Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

1st report in a while..


New Member
ya i got kinda bored with all this stuff. so i started playing fun decks like umbreon, obama, and for today: kyogre groudon legend deckout. lol. skip boring stuff onto rounds:

r1 vs vilegar
okay so usually a winnable matchup. sableye use bebes to get both halfs of legend, then manually setup cuz i play 2-0-2 gatr and no candy. then after sableyes dead lookers myself in for 0 and spread spread spread deckout until vileplume dies and i can deck them out easier. but. my start:
unown q
4 trainers
feraligatr prime
lol and i go first... draw pass he collectors does stuff ends up with haunter on bench oddish on bench tomb active. my turn draw... BEBES! yay grab sableye bench it retreat interveiwevers for energy and sableye for bebes to grab other legend... bebes is prized. azelf is prized. 1-1 of a legend is prized. :/.... ok i grab collector for some stuff pass. he goes does stuff sets up my turn. draw and do uxie setup for like 2 or something. yay half a legend. still not very useful. haha i think i sableye again and he sets up more. i draw and somehow magically get out other half of kgl with like seeker uxie or something. bench dce sableye. his turn. he poltergheists for a lot my turn. attach sableye for a twins his turn. poltergheist my turn. send up uxie lvl up attach to kgl and play indigo plateau lookers myself for 0 retreat and mill 5. his face is like :0... haha i get 2 energy and ko his tomb or something. grab half of kgl yay. he shdow rooms kgl for 30 and i mill 5... 2 energy! yay vileplumes dead and i take 4 prizes from his bench as well lol. its now like 2-4 me. stuff happens and he has 1 card in deck but copycats my 3 card hand so now he has like 11. then i mill 5 and he topdecks palmers for a zangoose and drags up a gatr i got out. i have 2 energy in my hand already but not enough to retreat. i draw pass. he goes and snipes azelf for ko. 1-2. (he killed other junk). i draw... energy! rain dance all 3 retreat and mill exactly 5 cards of his deck for the deckout. yay gg. amazing comeback from unown q start


r2 vs dusknoir/manectric/tomb.
ug.. lol i start sableye setting up and eventually get an amazing hand of bunch of stuff next turn i can play it all down... he judges me. dang haha so more setting up ect i get a kgl down with dce. he gets manectric wtf. hits a totodile for 40 with damage even. i have sableye active attach to kgl (3 now) and impersonate a seeker on my totodile. he kos me and judges again. ug. send up uxie lvl up retreat for kgl attach do stuff mill 5. no energy. things happen he kills another bench guy and i mill 5 again. 1 energy :/. now he has like 60 on him and then 80 with power. then hits kgl to 80. so i draw and do stuff but get 2 tails on ssu and cant get warp seeker so i just have to mill 5 again while getting gatr in play. 1 enegy :////.... lol manectrics at 60 now. he kills kgl and judges AGAIN. send up uxie and i dont think i get kgl this turn send up uxie attach dce and zen blade him for a ko. he sends up other dusknoir with 2 energy (1 not psychic). im hoping he has no energy but of course attach psychic and JUDGE... lol i send up gatr do junk bench azelf with no cards in hand to grab my uxie and setup for 7. oops nothing to put back. so i scoop right there.


r3 vs garchomp toolbox
okay start and setup. get a kgl in play t2 with energy. interveiwers THREE times with vs seeker and only get 1 dce. i have like 6 energy and dce and double twins in my hand and he keeps smeargling my hand for nothing. lol eventually i get kgl out with no gatr. and mill 5. do stuff mill 5 more. im in ko range so i retreat to sableye and get seeker. he does stuff kills sableye. yay. bench kgl attach dce twins for candy gatr bench totodile i was saving candy gatr attach both water uxie for some cards retreat mill 5. ooohhhh snap 2 energy kill like 4 pkmn lol. it goes on and with some failed ssu's it gets to him having exactly 5 cards in deck. but he bebes and puts one back and hits me to 130 with krow. i ssu tails. junk arm ssu tails. then just hit 5 off his deck. he draws and has 0. can only ko me. i draw and pass ftw


r4 vs uxie donk
start sableye and unown q. impersonate collector with cool hand. he goes belt energy collector for 3 crobats kill unown q turn ssu heads ko sableye. :/
in a legit game i deck him out in 2 turns with him taking only 3 prizes


r5 vs something
i almost get donked but yay nope. t4 kgl i think and just mill his entire deck. went 3/3 on ssu this game :D. crobat prime was annoying with poison tho. but eventually i just killed all his resources he couldnt take more than 1 prize gg


so yeah i decked 3 ppl. got donked once and played against the one manectric in the area... in fun games i go like 10-2 against gyara where the losses came from 0/5 ssu's. good day i guess and probs playin this for states once i make the right edits.

if u want list just ask
no i played 2 candy haha i meant i cant play it against vileplume. and i stopped playing HoPe before cities lol it got boring

yeah when you play and hype HoPe for like a year, it will get boring.

Beedrill G I'm not gonna lie gets boring at times xD.
I just don't understand what is up with you and playing rogues all year... and doing well. Great job bro.
:) I think I'm the guy you played in the first round. I totally thought I was making the right move when I lookered away your huge hand early in the game when you were still setting up - I can't believe you got 2 halves of a legend and the energy you needed out of 5 cards! I was even more surprised when I found out what the attack did to my bench lol. Taking 4 prizes in 2 turns was pretty crazy. I also thought I had you when I pulled up the gatr late - too bad I wasn't keeping an eye on my deck count lol.

Anyway, great come back from a pretty slow start. Good luck at the next tournaments.
Nice job with a 3-2 Record using Groudon & Kyogre Legend, Eleki! Glad to see you back on the Pokegym since it's been a while. It also seems like your doing good in masters thus far!:thumb:

Good luck in your future tournaments!:wink:
Ya that sucks dude. haha I got donked and faced the one mantric in area how do u think I feel lol

---------- Post added 01/02/2011 at 04:19 PM ----------

oh yeah and other dude yes I'm goin nats