Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

WON a prep tourny


New Member
k so this is to prepare for reganals and me and my friends have a good gangchamp deck, so we are trying to make everyone think that SP decks are good so then we beat them all with our good decks. So we all play dialga/palkia G decks

Round one Spencer:leafeon shaymin
he really was going to play dialga/palkia but he couldn't get the cards so he had to play this.
I go first and with a crobat I T2 his eevee with my palkia or dialga I forget
from that I just use both palkia and dialga to kill the rest of his setup

Round 2:cor/dialga/toxitank tech
well I have to play one of my friends again and I think Im going to lose
he go'se first and that really changed the game, I got the T1 defain lock and that hurt him, for the rest of the game he used that and that messed my setup but I was able to stay a prize a head of him the hole game because when he finished me with remove lost I used all the trainers I needed to get setup, that and palkia G lv.Xs attack kept me going till I had one prize to his 3, then I started to run out of stuff, 3 tails on quarry stoped me from defaining him but with a poketurn I was able to stay in the lead untill time was called. GG, if we had more time you would have won

Round 3: Jack/dialga/palkia G
OMG therd friend I play today
k, so my deck is like 4 cards of his deck so its a good mirror
I cant remember the begining but I do remember him defain stall for a bit and that almost killed me,
In the end I was able to beat him by the fact he had his bench full of uxies and other useless stuff and couldn't set up late game.GG

Final round and we dont have top cut so whoever wins wins it all and the lose comes secound

Round 4 lorence:electivire/richu/magnezone
this is a really random deck but wins because of stupid electivire lv.Xs attack and my weakness
I get a grate start T2ing with palkia spread, he only have an electiver left and he draws electivire lv.x, the only card that could save him!! He ko's me and now Im thinking Im going to lose because I like havin't drawn an energy. After sacking 4 pokemon I get set up and now it gets really intence, after I start power locking him he isn't doing well and after I KO the elective lv.X thats almost game, he gets magnezone lv.X and pzys me but I warp send up palkia lv up energy then use galactic swith to get a thrid energy on and with energy gain I use palkia g lv.X to ko a baltoy.GG
4-0 yay I win!

poketurn, best card ever

bad packs
stupid lorence lucksack
someone that I know being a real %^$*