Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

BRAutumn: no top cut

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I don't have time or the patience to carefully word what I'm really thinking/wanting to stay, so that I don't hurt somebody's sensitive feelings. Heh
Most companies don't have the time or patience to deal with people like you. It works both ways. TPCi's lack of communication in regards to events that involve our time and money is extremely frustrating and you've done nothing but cloud the issue with your useless posts that nobody with any sense would ever expect to be answered.
Rokman is actually helping the cause by complaining, because they are leaving us in the dark to much

Battle Roads start in 48 hours, and we have no official info

If you just went to the main Pokemon site and not any of the secondary community sites, you would have no idea what's going on right now at all

This is pathetic, last year we had the info at least a week before the first tournament, which even then is late I think

People have to plan traveling, ask for work off, etc.

They should've made sure this was ironed out and officially announced two weeks ago
I'm not really fishing for opinions about his colleagues.

More like answers as to why the company he works for (which is apparently staffed and run by a handful of people) is really terrible at everything they do.
Soooo .... what are you really asking? Are you asking if he's willing to grovel to you personally - begging for forgiveness for all the deficiencies of everyone in every department? :lol:

Good job Rokman. Gaining a lot of friends that way aren't we? :wink:

---------- Post added 08/30/2012 at 08:17 AM ----------

Do you realize how unlikely the budget is SO TIGHT at Pokemon that it's either run the company in a more efficient way, or cut scholarships.

You have got to be kidding me.

You know TPCI pays TO's, per person that shows up at their events, for compensation, which is reasonable and understandable. How about shave a tiny bit of that money to be able to hire another person for a much needed position within the company?

Hmmm, when was the last time you got your rate of pay reduced? I'll bet that if that ever happened to you, you didn't particularly like it that much. In fact that probably didn't inspire much loyalty to the company you worked for. If you haven't had that happen to you, just show a little empathy and think about how betrayed a TO or PTO would feel to have that happen to them when they aren't getting rich on their events in the first place. Most of these hard working people do this as a service to others more than to get ahead, that's a certainty. Do you really have any idea about how things work in the real world Rokman? If you think so, you must have really lost your mind with that comment. Whether there is a need for a PR person or not, you certainly don't have a good idea for coming up with their pay. And with the amount of bile produced in just this one thread, I certainly wouldn't envy the poor fool that took that job.

Actually the PTO's are told first then latter the TO's are informed, then the players last.

And you know this how? Don't kid yourself. TPCi doesn't inform them of everything either. Occasionally they give them a heads up on some things, but policies are rarely discussed with them beforehand.

What does championship point distribution even have to do with TO's preparing for their event????? They're going to prepare the event the exact same way, with or without CP information.

Exactly. Some things won't make a difference in how or when the event is scheduled.

I cant believe the stuff im reading in this thread. This isnt the same caring pokemon community i was in a couple years back. The guy helps us out by atleast telling us we arent traveling for no championship points this weekend, and you guys attack him like he did something wrong? He didnt have to do it, you should be thankful we arent in the dark completely.

I for one, dont really mind the changes to the battle roads at all. Mind you, i've never won a tournament undefeated. Ever. I consider myself mr. x-2 because im usually x-2. If anything this change hurts people like me who lose in swiss but make up for it in cut. I dont mind the change because i hate staying a couple extra hours at an event like a battle roads.

You guys have free tournaments(no other legitimate tcg has free tournaments) and a mostly friendly enviroment with very little vulgarity and theft. This is literally the cleanest TCG out of all of the ones on top. I dont mind you guys whining for information, but to ATTACK the dude that helps you is just plain disgusting. I hope some of you realize how ridiculous you're being and apologize to him. He's only helping you guys out.
That's an amazing post. I wish I had some thanks left for that one. I'm honestly ashamed of some people's lack of tact - especially from those who should or who would want others to treat them as adults.
Re why would PTOs get information ahead of players:

I won't address the need to know issue. That is a valid reason in and of itself regardless of some players thoughts on it.

But, the deciding factor, really, is one thing:

We have signed a Non Disclosure Agreement with Pokemon.

That's it. Period.

While Biggie and the rest of OP are waiting for these "hoops to be jumped though", they can't give players the details on things that they haven't been authorized by their bosses to release to the general public.

PTOs, on the other hand, are not the general public. We have signed legal documents agreeing to keep confidential information confidential.
And that's why we can get some, SOME, information early.

