Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

a cool kingler deck i thought off.

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New Member
4pickachu HP (m)
4raichu HP (m)
3crabby CG
3kingler CG

2drk metal

4pokenav CG
3solid rage UF
3energy root UF
4wallys training
4cursed stone LM
3scott EM
4celios network CG
3h tranciever
1h mentor
1h lass
1h adventurer
4marys request

read signature and wait for strat
Please read the guidelines, thanks!

Your not the first to think of this. Your list is horrific.

I think woopertrainer was the first to think of this. Acually its not even good. Believe it or not but Rai-Eggs is better.
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the strategy:t1 pichachu wallys traing raichu, attack drk metal or fire and start attacking with zzzap (and try to get cursed stone ASAP also)then when raichu finally dies you should have a kingler ready with 1fire 2metal and solid rage attached (or another raichu and go trough that again)when kimglers solid rage stops working you go on the defenceive, windstorm your solid rage, attach energy root and keep up the solid 80.nav rocks and marys request should setup almost all and the rest is covered, thx!:)]

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thank you very much thunderbolt im sorry im not as perfect as you. >-{
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Needs DRE or Scramble like Rai-Eggs or just DRE for a T1 Kingler

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Wait where's the Cessation Crystal! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: (way too shocked to express it on a computer)
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yea i'd agree run Cessation Crytial, and i'd say though in some Scramble Energy and Holon pokemon so u dont have to worry about the -10 damage DRE gives u.

your biggest have no can get run over. so i'd say figure sumthing out with that. and unless your expecting to loose...drop the solid rage lol and the holon line, running 1 of each with 3 tranceivers isnt....good...
no stadiums!?! wat do you call 4 cursed stone then!?!
and helpful oppinions
thunder bolt since your gods gift why dont you send in a deck involving this strategy of kingler and raichu. or anyone, help me out here
This deck is better than rai-eggs its just built wrong.

NOTE: Without a fix, this post is a rating. Please supply a fix when you post in the deck HELP forum. Thanks!
I am having problems with all the kingler-d decks going round, they run Cessation crystals/energy roots etc

What is the best way to beat them? windstorm doesnt really help as they end up putting another tool down anyway. I have been using golduck/eveelutions and it kinda works as they always have tools/supporters in their hands which is good for golducks attack. And first turn [L] on evee for jolteon OHKO krabby.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I made a deck like this to
no need for dark metal use holon rainbow energy
and a couple of castaways to help find the tools
windstorm is not really needed in this deck
to be honest ive never made and probably never will, i almost did 2day but gave up under sercumstanses of laziness, but if i ever work out wat apprentise is ill do it on their (if my dad lets me) thanks though your ideas work (trust my imagination) please someone post their build. and the guy who attempted to nic my thread...fair play to you i hijacked the queendom one once, 5th page or sumin. go check it out ;-)
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