Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Thank you for 30 minute limits and GG!

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Colin Moll was the dude running Torterra, he is pretty cool! I hope he or someone NOT running G/G does win!

Rogue FTW!!!

Plox is a AWESOME deck, but it is jsut SO dominate, it ISNT immortal though!!!
I don't care half less about Plox/G&G. It really is the BDIF though, but people that actually try can counter it. I don't think banning that for Worlds is absolutely necessary.
Banning isnt Necessary, people are LAZY and Whiners! This game takes skill, and people are trying to ruin it with being Childish, that is just Lame!
This is so dumb. If Gardylade is so dominant just play the darn deck. Whats so wrong with that. If you can't beat the Plox just play it. Why should there be a time extension for this deck when it isn't even a stall deck? Decks like polistall and shedstall didn't get extra time for their format. I understand that those decks couldn't comback and do 100+ damage in a turn but still, game play wasn't changed to accomodate these decks. Time is just as much of a factor in pokemon as anything else and if you can't play around it then just switch to plox.

its so easy to stall with gg i'd say that the best gg players are anti SotG

So since it is soo easy to stall with GG all the good GG players have no SotG I could think of at least 5 very nice GG players so yeah...

I think the problem is exactly what John said. That they BANNED Wormadam, and that helped paved the road for all of this. However, I will say this. That what should of happened is that POP should of banned it around City/States if they were going to ban it. To do it now would be unfair. While 30 days could be consider enough time, I think that it make it difficult to try to trade for cards or learn new decks (Juniors/Seniors) before then. I think while I would love to play a format where it isn't allowed, I don't think it is going to happen.

i agree, most games are GG vs. GG because the absurd amounts of people that use it. thats why it wins so much 1\ 2 of the games in 1 round of a tournement are GG vs. GG. it doesnt always win,, especially in non mirror matches. i dont use it and i beat it 80% of the time
It all depends on the Match-ups you go up against too. I build a counter the deck, and I might face it lik twice out of 7-9 Matches, but if I jsut run my normal decks I face it 75% of the time. It is just the luck of the draw, people! There is no need to complain about a deck that is about to go out, BTW!!! LA-on, you might see alittle, but NOwhere near as fast.
It isn't against SotG, I just think that SOME people who think GG is soooo bad it should be BANNED are being ridiculous and a little unfair.

Wrong. It's gardy that causes probems because it provides amazing set up abilities, ability to stop powers and also you can just tech in another heavy attacker.
Banning Gardevoir, still, would have no disadvantage or advantage to people who don't play it, though it effects everyone who plays it. Maybe in different ways, some way more serious or crucial than others, but they have to adapt to playing something else that they haven't played all year long. Sure Gardevoir causes you rpoblems, but so many people play it, it would do no good. I'm sure POP/PUI care more about a majority of people's happiness. There is way too many people who are going to deal with the deck, rather than whine about how it rules the World's metagame. Our thoughts matter, but in some ways no one can stop what's coming to Worlds. Face it, something that has been here forever still has so much better a chance of staying than anything else. Ever since Cities this deck has caused havok on our players and it shouldn't be stopped, unles you are willing to bring it down(lol. Bring Down). If you can't defeat it, then you have no reason to complain about why it's so good. Do you know why? No. I can tell you one thing, you made it that good. Losing to it just helps it more and more and more. Why do you think you should take back what you have done. PCL didn't let it slip through as a bad thing, I think they knew this would happen. It was more obvious than Dragtrode. All I have to say is that Gardevoir is good. Maybe, in your eyes, too good. However, we can change what the future holds and if you want to beat Gardevoir, do so.
When one or 2 deck rule the format it is easier to play a counter deck.
And trust me, there are counter decks for the most played decks easy, maybe not allot, but a few.

Allot of players will take the easy road and just play what has been test and proved works (this happens in all TCG's).
Others will be the Metagamer and take the knowledge of what is being played and how many. Then prove to the metagame that it is not as safe as they thought.

As for the time issue, I like 30 min. Most matches are done on that time easy. What I hate is losing a match because on time the opponents makes a play for the win that they couldn't have done if I was granted another turn. I am always in support of added turns to the end of a timed match.

This game is a turn based game that has actions based on time. You either base the game on turns or “equal time” amongst the 2 players. Just because a player decides to play a high action based deck doesn’t give them any right to more time. My major questions to those who slow play or are not for added turns.

“What gives the right for one opponent to have more than 15 mins to win a match verses the other?”
I agree Dana. I have toyed with the idea of a limit to 1 pokepower per turn( not including always on or coming into play powers). I still remember TX ST finals last year when Kyle said he " legally stalled" me on this board. With that flygon deck, and with the judges letting him take 15 seconds per action, he was milking each turn for all the time he could. The reason he could do that was the amount of pokepowers the deck used and the time to resolve them. So his turns took 10 minutes and I had to end up rushing through mine. GG decks are much the same, once they get a lead, they can poke power you to death, look through your discard pile, etc, etc...........
But the con on limiting the use of pokepowers to one per turn is the changes in the structure of the game. I do agree that each player should get equal time out of the match.
I agree Dana. I have toyed with the idea of a limit to 1 pokepower per turn( not including always on or coming into play powers). I still remember TX ST finals last year when Kyle said he " legally stalled" me on this board. With that flygon deck, and with the judges letting him take 15 seconds per action, he was milking each turn for all the time he could. The reason he could do that was the amount of pokepowers the deck used and the time to resolve them. So his turns took 10 minutes and I had to end up rushing through mine. GG decks are much the same, once they get a lead, they can poke power you to death, look through your discard pile, etc, etc...........
But the con on limiting the use of pokepowers to one per turn is the changes in the structure of the game. I do agree that each player should get equal time out of the match.

