Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

UmbreChomp: A new partner for Eevee

IMO 2-2 Umbron paired with somethign with a little more synergy would be the better play. I think Umbreon is a better tech than anything else.
I too have to question the matchup analysis.

So, just to be clear, this has a favorable matchup to the top 4 decks (even at worst), yet, this isn't T1 and didn't dominate BR?

Also, how does Umbreon wall Luxchomp? The basics can still attack and both Luxray and Garchomp can attack Pokemon that aren't Umbreon. And, given the rise in Blaziken popularity lately, it may be very common to have +40 damage done by attacks from basics in this deck.
When I saw "EeveeChomp", I though it was SP variant and had no synergy whatsoever. I was mistaken.
Beautiful, Kevin. Just beautiful.
People are still in the SP mentality. To be brutally honest SP's are far from gods, and people are making them out to be. Many decks have answers to them and they will be weakened in the new rules so.

In my opinion this deck can work, but I dont like garchomp. I know there is a reason for it but vileplume with umbreon can easily shut down most decks as well.

decent deck and good leaping point.
i sorta have to disagree with the luxchomp matchup cuz luxchomp runs lucario now (because of gyara) so dragon rush a chomp OHKO
People are still in the SP mentality. To be brutally honest SP's are far from gods, and people are making them out to be. Many decks have answers to them and they will be weakened in the new rules so.

In my opinion this deck can work, but I dont like garchomp. I know there is a reason for it but vileplume with umbreon can easily shut down most decks as well.

decent deck and good leaping point.

How are SPs hurt by the new rulings?
Yo Kevin, Im really happy for you.
Imma let you finish, but Regigigas had one of the best games against this deck of all time!
So, if you could just put..
"CURRENTLY, 100-0 In Regigigas's favor, because Matt Thomas is amazing with Regigigas."
That'd be great.
Nice article by the way. Another front pager.
People are still in the SP mentality. To be brutally honest SP's are far from gods, and people are making them out to be. Many decks have answers to them and they will be weakened in the new rules so.

In my opinion this deck can work, but I dont like garchomp. I know there is a reason for it but vileplume with umbreon can easily shut down most decks as well.

decent deck and good leaping point.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that sees this. I'm personally very sick of others thinking that SPs will rule so long as they exist. I'm even more sick of people thinking that Eeveelutions suck just because they're not as broken as the EX versions were (specifically Eevee UF's Energy Evolution power and Umbreon ex's "Gust-of-Wind" style power), which is why I bow my heads to people that think outside of the SP-mentality and unoriginality when thinking of new decks to run, especially when it involves underated cards like Umbreon UD and Garchomp SV. I myself, being the Eeveelution freak that I am, find the challange of building such a deck to be part of what makes the TCG so fun and enjoyable.

But that's not what this topic is about.

Concerning the deck article, it's an interesting idea. I do see the synergy between these two, even if it isn't immediately noticable or all that great. Umbreon UD is the wall of the deck and it can attack early, which is why it tends to be the "main attacker." However, a smart opponent, usually a Luxchomp/Dialgachomp/Blazechomp/Whatever-Chomp copier (no offense to anyone that runs any of those... I'm just sick of seeing it, and I'm sure many others are as well...), will attempt to use the normal versions of their SP pokemon to damage Umbreon. They only have 80 HP, and it's very rare to see them with three energy, if ever. That's where Garchomp can pick up the slack, as even if the Defending pokemon has two energies (or even the non-existant three energies if Garchomp has a belt), Speed Impact will deal 80 damage, thus KOing most/all commonly used normal version SP pokemon.

This idea reminds me a lot of the Machamp SF and Umbreon UD idea that won a select few BRs, and I believe that this Garchomp/Umbreon idea is very similiar. It's designed to have their big stage 2 handle one end of the metagame while Umbreon handles the other, each of them countering their counters.

