Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

2nd place St. Louis Report


New Member
So, pretty much, I anticipated a large amount of Jumpluff and a significant decrease in Gyarados ( face it, states failure. ) Instead of working up a really long and complicated deck, I focused on building something fast and strong. Blaziken Garchomp was the end result. Pretty consistent overall, only real problem was I decided against a hardcounter for Mewtwo in exchange for a 2nd Garchomp C Lv. X.

Round 1:

I sit down, and take an early lead. Two prizes in? He drops a Mewtwo, and I can't get the damage to take it out before the X hit the field. Got down to two prizes, but ultimately he took it.

0 / 1

Round 2:

A pokedad, who was, amusingly enough, not so terrible, but just misleading. He drops Mewtwo, I knock it out. Take a couple prizes, but he manages to get the Mewtwo out. I snipe around it, and take care of it. He made a couple of major misplays, and I taught him how to run the deck a lot more efficiently ( Hey, he finished with a positive rating, so hooray, right? )

1 / 1

Round 3:

Gardy-Gallade deck. Not initially worried, but partway through, we have a problem - he says he still had to attach the energy, I said he already did. Judge came over, we appealed all the way to Clay. The situation resolved poorly, but no big. Time is called at 3 / 3 prizes, one energy on chomp. Sudden death triggers, and we call judges over again for a time extension. Judges rule to play on. Attach the energy / gain and KO his mesprit.

2 / 1

Round 4:

Luring Flame > Claydol. She tried to get Mewtwo setup, and can't. She drops too many cards, and I snipe around it again ( 3 mewtwos almost back to back, REALLY? )

3 / 1

Round 5 ( Trevor! )

So, I get paired against a guy I came up with ( who just got paired against ANOTHER person we came up with ) He's playing Sablock. Starts Giratina, manages to lock me for a few good turns. The lock breaks, and I ultimately get to Luring Flame up his Giratina, snipe around. I get the better set up in the long term, and ultimately take him 0 / 5 prizes.

4 / 1

Round 6 ( Jayson )

Jayson Harry, one of my favorite people... stomped my face in. He took me head on, swept me pretty hard. Pout forever.

4 / 2

Round 7

An interesting Garchomp deck, but he can't get started. I get to drop Lucario G, and use the newly double colorless weakness to smite him over. Slow set up is slow.

5 / 2

Top Cut:

Round 8

The guy is good, playing a really crazy Glisctomb. We use a majority of the time on game 1, where I take a very prominent lead. He scoops as I move in to take my last prize, so we move to game 2. Neither of us even get more than 2 prizes before time is called. ( 1 / 0 )

6 / 2

Round 9

My official "Hardcorest player ever", playing his whole deck without sleeves. Dialgachomp. I take advantage of the weakness more often than not. He really does amazing things with his chomps, and we go back and forth on prizes a lot. Luring Flame was my friend often in this game. ( 2 / 0, I think! I don't remember if he did win one or not, but I don't think so. )

7 / 2

Round 10 ( Keelan )

Donphan deck in top 4 is rough. This game involves a lot of luck on both our parts - first round is more or less easy mode, and I manage to take enough prizes to make it look like I know what I'm doing. Second game is infinitely harder, though I will say I got lucky, - he hit 3 tails on a Reversal. He pulls a late prize on a Bronzong, and it kicks all the way down to 1 / 1 prize. Luckily, I can warp up his damaged Donphan, Aaron for the energy and Blaziken X, level up and Jet Shoot for the game. ( 2 / 0 )

8 / 2

Round 11 ( Jwittz. Omnomprofit. )

So, I sit across from Jwittz, and have to control my laughter, if for no other reason than I just see a Youtube box around his face the whole time. Round 1 was a joke, and I scoop after he takes my only fire energy ( 2 sprays, a premier... junk hand ). Round 2 was much stronger for me, but really did seem like the exact opposite. All said and done, we had 25 - 30 minutes for round 3. The game is hardcore, as his Sablock is just incredible, he keeps stopping me. His biggest gamble, he threw a bajillion Crobats, and I assumed he was dumping for an Uxie, so I didn't spray. He drops Sableye, attaches belt, Special Dark, and eats my poor Garchomp C lv X. Down to 2 / 1 prizes, and I just had nothing. He shows me the energy to KO anything on the field, and I give him the game. ( 1 / 2 )

8 / 3

Ultimately, this was a great tournament. I made roughly 140$ vendoring trash rares and whatnot, ( effectively being paid to come and play ), take 2nd, have a lot of fun - most of my friends did amazing, too. Plus, Hannah and I painted our nails to match our sleeves, and bought pens to match our nails. Yeah, we're pro like that. xD


-Great event, great location, everything ran smoothly.
-Taking 2nd, obv.
-Meeting a lot of new people
-Good money vendoring.

-Playing people I came with
-Losing the top
-Small children with boffer weapons.
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It was a pleasure meeting you, and those were some great games! I think the crobatx5+ sableye was to knockout a garchompcx, but it's no big difference. See you at nats!
Thanks, guys! I'm surprised I remembered Kason's name, too. xD And the Garchomp C X sounds right - so, I amended both, but you're right - both have 110 HP. xD

It was lots of fun, nonetheless! I will definitely be at Nats, and it will be great. It was nice meeting you, too, Jwittz!
Small children with Boffer weapons as a slop?

