Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

California takes Arizona Marathon. (2-1)


New Member
Just got back from cities and here is my report.

To start off my team decided to hit Arizona marathon so that we would not play each other.

For the last week every single one of us hated the deck choices so much. We started to retest takes that had "tested". I had told everyone how Magnezone/Eel/Zekrom was pretty decent but had some rough matchups that needed work. However, testing showed it would draw dead a lot like Magneboar. That was about 2-3 weeks ago and then this last week I reminded Ruben about it and he decided to try it out. It ran pretty alrite but the concept of consistent 150 + is plain out broken. I tell Edmund about how amazing it ran and we decide its the play and build a really solid list that ran more supporters than Ruben had ran in testing. Ruben stuck to the same list and Oscar ran a few cards off of mine because they felt they could build a better list (scrubs!!!). Kristy took our safe choice of Zekrom/Eel and off we went to Arizona.

Funny Part: Oscar (Driver) wanted to leave at 8 am but I wanted to leave at 7 am to eat something before the tournament. We never took into consideration of the 1 hour time difference and would have received a round 1 game loss lol.

At the venue we all change our list again w/ minor tweaks which ended up winning me some games.

Day 1:

6 Rounds Top 8

Round 1: Mirror Match (Oscar Morales) *I go 2nd like always*
He set up zone turn 2, I set up zone turn 2. We run so hot its going to be fun.
Basically it comes down to who hit Catcher first which was me but I had burned 3 Junk Arms via Sage.
I also needed 1 Junk Arm for a switch to return KO a zone which burned more of my resources.
Oscar started to whiff a lot because of his difference in the supporters he ran compared to mine.
I simply played smart w/ my resources over him wasting his junk arms early.
Round 2: Donphan Dragons *I go 2nd*
Im losing by 4 prizes and drop the N. I lock and win this game. Pretty helpless with 1 card in hand
after burning all your supporters the entire game.
Round 3: Durant (3rd Place) *I go 2nd*
I know how to play this matchup but he mills all my energy + crush hammers all my energy.
It was pretty sad but I was able to take 5 prizes before decking out.
Round 4: Donphan Dragons (Miguel who gets 2nd at the next cities) * I go 1st*
Turn 2 Zone over powers the whole game and its GG
Round 5: Kyruem Electrode *I go 2nd*
I overpower him w/ Zones. GG
Round 6: ZPST (Carl W.) *I go 2nd*
It turns out this matchup is really close to a autowin. GG.
5-1 (5th Seed)

Top 8: Chandy Beach (Desmond)
- I knew about this deck and what it could do so it gave me a big advantage.

Game 1: Magnezones overwhelm him.
Game 2: Triple Chandelure + Beach Turn 2, followed with switches and bam Eel never hits the field and I get wrecked. :) It was bad *** cause Chandelure is the coolest deck in format.
Game 3: Magnezones overwhelm him.
(2-1) 6-1

Top 4: Yanmega/Magnezone w/ Techs (David)
Game 1: My zones hit field first, I win.
Game 2: His zones hit field first w/ Judges and I never get zone out and scoop early.
Game 3: Zekrom full aggro + clean up the Magnezones w/ my own Magnezones.
(2-1) 7-1

Top 2: ZPST (Carl W.)
Game 1: Sadly he gets destroyed :/
Game 2: Rinse and repeat and hes nice enough to know where its going and scoops at like 12 am.
(2-0) 8-1 1st

-Ruben/Oscar/Kristy did not to so well so they switched decks.

Day 2:
Everyone decides to copy my list.
Ruben/Oscar go 4-1
I go 3-2 losing to my sister
Kristy goes 3-2.

"Cali scrubs out :("

We go home early and playtest to prepare for tomorrow and we are ready to take it for day 3.

To sum this up faster.....

Final Standings (Top 4):
1st: Ruben
2nd: Oscar
3rd: Kristy
6th: Me.

Sadly I lost round 2 which gave me horrible tie breakers.

Ruben takes First, Oscar takes Second, and Kristy takes Third.

End Results for Team Dragon Rush:

Edmund Kuras - Won San Diego City (12 CP)
Me - Won First Arizona Marathon City (9 CP)
Ruben Cisca - Won Third Arizona Marathon City (6 CP)
Kristy Britton - Takes a 3rd (9 CP)
Oscar Morales - Takes a 2nd (12 CP)
Javier Sanchez - Takes Top 8 in Cali (6 CP)
Average: (9 CP)

All of my opponents as I had great games.
Team Dragon Rush
Arizona Staff and the amazing venues compared to California
Chandy Beach taking Top 8 :)
Edmund/Ruben taking a city this weekend.
Amazing Hotel.
Ruben making topcut for the first time this year
All the friendly players in Arizona.
Norwalk League

Dilly HA
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Nice report! Congrats to all of you!
Like I said, "Come on back" I am sure some players would love a rematch!

Thank you very much for the Props! We try our best!
GJ guys. It was really great to have you guys down here. I enjoyed the matches that I played against you guys, and hope to see you guys again when it comes time to have States.
way to go guys. very impressed on the results! cant wait to see those decks in action back in cali where it belongs haha.