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Author Topic: Dark Ampharos: Doomed to Fail or Just Misunderstood?

Member # 55731

posted October 13, 2002 12:14 PM      Profile for bombasticlovegirl   Email bombasticlovegirl    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
(Hey everybody, since my posts including and encouraging debates are going strong I figured I'd keep up the trend and get everybody's gears turning about some cards and deck ideas that get overlooked in the game to see what people really think about them. So here's another one for ya!)

Ampharos was one of the newer Pokemon introduced in addition to the first 151 Pokemon released for GameBoy and the Trading Card Game. The Neo Genesis version was a very stable card that allowed a quick powered up basic in Mareep, a steady stage 1 with Flaafy and a cheap bench hitting and possibly paralyzing attack with Gigaspark in Ampharos.

The tradition of stable Ampharos' continued with Neo Revelation in which a 90 HP version was released with an attack that surges energy onto your lightning pokemon and another attack that hinges on either big damage or decent damage and paralysis.

The most recently released Ampharos for the Expedition set even shows some beginning potential as players new and old are scrambling to unlock some uses of it's power that allows you to send energy from your bench to active as much as you'd like.

But one of these Ampharos just haven't gotten the buzz that the others have and that's Dark Ampharos from Neo Destiny. I myself, fell in love with the card instantly when I saw it previewed on a Pokemon site and then when I received the card at the New Jersey stadium challenge I was smitten. The card seemed like it had so much potential, take a look at it's stats:

Dark Ampharos 70 HP
Pokemon Power: Conductivity
Whenever your opponent attaches an energy card from his or her hand to one of their Pokemon, this power does 10 damage to that Pokemon. Don't apply weakness or resistance. If more than one Dark Ampharos is in play this power stops working, this power also stops working if Dark Ampharos is affected by a Speical Condition.
CCL: Shock Blast (50)-Discard all lightning energy attached to this Pokemon or this attack does nothing.
Retreat: CC Weakness-Fighting

Since I first stumbled upon this card I have went through 5 drafts of this deck, bouncing from modified ideas, to new modified ideas, to even reverting to standard rules to get the card to work and I just can't! One judge at GenCon even helped me throw a deck together the best we could and it failed horribly. I have yet to get the deck to work on a steady basis and everybody else seems to agree the card does good things, they just don't believe it can be put to use. Kinda like the saying "The thought of you was better than the reality of you" is coming into play now.

So what's your take on this card, a good card that needs its secrets unlocked by the right player or a card doomed to fail from the get go? Let me know what you think guys, and keep the good comments coming [Smile] BLG

Archetypes suck and will be destroyed, those of you not bright enough to make your own decks don't deserve your victories and aren't worthy of my admiration or respect...anyone else of course with neurons to build their own deck can be my friend and partner in crime. Hahaha :)

From: South Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 73689

posted October 13, 2002 02:32 PM      Profile for Porygone3      Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
you nead pro oak's reserch, pokemon breader, (dont waste time with the stage below) Dark engery times 4 and lighting- now- get 2 dark on the guy, and a lighting, or even recycle engery, whatever, that is if he is attacking, otherwise he is a bench warmer- but no good with out: engery removal2 and though wave machine. If your gonna punnish em for engery, use Dark Espion or the E card Mew that will hurt em in 2 ways, and Mew eats right through mettal engery.. (because it does Dammage counters, not dammage.) now when they attach an engery- ow, and when you play your engery removal2 trainer card... ow.. or if nead be a thought wave maching if the active is fully pumped (better have a baby or large stall waiting - ie a Chancey thats readdy to evolve to Blissy if neaded- anther forgoten combo?)
Some ideas for ya.

Erica total 24, thats right, 24.
Dunsprace total 41.
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I almost beat the record in Hold Down hip hop. I got 2000 or so in Kinglers day. I got 7 in Rapadash's dash. Butterfree's Flower Power 4700. 123 In Jumping Dodoro. My all foil deck is finished.

"I've got floating engery."
"I've got counter productive Powers."

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John Kulp
Member # 64111

posted October 13, 2002 02:57 PM      Profile for John Kulp   Email John Kulp    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
Interesting. But I'm with you 100%. I fell in love with the evil "cutie"(to quote Misty)when I got Destiny. Deadly power,mallable attack. Finally Rocket fans all over have been waiting for this-A Stage 2 Elec that is affliated with the Rocket Dan and like its true prefix just as evil. Just keep some E Retrievals handy if you attack with it. Not sure about Mod but a real menace in Unlimited. If you want some real fun,throw in some Rocket's Zapdos and Rocket's Training Gym. Once you think it through it is a very deadly combo. [Devilish] Not to mention what else you throw in. Believe me I know where I speak.

