Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st Place Masters U.S National Champion Report


New Member
For everyone who doesnt know me, im Con. i have been playing for about 4 years now and this was my third nats. well this year we decided to drive to indy. its only a 14 hour drive lol. so on the way up there we had some car troubles and my boy scruff actually got really sick but thanks to the best poke mom in the game michelle rock a.ka moma rock and my boy alexs sweater that got thrown up on, with a little time he was feeling better. rough start turned into a great weekend. so we arrived on thursday afternoon, in ginos jeep cherokee. so i took it upon myself to get alot of sleep tonight figuring that i barely got any sleep with the car ride, so i headed to bed around 10 because i was confident with what i was playing and playtested all week angainst one of the best Alex. so on to the report.....

Day 1:

we head to our seats and saw the attendance is insane!! 826 ish

Round 1: Invisible person

-I was very happy with a round one bye. i won 2 states this year but its a shame that the byes dont stack, but im not complaining :cool:

Round 2: Cris Abernathy w/glisscore lock

-this game i had a great opening hand. i started sableye special dark and crobat so any 60 hp pokemon i could ko t1. he starts spirit tomb so i ko it which forces him to have to send up another to try to set up but by the time he finaly gets something roling it was too late. i was too far ahead. great guy, really glad i met him! you the best Chris :thumb:

Round 3: ??? w/skittles
-this game just went bad right from the start. i had no supporters in my starting hand but he also had a very bad start too. so he judges me and gives me a cyrus to set up with and i was set from there, but when he finally got something going i had already had 3 sprays in my hand so it was way too late. gg bro

Round 4: ??? w/luxchomp

-this match got me upset at the beginning. so i start with a great opening hand. i open with crobat sableye specail dark with support. he has one basic but then they call people up and i got called up and they said repairings. so my opponent scoops up his cards and when we go back up nothing had changed for us. so i asked what he had started with and it was a unkown g. so depressing lol. so there goes the donk we need to re set up. so now my opening hand looks like chomp, 2 dce, e-gain, with 3 poke- turns :nonono:. he starts uxie and goes first and does 20. i draw a special dark, doesnt help at all. so sp radar for krow g and do honchos comand. he gets uxie x and double chomp on the bench and t3 snipe my garchomp and i top deck aerons and do bat and earthquack for the k.o. and it started to go good for me from there because i took his only cyrus from his hand and he tries to set up mewtwo not knowing i play big daddy honchkrow. he plays mewtwo i play big daddy and he reads it and knows the game is over. gg

Round 5: how did i forget his name lol w/ glisscore lock

-if im not mistaking i think he had 2 round byes.. so this glisccore set up do to my start wasnt as fast as the one in round 2. but i did manage to go head in prizes using honchkrow g for easy prizes. mid game he puts glisscore and x in hand so i retreated and judged him and from there it got bad. but near the end of the game i energy droughted for a while but when the drought was over i used big dady krow's riot for the last prizes because he was resistant to fighting. really great guy, sorry forgot the name if it pops up ill fix lol gg bro.

Round 6: ??? w/ jumpray

-so he starts with azelf and passes. i start chomp and go to sp radar for a bat and put ten on his azelf and go back in the deck with bebes for a uxie. and i notice that there is no damage on azelf so i say i put ten on him. he decides he wants to take the cheap call and technically i didnt announce flash bite. so i guess i just attach the dce to chomp and play poketurn FLASH BITE loud and clear this time and uxie for 6. so before i needed an e-gain for the donk and now i need both turn and gain, but i wiffed on both anyways so rgardless i couldnt donk. he gets everything t2 and picks up the win.

