Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

babies are extremely anoying (especialy in this deck)

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New Member
this is my baby deck. It wins sometimes and loses most of the time but it is a fun deck to play. I was wondering if anybody could make it better so it would win more than it lost.


3 elekid
3 electibuzz
3 smoochum
3 jynx
3 wynaut
3 wobuffet
2 magby lm
2 magmar lm


2 mentor
2 celio
3 copycat
2 pokemon retrievers
2 swoops
2 transceivers
2desert ruins
3 full flame


4 rainbow
4 double rainbow
10 electric

believe it or not it never seems like I can get enough energy even though I have 22

strat: try to get all the babies out as soon as possible so you can get the higher evolutions, but while you still have the babies out it is ok for them to take damage because as soon as you evolve you remove all the damage anyways. *evil laugh*:lol:
i did that at one point and i ended up with swoops in my hand and nothing to swoop, and even now i find myself with swoops in my hand and nothing to swoop.
-2 Celio
+2 Mentor (You have a total basic line and see energy line)
(Took out an energy for the card below)
+1 Tranceiver (Need those mentors asap)
- 1/1 Jynx, Buzz, or Magmar line for this (Which ever you feel is less important)
+2 Pokemon Retriever (See Energy line for reasons)
-2 Swoop
+2 Mr Briney (Could be useful in the end game as well where swoop kinda dies off at times)
-3 Full Flame
+3 Battle Frontier (If you don't run Pidgeot, you must stop him)

-all energy
+4 Holon Magnimite
+4 Holon Castform
+4 Holon Voltorb
+5 Holon Magniton/Electrode(Since you are completely basic pokemon, run a Mynx type energy line)

Hope this helps "funkymunky2251". See you tomorrow.
Again, seeing you will mentor for everything you'll need, draw power isn't a number one in this.

-4 or 3 draw power
+4 or 3 Pow!
And change the rest of your draw power to Mary's

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sceptilerancher said:
if ure going to play that type of energy line why would u -2 swoop??

Seeing there is 20 basic pokemon over the energy line, he is very unlikely to get an energy only basic to play.... besides, I added Briney for the same reason, only it doesn't lose the pokemon.
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