Now, why don't even we PTOs know yet what the CPs for BRs will be?
Maybe because some PTOs don't understand how NDAs work and so we have been getting LESS heads up than we have in the past. :frown:
I'm going to approach this from a very common sense point of view.

This isn't the first blunder by TPCi. It isn't the second. Nor is it the third or fourth. The company is notorious for its bungling of projects and inability to communicate effectively with its customers. But despite all these screw-ups, the community has been very forgiving. I can count on one hand the people that finally caved and said "You know what? I've had enough. I'll play a different game."

There comes a point when people lose their patience. In the midst of the lack of announcements, the long-awaited PTCGO has gone down yet again, our cries for longer time limits at the World Championships were ignored, and PTOs are fighting their own battles.

Players have every right to be irritated. And letting that irritation and those disappointments be heard is productive. The fact that Dan took the time to actually respond on the board is proof it is. I don't like the news we received, but I certainly like that he posted it. From everything I've heard, Dan's one of the good guys. Thank you, Dan.

When Wizards of the Coast in 2002 tried to axe the 15+ division, it wasn't complacency and silence that got the 15+ a tournament at the 2002 World Championship. (ALEX BROSSEAU WON WORLDS!) And when the company disappointed the player base again, I find it no coincidence the game ended up in the hands of Nintendo instead.

Never underestimate your power to change things by being heard. Don't let anyone tell you you don't have a right to voice your opinion. No one was out of line in this thread. No one was cursing, there was hardly what I would call name-calling. People asked important questions: When will we get the announcement? Why haven't we gotten it? Why is the company continuously failing to do what it is supposed to do? Why shouldn't we be asking these questions? Don't confuse being persistent and aggressive with being disrespectful or ungrateful. Asking questions and demanding answers is the first step in getting things done. Shame on anyone who sheepishly chides someone for voicing their disappointment.

With that being said, for the love of Pikachu, we have tournaments in 48 hours. What will they be!?
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Well Said PokePop.

Beyond that, people need to be thanking Biggie for giving us the information that he CAN. No matter how much you LOVE Pokemon, or how much you invest in it, or how much your site makes from it, or how much you (fill in the blank here) - you have no idea how the internals of the company work, what obligations they have, how timely the responses come back from others who have to run their own numbers independently, how many others that have to be involved that there are, if those responses have to come back in a chain, if lawyers have to be involved and how timely they are, what is involved in crafting the language because there are so many that play the rules rather than the game, how all the approvals of that work... I can go on and on here.

When it is done, it will be released. I've gotten to know and trust these guys. They will make as fair a playing field as they can and be as inclusive as possible while meeting long term and strategic goals. You may even find you like the changes - in the meantime, lets wait to see what they are before we complain and support our local Battle Roads because that supports the game and those volunteers that make the system work.

---------- Post added 08/30/2012 at 09:41 AM ----------

From everything I've heard, Dan's one of the good guys. Thank you, Dan.

Dan IS one of the good guys. Count on it.
Ness, I doubt that most of us would ever be fighting to stop anyone from giving an opinion. It would be foolish to expect to ever have your own opinions heard if you run roughshod over someone else's right to have an opinion - even if you strenuously disagree with that opinion. The point is that some people have no tact and thereby cause more problems with voicing their opinions too loudly, too strenuously, and with a lack of concern for others. Would you blame Biggie if he never gave us any more info beforehand? So do you think it was sound reasoning to berate TPCi, and the few people who try their best within the confines they have? Pointing out flaws is one thing, berating is another.
Ness, I doubt that most of us would ever be fighting to stop anyone from giving an opinion. It would be foolish to expect to ever have your own opinions heard if you run roughshod over someone else's right to have an opinion - even if you strenuously disagree with that opinion. The point is that some people have no tact and thereby cause more problems with voicing their opinions too loudly, too strenuously, and with a lack of concern for others. Would you blame Biggie if he never gave us any more info beforehand? So do you think it was sound reasoning to berate TPCi, and the few people who try their best within the confines they have? Pointing out flaws is one thing, berating is another.

The players appreciate what Dan has done for the game. We're not frustrated at Dan; we're frustrated at the larger business that employs Dan. Almost no-one is blaming any individual staff member for the lack of communication. It seems to be an endemic problem within the business itself. There's currently no official means for OP ot TPCi to update players on the status of important decisions. Is the decision still being made? When can we expect that decision to be made? What are the options being considered? Just establishing that type of communication would allay the concerns of most players who are posting here in frustration.

