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Fall 2008 Set Rotation

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New Member
Hey guys, I checked the search feature but no results came up so forgive me if this has already been asked, BUT...... Does anyone know what sets will be "legal" when the new set rotation comes about in September? The TCG site released the info before worlds last year, but so far I haven't seen anything this year...

If this has already been answered in another thread that the search feature didn't pull up, or if I overlooked something on the OP site, could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks a bunch!
it should be revealed within a week, hopefully if the pattern still follows from the last 2 years.
Concentrate on the current season, why do we see 1000 threads for this same topic EVERY month. It's freaking ridiculous.
But this is senseless. Rhyperior will miss and Rhyperior lvl.X will be useless. I think it will be PK-on or DP-on. At worlds we will get to know, whether it will be PK, DP or MT-On.
MT would probably be the most logical choice. DP was pretty muchly worthless except for Infernape and Empoleon Lv. X, and there will be bigger and better decks by rotation time.
No they have done this over all the rotations

3 Sets (To RS-ON)
4 Sets (To HL-ON)
3 Sets (To DX-ON)
5 Sets (To HP-ON)

They won't get rid of DP because it has Basic Energies.

I'm guessing DP-On

"basic energies are legal regardless of them being printed in a modified set or not"

I'm pretty sure it will be DP-on, your logic was just stupid.
I'm sure they'll keep DP.
There are some cards like rhypherior and lucario who haven't been printed again and have their lv.X in other setx.
same here that would explain why a lot of mt supporters and trainers were reprinted in sw


Oh, we're not allowed cryptically brief replies now? Life herb was a reprint card people used to predict the rotation claiming it was reprinted so it stayed in. The logic didn't actually prove correct, to which I am paralleling your logic.
Concentrate on the current season, why do we see 1000 threads for this same topic EVERY month. It's freaking ridiculous.

1000 :eek: Wow , this thread should have been locked then with the 999 other duplicate threads....:rolleyes: :lol:

If i had to take a guess I think we will see the DP as to eliminate the old ex series only.
Much like everyone else, I expect that we'll go to DP-on next season. One possibility that I haven't heard anybody mention is if we stayed at HP-on, and Japan rotated so they were also HP-on, eliminating the disadvantage that Japanese players face when coming to Worlds. It would certainly be unprecedented for PUI to do that, and it's highly unlikely... but if anybody's listening, I'd certainly be up for another season of buying EX-series boosters. :tongue:
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DP was pretty muchly worthless except for Infernape and Empoleon Lv. X, and there will be bigger and better decks by rotation time.

No it wasn't. What did we play before MD empoleon and infernape? DP empoleon and infernape. Just because they have been over-looked now due to MD doesn't mean they were good. What about Duskinoir? That card is one of the best tech cards in the current format. And Rypherior? We won't be able to play Rypherior X if we don't have a rypherior.
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Well something else, we INTERNATIONAL got DP in august/september 2007.
It would be a bad move to rotate that set after it could be used for only 10 months.
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