Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Barely unknown guy makes top 16


New Member
My first time at Worlds.
I playtested my Absolutions a couple of days before, but it didnt seem to work right, so I decited to play the Flygon Ex lm like From and 3 other guys from Denmark did the same. I have played the deck some times before in a couple of cities back in Denmark, so I know the deck, and I have also lost a lot of times to From (Super F), so if you cant beat them, join them.

Round 1 - Jeffrey Young (NZ) Lucario/eeveelutions

He started with an Absol and I get everything up in turn 3, knock out Absol. He had no energies attached to his Pokemon, and I just keep knocking out everything he put up.


Round 2 - Roberto sora (MX) BanDoom

Hard game, but he was forced to play a shuppet, and then I could play my nidoran, rarecandy, nidoqueen, windstormed his crystal beach and buffer piece, boost knock out. He send up shuppet evolve to banette ex attacked for 90, knocked out my queen. I send out flygon and it does the job.


Round 3 - John Kettler (US) Flycatty

Hmmm a sort of mirror. Hard game and I misplayed putting up queen instead of magcargo. I forgot my warp point I was sitting with, and I could have KO everything on his bench. Doh, but good game anyway.
Thanks John.


Round 4 - Max Benczek (DE) Absolutions

I turned 2 his Mew. He had no energies on the field. He put out his Ray ex, but pluspower is great :smile:
I knocked out a Jolteon ex in turn 4 FTW..


Round 5 - Yuki Akimura (JP) Speed Scizor

T2 scizor was evil, but first 40 with flygon and then KO with 100 keeping him away from using his body. He played a lot of boost in the first turns, and when I knocked out his first scizor. He didnt have any energies on the field.
Good work by making top 4 Yuki :D


Round 6 - Austin Reed (US) R-gon

Bad game. He got up really fast and I coulnt get any evolutions, so sand damage + flygons crap attack kills me :frown:


I was really happy when I saw I made the top cut as number 9 :D I know I was playing against Diego Cassiraga the next day. I was really tired so I went to bed early looking forward to the next day.

Top 16 - Diego Cassiraga (AR) Banlutions

1 game. I set up slow and when we were down on 2 or 1 prize he crystal shards FTW.

2 game. T1 knock uot with queen did the game.

3 game. Really close. We were down on 1-1 and I have 6 cards in my deck. I was sitting with flygon ex, strength charm and I just needed pluspower to win. I played Indianna Jones draw 4 cards, but no pluspower!! ARGH. Then I was just hoping he put out banette safeguard when I used warp point so I could knock him with boost vibra, but he wasnt stupid :tongue: He put up a Vappy ex, and I just needed the pluspower to win DOH!. Next turn he retreated and KO'ed FTL :tongue:
Best game ever, thanks Diego

Anyway ending up 12 was really good, with E-gon :biggrin:
Cya all in Florida if I make it :smile:


Hawaii :smile:
Steffen for inventing E-gon
All the danish guys on the trip.
Allan (Brazil) Beer is good :D
Making the top 16
Tais for making the grinder and go top 16
Ardoptres for playtesting before worlds.
Arco great guy. I couldnt get to worlds without him.
Good jugdes
himmelhohe klauen - stormkreis rayquazza Ex d


Nothing really, maybe not winning worlds :tongue:
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U pwn
Team Bier FTW!

GJ dude, thats all i can say.

Send regards to ur grandma and other danish!
Specially ur friend "germany" and Tais (female) hahahaha! j/k