Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

2nd place NW regs

The Ralts

New Member
So...after my bad finishes at states (one top 8, and the other 13th) I decide that i should try to actually do well at regionals. I needed to heavily test my decks and get them to work perfectly for regionals.
I did brawl and computer games mostly.

The night before, I have to make a deck for one of my friends in the junior division, and the gallade list that I made off the top of my head ends up taking third. =D

Before the tourney, i kept switching between playing gallade or magmortar. I wanted to play maggy(even though i haven't actually played it at a sanctioned event yet)....but i couldn't get it to start as consistantly as my gallade. EVEN after my "heavy testing" all month long since states.... At the venue, I wrote out the deck lists for each of them, but since I couldn't decide on which to play....I just borrowed Jeremy's magmortar instead.
Oh, and i'm recruited by Alex to team "insert name here", and we take 2nd in the team challenge.

Round one: um....someone who i can't remember.
It was her first time playing, so i just had some fun killing chikoritas and weedles....gg


Round two:another person who i can't remember, w/darkrai wigglytuff
I get a HORRIBLE start, cosisting of: a magmar, a torchic, and some energy(maybe there was a warp in there somewhere...)
Anyway, I topdeck a magmortar somewhere during the first couple turns, but after that i only topdeck energy for like 4-5 turns. I still won since he wasn't very good, and couldn't really get anything out. So i just swept with my lone magmortar.gg


Round three: um...someone from oregon... w/furret/oddish delta line/blastoise delta
He can't get a single evolution out...and i get something close to a god start.
I sweep with a maggy, and the one time he does get a vileplume delta out, i just snipe it before he can send it up. He did 80 to my maggy lvlx with a squirtle somewhere here though....gg


Round four: Zane N. (i actually remembered the name of someone I played! =O) w/darkrai/weavile/claydol
Um...I get a decent start, and I can sweep with magmortar since everything he has has 100 hp or less. But, because of certain pokemon in his deck....*coughihateweavilecough* we had the prizes tied at 3-3 when time was called. I could snipe anything during the next turn....but I had to reatreat my active magmortar with 1 energy to do it. So i had to spend the next couple of turns to attach and retreat the magmortar to send up my blaziken, and kill anything i chose.
I did make a misplay by having a stantler with an energy active, and a magmortar with four energy on the bench. I used a warp point, and sent up the magmortar, only to realize that i actually wanted the stantler up....I had to waste 3 energy to right my wrong.
He also had his 2 baltoys as two of his last three prizes. :lol: gg

I am now sure that i will make the cut, as Zane has a good record, and even if i lose the next two rounds, I would lose to high-ranking people.

Round five: Jeremy SK. w/plox
seriously, that card is so evil....
I have to get out my starter and my claydol to set up...and then...voila! I have two bench spaces left!
I take a couple prizes here...before i scoop. gg


Round six:Amelia B. w/skittles

She doesn't get much of a set up, and has to attack with togekiss for a couple turns, then I just bench a tauros, scramble a magmortar, and roll through the next two pokemon. I then snipe her claydol, and just kill everthing else. gg


I enter the cut at....3rd place.

Top 16: Why-not-wi-fi-wywy-wooper w/plox
I've been testing agianst him, so I know that as long as he doesn't get a gardevoir going before I can start a magmortar, then i can win.(And he plays blastoise D, instead of dusknoir)

Game one: He gets a ralts start, or something like that. This games is a little vaguey, so it will be as bad as the other games in this report, only with this game...I have a reason!
Sooooooo.....he ends up scooping after I have taken like 4 prizes, to his 2 or so....

Game two: i use my psychic powers to make him get......a squirtle start!
I can't remember this either, but he somehow stumbles around for a bit, and manages to get a semi-setup, and actually takes a few prizes this game! All the while, I am taking about a prize every other turn, if not every turn.

Top 8:Clint A. w/ gallade furret...and, what do you know! DUSKNOIR!

