Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Banned Article about the Swine Flu

I found this interesting....

"Dear Pharmacist,
I am hearing more about the Swine Flu and I’m getting nervous. I wasn’t going to get the vaccine, but I’m reconsidering it. Can you help me make this decision?"

Answer: "Discussing vaccinations is like discussing religion and there are highly educated and caring people on both sides of the vaccine argument. The emergence and spread of this mysterious influenza virus which consists of pig, bird and human genetic particles, will no doubt become a serious health threat to people, especially the immunocompromised. Nevertheless, swine flu (also called H1N1 virus) is the newest disease to be promoted to the public. I suspect that enormous resources will be mobilized in order to get people vaccinated and limit the virus’s spread, though you won’t hear much about using time-tested anti-viral herbs or powerful antioxidants which can naturally strengthen your immune system and prevent infection."

"I absolutely believe that most people will recover from the flu, but the constant news on TV about it provokes a palpable fear in people. At the moment, the vaccines concern me because they have not been tested long-term in human subjects and have been rushed through safety tests. Like any vaccine, there is no guarantee that getting the shot prevents the disease. Furthermore, viruses are smart and they can adapt quickly to become resistant to vaccines and anti-viral drugs like Tamiflu."

"Unfortunately, it is possible to get the flu from certain vaccine formulas if they happen to contain “live, attenuated virus.” Many people think that a vaccine contains only ‘dead’ virus, but this is not necessarily true. At least one of the four vaccinations that got FDA approval in mid September 2009 does happen to contain “live, attenuated virus” and it’s aimed at millions of our kids. According to an Associated Press report, approximately only 500 people have died from swine flu, there are campaigns planned for mass vaccination for school-age children beginning in October. According to a U.S. News & World Report article the vaccine planned for our school age children will most likely contain the “live attenuated” virus and be given via nasal mist or drops."

"How is it possible to get the sickness from a vaccine shot or mist that contains “live attenuated” virus? It may occur because you would be receiving live (though weakened) virus particles into your body. For the record, this is not a new concept, this is how many vaccines do their work. The idea is that introducing a tiny amount of a still-living virus causes your immune system to form antibodies to it, so upon reintroduction, you can defeat the perceived enemy. But, if your immune system is weak (or you are under stress) the virus from a “live attenuated” vaccine has the potential to take over and give you the flu. This explains why some people who receive the seasonal flu vaccine, get so sick afterwards."

"In the absence of independently-funded clinical trials that are placebo-controlled and well-designed, I cannot assure my readers of the vaccine’s safety or efficacy, for any of the 4 vaccines that are currently coming to market. The real data for long-term safety will trickle in after it is administered to your family and neighbors. I’m taking some heat for my current position, but as a responsible pharmacist (and mother) would you trust me if I told you to rush right out and get a vaccination that has hardly been tested and fast-tracked through the FDA? I think not. It’s sensible and responsible to want more safety testing."

"But you may not have a choice in the matter. There are laws in the making that will force you to get the vaccination, whether or not you want it. The laws may change if the still relatively innocuous virus should morph into a deadly strain. If these state laws are passed, and you disobey the authorities by refusing a vaccination, it’s possible that you could be fined or imprisoned. Massachusetts is setting new law precedents, and there is much contention in that state."

"What exactly is in the vaccine and should you be concerned about getting the shot (or nasal mist) if you are perfectly healthy? These questions are not simple to answer. It appears that there is a possibility for one (or more) of the vaccinations to contain an ingredient “squalene,” which some scientists suspect is associated with paralysis of the respiratory system or disabling autoimmune disorders such as Guillain-Barré syndrome http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/gbs/gbs.htm and possibly Gulf War Syndrome based on the fact that most men suffering with symptoms of GWS had antibodies to squalene. I’m not making it up, the study is right here. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10640454 While terrifying, these are considered rare side effects, and also, I am unable to confirm whether or not the vaccines will actually contain this yet. Those who feel that squalene is a safe adjuvant discuss the substance as if it were some kind of natural ‘fish oil’ and that it is completely safe for humans. Here is what the World Health Organization says about squalene at this link. http://www.who.int/vaccine_safety/topics/adjuvants/squalene/questions_and_answers/en/"

"There is also talk that one (or more) of the vaccinations could contain thimerosal, a mercury derivative that could be tied to neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders. Again, I must confirm the presence of thimerasol as the ingredient list becomes available to the public."

"So you can see why many Americans are thinking twice about the risk of the vaccine, versus the risk of contracting (and dying from) the swine flu. Making an informed decision is all you can do, and should do. The problem as I see it, is that the information you see is very frightening. Images of people in face masks and bodies in the hospital, commercials for the vaccine, constant advertisements from pharmacies and physicians, it all is very scary. After you become desensitized, it becomes your reality. It can convince anyone that death and disease is inevitable, but is it really?"
I'd like to know the source where you got this from before I can pass judgmant on it. You don't happen to have the original URL?

- Croatian_Nidoking
Why does it matter? It's already been known that the pharmaceutical industry is 1 big bad dirty business world wide and that they like to be involved in politics.
Why does it matter? Because when it comes to your health, it's best to look for quality articles, not stuff that might potentially be quackery.

Also, when I hear someone say that an article is "banned", that usually sets my skepty-senses a-tingling. Hence the desire to see the original URL.

- Croatian "a little critical thinking, please" Nidoking
The whole article is full of distortions and lies and clearly is attempting to serve someone's political agenda.
Apparently this "Dear Pharmacist" thing seems to be a q-and-a dealing with natural remedies. Now, I'm all in favor of using natural remedies when there's scientific evidence to back them up, but this lady thinks that natural remedies are (almost) the be-all and end-all of everything, and seems to want people to eschew modern medicine (despite the blurb on her front page that may suggest otherwise). Spewing quack propaganda like this certainly isn't helping, either.

If you want real advice on medical topics, I suggest you go elsewhere.

- Croatian_Nidoking
Apparently this "Dear Pharmacist" thing seems to be a q-and-a dealing with natural remedies. Now, I'm all in favor of using natural remedies when there's scientific evidence to back them up, but this lady thinks that natural remedies are (almost) the be-all and end-all of everything, and seems to want people to eschew modern medicine (despite the blurb on her front page that may suggest otherwise). Spewing quack propaganda like this certainly isn't helping, either.

If you want real advice on medical topics, I suggest you go elsewhere.

- Croatian_Nidoking
For all intents and purposes a vaccine is a natural remedy.

Also, what a load of garbage that article is. First of all, there is not such thing as a "live" or "dead" virus. Viruses aren't ever alive, so how could they possibly be dead? And only 500 people dying from swine flu? That number is hugely off. There have been at least 3,917 deaths from swine flu.
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