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2012-01-23 *REWIND* RS Mewtwo ex 101

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[gal=48146]2012-01-23 *REWIND* RS Mewtwo ex 101[/gal]​
100HP is massive in this format, even more than such terrifying basics as Basculin, Audino and Durant. 6 for 3 is incredible, when compared to excellent cards of days gone by such as Arcanine SV. The two prize drawback can easily be overcome by simply being better than your opponent or hoping they run Electrode Prime to make it even. The Psychic type is a problem as it makes a lot of Dark types resist you but you can tech in a 4-4-4 Conkeldurr line to counter them.

Believe the hype people.

If it wasn't an EX, it might be decent it today's format, but I doubt it.

100HP is great, first attack is okay, second attack is much overpriced. RC is horrid, weakness is good. Really nothing worth playing today when we have reshi and zek. 2/10
This card is beautiful. Mewtwo ex was one of the first exs and undoubtedly the best out of the original set (not saying much when compared to cards like Lapras ex, but still). 100 HP was still a lot back then, and so was 60 damage, and to make things better it has access to its own energy acceleration, as well as Gardevoir from the same set, and one of the more useful types for the day. Things only got better when Gardey ex got released, as it made a decent starter (though Dunsparce was better)

As time went on it was over shadowed by the number of other exs that were released, but for its time it was pretty good, and lasted a lot longer than any of its kin from RS.

Long live the king of old! Mewtwo ex has and will continue to have a soft spot in my heart

8/10 (early EX format)
5/10 (mid EX format)
1/10 (late EX format and on)
I love this card....

I remember I won a Gym Challenge with it.

My decklist looked something like this....

4 mewtwo ex
2 aquas lanturn
2 aquas manectric
4 juggler
4 tv reporter
4 archie
4 hyper potion
2 crystal shard :thumb:


I had so many ways to get energy in the discard turn 1, it wasnt even funny. I really miss that format.

I would give this card a 9/10 for the old ex format but 1/10 if it had to be played today.

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Wow, I can see why people are hyped for this card, it's a tank.
100HP is massive in this format, even more than such terrifying basics as Basculin, Audino and Durant. 6 for 3 is incredible, when compared to excellent cards of days gone by such as Arcanine SV. The two prize drawback can easily be overcome by simply being better than your opponent or hoping they run Electrode Prime to make it even. The Psychic type is a problem as it makes a lot of Dark types resist you but you can tech in a 4-4-4 Conkeldurr line to counter them.

Believe the hype people.

guys,THIS ISNT THE HYPED CARD! the hyped card is the new one coming in nEXt destinies.
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This Mewtwo ex is so much better compared to our yet to be released Mewtwo ex.
iT HAS ENERGY ACCELERATION!!!! And it's retreat cost doesn't matter because of the amazing energy acceleration. 3 for 60 is absolutely amazing and combining it with it's massive 100 HP... It's a force to be reckoned with. If you ever see this card being played against you, make sure to scoop, otherwise you shall feel the wrath of the most over powered card in this game. 2 prizes doesn't even hinder this card at all, if anything, if you even MANAGE to knock it out you should win the game right then and there, but alas that is impossible.


If we had this card in our format it would be best deck in format for sure.
Mewtwo ex

guys,THIS ISNT THE HYPED CARD! the hyped card is the new one coming in nEXt destinies.

Thank you for telling us. Nobody had any idea... :nonono:

Anyways, a serious review;
in our current format
No place here. A 2-prize drop is not worth it. A pokemon like Thundurus outclasses its HP and has energy acceleration, and plenty of other basics have matching engines, such as Eelektrik or Emboar.
1/10 at least it's not a magikarp
in its format
I don't really know, seems decent. Energy acceleration is nice.
This Mewtwo is basically a beefed up version of the Black Star promo #14. For the same energy costs, it too has Energy Absorption but Psyburn does more damage and Mewtwo ex has has more HP.

Not very many cards forced you to discard cards when this card was in tournaments. Most cards did shuffle+draw, not the discard+draw that we have now. You could probably use it with Juggler.

In E-On Modified, I'll call it 3/10. We played it in league, and that's what most tournaments were back in those days.
In RS-Modified. 1/10. Even though it can do significant damage to Blaziken and Blaziken ex and Gardevoir ex, it gets OHKOed by both ex forms, which was all that were played in this format. And it gets blocked by Wobbuffet. Maybe it could outspeed them, but I didn't see it tried. Can't go back and try it now, so it gets stuck with 1/10.
For this Rewind CotD, we have Mewtwo ex from think this was once good. Not to mention this Mewtwo ex largely ripped off yet another form of Mewtwo to begin with, the movie promo one that was given away during the first movie. Anyways, statwise 100 HP is still nice for a Basic, x2 Weakness to :psychic: was meh if I remember right once the SS set came along, no Resistance still common, and :colorless::colorless::colorless: to Retreat still expensive. Mewtwo ex was easy enough to set up, use Energy Absorption for :psychic: to grab 2 Energy (one ideally :psychic:) from your discard onto him, then go to town with Psyburn :)psychic::psychic::colorless: for 60); believe it or not, 3 Energy for 60 damage was about the right ratio at the time for damage, though these days if you're not getting at least 80 for an investment of 3 Energy, you're probably wasting your time. So yeah...then of course, compare it to the upcoming monstrosity of a Mewtwo EX we have, and you can definitely see how far power creep has come along in the last 9, to think quite a few Juniors weren't even born then...god I feel old >.> . This shouldn't even be a Rewind, it's more like a Blast from the Past lol.

Unlimited - 1/10 - Just another relic, though to be fair it was pretty obsolete once Gardy and Blaziken decks kicked off anyways
This card was played with Pichu (Neo Genesis) back in the day in Unlimited probably to counter those Gardy and Blaziken decks. The deck looked really solid, until Sandstorm came out and the first print of Rare Candy broke the game.

9/10 R&S and before
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