Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st Place at Hillsboro, OR Battle Roads


New Member
hey there guys. this is my report. read it or something. I stayed up with my friends until like 2:30 testing gyarados because I figured it was a decent play with the new black and white rules in effect and all. Chris, Katie, Nicole, Seth, Taylor and I rode in Ben's car to hillsboro. I looked at my list and seperated it out so I could write it really quickly when we got there, and then I thought about whether or not I was really going to play that. After a couple minutes of thought, I look over at chris and ask him if he has his Cinccino/sablock deck on him, and he does, so I play that instead, since it's really fun and gyarados is boring.

now onto the battles:

Round 1: Cinccino vs ??? w/ Feraligatr Prime/Wailord/ESL
I believe he started wailmer and whismer to my azelf/mesprit/collector start. I got t1 cinccino/DCE but I miscalculated how many benched pokemon I would have after getting azelf out of the active position, so I ended up hitting the wailmer for 60, putting it at 70 total since I flash bit it with crobat G. He evolves to wailord and flips double tails onthe healing attack. I then KO it. he gets out gatr prime eventually but only manages to take 1 prize with entei & suicune legend since I managed to keep a psychic bind lock going with mesprit.


Round 2: Cinccino vs Glesty w/ Reshiram/Emboar
I think I started sableye this game. I managed to get t1 DCE on miniccino, along with mesprit/giratina lock combo. If I had a warp point and seeker I could have donked him since he started reshiram with 60 hp tepig on the bench. long story short, we get down 2-2 prizes (reshiboar has lots of hp, which is stupid) and then he takes his last 2 prizes with rayquaza & deoxys legend. I learned some prize set up tricks though, which you will find out about when I get to my top 4 matches :p


Round 3: Cincinno vs Jamilla w/ Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark
Jamilla is pretty new to the game, so I wasn't really worried about the match up, until she flipped over the freakin phanpys. I get a decent turn 1 with killing a phanpy with cinccino. she gets another phany on the bench with dual ball, but doesn't has any other pokemon other than that, so I play seeker on my next turn and Do the Wave for game.


Lunch. I ate food. It was tasty.

Round 4: Cinccino vs Jason w/ VileLostGar
I knew he was playing this, and I was worried since vilelostgar is a tough matchup for basically everything, especially since I hadn't tested this deck at all, but luckily for me (I guess......) I start sableye+crobat+special dark+ minccino+ collector + other stuff to his lone spiritomb. attach special dark, flash bite and overconfidonk. Lame wins are lame, but I'm really close to a worlds invite so I'm gonna take what I can get at this point.


Round 5: Cinccino vs Joseph w/ Sabeldonk
I knew what he was playing, and he thought I was playing sabeldonk as well. so I was like "GIVE ME A SABLEYE PLEASE" but I got crobat to his double sableye. he thought I was playing sabeldonk since I donked jason last round, so he benched a 2nd sableye instead of saving it so he can communication it away. He ended up just attaching belt and impersonating. I got some stuff out t1, then attacked. He whiffed on donk after than and I proceeded to do w/e I could to keep the psychic bind/let loose combo going. I actually managed to keep it going for quite some time. also I used lost remover to get rid of half his energy :p eventually we got down to like 1-1 prizes with it being my turn to take a prize next, then I do. Do the Wave.

4-1, my only loss is X-0 so I make it in at 3rd seed, which was lame because I eneded up having to play my friend Nicole. :(

Top 4 Cinccino vs Nicole w/ ReshiBoar
Game 1: I get cool sableye start and other things, then grab the first couple prizes with sableye. She ends up having really bad prizes and really bad draw (no energy for most of the game) so she scoops for time.

Game 2: See game 1, but reverse it, except I somehow managed to put up a fight. barely.

Game 3: It seemed like I was about to donk her. I hit a uxie for 40, she has a tomb on the bench. I ko the uxie, and then as she is flipping over the next card, I exclaim just topdeck the collector, THEN SHE FREAKIN DOES WHICH IS AWESOME BECAUSE DONKING/EARLY BENCHING IN A TOP CUT MATCH IS STUUUUUUUUUPIIIID. but it doesn't go very well since she gets more bad draw. She junipered her hand away 3 times in game 3

GG Nicole <3

Keanu won his top 4 game, so it's him and I in top 2!

Top 2 Cincinno vs Keanu w/ Stage 1 Lucario /Palkia GL
I don't remember which set it's from, but he's playing the lucario that does more damage with more pokemon in the lost zone.

Game 1: This game was reeeeaaally good. Lost reover definitely proved itself in this match. I got the last prize with a fully powered DO THE WAVE.

Game 2: He elects to go first and explodes getting t1 palkia g lv x (lvl max) with psychic bind/let loose.
I get a decent feild to prevent from being benched/donked. It comes down to like 2-2 prizes, my turn. I junk arm for SSU cuz I'm just like lol draw moar cards. he has an active sableye and benched lucarion. I have crobat on my bench so I can retreat, and there's a warp point in my discard pile. I didn't realize that I was stupid until after I used the SSU (and flipped tails, like a boss) and I take the prizes down to 2-1. he koes the active cinccino, but it has rescue so I get it back. I work to get out more pokemon so I can ko the belted lucario (110 hp total with belt) so I flash bit putting it at 100, so I just need 1 more pokemon. there were no basic pokemon left in my deck, so I was hitting for 80. I look through my hand a couple times and realize I have the expert belt for game.

GG keanu :)

So I got my 2nd Br's win. NEAT. I mostly just want to know how many points I got lol

goin 6-1
soft feet bottoms top deck powers gooooooooo
switching decks on the car ride to the event
Avoiding the raptures
being able to yell DO THE WAVE, and then people do the wave. so good.

idk, it was a pretty fun day.
Simon goin 4-0 in swiss (seniors) with sabldonk
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Haha I thought you had essays to write and couldn't write a report :p anyway man, great job and you will make worlds in no time if you keep this up Haha :)
I spent most of Salem building a Cinccino/Sabeleye deck in my head, and then I hear you won with it? I feel more pro by association. You should slip me a list sometime, so I can play it while you're judging *shifty eyes*
thanks guys for the support :D and yeah I'd be happy to shoot you the list breon (v^-^)b it's secret deck though so keep it on the hush hush :p
yeah it's had a pretty excellent performance through the 4 battle roads I've played it in. props to YogiBear for putting the deck together in the first place :D