Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League


Ignoring the idiots who obviously don't want to say anything about TRUK...

I'd say use a combination of Ball and Castaway.
I think the guy just made up the TRUK engine thing. It probably is just a weird joke...
TRUKs are real decks
ive faced a few at local BR's, they were actually quite formitable
nothing evo wasnt ready for, but powerful none the less
truks are decks
there is fire truk, ice truk, pickup truk, dump truk, and ambulence truk
these are the ones i know of/feel like posting
the decks arent mine, thus i will not reveal information on them
how would i feel if project evo or sanctuary or requiem were revealed?
if you wish to know what they are, you need to ask one of there creators
The ones that arn't between your legs. Dusk ball, Dual ball, Quick Ball, Master ball, Great ball. I think Great ball can be a good tech in almost any deck. Quick ball is amazing in any deck that only runs like one or two lines. Kriketune is really good IMO. Master ball saw play for a bit as did dual ball but its not worth it now.

Crystal Shard, Strength Charm, and Cessation Crystal are pretty much the ONLY tools being played in the format. You need to at least have 3-4 of one in each deck except crystal shard, thatz pure tech.

Overall Castaway>Any of the balls.

TRUKs are just great deck ideas built on the basis of a rock solid trainer engine. That's all there is to it. The BR TRUKs are nothing compared to what we have in store for cities.