Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Bebe's/Communicator and Roseanne's/Collector Ratio?


New Member
What would these ratios typically be? I'm guessing 2/2 of each, but I'm guessing it would depend on the deck. What would it be in an SP deck? A Stage 2 deck? A donk deck?
In any given stage 2 deck I run, I use 3 Bebe's, 3 Communication, and 3-4 Roseanne's. It gives great consistency, and pretty much assures you can get some search going early on. That, plus 2-3 PONT is the basis of most of my Stage 2 deck Trainer engines, not including other staples.
Could the 3-4 Roseanne's be 2/1 or 2/2 Roseanne's/Collector? Anyway, thanks.

Generally, if you're running Collector, then I think you'd have to add an extra Energy or two to make up for the inability to search for it by Roseanne's. I prefer having my Energy within easy search, though.
Collector is the better card in decks not running basic energy (Read: Gyarados) or having enough drawpower to nab their special energy (Read: Porygon-Z). In all other decks, max out those Roseannes, period.
^It also shines in SPs, as they have a way to search energy already (Read: Cyrus' Conspiracy) and usually play a heavier Uxie line then most other decks.

However, Roseanne's is the superior card overall, so if there is uncertainity between the choice, usually you'll choose Rosy.

Also, I don't see why PETM didn't maek this disucssion. I currently run a 3/1 split, along with 4 Rose and 4 Communication, and PETM has never let me down. I've been considering changing to a 2/2 split for that reason. Not shuffling a card in has helped me multiple times with a low hand count grabbing Claydol.
it depends entirely on your deck, the number and types of pokemon you run, and your particular metagame.

there is no correct or standard ratio for any deck at all.

PETM is stupid because it only gets evolutions, and is outclasses by bebe's who can get Xs, evolutions, and basics- something PETM can only get one of.
before HGSS i always played 4 bebe and 3 roseanne in stage 2 decks. with HGSS i would still play 4 bebe . Bebe is still one of the best cards of the game and isnt affected by Dialga G´s deafen or spiritomb. But i would play 2 communicators if i have space.
In 2007 Worlds, most decks were playing something like 4+3 Bebe/Celio ratio (or 3+2 minimum), so I don't see why not up the search by a notch when you have capable cards for it.

Then again, it depends on what you're trying to accomplish. With Spritomb starts, you might opt for less trainer search, and without it, more. Roseanne is still basis of the search cards, using Collector will not get you far in the endgame (if not playing something like Palkia lock, Deafen lock or Gyarados - getting 2 Magikarps AND Regice with one card is nothing short of amazing for that deck).

More is more, so I dare to say some will even try maxing out both Bebes and Communicators.
The only thing that I'm sure of is that you better be playing at LEAST 8 in combination of Roseanne/Collector/Bebe/Communication in your deck. I'll probably be playing 10+ in most of mine, they're so good.
Personally, I'd play probably 3 Bebe's, 3 Communicators (followed with one Luxury Ball). This may be the best way to organize the two, however, if Spiritimb PA is popular in your area, I'd run 4 Bebe's and 2 Pokemon Communicators just to be safe, since Spiritomb PA literally ruins the Communicators.

As for the Roseanne's/ Collector, really Roseanne's is the superior one right now in most stage 2 decks since it can search out basic energies compared to Collector. Nevertheless, if you like Collector, I'd try 3 Roseanne's, 1 Collector. Well, at least we'll have a basic pokemon searcher once Roseanne's is rotated.
I would not run Professor Elm's Training Method because it can't get lvx's because the card has to find basic and evolution cards and not only evolution cards and it only gets evolutions. PETM was used in the days that we had pokemon-ex because celio's network couldn't get them but PETM could.
I am not sure why people will take out bebe. communicator and 4 bebe will greatly increase consistency.