An untactful post doesn't preclude the underlying argument from being valid. Don't let the tone of someone's post detract from its message.

The frustration of players is clear. Sometimes that frustration is expressed through the use of choice words. That doesn't mean that the players shouldn't be frustrated, nor does it mean that a post made in frustration is any less substantial than others.
Don't confuse being persistent and aggressive with being disrespectful or ungrateful.

I don't think anyone's confused.

I could count the number of productive posts in this thread that weren't by TCPi or Pokegym staff on my fingers.

Sure, let's display our aggravation, make sure they know we have better standards than this, and pressure them to improve. Can we just look like adults in the process? Is that too much to ask?

(You, of course, are not guilty of immaturity, but I don't think I need to name the ones I refer to...)
Sure, let's display our aggravation, make sure they know we have better standards than this, and pressure them to improve. Can we just look like adults in the process? Is that too much to ask?

Acting like adults means that sometimes, we need to be aggressive with our posts. Adult writing is often not characterized by civility, but by "snarkiness," sarcasm, and satire. You'll find that when adults write an opinionated piece, they are generally more acrimonious and sardonic than younger writers who haven't developed such use of language yet.

When I was younger, I wouldn't be able to write eloquently and aggressively at the same time. As an adult, I'm now able to control the tone and word choice that I use so that I can adequately express my frustration without making personal attacks.

I too, wish that some people would "look more like adults" and stop sugar-coating the issue.

That being said, we obviously can't all look like adults in the process, as a substantial amount of posters here aren't adults...
I wasn't exaggerating when I said that. Top to bottom, TPCI is awful at... everything. Customer service, communication (with customers and TO's), programs your TO's use, judge rulings, tournament structure, the atrocious pile of garbador you people call a WEBSITE, I could go on and on.

After how many years of complaints, you still host Worlds in Hawaii??

And even the tiniest of petty stuff, things that shouldn't even be an issue. For example...

Did you know a guy at Nationals, this past year, had a shirt on with a tiny pikachu face over his breast, looking vaguely similar to the staff shirts TPCI was wearing. So, a TPCI staff person told him TO CHANGE HIS SHIRT OR LEAVE. Like.... I was literally speechless when I heard this.

Like...... Jeeze. Pikachu is ashamed. :nonono:

Probably the only thing TPCI has done right, was implement +3 turns after time. (Which I heard it was Jimmy Ballard who had to really fight for this to get accepted and put into effect.) Looks like you got 1 check in the win column.

WOW! Coming from someone that was granted ACCESS TO FILM during Nats by TPCi Brass....those are some huge cojones son!

Just sayin......bc you know.....they (TPCi OP Brass NEVER do anything right......) /end rant


---------- Post added 08/30/2012 at 11:35 AM ----------

my point still stands. Give the information to PTOs and players at the same time, there is no good reason for 1 party to get info before the other. Players need to plan on whether or not they want to go to certain events just as much as PTOs need to know how to plan them.

And you are assuming PTOS (which I am one) had this info beforehand about CPs. Bad assumption!

CPs are in P!P's brass' hands to decide how they want to tweak the season long invite system for worlds. We have had changes before on the invite structure and the players have always adjusted.

We know the players will show up and play. Were you really thinking about not playing any BRs?? Really?? CPs or know you would play some!

Now, there are plenty of reasons to give info to PTOs before players bc PTOs need to set up venues and plan their schedules! Yes, we need the season schedule info before players. Players know the genreal schedule already, they just dont know the exact dates for their locations. Players get this info usually at least a month in advance. You can make plans with this easily!

Just sayin....

There are other reasons, but we (PTOs) are limited by our NDAs on how much we can share.

WOW! Coming from someone that was granted ACCESS TO FILM during Nats by TPCi Brass....those are some huge cojones son!

Just sayin......bc you know.....they (TPCi OP Brass NEVER do anything right......) /end rant


What can I say beside three minute shuffle? :thumb:

As for the film's purpose, the footage I've gathered, and the blessing I've received, it has nothing to do with the topics brought up in this thread.

And I'm absolutely positive, the people I have talked with, in person and on the phone, have literally nothing to do with the things brought up in this thread. Rob is a great guy and knows what he is doing.

I can't say the same for the rest of the company, when it comes to my perspective as a fan.