[ October 13, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: John Kulp ]

"And how dare they act like we're criminals? They should welcome Team Rocket."
-James(Epi 2)

"May the death of the world be upon each and every one of you."
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From: Pittsburgh,PA | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
John Kulp
Member # 64111

posted October 13, 2002 02:58 PM      Profile for John Kulp   Email John Kulp    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators

[ October 13, 2002, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: John Kulp ]

"And how dare they act like we're criminals? They should welcome Team Rocket."
-James(Epi 2)

"May the death of the world be upon each and every one of you."
-Ezekial Rage

"Ah,excellent! Feel the rage!"
-Professor Nanba(Epi 224)

From: Pittsburgh,PA | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
John Kulp
Member # 64111

posted October 13, 2002 02:59 PM      Profile for John Kulp   Email John Kulp    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators

[ October 13, 2002, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: John Kulp ]

"And how dare they act like we're criminals? They should welcome Team Rocket."
-James(Epi 2)

"May the death of the world be upon each and every one of you."
-Ezekial Rage

"Ah,excellent! Feel the rage!"
-Professor Nanba(Epi 224)

From: Pittsburgh,PA | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
Member # 840

posted October 13, 2002 03:11 PM      Profile for MetalDarkDitto   Email MetalDarkDitto    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
Ok, why in the world could you not figure out how to use Dark Amph?*sighs* I was wondering about this post when I saw it, and the madness of not knowing what to do with the Dark Amph truly scares me. A simple word describes what kind of deck he is used in:LockDown. The Amph is extremely mean in certain conditions, but it was one of the best in my lockdown deck that I took to North Carolina.(Amph and Slowking, need I say more?) Ne way, that deck took 2nd place down in NC in the 15+ division, so Dark Amph was a success in that kind of deck. So that is one of the best ways to use a Dark Amph.

In the Shadow of the night,the Legendary MetalDarkDitto will come out and destroy you all.
Why not me? I'm it's Trainer. So bow before me and hope I'll spare you.
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Member # 55731

posted October 14, 2002 04:29 PM      Profile for bombasticlovegirl   Email bombasticlovegirl    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
As for the last response, I wanted innovative responsea and I had asked people for their opinions on Dark Ampharos, not Slowking. If I wanted to make a Dark Ampharos/Slowking the topic of my discussion I would have but I didn't. I think it's very cheesy how everybody's answer to making a card good in a deck is to "Add Slowking" I'm not that scared of trainer cards to hide behind the King and if your future deck is that weak to trainers or you're just that scared then you have no business playing this game in the first place.

As for why this card is difficult to work with, with Modified there's just no real deck searching cards that get all the Darkness out there on the Ampharos. In Unlimited though, I had better luck with it than Modified though not by much. Like I said, it seems like one of those cards that would work wonders until you put it together and actually playtest, then the tears start to flow. Trust me on this [Smile]

Archetypes suck and will be destroyed, those of you not bright enough to make your own decks don't deserve your victories and aren't worthy of my admiration or respect...anyone else of course with neurons to build their own deck can be my friend and partner in crime. Hahaha :)

From: South Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
Sensei Nidoking
Member # 53444

posted October 14, 2002 04:55 PM      Profile for Sensei Nidoking      Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
Gosh, it's good to be back! I haven't been on since, like, mid-august! At any rate, I, too, was a bit puzzled when I first saw this article. Of course, now it makes much more sense. I have never in my life played in a modified format- "If you got the goods, use 'em!" that's what I say. Anyway, I play in an unlimited format, obviously, and I have a sneasel deck. Of course, for fear of being accused of the sin that is archetypes, I decided to give it a unique twist- lightning. I added some neo 3 ampharos, a rocket's zapz, some base set electabuzz, and 4 dark energy. Shortly after the set kicked off, I cracked open a pack of destiny and there was the dark sheep waiting for me. I looked it over, and I was inspired. It and my sneasel deck were made for each other. give the guy a lightning and 2 dark, you got 70 a turn and only have to discard one lightning energy. and, of course, there's the power. I always used this guy with pride- many a game I've won with a dark sheep, a rocket's hideout, 2 dark energy, and a charged sneasel ready in the wings. The card is amazing- the only thing I don't understand is why I don't see it more often. The power's good, the attack is really nice, if you can support it, and even the lower evolutions are great (don't diss dark flaaffy). Oh- this guy works particularly well with his expedition counterpart (first expedition rare! Believe that!)- transfer energies one at a time, and shock bolt 'em to death! Well, that's my 2 cents (exchange rates seem to be doing well...!). Laters.


-Also a proud player of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
-Discoverer of the Dark Omanyte Error (2/25/02)
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From: My computer, wondering why there's no avatar of a Nidoking | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged
Professor Warbuzz

Member # 60431

posted October 14, 2002 05:45 PM      Profile for Professor Warbuzz      Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
I understand what you mean when you say a Dark Ampy deck doesn't work as well when you playtest. It needs a back up hitter but the Flaffys are just not strong enough.

There are a few things that work against Dark Ampy in Modified though.

#1 Tyrogue plus Strength charm. Take you down with 70 damage in one hit. Tyrogue is all over the place now a days.

#2 Gold Berrys. Other Player will attach an energy on purpose to activate berries.