Round 7: ??? w/ luxcomp

-now my freind just had a close match loosing to this guy in mirror so i knda knew what to expect. this match was the sleep good at night match, i win i sleep good, i lose i worry and have nightmares haha. so we start and i get exactly the start i wanted angainst this deck. i get fast distruption after he uses 2 cyrus's and take it out of his hand and i get my chomp snip faster. he tries to uxie and i spray and he puts it under. then later on he tries to double uxie set up and gets sprayed twice, from there you kno the rest :thumb:

-so i finish off the first day 6-1 , my boy Alex 6-1, my boy Gino 6-1, Eric, Garcia, Darrell were still hanging on with there deck D&B :wink: hahaha

Day 2:

so i decided to miss out on activities for sleep again. the sleep strategy seem to be doing wonders for me so i decided to keep it going.

Round 8: ??? w/ jumpray

-so... short story he starts baltoy and nothing els i start sableye special dark. so we decide to play another fun match after the donk and he sets up but makes a few misplays that eventually caught up to him. i was able to spray judge and k.o jumpluff in the same turn so he just scoops. gg bro

Round 9: Justin Catapang w/ straight machamp

-so we start and obviousdly i fall behind on prizes. so all during the game i stocked up on power sprays for the end game because he only had one claydol in play with one uxie. so by the end of the game i have 3 sprays in my hand and get big daddy honchkrow ready and its 3-2 prizes. so i bring out bdk (big daddy honchkrow) lol:tongue: and i play initative and flip two tails.. so i k.o one machamp. he tries to claydol and i spray and uxie and i spray again. he warps and candys another machamp on the bench and k.os something on the bench. 2-1 prizes. he has a 2 card hand. i attach a special dark to big daddy krow and play initiative and flip 2 tails again!! so i k.o active champ 1-1 prizes. and now he has 3 in hand and brings up champ and tries to cosmic. i spray confidently. he drops a hole claydole line with the 3 card hand and uses cosmic and gets champ x and roles two head ftw. thats pokemon for you right haha. cool kid gg

-so i make top 128 in the 12th seed!!!

Top 128: Josh R w/ jumpluff

Game 1: this match was a walk in the park for me. he doesnt get t2 jumpluff and i take out his claydoll then baltoy t2 and t3 and from there he had no set up to work with, wasnt much he could do.

Game 2: this match he did get t2 jumpluff but wiffed on the energy and tried to uxie, i sprayed. next turn i grabed another spray and he tries to claydoll for the energy and i spray again, then on my turn i sniped the claydoll and spray his next uxie too. by the time he got a grass energy i was already 4 prizes up. gg

Top 64: Matt Alvis w/sableye mirror

Game 1: this game was a nail bitter all the way thrue the game until towards the end. he starts with honchkrow g and chomp and goes first. i start and i set up two chomps on the bench and save the dce in hand and decide to just attach a basic energy and save the dce for the chomp that doesnt get sniped just in case he does have the t2 snipe. and it turns out he does and snipes my chomp. i q the sableye and attach e-gain and dce with crobat to k.o his chomp back. mid game i try to initiative and flip two tails.. why do i even bother right lol. later he flips and also flips two tails so it kinda evens out. from there it was straight prize exchange all the way down to 1-1 prizes. he sets mewtwo on the bench. my turn i play down big daddy krow and he reads riot and relizes that i had the game and scoops. great game one bro!

Game 2: he gets a really bad start and starts with giratina. i decide to put preessure on him by using target attack to his giratina and since its weak to dark my target attack does 90 to it leaving it at ten damage from being k.oed. so he needs to continue attaching to it or els i would just keep sniping over it all game. so he does and i poke turn my krow and attach dce and play bat to k.o his giratina and then snip his benched chomp, leaving him with not much to work with. he managed to make a small comeback towards the end but it was too late. gg matt, cool kid plessure to play.

Top 32: Jason Chen w/sableye mirror

Game 1: i get a decent start but cant get a chomp on my bench and i cant do much. he starts sableye and judges me and i draw crap. so i impersonate and he judges me again. i draw crap again. so i impersonate again, and he lookers me, i draw crap he k.os sableye and when i go to search for toxicroak its prized along with chomp and 2 psychics. oh and by the way i rolled 2 tails on one initiative this game too. i deserve to loose here. so from there i just cant get anything going and he takes game one easy.

