Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st Place Bournemouth Battle Road

Black Sorceror

New Member
Journey there was not too bad. We arrive and I register. Get the BlazeRay stuff from Tom and have laughs with Squish and co until first round pairings.

Black Sorceror vs Some guy w/ horribly awful SP deck.

He's all like play down some SP's, attach energy and does whatever.
Blaze goes through his stuff fast.

Game 2

Same sorta thing. I believe he took 1 prize altogether in these games... xD

Round 2 versus Cameron D w/ LuxApe

Game 1 is kinda easy. I open Blaze to his Luxray. I attach and pass. He uses Rosy for Croak and Psychic energy. I then get my Torchic out and Luring Flame the Croak. He is unable to Leap away and sets up Ray/Ape on the Bench. Next turn I evolve to Combusken, level up and with the 20 from burn I KO Croak with Vapour Kick. He gets out Ape x and split bombs my 'busken and Blaze. I evolve to Blaze PT and burn the Ape x. I OHKO with Jet Shoot. From then on he is unable to set up and gets a seriously dead hand. Blaze goes through everything.

Game 2

Similar to game 1 as I got out Blaze PT early along with the Blaze x. This game is much closer though as he gets set up better and gets some more damage on me. But in the end, the 120 per turn is too much for his pokes and I win on prizes 0-2/0-3

Round 3 versus Jak S A w/ Legos
Game 1 I fail awfully. He opens Palkia and has a strong hand. He Uxie and draw and then plays down Azelf MT (I didn't see it at this point xD). So I attach to Blaze and use E Gain on Blaze. Look up to see the Azelf and I think Odear. Had I attached to Luxray and Lved up I could of KOed Azelf and had a chance but then he gets the lock going with Mespy and I know he has the lock for 3 more turns so I can't KO Azelf. Realising that by the time I can kill Azelf he'll be in such a good position that I scoop.

Game 2

I open Luxray to his Palkia. I bite for 60 damage while he sets up the palkia. I then bring in Blaze and Vapour Kick for the KO. He brings up LA Azelf. Benches Dialga and attaches. I do 30 while his bench is being Pixie clogged. I do another 30 while getting set up. I believe I think he has a toxicroak down, gets it active and leaps away. He brings back Azelf and gets out Palkia. By this time I am so well set up that I KO Palkia w/ Bright Look, some stuff happens and he scoops.

Game 3 (5 Minutes until time)

I open Baltoy and Torchic. I go first and attach to Torchic. He has Palkia and gets out the 'CROAKINATOR' I believe. does something to Torchic. My go I retreat to either Blaze and use Luring Flame on Croak. He tries to flip for Leap away but I notify him of the burn. He is stuck with Croak sitting as his active unable to do anything. As he's stuck with Croak I set up some stuff, take about 3 prizes (I think he takes 1) and time is called.

I'm 3-0 at my second BR of this season and Russ calls out prizes. I get my Victory Medal and 4 packs. I pull Absol G, 2 Chatot G and other janky rubbish.


Coming first.
Squish and Mike for being hilarious.
Tom for selling me the BlazeRay stuff.
Russ for running the event.
Some of the Gamersguild crew make it down (Ben, Dan and other people).
Caius il Monarcha del Ombra.
Good atmosphere and turnout.


Annoying Yugimanz players.
Squish for not winning the YU-GI-OH!
Irritating round 1 opponent.

Thanks for listening.

And remember, stay smexy :D
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Hey that should be my report on winning .. oops wrong age group .. lol didn't get much chance to chat on the day as I had my play head on :biggrin:

Good job on the win BTW and yeah the Journey home was horrible we ended up heading cross country to join the M23 at gatwick and even then the journey sucked it seems that all of the M25 from the M1 to Clacketts was jammed ..

Oh and for Tom Hall .. a song just for you.. :tongue:

Team 'Men of Kent' for the WIN!