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A legendary pokemon that evolves! No way!


New Member
Seriously! Wouldn't that be awesome! Why have they not created a legendary pokemon that evolves? It's basic form would be something small, like a Mew. Then it evolves and becomes this super big powerful force, like a Palkia. They really need to make a pokemon like that. It would be a great movie concept. It's starts off being something that a local town worships and gives thanks to for protecting its people, then some evil organization, like Team Rocket, comes in and messes with it, so it evolves out of anger and tries to blow everything up. After that, Ash and friends come to save the day, like they always do.
Intentionally Misleading Title Grammar/10!

Evolving Legendaries = Bad. It goes against the whole principle of, you know, them being legendary.
Manaphy/Phione aren't technically related by evolution, so they can get away with it, but anything more than what they did with those two would be lame.
True, Legendary pokemon evolve, BUT. Manaphy doesn't evolve, hence he/her/it is still legendary. Phione on the other hand...
no ledgendary pokemon evolves or has offspring.
So much for Manaphy for being a legendary.
"Great" and the standard Pokémon formula do not mix. At all.
Intentionally Misleading Title Grammar/10!

Evolving Legendaries = Bad. It goes against the whole principle of, you know, them being legendary.
Manaphy/Phione aren't technically related by evolution, so they can get away with it, but anything more than what they did with those two would be lame.
if a legendary could evolve that means it can breed which makes it a non legendary
You all think that a Legendary Pokemon can't evolve. You all seem to know about this "rule" in which a Legenday Pokemon can't evolve. Well, listen up! The guys who make up all the Pokemon can make up whatever Pokmeon they want to, Legendary or not. They can make it evole if they want to. The term "Legendary" isn't short for "I am a Pokemon that can't evolve". It means everything that it says "Legendary" means they're the stuff of Legends, and so far, no Pokemon that evolves just happens to be the stuff of Legends. You guys don't make the rules!
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i completle agree with the person abouve me stickit to the man.......i think that shaiamin (from D/P) should be the first "legendary" to evolve it just seemes to "basic".
You all think that a Ledgendary Pokemon can't evolve. You all seem to know about this "rule" in which a Ledgenday Pokemon can't evolve. Well, listen up! The guys who make up all the Pokemon can make up whatever Pokmeon they want to, Ledgendary or not. They can make it evole if they want to. The term "Ledgendary" isn't short for "I am a Pokemon that can't evolve". It means everything that it says "Ledgendary" means they're the stuff of Ledgens, and so far, no Pokemon that evolves just happens to be the stuff of Ledgens. You guys don't make the rules!

Good speech. Oh, and its "legends". And in the Manaphy movie, I specifically remember there being talk of how Manaphy was spoken of by the People of the Water in LEGENDS. I mean look at Mewtwo! He was man-made! Hence, he could not have been spoken of in legends. If Mewtwo is legendary, but Manaphy was spoken of in legends, don't you think its a little odd that Manaphy is not legendary? Of course you guys will say something like "Mewtwo's not legendary", or something like that.
you are right that Maniphi doesn't evolve in a way he kinda DE-evolves into Phion so there cant be any more argument :p
If legendaries could evolve, it would make them no different from the regular Pokemon. If Shaymin had a evolved form, what make him so special? Nothing.

And it's against the Lore.
Now are we talking about them being different in game, or anime? Even if they could evolve, in the anime they would still be protrayed as incredibly powerful pokemon. In the game, I personally think pokemon like Dialga, Palkia, and Manaphy aren't really that strong. So what makes them different from other pokemon in the game? They don't evolve. Yeah big difference. So is Wobuffett a legendary also? He is stronger than a lot of em....
Now are we talking about them being different in game, or anime? Even if they could evolve, in the anime they would still be protrayed as incredibly powerful pokemon. In the game, I personally think pokemon like Dialga, Palkia, and Manaphy aren't really that strong. So what makes them different from other pokemon in the game? They don't evolve. Yeah big difference. So is Wobuffett a legendary also? He is stronger than a lot of em....

Going by Base Stat Totals, Legendaries are, in fact, the strongest.
Dragonite, Tyranitar, Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, and Slaking are the only Pokemon with Base Stat Totals in the same range as the legendaries, and they're at the weak end of that range.
One thing about legendaries is only 1 found in each game, at most, right? If so, then if it evolved, you would not be able to have what evolved into it, unless you restarted. If there were two games, for example I'll use... Pink and Orange, and each had an evolving legendary, if two players each evolved it, the other one wouldn't be able to get the Pokedex info on the pre-evolved form.