Game 2: this game went kinda like how game one went for him exept for the 4 tails on intiative!!! i couldnt beleive my luck with the dice :nonono::nonono: but i was still able to hold his hand down with sprays and judges thank god. he couldnt get anything going and i took this one fairly easy. so i even things up here.

Game 3: we both start sableye and i go first and start with chomp on bench and was able to get my chomps going fast. in mid game when he k.oed my sableye i brought up chomp leveled up and retreated and brought up the other chomp and leveled up again so he couldnt snipe the chomp on the bench. from there all he had to attack with was blasakens. since that was the case it was easy to control how much damage he was able to do to my chomp. and i had a little better luck on flips this game, i fliped 2 head and 2 tails, ill take it lol. close call gg jason

-so that ends day two of nationals. but when the brackets go up we find out that Alex and Gino are playing eachother tommorow. :nonono::nonono: and on top of that we are all in the same bracket too!! way to end a day:mad: so everyone just goes back to the hotel and goes to bed. and on to day 3

Day 3:

Top 16: Kyle Morris w/ Sableye Mirror again!!

Game1: so he gets a faster start than i do and i get t1 judged but was able to recover. i do initiative early game and get two tails on a crucial turn. he does it back and wiffs on it too. i take the advantage because i had a dce in hand and k.o one of his chomps. he does the supporter card that looks at the top 8 for energies and wiffs!!! that was a huge wiff but it was because it was way too early and his deck wasnt thined out enough yet. that wiff was what i needed. so i retreat and now ik i have the advantage on garchomp. so i try to distrupt him after he impersonates with initiatives again and role two tails again!!! i couldnt beleive it but didnt let it bother me because i knew i was still ok. this game came down to 1-1 prizes but i was able to trade off ftw in the end. way too close for comfort lol. great game Kyle

Game 2: this game was kinda simalar to game one exept for the fact this time i got two heads that hurt him early game big time. so i started to do the math on initiative and i broke the code. for every 4 tails i flip i get two heads!! lol. so i figured out from game one he played no uxie x and no unknown q so he would always have to retreat and my toxicraok would be safe. mid game i had too much field control but it still came down to 1-1 prizes because he is a good player. i end up sniping for the win because i was one prize ahead of him the whole game. well played gg

-this win was bitter sweet for me because i had just found out that my brother Alex had lost in top 16:frown::frown: but i knew he would be routing for me all the way to the end.

Top 8: Stefan T w/ Dialga Chomp

Game 1:this game was short and sweet. he had an awful start and tries to uxie set up for something and ends up drawing nothing. me playing a hand distruption deck knew that if they already have a bad hand i can just go for set up. i knew it was dialga chomp so i just set up big daddy honchkrow and one hit k.oed dialgas and swept. he scoops, we go to game two.

Game 2: so i start with sableye chomp on bench attach and do t1 judge. i draw decent, and same for him. he has chomp active and does cyrus for e-gain and metal, poketurns chomp for dialga and deafans. so he has a 3 card hand and i continue to set up and impersonate initiative his only cyrus. he cant draw anything from there. i set big daddy krow again and riot until he scoops. cool kid thanks for the help at steak and shake lol gg:thumb:

Top 4: Kyle/ Pooka w/Dialga chomp

Game 1:so we start. he gets the advantage and sets up his chomps on the bench first because i go first and impersonate collector for two chomps. he goes and roesaenns and sp radar for two chomps and uxie, does set up and attaches basic energy to chomp and plays down chatot and has baltoy on bench. wow what a turn. so i decide to judge him and hope he cant get a t2 or t3 snipe on me. so after i judge him he does get the snipe on one of my garchomps but i was able to retaliate back and because i was saving the dce e-gain with bat. so i k.oed his chomp back and he has his other chomp k.o me back wich gives him the garchomp advantage. so i just keep trying to fight back because i didnt play ampibom and later i aerons my chomps back. late game i was able to set up a snipe for the winning prize after big daddy krow k.oed his built dialga. nail bitter good game!

