Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Recent content by Onlooker

  1. O

    Poor man's Claydol

    Play something that ruins their Uxies / Claydols.
  2. O

    Found some Pokemon cards in my room; trying to get started competitively.

    I dont really see anything; do you have any of my wants that I might have skipped over? That doesnt sound too bad; I am worried about cards being lost more than I am about getting ripped.. I might be getting 4 BEbe's and 1 Luxury Ball. Do you have any of my other wants?
  3. O

    Found some Pokemon cards in my room; trying to get started competitively.

    Thats kinda surprising - they usually charge me a dollar or so for just sending to the other side of the country lol. But, whats the trade you have in mind?
  4. O

    Found some Pokemon cards in my room; trying to get started competitively.

    I have 1 Double Colorless. I am trading on another site as well so Im not sure how much I need those cards from you (the whole international thing again). Do you have any good tradebait? MM, I'd rather have the Roseanne's.
  5. O

    Found some Pokemon cards in my room; trying to get started competitively.

    Bump bump bump! Got some cards incoming now!
  6. O

    Found some Pokemon cards in my room; trying to get started competitively.

    Alright, sounds good =] Just so long as I dont have to buy them all lol.
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    Flygon Deck

    Palkia Lv. X and Hippowdon Lv X were the first two I looked at when I started thiking about this deck. I created a topic on this site, asking what the best pokemon to use alongisde Flygon were and the majority mentioned Weavile.. Machamp is a good back-up IMO but I do see the strength in Palkia...
  8. O

    Leagues in CA?

    Weird.. whenever I used to try to use that thing, it gave me 0 results. "Pokemon A-1 Sacramento Sacrmaneto California" lol. None of the ones listed are close enough. A friend of mine says he goes to the league in Berkeley.. but its not on there?
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    Flygon Deck

    First real deck for me. The strategy is simple. Get out Flygon or Flygon Lv X. Equip it with Dark and Fighting Energies to make retreating costs 0. Take out the small pokes with Machamp and the larger ones with Flygon's 2nd attack or Flygon Lv X's Extreme Attack. 21 3-2-3-1 Flygon Lv. X (RR...
  10. O

    H- Dialga G Lv. X, Snorlax Lv. X, Base Set through Gym Challenge rares/holos, exs

    Sorry, didnt see the edited post. It is "Wailord (EX Legend Maker" and "Rayquaza (EX Deoxys 22)". The Rayquaza is pretty damaged though.
  11. O

    Trying to get a lot at once

    Ill probably pass on all of that (other traders giving lower prices); sorry... the only ones I could really do would be 2x Stark Mountain, maybe the Champ and maybe the Unown G.
  12. O

    Trying to get a lot at once

    Is there any way you could break some of that up? I might not need all of it from you.. I was hoping to get the Flygons for cheaper; that's 18 bucks for the cards I wanted from the deck and I can just buy the rest of the deck for 2 more bucks.
  13. O

    H- Dialga G Lv. X, Snorlax Lv. X, Base Set through Gym Challenge rares/holos, exs

    Any reply to me? you might have skipped me.