Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

NOOOOOOOO! Why HGSS? (The shiny thread)


Active Member
So I just started my game, chose my Pokemon and off to Mr. Pokemon's house.

I walk through the grass and out pops a pidgey.
But this is no ordinary pidgey....





no Pokeballs yet....

Why must fate do this to me. This is the second time it's happened to me.
The Poochyena chasing Birch was shiny in my Saphire game.


So what uncatchable shiny stories do you have?
For me it was a Golbat in Ice Path. I just used my last poke ball getting a Sneasel and right after that was a shiny Golbat. How wrong is that and it was the first shiny I ever found. Oh yeah and that was in Crystal.
One of my friends~ Shiny Zigzagoon at the bigining in Ruby. But he randomly got a shiny Chimchar when he started his Diamond (And I was there), so that made up for it.
You know, a bit off topic but I just realized something...I've never seen any Sentret or Furret yet so far in HG (all the way at the 8th gym)! I mean, from what I remember way way back in Silver, weren't these things supposed to be the Ratatta of the game or something (ie, everywhere?). Totally weird...
I was fighting a Machop that I thought was random, my brother waits until I knock it out and says, "Wait wasn't that shiny?" I have yet to fight a shiny pokemon lol...
I've already posted this story a while ago but why not? When I first played through Diamond I found a Shiny Onyx in Iron Island. Problem was it was a wild double battle while I traveled with Riley. Shiny Onyx appeared with a Golbat. Golbat confuses my Luxio and Riley's Lucario KO'd Shiny Onyx all by itself. Very frustraiting.

Back in my Ruby & Sapphire days I was playing on my sister's Sapphire to catch me a Lunatone for pokedex data. With my dumb luck I encounted and captured a Shiny Zubat in Meteor Falls instead. I showed my sister but she didn't get the concept of shiny pokemon at the time and she was angry that I had played her Sapphire without her permission (I said I was sorry). So she turned it off without saving and there goes the shiny Zubat.
so Ultimatedra and I have this shiny Pidgey that lives near us. only thing is we always see it when we're on the way to the Mart to get supplies, and then it flees, so we never see it when we have the means to be able to catch it. :frown:

[gal=50225]REAL Shiny Pidgey[/gal]
For me, it was a Shiny Electabuzz at Power Plant in Pokemon LeafGreen. All I had was a Masterball but I wanted to save it for Suicune. I got so mad that time when i didn't have any other Poke Balls.
Thankfully, I've never run into a shiny I never caught. Mostly thanks to cloning masterballs though, a list -

Graveller - explosion; this was a weird shiny, was trying to chain rattata and went into a normal patch and out she pops I was like wth?!
Houndour - roar
Abra - teleport, nuff said
Growlithe - roar
Poochyena - roar
All caught in masters...I never start a game without trading a couple masters to it right away just in case D: I know lots of people get silly about catching shinys in masters, but I almost never trade my shinys that I catch personally; they're my treasures. I did catch a rattata with double edge, but that was with a repeat ball. So far though I`ve never caught a shiny legendary; I`ve been soft resetting since like a week after HGSS came out for a stupid suicune lol at least 200 tries thus far =( SRing hates me. Though thinking about it, I caught a shiny wingull (Yay rotfl) that got deleted when my Emerald crashed and deleted my save data. I've since replaced him, though I suppose that would count. Though I caught him, I lost him. *Shrug* RIP Mokkan ;_; In the original gold I was darn lucky with my shiny koffing; at the time I didn't know wild ones have selfdestruct; found mine in Rocket's hideout. Forget what ball I caught her in, but I didn't have a masterball as I hadn't even finished the game. I was playing the hideout for the first time. And when I caught my random pachirisu I was literally half asleep; I'm lucky I noticed he was shiny and got him. And my shiny patch in my houndour chain was behind a tree; I barely saw it LOL and on my second successful zigzagoon chain two patches were shiny. I have nearly 30 self caught shinys so I have other stories, but those are the most interesting. I frequently catch shinys before the 40 mark on chains, ie my starly at 2 and abra at 4.

I did know a kid that ran into a Galactic grunt with a shiny glameow. And one of my friends found a shiny cherrim in the battle factory in Diamond.
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I found a shiny tentacool and had no pokeballs in Emerald and I found a Shiny Snorlax in Leafgreen and got it down to about 1 HP left and and asleep. I used my last Ultra Ball and it shook once, twice, Dang it! Shiny's are awesome but such a pain.
You should be happy to run into a Shiny Pokemon at all. I have a lot of hours in my games from Gold thru HeartGold and I have seen only 1 Shiny Pokemon during that time. Gyarados in the Lake of Rage in each of the respective games it is in. I have never encountered a wild Shiny Pokemon and it is starting to get a tiny bit frustrating.

You should be happy to run into a Shiny Pokemon at all. I have a lot of hours in my games from Gold thru HeartGold and I have seen only 1 Shiny Pokemon during that time. Gyarados in the Lake of Rage in each of the respective games it is in. I have never encountered a wild Shiny Pokemon and it is starting to get a tiny bit frustrating.

Your exactly right. Just to see them is great

---------- Post added 05/18/2010 at 07:09 PM ----------

how do you find shiny pokemon in heart gold version?

It's a chance of 1/8192 to find one or 0.0122%
so it is random and rare
I encountered and caught a shiny Whismur in Emerald.

I went to the route under the Bike Path in Diamond to go train a Larvitar, and randomly found a shiny Ponyta, which I also caught.

I chained up a shiny Ralts.

The last two were lost when my Diamond cart was stolen.
You should be happy to run into a Shiny Pokemon at all. I have a lot of hours in my games from Gold thru HeartGold and I have seen only 1 Shiny Pokemon during that time. Gyarados in the Lake of Rage in each of the respective games it is in. I have never encountered a wild Shiny Pokemon and it is starting to get a tiny bit frustrating.


Same with me, I've played for years, Blue, Yellow(even though those two aren't relevant), Silver, Crystal, Sapphire, Emerald, Pearl, and Soul Silver and I have never run into a Shiny outside of Lake of Rage, I had to run into over thousands of pokémon and hatched hundreds, and I've never come upon them once... The only thing that remotely makes up for it is the fact that one of my pokémon contracted pokérus during my Pearl play-through, at that time I had just begun my forays in EV training so that was a nice alternative.
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