Game 2: game two i got the garchomp advantage on him for a change. i was the first to snipe but later his ampibom was able to get him back and so mid game i aerons back my chomps. i looked on his feild and he was building a dialga with 2 specail metals and e-belt so i knew i needed to get big daddy honchkrow ready to hit hard, but even the big krow couldnt k.o the dialga. so he catches up on prizes and this game was still anyones game for the taken. at the end of the game he had dialga with 2 special metal and belt with 20 from flash bites the previouse turn. he has 3 basics on his feild and i have a full bench. krow had 2 special dark on him so he was swinging for 130 damage. so he deafans so i cant poketurn for the k.o. so he was 120 hp with belt and two special metal on him. i needed to do 140 for the k.o and prize count was 3-2. so i bring up big daddy honchkrow and i calculate and notice im ten off. so i attach a special dark for the extra ten to do 140 for the k.o. after that no matter what bdk was taking the last prize. now i see why he won nats!! great player. gg pooka

Top 2: Erik Nance w/ luxchomp

Game 1: ok so we set up and i draw and i see i just started with a unknown q with a whopping 30 hp weak to psychic!!:lol::lol: sweet!!! its only the finals of the U.S nationals right lol so we do the coin flip he wins the flip and flips over uxie and attaches energy for the 30 second donk. horrible way to set history huh lol.

--so i just realized that i just got donked. it hurts lol. im sure everyone know how it feels to be donked but im sure you dont know how it feels to be donked in the finals of a 5,000 dollar tournament with everyone watching!! hahaha. well i try to prentend that didnt just happen but trust me, easier said than done! it happened!! so on to game two.

Game 2:this game was fairly easy for me i got my garchomps out very fast and took the garchomp advantage early and sprayed every uxie. i even got two heads on initiative this game and distrupted early. that gave erik not many options in this game. so on to game three.

Game 3: now this game wasnt dominated by anyone. he does get a very fast start and k.os my sableye and doesnt give me a chance to distrupt because my hand was small. so he is up one prize and im forced to keep taking prizes back to back so the game wont get out of my reach. im watching his hand grow and grow and am constantly cyrusing to keep up with prizes. im working with 4 to 3 card hands while he is shuffling his hand like its his deck lol. so i check his discard and see all 4 cyrus's are used up and he has no chomps to work with so i knew i needed to judge now. after the judge i drew honchkrow sv, power spray, dce and special dark. not good!! i got no support. thankfully he got nothing either. i attach and snipe making it 2-2 prizes. he draws and dead draws. so he does 30 to chomp x. his feild is 2 luxrays 2 crobats, and another guy that i cant remember. my feild was chomp x, 2 bats, and murkrow. so now my chomp has 30 on it with a special dark . on the previouse turn when i sniped i had ordered my prizes so i took the power spray making my hand 2 sprays special dark and bdk (big daddy krow). i top deck sp radar nothing too great and ik need to retreat into a bat, attach to chomp and hope for a energy top deck next turn. i pass he top deck an aerons and grabs two lightning and does trash bolt bringing the prizes down to 2-1. i draw an uxie!! i play it down and he sprays, big dissapointment. so i cant afford bringing out bat or krow so i bring chomp out and use sp radar for krow g so i have 3 sp and do 30 to luxray. he top decks a uxie and i spray and he retreats luxray and does 20 with uxie and goes under, brings up bat. i top deck a poketurn. so i half to poketurn now or i risk being k.oed. so i poketurn chomp with 2 dark on him and play chomp down and attach to uxie and go under sending up garchomp. he draws and top deck a collector but has a full bench, me being happy because i have one spray in my hand from the judge from ages ago. so he comes out and toxic fangs me for 20. i top deck uxie lvx after psychic restoring the last turn. wow!!! so i level up chomp and retreat because ik he cant trash bolt next turn so i do honchos command for 2 poketurn. so now i have a chomp x with dark, crobat,big daddy, and krow g active. my hand is now uxie x, 2 poketurn and a spray lol. he draws nothing and retreats and does 60 to my active krow g with bite. i draw top deck a dce, poketurn krow, play it back down so that i have 3 sp and snipe the luxray making it 1-1 prizes. like i said before i did azelfs time walk t2 so i had memorized my prizes and knew where the e-gain was and grabbed that. he draws and tries to uxie and i spray it. so i have a chomp x active with a special dark, bat, krow sv, and krow g on bench. my hand is 1 poketurn, uxie lvx, e-gain from the prizes. so i was one energy top deck away from winning. i top deck special dark retreat, poketurn, attach e-gain and do dragon rush for the win!!!!!! most intense mach i have played ever.

