Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Nats Sour Grapes

Anyway, I personally feel the argument about things such as inflatables is flawed because the tournament is not ALL about who gets invites. This is a game - for everyone. For serious players, for collectors, for random kids. The kids could care less about the politics behind trips, I saw some 10- who lost invite trips because of poor Nats showing but were running around having a great time with the inflatable Pokeballs.

The point is - they are for a different audience. Just like invites are for a certain audience. POP could just stop giving out stuff at things like Cities, States, Regionals, League, and just turn that extra money into more invites...but guess what. People would be really upset. And by people I don't mean 100 guys from PokeGym, I mean 1,000s of little kids.

I know you all love the game, but don't love it just for yourselves. I live for the big tournaments, but I know that the game doesn't live for me - it lives for everyone.

Woah, I don't even know how this thread got started lol. I meant to type that post under a response in the "US Ratings invite" thread, but I guess I clicked a wrong button and it came out as this. Doesn't even seem possible though, as it would require way too many mistakes. Am I on PUNKED?! The Chuckster is quite embarassed atm. Funny though that a completely accidental ignorant 1 line sarcasm statement actually turned into a real discussion thread though lol.
:thumb:I respect the top players who played regardless of the risk of their ranking. They played for the LOVE OF THE GAME, not the singular interest of "GOT TO GET TO WORLDS". :thumb:

I played in some great games in Nationals, and wouldn't have traded it for the "Worlds".

- Rob
I wish more people were like you.
Woah, I don't even know how this thread got started lol. I meant to type that post under a response in the "US Ratings invite" thread, but I guess I clicked a wrong button and it came out as this. Doesn't even seem possible though, as it would require way too many mistakes. Am I on PUNKED?! The Chuckster is quite embarassed atm. Funny though that a completely accidental ignorant 1 line sarcasm statement actually turned into a real discussion thread though lol.

Some mod took it off the U.S. Nationals topic.

But all in all Shaw has a very great point in his post, he has totally understood what this game is all about.
A pokemon player sitting out any event is wrong.
The system that could potentially motivate you to sit out an event is wrong.

:thumb:I respect the top players who played regardless of the risk of their ranking. They played for the LOVE OF THE GAME, not the singular interest of "GOT TO GET TO WORLDS". :thumb:

I played in some great games in Nationals, and wouldn't have traded it for the "Worlds".

- Rob


Rob, I wonder if James F. feels the same way you do, having his invite all but wrapped up, and getting it lost at Nats, after going 7-3!

The end game system for this year was twisted for the highest ranked players.

All turned out in the end, even though one of my kids got pushed down the ranks from #12, it was still a great event, with the best competition of any event out there.

735 people...just unbelievable...and almost 150 Juniors! Some people did not believe that there were that many Juniors out there!

Piglets FTW!!

You are not alone in that viewpoint. I think POP already got that message, though it is not universally held by the playing community. We will have to wait and see how POP have been able to square the particular circle of the ratings system needing lots of matches with mine and others requests for constructed tournaments like those of last year.

FWIW I'm in the camp that believes that the inflatables more than cover their costs in terms of visibility, exposure, fun, and reward. I look on with envy at the pictures from many of the USA events with their banners, blow-ups, and balls.

Michael C is the (master) player at nats who I feel for. 11-1 wasn't enough and a big part of me believes that it ought to be but for exceptional circumstances. I trust POP to check that such a record missing out in future is down to unavoidable circumstance.

So this is where everyone was while I was partying at nats.

I've been hearing some interesting rumors about next season, but they're probably just rumors. I really think we need a set of CONSTRUCTED tournaments sanctioned by POP that don't actually apply to our ratings. I think a few of us need a break after that horrid season of cutthroat competition.

Thanks for the support, or rather for my little brother. He isn't even on the gym. I'm making him sign up and write a report on a near undefeated run through nats. It's 10-1 btw, not 11, he won in T32 then lost on a flip in T16.
Anyway, I personally feel the argument about things such as inflatables is flawed because the tournament is not ALL about who gets invites. This is a game - for everyone. For serious players, for collectors, for random kids. The kids could care less about the politics behind trips, I saw some 10- who lost invite trips because of poor Nats showing but were running around having a great time with the inflatable Pokeballs.

Flawed for a variety of reasons:

1) The policy POP takes at Nats seems to be inconsistent. They won't even let us watch people play if we're still in the tournament! Newsflash: its pretty easy to figure out what people are playing just by asking around and not everyone watching a game is doing it for nefarious reasons. It just HAPPENS to be that people like watching top-level Pokemon being played.

This policy has the same logic as MLB not letting fans watch a baseball game because another team might be scouting.

2) The utility gained from $18,000 worth of inflatables is so marginal that I cannot believe it creates as much happiness for the buck as $18,000 worth of trips. You can advertise trips, you can get people to play competitively for trips, you can also let more people come to worlds, which builds significant utility within the community. You couldn't play with the inflatables like the Pokeballs, they weren't out in front advertising for Pokemon; they were tucked away in the back where only people who play pokemon anyways would be exposed to them. They also picked very new Pokemon that most people won't recognize (aside from the MASSIVE Pikachu). I swear to god I have no idea what the name of those two big Pokemon over by the juniors or the grass starter. And I probably wouldn't know Piplup or Chimchar if they weren't playable! Stick to your developed brands, PUI!

