen in the Sinnoh Region.


“Yeah, I know”

Sitting in the middle of the path was a small blue slug.

“That thing is not the kind of thing I would want to catch to even save my own life,” Jessica said leaning down to get a better look at, “It’s probably the easiest thing to catch around here anyways.”

“Good thing we don’t have to catch every single wild Pokemon we run into.”

“Aren’t you going to at least see what it is?” Jessica asked him, straitening back up.

“I guess,” Tyler said, pulling out his Pokedex.

“Shellos, the Sea Slug Pokemon, this Pokemon’s shape and color change depending on where it lives,” the Pokedex rattled off, when pointed at Shellos.

“Well, now we know what is and we can avoid it for the rest of eternity,” Tyler said putting the Pokedex back into his bag. As he did so, a Pokeball slipped out of the bag and rolled across the ground and touched the Shellos. Instantly the Shellos was turned into red energy and absorbed into the Pokeball. The ball twitched once, and was still. Tyler and Jessica looked down at the Pokeball, looking stupid. Jessica broke silence by laughing aloud.

“Hey!” Tyler yelled at her, “It’s not that funny!”

“Yes it is!” She laughed. Tyler grumbled and picked up his new Pokemon. He was pretty sure he was never going to use it.

“Let’s get going,” he grumbled, and started walking off, Jessica following, still laughing.

To be continued...


Also, for a Thanksgiving suprise, I am posting the picture of Salasteel and two upcoming Pokemon on Deviant Art. Follow the link below to get a sneek peek of next Chapter newbie Pokemon...
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