The PokeGym News

Lost Origin FAQ

POKEMON ABILITIES: == HAZARD STAR (Drapion VSTAR – SW:Lost Origin)Q. If I use Drapion VSTAR’s “Hazard Star” VSTAR Ability to poison my opponent’s Pokemon with 3 damage counters during Pokemon Checkup, and I have...

Brilliant Stars FAQ

ERRATA: == SONIC SLIP (Garchomp – SW:Brilliant Stars) The original intention of this Ability was to provide protection only from the opponent’s attacks, not from your own. The new text will say, “When you...

Fusion Strike FAQ

Prereleases start this weekend for Sword & Shield’s 8th set, Fusion Strike. Below find the FAQ rulings and at the bottom is a PDF version for your convenience. POKEMON ABILITIES: == CURSED SHIMMER (Chandelure...

Evolving Skies FAQ

Here are the FAQs for the new Pokemon set. Prereleases run from August 14 2021 through August 22 2021. POKEMON ABILITIES: == DEW GUARD (Milotic – SW:Evolving Skies) Q. Does Milotic’s “Dew Guard” Ability...

Chilling Reign FAQ

Pokemon Judges, Organizers and Players, here are the Chilling Reign FAQs for use during non official tournaments held during the Prerelease Period. Remember, be safe and follow local pandemic guidelines!Wear masks as appropriate!Note that...