I thought the "roving horde" was kind of hilarious.

Thanks, and great job!

? )

Gardy-Gallade deck. Not initially worried, but partway through, we have a problem - he says he still had to attach the energy, I said he already did. Judge came over, we appealed all the way to Clay. The situation resolved poorly, but no big. Time is called at 3 / 3 prizes, one energy on chomp. Sudden death triggers, and we call judges over again for a time extension. Judges rule to play on. Attach the energy / gain and KO his mesprit.


The problem with calls like this one is that judges have no basis to make a ruling during swiss because we are not focusing on that particular match as you know. Someone is going to be mad no matter how that call gets made. This decision was passed to me very quickly and a ruling was given in a minute or less...any further discussion about the ruling was initiated by the player.

And again...I didn't give an extension because it was the fairest call to make. I intentionally did not look at the board set up, only the 3 prize to 3 prize tie. The only way an extension would have been given was if an inordinant amount of time was taken to make the ruling. The 40 minute time limit was initiated to allow for such quick player/judge questions.

As for poor was resolved. Rarely do both players in this situation come away feeling good about a he said/he said judge ruling. We are not going to sit and debate an issue that as judges we have dealt with many times. We know the situations that come up and once we know the scoop, we generally know what our answer will be, especially those of us judges who have been doing it for years. This was one of those times. Players want to plead their case and have that right but once a ruling is made by the head judge....move on

Play on
No no... I think I phrased it wrong. The reason I didn't go i n to more detail is because ultimately I agree with the ruling. I was aggravated mostly with the tone that was used, during a majority of the time we were addressed. Later on, we talked about it, and like I said, I probably would have ruled the same way as well.

And, once you gave your ruling, we did. I wouldn't go against the head judge, and perhaps it was wrong of me to use your name, and for that I apologize.

Later in the day, close to the very end, another conversation was had about it, which ultimately satisfied me. -Nod- I was frustrated at the time, and since it was talked about later, I ultimately didn't mind at the end of the day - but I wasn't going to bring up the problem I was frustrated with here, since -that- was taken care of later in the day.

"Resolved poorly" was not meant to be applied to the ruling, just the tone. We did get a resolution, and since there can be no positive or negative for the resolution itself, ( again, I agreed with the way you handled it, ultimately ) that part was fine. Both players entered in to calling the judge knowing full and well it was a he-said she-said situation, and that there was no possible way to have both players walk away 100% content. I've had to make rulings like this before, and it sucks. I do apologize for the tone of that part of my post as well, if it came off as though I was complaining about the ruling itself. I'll PM you.

Vince: I was boffered. XD!! Slops with me are never angreeee slops, just "WAH THIS HAPPENED" xD
XD! Best story: Johnny, who was in the tops for the Juniors, asked his mom ( John's wife ) for a "40$ stuffed toy" if he won. She told me that she said she'd get it for him if he won the whole thing. I had seen the pricetag earlier and I dutifully informed her ( between fits of giggles ) that she had just agreed to buy him a big boffer weapon. When she realized her folly, it was quite possibly one of the most amusing points of the day.

So perhaps I should say "props to boffer weapons for the lulz!"
No no... I think I phrased it wrong. The reason I didn't go i n to more detail is because ultimately I agree with the ruling. I was aggravated mostly with the tone that was used, during a majority of the time we were addressed. Later on, we talked about it, and like I said, I probably would have ruled the same way as well.

And, once you gave your ruling, we did. I wouldn't go against the head judge, and perhaps it was wrong of me to use your name, and for that I apologize.

Later in the day, close to the very end, another conversation was had about it, which ultimately satisfied me. -Nod- I was frustrated at the time, and since it was talked about later, I ultimately didn't mind at the end of the day - but I wasn't going to bring up the problem I was frustrated with here, since -that- was taken care of later in the day.

"Resolved poorly" was not meant to be applied to the ruling, just the tone. We did get a resolution, and since there can be no positive or negative for the resolution itself, ( again, I agreed with the way you handled it, ultimately ) that part was fine. Both players entered in to calling the judge knowing full and well it was a he-said she-said situation, and that there was no possible way to have both players walk away 100% content. I've had to make rulings like this before, and it sucks. I do apologize for the tone of that part of my post as well, if it came off as though I was complaining about the ruling itself. I'll PM you.

Vince: I was boffered. XD!! Slops with me are never angreeee slops, just "WAH THIS HAPPENED" xD

No worries on my part Steven...simply wanted to clarify for the peanut guys were complaints on my part.

Awesome job making it to the finals! I was able to take home two of the short swords and two of the shields (Thanks Vince!) The kids are having a blast with them. I even get to whoop up on them making sure they know who is still the boss.

If you are able to take over the KY job, you know I'll help you where I can when we come up there.

See you at Nats,

Super-boffer lasers!

Thanks, Rick - I really appreciate it. As it stands, I'll be learning all the twists and turns during the prerelease and BR's. Hope to see you up for the BRs!