Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Bleach Pokemon Trainers.

Professor Sycamore

Active Member
Me and a few friends were talking at league a couple of weeks ago. And I brought up the question. "What if the main characters and captains from the anime 'Bleach" were pokemon trainers, what would their pokemon be? So here is what we came up with.

Ichigo: Lucario and Heracross
Rukia: Articuno and Glaceon
Ishida: Ditto and Wobbuffet
Chad: Machamp and Hitonchan
Renji: Ambipom and Arbok

1st squad captain Yamamoto: Moltres and Heatran
2nd squad captain Soi Fon: Beedrill and Vespiquen
3rd squad captain Gin Ichimaru: Sableye and Makuhita
4th squad captain Retsu Unohana: Mantine and Blissey
5th squad captain Sosuke Aizen: Slowking and Dragonite
6th squad captain Byakuya Kuchiki: Vileplume and Bellossom
7th squad captain Sajin Komamura: Ninetales and Arcanine
8th squad captain Shunsui Kyoraku: Slaking and Luvdisc
9th squad captain Kaname Tosen: Kricktune and Alakazem
10th squad captain Toshiro Hitsuguya: Rayquaza and Walrein
11th squad captain Kenpachi Zaraki: Primeape and Tyranitar
12th squad captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi: Mewtwo and Dustox
13th squad captain Jushiro Ukitake: Weezing and Scyther

If you have a better idea of what I said or you have ideas of other characters. Feel free to give your two sense.
Pretty nice list. I think Kenpachi should have the machamp, just give Chad a Darkrai(the hair covering eye thing kinda matches...). This is a cool concept. Oh, and Aizen should have a hypno.
Ichigo: I can't think of anything better.
Rukia: Glaceon and Suicune (I see her as having more style)
Ishida: Slowking (SMARTS) and Ditto (Strategy)
Chad: Machamp and Hitmonchan
Renji: Agreed.
Inoue: Chansey and Clefairy

Yamamoto: Ho-oh and Heatran
Soi Fan: Agreed
Ichimaru: Seviper and Haunter
Unohana: Miltank and Wailord
Aizen: Gengar and Absol
Byakuya: agreed
Komamura: Entei and Raikou (though, yours work as well)
Shinsui: Yep, exactly
Tosen: Crobat and Alakazam
Hitsuguya: Rayquaza and Articuno or Regice
Kenpachi: Yep, that's right.
Mayuri: Muk and Weezing
Ukitake: Scyther (dual slashy), Gardy/Gallade (not sure which one would fit better, but both can status heal)
Hey where's the Bad Guys? Can't froget them!

Aizen: Hypno, Giratina
Gin: Tangrowth ('Cuz of extenability and stuff)
Tosen: Dusknoir, Kricketune
Stark: Slaking
Halibel: Nidoqueen
Barragon: Not enough info
Ulquiorra: Mewtwo
Nnoitra: Metagross, Scizor
Grimmjow: Absol, Zangoose
Zommari: Claydol
Syzael: PorygonZ, Electrode
Aaroniero: Ditto
Yammy: Slowbro
Lucario cuz of the energy attack, really. Fighting style too.

Heracross DEF cuz of the fighting style. Up close and PERSONAL. Also, a bit of an idiot.
Ooh, ooh, Pesche gets Swalot.
Dondochakka can have Wobbufett, because they both pop up when nobody wants them.
And Nel=Togepi=Perfect fit.

Let's see... I'm thoroughly disappointed by the lack of projectile-shooting Pokemon that people have suggested for Ishida. Claydol? Starmie? Jolteon? There aren't really any bow-and-arrow style Pokemon...

I don't know why Rayquaza's been suggested for Hitsuguya. Sure, his bankai's a dragon, but... it's an ice dragon. He's just... ice, ice, and more ice.

Mayuri should have a ginormous Weedle.

Hitsuguya's vice captain gets Jynx and Nidoqueen. Ahaha I'm such a terrible person.

My favorite suggestions other people have made: Aaroniero's Ditto, Soi Fon's Beedrill/Vespiquen, Unohana's Mantine, Nnoitra's Scyther (It's a pun!), Yamamoto's Ho-oh, and Kyoraku's Slaking/Luvdisc.

One final note: I'm fairly sure that Ichigo's cloak in Bankai form was, in fact, taken off of a Darkrai that he found and defeated. That's the episode they're never going to show you, of course, but it happened.
hmmm... I was thinking of some other characters.

Don Kon'nonji: Haunter. (BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)
Yoruichi :persian and ninetails maybe umbreon.
Omeada (Soi Fon's VC): Aggron and Snorlax.
Kira: Cubone
Momo: Bellossom
Here's what methinks

Alright, well....I might be putting too much thought into this, but here goes:
Yamamoto: Ho-oh, Moltres, Heatran, anything super fiery (maybe even a Magmortar, ne?)
Sasakibe: Gallade (looks French, kinda reminds me of a fencer)
Soi Fon: Vespiquen and Beedrill work PERFECTLY
Ohmaeda: something super big and 'bout Rhydon?
Ichimaru Gin: I like the Seviper idea, but I'm not quite sure there's really somethin' for him...any silver Pokemon?
Kira Izuru: Snorlax (the weight thing)
Unohana: I like Mantine, I like Blissey
Isane: ????I have no idea!!!
Aizen: Hypno Gengar
Momo: Vulpix, Magby
Byakuya: Bellossom, and Vileplume are great ideas
Renji: Arbok, Infernape
Komamura: Hmm...what's wolfy? I think Entei & Machamp (his Bankai)
Iba: ???? Are there any drunk Pokemon?
Kyouraku: completely agree with Slaking and Luvdisc (dirty perv)
Ise Nanao: Ninetales, Persian
Tousen: Kricketune, Volbeat
Hisagi: One of my favorite characters, but, I just don't know....
Toushirou: MY ALL TIME FAVE!!! Articuno, Regice (I train only ice-types)
Matsumoto: I like the Jynx Idea, but I also think either a Persian or Glameow, etc. and somethin' ashy like Ninetales
Zaraki: Machamp, Hariyama
Yachiru: Riolu
Kurotsuchi Mayuri: Weedle I like, I also think Muk
Nemu: maybe a Grimer, idk, whatever Mayuri says
Ukitake: Scyther I like, just doesn't seem right
Ukitake would get the Scyther from the TV show, an old Samurai Pokemon who can still lace it up from time to time.
wait wouldnt yammy be better of with a slaking????????
and im thinking for somereason Grimmjow with a Sceptile.and absol cause of his jaw.