Lastly, just because I got some "special treatment" does that mean I shouldn't speak up against TPCI? I can't even put into words how ludicrous that is.
I'll add on last has been mentioned in the past by many others, including myself, but it seems to fall on deaf ears (or faulty memories). Organized play for PTCG is a VERY SMALL piece of the the NINTENDO PIE!!! P!P brass have bosses much higher up than them. They have legal to go through. There are necessary HOOPS that any Company the size of Nintendo will require any sub division to follow. Since I know Dave, Dan, Pete, Mike et al want to KEEP the JOBS they LOVE.....they arent going to break those chains and give all this info to the players before following company protocol.

If you dont get this^, there is no need to "discuss" anything else with you.

I thank Dan for coming here and posting what he could. I have faith the team will post more info for the invite structure soon!


---------- Post added 08/30/2012 at 11:49 AM ----------

What can I say beside three minute shuffle? :thumb:

As for the film's purpose, the footage I've gathered, and the blessing I've received, it has nothing to do with the topics brought up in this thread.

And I'm absolutely positive, the people I have talked with, in person and on the phone, have literally nothing to do with the things brought up in this thread. Rob is a great guy and knows what he is doing.

I can't say the same for the rest of the company, when it comes to my perspective as a fan.

Lastly, just because I got some "special treatment" does that mean I shouldn't speak up against TPCI? I can't even put into words how ludicrous that is.

What can I say other than you should stick with movies then kid bc you are poor at stalling :thumb:

We know the players will show up and play. Were you really thinking about not playing any BRs?? Really?? CPs or know you would play some!

I'm sure some people are. Cards cost money, gas costs money, and it takes away part of your weekend. The difference between some and no CPs can mean the difference between going to just one or two BRs for fun, or going to every single one you can go to. There's perfectly good reasons for knowing what you can get out of a Battle Road before actually wanting to commit to going there, and unfortunately, a lot of people aren't going to get to do that.

It's great that some information has been given out at last, but I really hope that this thread has shown that these straws CAN end up breaking the camel's back. Players technically do not have the _right_ to know anything, but it's extremely rude to keep them waiting like this. You can be quick to judge these players as "acting entitled", say things like "you do not know anything about the way OP works, do you know all the hoops they have to go through??? you should be thanking them on your bare knees for posting information at all!", or you can realize "hey, something is definitely wrong with the way all of this is organized".

Right now, all the Pokemon company is giving us is a silent , implied "trust us, you'll get your info, we know what you're doing", but everything else that comes out suggests otherwise. They don't have enough people, probably because they don't have a big enough budget, even though the game is growing more and more , which should also bring in more and more profit to give them room to expand their budget.

Thank you to the people who ARE keeping the player base as up to date as much as they are allowed to, and thanks to people like Ness who are voicing their opinions loud and clear about this issue.
I think it bugs me a little that it is almost 09/01 and all the information isn't released.
But this thread is going too far on making a big deal about CP Points and "where worlds is". Take a step back. Despite the fact we don't know everything take a good look at this.

1. You have to get X number of Points to get an invite vs top x.
Some people May Like it some won't However I think it's better because it forces massive traveling less minus last year, going to 2 regionals last year could have given you a CP edge.

2. We only got an announcement for BRs which are the SMALLEST events, for those playing in the 04-06 ish season we didn't even have BRs.

3. I personally may not like everything TPCI does, and it does seem at times they do not keep up with other card games. But I don't think complaining over BRs is worth it. But look, last year when they did the CP Point system, I thought it was great, because MTG announced their "Pro Point system" system weeks before. I even posted somewhere "would be cool if the Big Pokemon announcement was something like pro points."
So I think the CP/ aka Pro Point move was in mind for the players.

4. Remember Pokemon events are Free, If TPCI took top cut out of nationals then yes go make a mad thread about it, I would be mad too, but not at something as little as this..

Side note: MTG is larger then Pokemon, they even have different COMPETITIVE formats.

Modified Constructed:

Block Standard


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I think the main issue is that the Pokemon TCG is a part of Nintendo.

Keep in mind its NINTENDO. A Huge company. My guess is that each statement, even the smallest and what Biggi post here, has gone through a very long chain of command (e.g Bosses, PR, Lawyers...).
You know how the world is... tv shows, blogs and newspapers have ripped apart company´s for very small mistakes. A family-friendly branch like Nintendo can´t let that happen.

It´s not an excuse for sharing informations this late, but i think i can unterstand what´s the reason for it. I guess at least.

As someone pointed out i woud love to see the Pokemon Company shares information like Wizzard does for Magic. If something get banned, you get an explantion. If they feel the format in unhealty, thay say somthing about it.
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