Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

11th at Worlds!

amphyrules: You're pretty cool too, for a European :3 So great meeting you. I really really hope to make it to Hawaii, specifically so I can see you again! If you can make it out to the states for US nationals, Aly will almost definitely be there. I think I've talked her into it. She's so stoked about Pokemon! She won her own theme deck and boosters playing league games on Saturday, haha.

pedestrian: Yeah! I wish I could've gotten to know Arizona players better while I was playing there. The ones I spent most of my time with (Aaron and Ryah) don't really even play anymore, or don't travel for tournaments (all of the west valley players). Anyways seeya around =]

Ruiner: Yeah you better get some practice in. I'm gonna get bored pretty quickly if I always win ;D And Tat is boring and generic and lame. But as far as boring, generic, lame bands go, they're probably the best.

hitmonchan93: Thanks for the rooting! I'll be rooting for you this next season. IM me for some theorymon some time, I always like to bounce ideas back and forth with you.

dtrain: Adrian says you're a cool kid. I still don't know who you are lol.
Wow Jayson, great report!

Its always fun reading a well detailed report like yours, its gives alot more character to the game. (opposed to "Rd 1 I donked some noob lolz")

Well played run! Even more so for someone who "hardly practiced" after nats ;-)

I'll catch yea later, gl next season
JAYson... u are the best. :biggrin:
great job on your amazing Play skillz.

(i felt so disadvantaged that whole tournament using Palkia, but you clearly played through the disadvantages the deck had against the worlds metagame)

JAYSON!!!!!!!!! I was wondering when u were going to make a report lol.. Dude congrats on Top 16.. then again, if anyone deserved to take it all it was u buddy!!! I hope to c u @ Nats and at Worlds bud!!!!!
Great job man, congrats on a superb year. Nice to meet you and too bad again about the boring games. I'm sure ill see you sometime in the future, hopefully in Hawaii next year. Way to go!
MonsterOfTheLake: I love you bby, quit swimming in the Aegean and come home! =< Emily and I were talking about coming to visit you for the Georgia marathon, if we're not busy and not poor around that time of year. Hope you're back by then.

sdrawkcab: Haha, thanks. What can I say, I like to write :3 And I did end up getting in a little practice toward the end, but not nearly enough to feel comfortable with any new decks I was trying. So I just stuck with Palkia, and I guess that turned out alright.

ChicoBlanco: Ian! To be honest it was just really good luck. I drew what I needed when I needed it. Any decent player who was dealt the hands I was dealt, would win the games I won. I can't think of any particular plays I made that really stood out as skillful. On the other hand, I see you making amazing plays all the time, and probably playing even more consistently and correctly than I do. You're the best =] Thanks for all of your help and all the good times since we met back in 2007. Can't wait to see you guys again! Take care and keep in touch.

ChubbyChilupa135: Thanks buddy! And thanks for all of the playtesting back around cities time. Practicing against you made a huge difference in my Machamp matchups back when I was running Gigas.

Pidgeotto Trainer: Thanks for the excellent advice! I hadn't thought about running a Mewtwo counter. Might be a good play. I'll have to test it some. Oh and would you like to play some Rock Paper Sissors, best of 7? ;D

GrandmaJoner: Thanks, you too! Mikey added me onto your hamachi network a while back. I'd love to playtest some time if you're up for it. We can test out some of these "Mewtwo counters" that everyone is talking about.
Nice to finally meet you, Jayson! I remember you told me on Friday that you weren't running any Mewtwo counters and how you regretted it... oops! :p