Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2009-1-12 Uxie Lv X LA 146/146

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first post baby, more to come after i post, i don't want to get beat

it's an alternative to claydol, and a good attacker vs. psychic weak decks. 2 for 60, an average of 30 per energy is very good, especially for CC.

a "free" pokedex every turn has to be broken, especially since it's regular for is the best straight draw in the format. not to be confused with set-up which is what claydol does. just straight draw


I don't give it the 10/10 for the restriction it has on the attack.
Oh, its....alright. The card under it is better. The power is kind of nice, and the attack helps occasionally, but.....I feel the Uxie under shines brighter. 7/10.
Throwing it in with your 2-3 Uxie instantly makes them more playable, even if you're forced to start with them. Pokedex each turn is great for digging deep, especially if you have already gotten a large draw from Set Up previously in the game. Easier to use, in some ways, than Claydol.

This is the only card that allows you to not play Claydol in AMU. It's a fantastic completion to the AMU bag of
tricks. The consistant draw power/deck thinning tool that Uxie X brings to the table makes it the perfect complement
to the Azelfs Defence (No weakness) and Sniping ability, and the Mesprits mid-late game big damage.

But Uxie is the fast hitter. Throw a couple of quick energies on it, hit for 20 turn 1, 60 turn 2 for a probable KO, and
then get it to the bench for the power and let Mesprit Blast the rest. It's also good for running an energy switch or
two to keep Mesprit Blasting every turn!

It's also not bad in some of the other decks, Reggi decks use it often, and it's draw power is never a bad thing, as
many players use the Uxie Set up ability anyway! What an incredible combo AMU is!! I'm glad you guys finally let
us rate it!


Today's CotD is Uxie Lv X from LA. Statwise, Uxie Lv X is solid like its pixie friends, with 90 HP (20 more than its Basic form), a x2 Weakness to :psychic: (not good since Dusknoir and Gengar are popular), no Resistance, and costing :colorless to Retreat. Trade Off is a nifty Poke-Power, letting you look at your top 2 cards, pick one to keep, then send the other to the bottom of your deck. Zen Blade costs :colorless:colorless and deals a respectable 60 damage, though you cannot use Zen Blade next turn.

Outside of AMU decks, Uxie Lv X is often ran as a 1 card tech along with 3 Uxie LAs, the idea being to play your Uxie for its Poke-Power onto the bench, then level it up at some future time to gain Uxie Lv X's Poke-Power. This form of draw power can be used instead of a 2-2 Claydol line, though overall it is not as powerful because of Uxie LA's essentially one-shot Poke-Power. Still, decks like Regigigas would find this more beneficial, as instead of having Uxie sit on the bench, it can be Sacrificed to power up and heal Regigigas Lv X. In addition, Zen Blade is still a cheap 60 damage, which can OHKO many Basic Pokemon out there.

Modified - 8/10 (A solid tech to consider if you're using Uxie LA, and a must for AMU decks)
Limited - 6/10 (The Poke-Power and Zen Blade are still good, but not as effective. I'd rather stick it in my binder for safekeeping)
Unlimited - 1/10 (Since Uxie LA isn't seen here, neither is the Lv X)
Uxie lvX is [DEL]most likely[/DEL] THE lvX to have in any deck. It doesnt matter if its a Machamp deck or a Torterra deck, it can only do good no matter what deck its in. 9/10
Thanks to Azelf LA and Premier Ball, there is absolutely no way you can't get to this card. Thanks to a great retreat cost and great Uxie LA, this is easily the most manageable card out there. So getting it out and seated onto your bench isn't an issue. And thanks to Uxie LA, it doesn't use up your bench space or energy in an uncontrollable way. Since both the Lv.X and the original have colorless attack costs, they easily fit in any deck. And with Uxie LA, you can not only hit for 60 with 4 PlusPowers and 1 energy, you get to keep Uxie, Uxie Lv.X, the energy, and all 4 of your Pluspowers. In desperate situations, Uxie will keep you from being decked, despite the Lv. X's draw power.