While, it's nice in theory, I believe that this Garchomp/Umbreon idea is not up to par in actually play. The reality is that Luxchomp is a top tier deck not only because of its speed, but because of its disruption abaility, specifically its method of hitting the bench, whether it be by Dragon Rush, or Bright Looking a pokemon out. Therefore, Umbreon UD will struggle to be any assistance, while Garchomp must single-.... err... claw'd... fight off a next to endless army of SP pokemon. Granted, in most cases, your opponent can't one-shot Garchomp unless they drop a Lucario GL + Dragon Rush, but then again, aside from Garchomp C and its Lv X, you can't one-shot them back in their Lv X forms. So it's even, you say? Not quite. The problem is you're losing a lot of resources while the opponent is losing very little. You might have some matches in your favor if it were active pokemon versus active pokemon, but that isn't what Luxchomp is designed for. Machamp/Umbreon had a stronger matchup here because of the easily accessable Take Out attack to handle the SPs while Espeon Prime + Umbreon UD handled annoying Toxicroak G (non-promo) techs that would try raining in on Machamp's parade.

However, the one thing that Machamp/Umbreon had difficulty with was non-SP/non-Arceus match-ups because unless you got lucky with a Machamp donk early game, unless you went kamikazi with the suicidal Machamp Lv X or dedicated four energy (and that's a lot of resources, even with a DCE for a mere 60 damage), Machamp had no real attack options. The whole stage 2 line would be next to dead, while Umbreon could only do mediocre damage with Moonlight Fange at best. Because of this, it failed to Gyarados most of the time. That's where Garchomp SV shines, but it will still be tough due to the support that Triumphant gave it. Rescue Energy just gives Gyarados one more annoying recovery option and it will sadly weaken Garchomp in the process due to the energy attachment. Umbreon UD is dead because Gyarados has no power or body.

I see a BIG problem with T-Tar matchups. Just about everything that Garchomp/Umbreon hates to see... can and WILL happen in T-Tar. Massive 4-energy count means Speed Impact hits for only 40 damage (60 with EB), which can't even 2HKO T-Tar, and Umbreon once again can't wall it due to no powers or bodies present, and even if it could wall it, Power Claw plows through it.

Overall, I always love seeing rogue deck articles like this. It's always a good reminder to everyone that top tier decks won't remain in the spotlight forever. There's always a constant threat so long as new cards come out for rogue-deck builders to utilize for their element of surprise. Garchomp/Umbreon could possibly work, but it faces a few critical problems that need to be addressed before it can share that spotlight with the other top tier decks. How do you solve that? Well, I don't know, myself, yet, but that's also the joy of trying new decks. After bleeding every brain in your head for a solution, you can usually find the rewarding answer.

Don't be discouraged by the nay-sayers. As long as you cling to the idea like all rogue-deck builders do, the time will inevitably come will they may have to eat their own words. Besides, even if it isn't top-tier, this is a game. If you're not having fun, what's the point of even playing?

PS - Pardon the massive wall of text.
good idea

this is a great idea the only draw back is
a. there are a lot faster decks umbreon can be played in example of one is a good sp line.
b. there are a lot of ok fighting pokes out there than can one shot the guy off the board.

again it is a great card. my son won 5 stright battle rds using this as a tech only lossing one game so far for the season and that was due to a good coin flip on fainting spell. it totally kills donphan and vilgar but looks week when playing g-dos. the chomp is good too because of the lack of x2 weekness but is a stage 2 poke that takes time to build. good luck with the idea and good luck at cities!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Been reading these articles for about three days, and this one is kind of outrageous. Love the deck idea, Been working on something along these lines myself, but good lord. Everyone seems to want to shoot it down out of the starting gate >_> C'mon guys, All of your decks had to start somewhere, cut the guy a break.
Wow, Been reading these articles for about three days, and this one is kind of outrageous. Love the deck idea, Been working on something along these lines myself, but good lord. Everyone seems to want to shoot it down out of the starting gate >_> C'mon guys, All of your decks had to start somewhere, cut the guy a break.

people just like to bash nearly anything that isn't a boring top tier deck.
Good article and good deck! I'm running it and i works fine so far. I've 1st round donked people 4 times because of sableye and 1 special dark start.