Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st Place Magnolia TX BR Report


New Member
I get to Whataburger at about 4:30. I decide to stick with what I've been running. No more fail ideas or possibilities. I run Plox. I know that at least 1 person is going to be running Machamp, and I have a decent match-up against it. We only have like 12 Masters, so 4 rounds, Top 2.

Round 1: ??? (Galactic Toolbox)
I don't really remember much. I had a T3 Gardy X w/ 2 Darks and another Gardy pretty much set-up. I OHKO everything he has accept Darkrai G. He thinks Psychic Lock means he can use powers that only affect my Pokemon...? Anyway, he doesn't realize that Dark Engage changes my type to Dark, so he sends up Weavile to "Stall".... GG


Round 2: PokeDad (Magnezone?)

This was a quick game. He started with Magnemite. I assume he was playing Magnezone. I start with Uxie and call. He attaches and passes. I get a Claydol and a Gallade up and Psychic Restore. He drops a Dialga GE and passes. I set-up Gallade is Psychic Cut everything. GG.


Round 3: Steve G. (Kingdra)

It doesn't matter what tournament or where we are at, I always have to play Steve. Our games are either done on turn 2 or down to time. This one was the latter. I start with Sneasel and call for a Ralts and Baltoy. He has 2 Horsea in play. I get a T2 Queen, Weavile, Claydol, and Gardy, and I set up the Gardy for next turn. We go back and forth, trading prizes. I end up KOing his Uxie X with Queen, and he couldn't recover from there. Time was caled and I took the last prize on my next turn. GG Steve!


Round 4: Eric C. (GG w/ Cress and Drifblim)

I knew this would have been a very difficult matchup, but he just couldn't set-up. I got a T3 Plox and he was drawing dead. Sorry dude.


So, I go undefeated and start doing calculations before the computer can. If Steve wins the last round, I'll play Steve. If he doesn't, I'll play Eric again. Steve wins. I get to play Kingdra again. I was glad, because Eric's deck would've been a pain if it started correctly.

Top 2: Steve G. (Kingdra)

Game 1: Pretty much the same as in swiss. We just trade back and forth, except that Plox is shutting him down massively. This game takes a while, but I pull through.

Game 2: I get the worst possible start. Baltoy and Unown G with no energy or supporters forever... I end up recovering after 837 turns, because he got stuck with a Uxie and dead draws as well. I didn't realize time was so close, so when he warped, I push up Uxie, thinking he could knock it out, and I would KO his Uxie X and continue. Time was called immediately after the warp. He knocks out the Uxie for his 4th prizes in that game, so it counts. On to Sudden Death!

Game 3: I start with Ralts. He starts with Uxie. I hypnoblast and flip heads, and he stays asleep. He goes, sets up a kingdra and drops an SSU. I really didn't want this game to come down to a flip... he hits tails, and has to pass. I draw, Rosy's for Uxie and an Energy. retreat and Psy Restore for the KO. GG Steve, as always.

Adam for the list.
My first win.
The Sweets for being my supplier.
Adam again, just for being a genius
Whataburger for the free venue.
Mike for running a great tourney.
Whataburger for amazazing burgers.
Plox, for being beast.
Steve, for good games.
Floatzel X and Frost Rotom in packs. (Is that a Prop?)

TRBL draws.
Unown G starts.
Baltoy starts with no energy, no supporters.

Great event again, I had so much fun!! Can't wait for Nats!
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