I do remember that. I will admit that it's a very cheap way to win, in such a big tournament I had to do what I needed to do to win (no hard feelings, right?). During that match, I really only had a choice to keep running down the time because I knew that I had the upper hand and I didn't want to lose it by giving you extra turns. My Latios ex d and poke-power abuse was really the only thing that saved me during that matchup. Those were some good games, regardless.

GG is, hands down, much worse though. True, Flygon could take long turns with repeated Fearow d/Milotic d/whatever else abuse, BUT multiple Claydols+Gardy+Max'd Wagers+being able to use opponents wagers makes for EXTREMELY long games. AND, the bad thing is, GG can get up and running extremely fast and carry steam for AT LEAST 30 minutes, BUT if you have every played it out, the steam quickly runs out after those first few prizes and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up the momentum. BUT, the 30 minute time limit usually saves it in competitive play.

I will say, I will most likely play the deck for the grinders because it's that broken.
Does it need to be banned? No, not by a long shot.
We need to just suck it up and deal with what we're given. We have counters, we just need to learn how to work with them.
Oh no Kyle, no sour grapes on my part, just using it as an example of a game mechanic that I dislike, i.e. stalling by using many pokepowers. And you are right, GG is worse, and maybe next year it will take 30 minutes just to complete a turn. It's just an idea on my part, but I doubt anything like that will ever be considered. I dislike the idea of banning cards, and the prof. cup was a cavet because you were talking about a card that was a rare before it was re- printed.
Hey I did get my revenge at regionals..........with my 66 card deck!!!!!:lol:
Doing it TR style!
No matter how many of those Ban GardyGallade threads are made they won't do it, they never ban cards form this game it's not Yugioh
When one or 2 deck rule the format it is easier to play a counter deck.

In your opinion, it is easy? Why is it that over and over again, even after US Nationals, someone comes along and claims GG is easily is defeated by counters? I think it has been proved enough now that it is impossible to make a counter deck that consistently beats GG but still can beat the "Put damage counters on the bench and then do big damage" deck (aka the Second Good Deck. It was first known as Magmortar, now as Empoleon).

In principle, and in theory, I agree with your statement. It is - under normal conditions, in a normal format - usually easy to create a counter deck when 2 or less decks rule the format. But this season's Modified format has been a different and unique story, and I honestly think it has been proven enough times.

And trust me, there are counter decks for the most played decks easy, maybe not allot, but a few.

Yes, normally there is. But this season, it's harder than it has ever been before in the 9 years I've been into this TCG.

Allot of players will take the easy road and just play what has been test and proved works (this happens in all TCG's).
Others will be the Metagamer and take the knowledge of what is being played and how many. Then prove to the metagame that it is not as safe as they thought

Again, I believe this is usually true, but not in this format. There are tons of metagamers out there, and very many very good players used non-GG decks at Nationals. Some of them got far, but not far enough. GG was the winner in the end.

But maybe I'm just too negative right now. Excellent players like Omar I and Jimmy B ran counter decks at Nationals and did 7-2 in the Swiss rounds, which is an astonishing achievement. The reason why their deck didn't win in the cut can be looked as as it just having the odds and numbers against itself, perhaps. Any deck, may it be counter deck or GG itself, needs a smart brain and tons of luck to reach the top. Without luck, it's impossible. Statistically, with only a few players in the top cut having luck on their side, and with the number of GGs being so high in the top cut, it was far more likely that one of the GG players would be the one who had luck on his side all the way to the final.

Hmm. I don't know what to believe anymore. I'm looking forwards to Worlds as always, and I _HOPE_ it will be interesting.
I am sick and tired of people of com plaining about Gardelade and time limits!
So am I! To all the people who have those threads. GET OVER IT!!:tongue::redface: I mean, POP isn't going to ban them, so why have those threads?
I do remember that. I will admit that it's a very cheap way to win, in such a big tournament I had to do what I needed to do to win (no hard feelings, right?). During that match, I really only had a choice to keep running down the time because I knew that I had the upper hand and I didn't want to lose it by giving you extra turns. My Latios ex d and poke-power abuse was really the only thing that saved me during that matchup. Those were some good games, regardless.

Now adding another player to my favorite list (containing over 100 players) of "people willing to win at all costs, using whatever techniques available".

How is it ANY WHERE near the SOTG to win using a dishonest or underhanded method?

Are you a professor? Is this how you teach people to play, or only play that way in BIG tourneys?

I know I may be going soapbox here, but this is very troubling to me. I know I am not looking ot make friends here, I am looking to get a reaction, and explanation of this.
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