Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Apparently no one writes FL BR reports...


New Member
So Team F Your Couch and my buddy Kyle avengers assembled at Dunkin Donut's Saturday Sept the 25th to head out to the Kissimmee BR's at Coliseum of Comics. On the way their I built Kyle a deck and tweaked things about the other decks. I had decided on this funky Dark build that tried to abuse Sage's Training and Honkcrow to dump dark pokes in the discard and do massive amounts of damage. Donphan would normally be the autoloss but Umbreon would help me with that with its moonlight fang. belted he was doing 60 damage with Sp dark. Pat was running Donphan, Joe ran Raindance, and Kyle was given a funky espeon slar suggestion build with mewtwo tech. Kyles new so he doesn't have the experience I have playing and realizing what cards do to synergize yet but he did rather well taking every match to time.

So we get there and get our decklists filled out minus the collectors I needed for 2 of the decks so I have to sub cards in quick. I don't remember names, only decks so I apologize in advance.

Round 1: Vs Tyranitar/Dark

New guy from Ocala. There is a resurgence of pokemon apparently in O-town which is nice to see because I helped run the league there many moons ago. I draw sabledonk but he starts with 2 pokes. Larvitar gets one shotted, his eevee gets one shotted and he stalls me 2 turns with starly sand attack. he evovles, I belt,bat, game.

Round 2: Vs Dusknoir

Tough matchup but I get setup and one shot stuff then the spreading happens.no anti stadium is lame and their you go. good game and kept it close all way through, just ran out of gas cuz I couldn't get rid of dusknoir.

break for lunch, we grab boston market. They snub me on casear salad so I get joe to guilt them into giving us some for free. smiles all around. We strategize and head back. I need to win out, joe is 0-2,Kyle is 0-2, Pat is 1-1.

Round 3/4: Vs ?

Don't really remember these. I know I won though ending round 4 3-1. at this point me and pat are bound to win out cuz Pat is wrecking with Donphan and sableye starts are for champions. we get paired...

I give him the win because donphan is more solid and i haven't experimented enough with my dark build, plus donphan is gonna wreck me because at this point i only run a 1/1 umbie line. 3-2 me, 0-X Joe and Kyle, 4-1 Pat. Pat just needs to win this next one and I can't drop as to not screw his Tie breakers. pat goes on to lose and places outside of t4. bummer, I lose to something chomp last round.

as for trades Kissimmee had very little for us except for Cory hooking me up with some swag.

Next morning I get up s/s/s and decide I am going to brandon. Head out about 10:00 get their about 10:40. see Ben from my science class and Josh/Gio from the Brandon/Valrico area. said my pleasantries ad filled out my decklist keeping it from prying eyes. This time I upped the umbie line to 2/2 still focusing on the Krow(which ultimately I have learned is the sweeper for the deck after stuff gets dumped,knocked out, pitched with regice. You start the game with Umbie.)Either way I made my tweaks the night before and came with the mindset that I would not face Dnoir again. I was wrong.

Round 1: Vs Sablelock

I didn't realize people were still on this decks gonads. Either way tomb start to his sableye, he can;t donk so he sets up and judges. I rip a collector grab regice, uxie, eevee. Sages dump some dark pokes and grab dark energy and dce. He goes proceeds to Cyrus and then iniatiave hitting both my cards left. from there he gets initiative greedy and keeps trying to keep my hand low but goes 50/50 flips and never sprays anything even though I know he has them and has the pokes to do it. Garchomp starts sniping cuz I can't get evo's going except for a lone Umbie but he can be sniped around. overall not the way I wanted to start the day.

Round 2: Vs DUSKNOIR
this sucks. No anti stadium again. nice guy though. sableye start almost had the donk but had to collector cuz I didn't wanna get donked back. He proceeds to play tomb, duskull and started darkness gracing. I get a Umbie set up, q my eye and then hit with a belt,sp dark for 60 on the tomb. promotes Dusclops evolves, shadow command, send damge to my benched sableye. he also builds up another dusclops on the bench. I knockout the one dusknoir saving myself from the x. he promotes another tomb, darkness grace a new dusknoir. he lvls and all hell breaks lose. after turns of moonlighting he would end up drawing 4 prizes in one fell swoop. enter scoop phase shake hands and drop.

proceed to trade my butt off ending the day with a playset of Scizor prime(yes) and , playsets of kyo/don and almost a playset of deo/ray, numerous extra sp trainers, like 17 uxie's, ash's pikachu for sentimental value, play reward dark and steels for my decks, extra slowking primes, extras staples like chatots,q's, etc.

I can literally say I made out like a bandit. all in all looking forward to orlando this weekend and Tampa next. I will keep a better record of what happened next time lol.