It's power has NO drawbacks. Not only do you get to draw a card (and have a choice, while doing so), you gain the knowledge of knowing what's at the bottom of your deck. Need both of the cards you saw when you used Trade Off? If it's a Pokemon, it's yours with Dusk Ball. If it's ANY card at all, use the Underground Expedition Supporter that will be reprinted in Platinum. Uxie Lv.X and it's prelevel are easily the best cards in this format, with both the flexibility and versatility to fit into any deck (even Scizor in a way, thanks to Psychic Restore) that is unmatched.

Long story short, Uxie & Uxie Lv.X is teh shiznite. ∞/10
lets look at this card shall we
hp 90 low for an x 5/10
power: amazazazzzzzing its so awsome pokedex everyturn once lv max comes out this card will be in high damand10/10
attack: pretty good for 2 energy and thier colorless too witch is kind of nice but bad restriction
weakness : oops dusknior + dead but you shouldnt usualy put him up
resistance none no rate
retreate ok come on hes a flying pixy ohh well easly fixed by moonlight
overall 9/10 got to be best pixy
The issue for my decks have been do I run a 3/1 Uxie or a 4/0 Uxie.

I have won 3 CC's with the 4/0 play. This card is nice in certain decks, but folks can overated it at times.

I think the attack and power are just enough to warrant play in most decks though.

Hi this is my review today. Today is Uxie x

Its hp its not bad for a basic but i rather see it up a little bit since it is a Lv.x. It's power is amazing poke dex every turn u want that helps your deck move quicker. Now the attack i love the attack 2 for 60 u cant beat that, but the thing that i like about it right now is its type. Since people are on the machamp wagon this thing kills it add unown g on it and it kills.

Modified 9/10 great for decks right now
limited 8/10 good for limited batles

ART 8/10 not bad art
Incredible, great attack and a great power, only problem is getting it out sometimes, when all you have is teh under stage sometiems, it can hurt becasue it's bench waste but this is just a great card.

Looks Like Stewie on Family Guy LOL I love the extra draw power the ability to OHKO Champ X and the card under PWNS as well

This card is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice to have if you already have Uxie LA in your deck (which you should). Makes for a nice instant Champ counter, and can also be used against many other decks.

The artwork looks awesome but then again so do all the level Xs. As a card, well it is probarbly the most usable AMU card outside of AMU. It sees plenty of use as a tech due to it's Trade-Off Poke Power. Not much else to say really.

HP- 9/10 Really what did we expect from a basic? Ok so it perhaps would have been nice at 100 or even 110, but then again I'm only basing this off the fact that Mewtwo X has 120 and he isn't a traditional "heavy" legendary like Heatran and Regigigas are. Realistically speaking, 90 is about the best I could hope for from a small pixie basic LV.X.

Retreat- 8.5/10 I'm really not too picky when it comes to retreat costs, since a good deck won't really care. Two words: Warp Point. Having said that, I give it only 8.5 because honestly, how heavy can a Pixie be? Even Raichu X (a great big huge flipping mouse! ... and a stage 1 at that!) has free retreat.

Weakness- 4/10 Well I'm not an expert as I'm just getting into the game but it seems to me that Psychic is a popular type right now, and so X2 sucks. I know there are many ways around it and it was probarbly to be expected but for the purposes of this review its the principle of having a X2 weakness to something which gives it 4/10.

Resistance- 1/10. Well this is all a bit "meh", since resistance isnt really a huge factor (it is ALWAYS nice to have a resistance, but having no resistance does not make a card crap).

Pokemon Power- 10/10. The real reason this card is so good. Pretty awesome, nuff said.

Attack- 7/10. Well, 60 for [c][c] is pretty decent, but then this card is not really going to be a main attacker. It is however, pretty nice in AMU decks.

Overall, a very good card. Obviously its Poke Power is the main attraction, and the reason this is probarbly the most played of the 3 Pixies outside of AMU. Destined to see most of its play with Azelf and Mesprit LV.X, but in its' own right I would give the card 8.5/10, a respectable score and definatey one of the best from 2008.

I only wish I'd have pulled this instead of Azelf LV.X yesterday...
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