The inflatables don't offer something for "non-serious players," (as if Nats is the best environment for a player who isn't serious-- that's what league is for), they don't provide NEAR the utility equal to the cost output, they aren't really in-line with any established policy towards developing a "fun" environment, and frankly going to Worlds is probably the single biggest thing to most players (as evidenced by so many players sitting out Nats to go to Worlds).
Moss: Those inflatibles are going to be used at how many events this year?
GenCon... Comic Con.. Worlds.
And next year?
Prorate the cost over that usage and see if that makes any difference in your caclulations.
Y'all gotta love the Poke Ball Beachballs!

When they first came out at Worlds 05 I was dieing to get one. Now nearly 2 years later the're sitting at the demo desk for free!

I still firmly believe that more INVITES should be given out and not neccesarily more trips. So there is no need to have a grinder. You just issue invites like Top 8 Regionals with winner getting trips, Top32 at Nationals with Top 4 getting trips.

Making it at an affordable place and giving a lot more invites will motivate people to pay their way to worlds if they know they won't have to risk playing in the grinder.
It's just like Yu-Gi-Oh. You can get your INVITE via Regionals (the equivelant to like City Championships) and other events etc.
the inflatables draw attention to the brand at events like origins, comic-con, worlds, toyfair, GAMA, etc...the attention of people who may not know that organized play exists, but sure know their diamond and pearl characters from playing the DS games.

every time i looked up, there were people posing for pictures with the inflatables.

you act like that supposed '$18K' was taken directly from the OP budget for trips. somehow, i doubt that; even if there were no inflatables for the new generation of pokes how many trips worldwide would that add? nine? ten? divided by the three age a whole three trips per group, worldwide, this year?

compare that to the eyes of all the people who saw the inflatables at all the trade shows/conventions this year...and next...and...and the next...and now know the brand is still here and going strong.

honestly: it seems like if you don't see what's in it for you, it's worthless. 'you' are not the only one being considered here, nor being marketed to...

the inflatables draw attention to the brand at events like origins, comic-con, worlds, toyfair, GAMA, etc...the attention of people who may not know that organized play exists, but sure know their diamond and pearl characters from playing the DS games.

every time i looked up, there were people posing for pictures with the inflatables.

you act like that supposed '$18K' was taken directly from the OP budget for trips. somehow, i doubt that; even if there were no inflatables for the new generation of pokes how many trips worldwide would that add? nine? ten? divided by the three age a whole three trips per group, worldwide, this year?

compare that to the eyes of all the people who saw the inflatables at all the trade shows/conventions this year...and next...and...and the next...and now know the brand is still here and going strong.

honestly: it seems like if you don't see what's in it for you, it's worthless. 'you' are not the only one being considered here, nor being marketed to...


And that post underscores the reason why Nationals will remain at Origins for the foreseeable future.
Rob, I wonder if James F. feels the same way you do, having his invite all but wrapped up, and getting it lost at Nats, after going 7-3!

something has to be done so this kid gets a trip, since he got screwed over at niles, IL BR. They put him as being in 15+ and didn't get any points from going x-0,:eek:. He has e-mailed some of the big names in the organization to see what can be done about that. Niles/BRs FTL???:nonono:

The Pokegym Rules of Conduct said:
>> Do not post topics that attack a specific person or persons. We want you to have a good time here, and you can poke a little fun at your friends. However, take your arguments off the Boards to e-mail.

So, this isn't an attack on Ross, but someone who is unfamiliar might not understand that and so I made this post.

Also, msg titled Nats Sour Grapes got moved to the Nats forum.
Rob, I wonder if James F. feels the same way you do, having his invite all but wrapped up, and getting it lost at Nats, after going 7-3!
The end game system for this year was twisted for the highest ranked players.

All turned out in the end, even though one of my kids got pushed down the ranks from #12, it was still a great event, with the best competition of any event out there.

735 people...just unbelievable...and almost 150 Juniors! Some people did not believe that there were that many Juniors out there!

Piglets FTW!!


well to be honest i wouldnt mine going 7-3 and losing a trip cuz even thou that was a deciding factor, it STILL IS PASTIMES FAULT IM NOT GOING TO WORLDS BECAUSE THAT GUY MISTYPED MY AGE AND PUT ME IN THE MASTERS AND WITH ME GOING x-0 there is NO WAY i would lose points, only gain, but w/e if they wont do anything about it hopefully they will in the future so another kid in the same position as i am dont get smacked out of a trip because a "pastimes" guy messed up my age.........

I still cant bieleve that this happened to me, it could have happened to ANYONE else but it had to happen to me :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:........this is a very sad day in pokemon for me, but i sure hope this situation gets straightend out :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:

so in all, i have no sour grapes from nationals, but i do have some sour apples from that Pastimes BR,
have a good time a worlds to all the people who are going......