Game one: He gets a REALLY bad start, and I come close to donking his sentret, but he roseannes for a ralts.....
Once i kill a couple more basics, he actually gets a gallade going, and kills whatever I have up. I just need a fire energy to knock it out....and I whiff. Even after cosmic power and felicities...
The next turn, he doesn't get anymore basics, so I just need the fire again...And I whiff...again.
The next turn, I finally get a fire and knock out the gallade. gg

Game two: He doesn't get a very good start again, and he keeps flipping tails on the burn.
I take quite a few prizes within the first few turns, and he eventually gets out a dusknoir and gardy or something, takes a prize with it , and damages my maggy lvlx. He needs to get a tails on the burn for me to knock out the dusknoir, and he gets heads...I have to manually knock out the dusknoir a turn later, allowing him to do the ninety to my maggy lvlx. Which I can't remember if he ever knocked out or not...I think he did though. And I can't remember if i win on prizes, or if he scoops. gg

Top 4: CJ B. w/maggy, blaze, furret

Game one: I can't remember this game very well. We both start setting up, but at the time when I begin the assault, he only has one blaze PK, one blaze GE, and one maggy. All of which don't have very many energy on it.
I think he eventually scoops? gg

Game two: He gets a bad start, and I just sweep through whatever he can get out....or something like that.... gg

Top 2: Jeremy SK. w/plox

Game one: I can't get a decent start, and after I forget about dusknoir and put down a 4th basic, the dusknoir beatdown begins....for some reason, I can never snipe a dusknoir, it's just resistant to my attempts to get enough energy on something to snipe it....
I scoop. gg

Game two: Ummm...I think I get a tauros start or something, but I still can't win. I scoop again. gg

Muahahaha, I have scooped for all my losses.
I really need to work on my plox matchup, especially when they run dusknoir....The combination of the bench lock, and the psychic lock is just too much for me.

Buuuuuuuut, I still got second, so yay.

I got third at regs last year, and second this year, so maybe next year I can lucksac my way to first.

kirby and the amazing mirror (best game eva)
Jeremy for letting a noob-who-can't-build-a-good-deck-of-his-own like me use one of his decks.
Free origins badge.
Da big, hooj, shiny trophy (though i preferred last year's, with the blastoise)
$1000 scholarship
Der Quinn for getting third in juniors.
Booster box that will now sit in my room until i choose to either open it to see if i get a cress lvlx....or just sell it on ebay.
Torchics. (didn't help quite as much as magmortar, but provided inspiration for me when I had a bad start)
As my last name is coHEN, I can only hope that I can play some form of chickens next year too.

Ummmm...I don't think there were any, it was a very well run event, as well as fun.
Oh, wait, I remembered one:
Nintendo made Kirby squeak squad for the DS so lame. They took out smash kirby, and they also took out the multiplayer on anything but the sub-games. Even boss endurance.

There. I'm done with my bad report. I hope to magically gain a million dollars tomorrow for my troubles.
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Lol, I got such a crap start that game. Good job man! I was the kid with Vileplume d/Bellosomm d (robbed of 16th, but w/e XD). I wanted you to win the whole thing. Great job on second though. Andrew's the name.
Phazon: Your right, I didn't get second, I got first....or did I? Nobody will ever know now! *cackles madly*
Andrew: That wasn't a baloney start....that was a FUN start.. Thanks though.
Nice job! I was hoping you would win the whole shindig also. I whiffed so bad on Togekiss T2(one energy) in our game, I should of started with Pachi(I could of) since I have wretched luck.
Yeah, a lot of people I played had bad luck that day. It was the Torchics. They own.
I had no idea that I had people rooting for me. =O
Phazon: Your right, I didn't get second, I got first....or did I? Nobody will ever know now! *cackles madly*
I know what everyone got. IN FACT, I can adjust what everyone got!!! OH THE POWER. *hysterical laughter*

Oh wait, I lost touch with reality there for a second.

Nice report.

Thanks peoples. *tries to think of something extremely witty to say, but, alas, he has not the brainpower*
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