Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2008-12-21 Magnezone DP32

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Hm. I really really really like this card. 100 damage and you only have to discard one?

Unlike the other magnezones, it lacks a great Power/Body. Thats a downer, so I'm unsure how well this would fit into a Magnezone deck. Mirror shot is interesting, it may give you an extra turn, or completely fail you.

Average stats for a stage 2, nice attacks, and a ridiculous Lv.X. I'll give this card a 8/10
Not all energy, only all electric energy. So just run it in a deck with Super Con Magnezone and tons of metal, discard one electric and Super Con it back next turn.
crikey, do the pokemon tcg creators love them some magnezone. this is number 5 in the diamond-pearl era, and the third one in the last month. the amazing thing is that they're all worth playing, and it'd difficult to choose on which ones to run (yet ironically magnezone has not earned decent respect in tournament play).

this card is devoid of any powers/bodies like the other versions, but it does have 10 hp more (redundant, because you'll prolly be trying to lv x this one) than the others, and a better retreat cost at two.

resistance is quality. weakness isn't really a factor right now.

mirror shot can be used turn two, and with a little luck it can buy you some time, and magnet shot can, if you play your cards right, score you 100 damage for the small price of discarding one electric energy (which, frankly, lends itself well in regards to what magnezone does).

i like this one, too, though maybe not as much as its other siblings. 8/10
That is 1 sharp looking card:eek:

Ahh, coudn't have said it better myself. This Magnezone is my personal favorite in regard to the art, hence my avatar. But this Magnezone brings something more to the table than just that sweet art. Starting with the basics, it has a lovely 130HP, the highest of any other Magnezone, excluding the Lv.X. In addition, there is the mildly inconsequential Weakness and the benevolent Resistance, but those occur in other Magnezones. Its Retreat Cost, however, is completely unique to itself. Now with the attacks, we see some more of this individuality. The first attack can be useful in a tight spot, but I see it as something easily played around. It could be useful against early game setups. The real magic is in the second attack. Magnet Slash is special because it is the only attack among all five playable Magnezones with a base damage that exceeds 80. With the abilities of Magnezones SF-6 and Lv.X, it isn't difficult to cater to and maintain its energy cost either. However, I feel that sadly, it is not useful with the attacks of other Magnezones that are well able to essentially eliminate the demand for such high-powered attacks. That doesn't mean it can't be incorporated into an effective strategy. It is just that there are other options which are better for different metagames. The last thing I want say about this Magnezone is that when you look at each Magnezone individually, I'd say this one is the most ill-equipped to handle a pressure situation. The others all have ways of getting out of tight spots, but this one can get into a tight spot and be trapped easily.

Nice card. 8.5 / 10.

The damage ratio for the second attack is above average ... but clearly the card needs support from the other Magnezones to really work best. Goes well with either the Lightning Zone or Heatran so you can work around the discard effect.

The first attack is underrated IMHO. Being able to do 40 for 2 and potentially ignore attacks is going to come into play & server you well many games.
the heatran only gets back metal, not lightnin, i like the card though magnezone kust has so many ossibilities right now

8/10 for modifyed play, solid hp solid attacks, but it's slow and 100 doesn't ohko too much, many decks out there right now can outspeed magnezone
Great Card!

Heatran LVX gets back any two basic energy by the way.

However even with out some kind of energy recycle this Magnezone is deadly. Play it with one DP Ma.g for free retreat, one SF Mag. with Magnetic search for set up and bench hitting and the LV X. for conditions and energy movement
I just love these guys!

Not all energy, only all electric energy. So just run it in a deck with Super Con Magnezone and tons of metal, discard one electric and Super Con it back next turn.

or run it with electrivire and level up magnezone lv.X

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or run it with electrivire and level up magnezone lv.X

you can run it with dp1 magnezone to have free retreat
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It's a Luxray or was it E-vire (the one w/the Power) in a Metal-type's body. Attacks are pretty good.
1 Energy for defense.
4 for 100.
can someone say Sallygross revive in one Pokemon line?

The D/P Magnezone is overrated simply because it has a free retreat body. It's attack is decent at best.

The searching Magnezone is also overrated in a format that has cards like Claydol and Uxie to set up.

The Lv. X is very situational, and it's attempt to paralyze an opponent in a tight spot is pretty much non-existent because of Unown G.

So your Magzone line should be 2/2. 2 of the Promo, 2 of the energy acceleration.

The question now is whether it can content with the Tier 1 decks in the format.
Uhhgg, don't we have enough Magnazone's to choose from in this format? lol.

The main attraction for me to the Magnazone line is the ability to set up with Magnetic Search, or the
ability to Use Super Connectivity and get the energy on the field quickly, and then more them around with
the lvlx's Electric Trans.

This card lacks the ability to do any actual Extra abilities like the two former, however, this card has the one
thing Magnazone lacks, a powerful attack. If you can get all 3 on the field, with this as the lvlx, it'd be a very
powerful combo, but I'm affraid that even the quickest of draw engines wouldn't allow that to be quick enough.
Of course, that's what they said about AMU, so who knows.

Alone: 75/100
With it's counterparts: 93/100

It would take 4 turns or unless you use togekiss or some other energy accelerator to use a 100 blast, no powers help so gengar can't do a 60 hit to you for 1 energy.

It's okay but a little slow, 7/10
Today's CotD is the DP32 Promo Magnezone. Statwise, it's solid at 130 HP (average), a +30 Weakness to :fire: (ok, since Infernape/Heatran are the main Pokemon from this type you would worry about), a -20 Resistance to :psychic: (always useful) and costs :colorless:colorless to Retreat (not bad when comparing to other Magnezones). Mirror Shot is an interesting attack, dealing 40 for :metal::colorless, and providing your opponent doesn't switch, gives you a chance to avoid them attacking all together. Magnet Slash is the main reason you'll want to use this card; it costs :lightning:metal::colorless:colorless for 100 damage (a tad expensive imo), and you have to discard all :lightning attached to Magnezone.

In comparison to its other Magnezone buddies, it's hard to justify using this one. 1 Magnezone slot is already dedicated to Magnezone Lv X, and generally people will want to use 2 DP Magnezone to ensure they have the essentially free retreat cost it gives when leveled up. And as their final one, people will usually prefer either SF ones for their Poke-Powers. So in the end, this one gets the short end of the stick and is best left out.

Modified - 6/10 (Hard to use when there are so many better Magnezone choices)
Limited - 0/10 (As it is a promo, unless you're drafting a set along it with Magemite and Magneton, you'll never use him otherwise)
Unlimited - 1/10 (No use here, it gets to sit in the binder)
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