Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Trainer's Choice: Dragonite!


Front Page News Editor<br>Forum Moderator

Here we have an old school favorite with some new tricks up it's sleeves to remain in the battle that can dish out some KO's for the person who is brave enough to train this awesome beast.

Being the original monster Dragon/Flying type- it had little competition and was a beast until newer Dragons arrived later on in the series that stole this Dragon's spotlight for quite some time. Well- it is back, and this is a great way to get this Dragon back out there to show it can still be the beast among the other greats!

First of all, lets take a quick look at what this Pokémon has for it's Base stats:

Hit Point: 91 Max: 386
Attack: 134 Max: 403
Defense: 95 Max: 317
Special Attack: 100 Max: 328
Special Defense: 100 Max: 328
Speed: 80 Max: 284

Standard: Inner Focus (Dragonite can not flinch)
Dream World: Multi-scale (Reduces damage done to Dragonite by 50% if Dragonite is at Full Hit Points)

Preferred Build: Singles

Nature: Adamant or Jolly will work, your choice on this one.

Hold Item: Lum Berry (cures status inflictions)

Effort Points spread: 252 in Attack, 4 in Special Defense, then 252 in Speed

Ability: Multi-scale

Move Set:

Dragon Dance: This will boost the Attack and Speed Stat up by one level. Pump up time!

Outrage: This is the most powerfully physical STAB Dragon Type move in the game. Although Dragonite gets locked into this move for up to 3 turns and becomes Confused after it has run it's course- the results can be very devastating to anything that can not resist this attack. Use Dragon Dance once, and this attack will make opposing Pokémon wish that Dragonite never took lessons from Kevin Tancharoen. Brutal, pure brutishness is given to any Pokémon on the receiving end of this attack. It has been said that you can feel this attack hit the back of your 3DS! (OK, not really- :tongue:)

Roost: This is a great healing move to restore your Hit Points back to full health to get full use of the Multi-scale ability.

Sky Drop: Hits for STAB. Also great if you do not need to use Outrage right away. Grass and Fighting types will take serious damage from this, even OHKO's after using Dragon Dance.

Strategy for Singles for this build:

Multi-scale will help you take a hit and allow you to use Dragon Dance on the first turn. The Lum Berry is there to keep any first turn status inflictions like Thunder wave or Spore from the opposing Pokémon so you do not risk losing the Dragon Dance effect right away. If you do not get a status infliction, Outrage will cause your Dragonite Confusion infliction when Outrage has completed it's course. Lum Berry fixes this so you can continue to rage on in the battle. Sky Drop is great if you do not need to Outrage on turn 2 after using Dragon Dance. Roost when you need to, as sometimes you need that Full health to reset Multi-scale. Try to look for times to get in more then one dragon Dance, if you can, stock up on Dragon Dance to become even more power full. This build works well in the Battle Subway challenge, so in the Singles make sure to have your other 2 Pokémon built to take on What Dragonite can't handle all that great and can switch in to relieve Dragonite and find a way to allow Dragonite to switch back in and set up with Dragon Dance.

Some Pokémon that will give Dragonite a hard time are strong Steel type Pokémon. A high powered Ice attack/ special attack could give Dragonite some serious trouble, but Multi-scale you have a chance to survive and after Dragon Dancing- you can counter attack and hopefully KO the Ice user with a boosted Outrage assault.

So- how would you build Dragonite for battle?
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Just remember kiddies, Sky Drop is normally illegal for use in the official tournaments and on GBU. If you have any complaints, blame Gravity :tongue:
Dragonite has surprising Special prowess as well. Try arming it with Choice Specs, pairing it with Politoed, and using the moveset Hurricane, Draco Meteor, Surf, and Thunder.