#3 Resistance to Lightning. A little kid with a Common/Uncommon Wooper/Quagsire deck can take you down with ease. [Blush]

WCSC2002 - Top 8 Professor Draft
Self-Proclamed - Master of Rogue Decks

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From: East Los Angeles, CA | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged

Member # 2104

posted October 14, 2002 07:30 PM      Profile for ShadowCard      Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
Do you like writing essays? You seem like you most likely are pretty good at it. anyway, Dark amphy is one that i've thought about. Basically, you want to build a deck around an energy lock theme. in modified, try energy removal2, in unlimited, go with super energy removals. You definitly want dark energies and hideout if you want to attack with it. double gust can help bring out the already damaged pokemon. elekid you'll also want. in a lightning deck, you are going to want the card, magnify. Fighting will run through dark amphy too fast for it to come out. If you don't like energy removal and you want to just plain scare the opponent, make the deck part psychic too and have energy reaction eevee. Include Dark espeon to really get to the pokemon your opponent is putting energy on. You can play light jolteon as back up.

"And there came a hero who said: Hurt not the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, nor the very fabric of time, but the hero would not prevail...nor would he surrender."

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Member # 158

posted October 15, 2002 05:24 AM      Profile for BJJ763   Email BJJ763    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
I have a deck with Dark Ampharos in it, along with NR Ampharos and i've been able to get Dark Ampharos out 2nd turn about 30% of the time (it's not a very good deck, needs help, maybe someday i'll post it). But i thought of this combo with Dark Ampharos - Dark Vaporeon. Add in ER2. Some Breeders and Boss's Way hopefully you'll get Dark Ampharos out turn 2. Then try to ER2 their Pokémon while building Dark Vaporeon to Whirlpool away any energy they do get down. The really bad thing about Dark Ampharos is Igglybuff, but maybe a Pichu with a Strength Charm will take care of it.....

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Member # 42359

posted October 15, 2002 10:18 AM      Profile for Otaku   Email Otaku    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
Originally posted by BJJ763:
I have a deck with Dark Ampharos in it, along with NR Ampharos and i've been able to get Dark Ampharos out 2nd turn about 30% of the time (it's not a very good deck, needs help, maybe someday i'll post it). But i thought of this combo with Dark Ampharos - Dark Vaporeon. Add in ER2. Some Breeders and Boss's Way hopefully you'll get Dark Ampharos out turn 2. Then try to ER2 their Pokémon while building Dark Vaporeon to Whirlpool away any energy they do get down. The really bad thing about Dark Ampharos is Igglybuff, but maybe a Pichu with a Strength Charm will take care of it.....

I wouldn't recommend the comboing Dark Ampharos with Dark Vaporeon. they really don't eed each other. Well, combo them ini separate decks for TMP. I have a fairly solid Dark vaporeon deck, and let me tell you, it needs to be the focus if you want to see its true power. If Drakeo ever pops-up you can ask him what its like when I can get a minimum of two Dark on it each game and either remove and Energy and fo 40 (of course, I need two water energy as well) or just bite for 50 (needing only one of any other energy). As for Dark Ampharos, you could combo it with Slowking, but its not going to help much. dark Ampharos problem isn't opposing Trainers (unless you try to just bench it the whole match), its Tyrogues. Which is why you combo it with some solid Fighting Resistance. Me, I think I'd go with Dodrio. Dark Amphy is much better with a free-retreat. [Evil Smirk] Pichu cna still come along as well, since Dodrio will just do more damage after a few good Zzaps. [Devilish] Maybe I'll make that (if apprentice every gets a new patch with Expedition on it).

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From: Iowa | Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged

Member # 55731

posted October 15, 2002 07:46 PM      Profile for bombasticlovegirl   Email bombasticlovegirl    Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
It was really cool to see that some people managed to get the Dark Ampharos card to work nicely, like I said it worked sometimes just not on a steady enough basis to warrant me using it over and over. I noticed some of you used the "trendy" overplayed cards like R. Zapdos and Sneasel to solve the problem which just wouldn't work for me. I can't stand either of those cards and I don't use them well anyways so those ideas are left for Muk to sit on...and as for Dark Espeon I love that idea I can't tell you how much! But I'm a dork and I have a really hard time running a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokemon together, I have yet to do it efficiently. I normally stick one stage 2 and a bunch of babies/basics or I'll do two stage 1's with a handful of babies or basics, it just works for me I don't know why [Smile] Maybe if I knew how to spread the cards out so the stage 1 and 2 could work well then I'd do's great to see you all aren't total naysayers of the Amphy, I figure I'll get inspired again one day and dust it off to try and make it work again haha [Razz]

Archetypes suck and will be destroyed, those of you not bright enough to make your own decks don't deserve your victories and aren't worthy of my admiration or respect...anyone else of course with neurons to build their own deck can be my friend and partner in crime. Hahaha :)

From: South Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
Professor Warbuzz

Member # 60431

posted October 16, 2002 10:54 AM      Profile for Professor Warbuzz      Edit/Delete Post Report This Thread to Moderators
I'm currently working on a low energy, high pokemon combo.

D.Amphrose / Crobat / D. Dragonair / +Babies

Works okay but it will work better once I add Expedition traniers.

WCSC2002 - Top 8 Professor Draft
Self-Proclamed - Master of Rogue Decks

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From: East Los Angeles, CA | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged

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