-thats the report, and the big daddy honchkrow joke poped up while the tourny was going on and thought it was so funny so now thats what honchkrow sv is called lol.

-my deck partner and best freind Alex frezza, couldnt have done it without you bro
-Alex making top 16
-Gino for making top 8
-my second mom michelle for being so supportive thrue out the whole nats <3
-Tony for raiding the room for japanese cards haha
-pep talks from gino in betwwen rounds lol
-branders/ abernathy for routing for me all the way
-eric/garcia/darrell/edwin for the good laughs and fun
-Jay H and whoever els was routing for me
-Aylum for 4th
-mike diaz for 1st
-Thomas A for representing
-great 3 day event

-long ride
-freinds loosing
-bums lol
-Haters haha
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Yo Con, this is Darrell. Big Daddy Honch is pimp status lol. Good job, Con. Getting 5Gs and reppin' UG like that. The whole team is very proud of you. We never care what haters say, so why start now?
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Lol at the Hooter's. :p Btw I'm that fat kid w/ curly hair. I live in NE too. lolz Btw my sister thinks your hawt. :p Don't get any ideas though shes 11. lolz GL at worlds.
Didn't read much of your report, but did you get to use honchkrow SV much in the tournament? Do you feel it was a useful addition to the deck, or if it helped against a bad matchup?

Didn't read much of your report, but did you get to use honchkrow SV much in the tournament? Do you feel it was a useful addition to the deck, or if it helped against a bad matchup?


Why are you asking him when it's clear from the report that honchcrow SV is ill sick nasty....

Nice job Con. Now I get to say I won a game vs the National Champion, good times.

Glad you guys are representing the NE meta so well...

P.S. Team Pokemon Tools is coming for you guys next season.....
Top 2: Erik Nance w/ luxchomp

Game 1: ok so we set up and i draw and i see i just started with a unknown q with a whopping 30 hp weak to psychic!!:lol::lol: sweet!!! its only the finals of the U.S nationals right lol so we do the coin flip he wins the flip and flips over uxie and attaches energy for the 30 second donk. horrible way to set history huh lol.

--so i just realized that i just got donked. it hurts lol. im sure everyone know how it feels to be donked but im sure you dont know how it feels to be donked in the finals of a 5,000 dollar tournament with everyone watching!! hahaha. well i try to prentend that didnt just happen but trust me, easier said than done! it happened!! so on to game two.

It's called carma .. :p whatever you do to others, return to you threefold.'

Anyways, gj winning what sounds like a really great national championship, and great game 3 in finals, sounds like game worth the tourny.

looking forward to maybe meet you in hawaii :)
Con, congrats on the win and nice report. :thumb:

I'm happy for you. I will see you in Hawaii as I secured a rating invite.

As I told Erik, I had the 2nd best seat in the house, table judging a match for US Nat'l Championship. You two had the best seats ;) You both played great and were good sports too. Congrats and see you in Hawaii.


Even though I wont be there in HI I'll be cheering you on from NE, You did awesome and I cant wait to play you in top cut of the first few Battleroads lol :p