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Can U Guys Help Me?

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New Member
Hi Everyone! Can U Guys Help Me?
I'm In Searching For These Cards For A Long Time.
My Haves Above And My Needs Below.

My Haves:
Dragon: /97
3/97 Crawdaunt (h )x1
4/97 Flygon (h )x1
8/97 Plusle (h )x1
18/97 Ninjask X2
21/97 Skarmory X2
22/97 Vibrava X1,x2
25/97 Combusken X1
26/97 Dratini (rh)x1,x1
29/97 Graveler X1
32/97 Gyarados (rh)x1
33/97 Horsea X1
34/97 Houndoom X1
36/97 Marshtomp (rh)x1
39/97 Seadra (rh)x1
40/97 Seadra X1
44/97 Snorunt X1
45/97 Swellow X1
46/97 Vibrava X1
49/97 Bagon X2
50/97 Bagon (rh)x1,x1
52/97 Corphish X1
55/97 Geodude X1
56/97 Geodude X1
57/97 Grimer X1
58/97 Horsea (rh)x1
59/97 Houndour X1
60/97 Magikarp (rh)x1,x1
65/97 Mudkip X1
69/97 Numel X1
72/97 Slugma X1
73/97 Spoink X1
74/97 Spoink X1
76/97 Taillow X2
78/97 Trapinch X1
79/97 Trapinch X1
80/97 Treecko X1
81/97 Wurmple X1
83/97 Buffer Piece (rh)x1,x1
84/97 Energy Recycle System (rh)x1
85/97 High Pressure System X1
86/97 Low Pressure System (rh)x1
88/97 Tv Reporter X2
92/97 Kingdra Ex (h )x1
9397 Latias Ex (h )x1
94/97 Latios Ex (h )x2
95/97 Magcargo Ex (h )x2
97/97 Rayquaza Ex (h )x1

Sandstorm: /100
7/100 Ludicolo (h )x1
8/100 Lunatone (h )x1
9/100 Mawile (h )x1
15/100 Arcanine X1
21/100 Sandslash X1
32/100 Baltoy X1
43/100 Lileep X1
44/100 Linoone X1
50/100 Pelipper X1
53/100 Volbeat (rh)x1
59/100 Cyndaquil X1
60/100 Dunsparce X1
62/100 Duskull X1
63/100 Eevee X1
65/100 Growlithe X1
66/100 Lotad X1
70/100 Omantye X1
71/100 Onix X1
72/100 Pikachu (rh)x1
77/100 Seedot X1
78/100 Shroomish (rh)x1
88/100 Rare Candy (rh)x1
89/100 Wally's Training X2
90/100 Claw Fossil X1
95/100 Aggron Ex (h )x1
96/100 Gardevoir Ex (h )x1
97/100 Kabutops Ex (h )x1
98/100 Raichu Ex (h )x1
99/100 Typhlosion Ex (h )x1

Ruby/sapphire: /109
1/109 Aggron (h )x1
7/109 Gardevoir (h )x1
13/109 Swampert (h )x2
14/109 Wailord (h )x1
15/109 Blaziken X1
16/109 Breloom X2
18/109 Nosepass (rh)x1,x1
19/109 Pelipper X1
21/109 Seaking X2
23/109 Swampert X1
24/109 Weezing (rh)x1
25/109 Aron (rh)x1
27/109 Combusken X1
28/109 Combusken (rh)x1
30/109 Electrike X2
33/109 Hariyama (rh)x1
34/109 Kirlia X1
36/109 Lairon X3
37/109 Lairon (rh)x1
40/109 Marshtomp (rh)x1,x3
41/109 Marshtomp X1
47/109 Vigoroth X1
48/109 Wailmer X2
49/109 Aron (rh)x1,x4
50/109 Aron X1
53/109 Electrike X2
55/109 Goldeen X3
56/109 Makuhita X2
59/109 Mudkip X5
60/109 Mudkip X1
61/109 Numel X5
62/109 Phanpy X4
66/109 Ralts X1
68/109 Ralts X1
69/109 Shroomish X4
72/109 Taillow X1
75/109 Treecko X1
76/109 Treecko X1
77/109 Wingull X2
83/109 Lady Outing X1
84/109 Lum Berry X1
85/109 Oran Berry X2
87/109 Pokemon Reversal X1
89/109 Prof. Birch (rh)x1,x2
90/109 Energy Search X2
92/109 Switch X1
102/109 Scyther Ex (h )x1
106/109 Water Energy X6
108/109 Fire Energy X1

Aquapolis: /147
19/147 Kingdra X2
22/147 Magneton X1
28/147 Porygon 2 X1
33/147 Slowbro X1
48/147 Furret X1
52/147 Magnemite X2
58/147 Seadra X3
84/147 Horsea X4
85/147 Horsea X1
86/147 Houndour X3
90/147 Lickitung (rh)x1
94/147 Miltank X3
98/147 Onix X2
103/147 Porygon X4
107/147 Sentret X1
108/147 Slowpoke X2
113/147 Tentacool X2
116/147 Vulpix X3
117/147 Wooper X1
123/147 Forest Guardian X4
126/147 Juggler X1
130/147 Pokemon Fanclub X1
136/147 Town Volunteers X3
139/147 Power Plant (rh)x1
143/147 Metal Energy X1
148/147 Crystal Kingdra (h )x1
149/147 Crystal Lugia (h )x1

Expedition: /165
4/165 Blastoise (h )x1
27/165 Skarmory (rh)x1
45/165 Fearow X1
82/165 Ivysaur X1
100/165 Chikorita X1
112/165 Hoppip X1
124/165 Pikachu X1
131/165 Squirtle X1
132/165 Squirtle X1
134/165 Totodile X3
137/165 Bill's Maintenance X6
138/165 Copycat X1
140/165 Energy Removal 2 X2
147/165 Power Charge X1
148/165 Prof. Elm's Training Method X1
154/165 Full Heal X2
155/165 Moo Moo Milk X5
156/165 Potion X2
159/165 Metal Energy (rh)x2,x2
160/165 Fighting Energy X6
165/165 Water Energy X27

Skyridge: /h32 /144
H15/h32 Machamp (h )x1
H22/h32 Piloswine (h )x1
16/144 Machamp X1
24/144 Piloswine X1
31/144 Steelix X2
54/144 Eevee X1
104/144 Staryu X1
125/144 Fisherman X1
127/144 Hyper Potion X1
128/144 Lure Ball X1
129/144 Miracle Sphere A X1
131/144 Miracle Sphere Y X1
138/144 Oracle (rh)x1
143/144 Cyclone Energy X2

Neo Genesis: /111
8/111 Kingdra (h )x1
23/111 Magby X1
45/111 Quagsire X1

Neo Revelation: /64
48/64 Quagsire X1
62/64 Pokemon Breeder Field X2

Neo Discovery: /105
45/105 Light Dewgong X2
66/105 Girafarig X1
81/105 Seel X3
84/105 Swinub X4
102/105 Pokemon Personality Test X1

Neo Destiny: /75
71/75 Wooper X4

Gym Challange: /132
87/132 Misty's Horsea X1

Blackstar Promo:
8 Mew X1
20 Psyduck X1
24 Birthday Pikachu (h )x1
31 Cleffa X6
32 Smeargle X1
34 Entei (sealed)x2
35 Pichu (rh)x1
- Water Energy (h )x3
- Lighting Energy (h )x1
- Rainbow Energy (h )x1

Nintendo Promo:
001 Kyogre Ex (h )x1
002 Groudon Ex X1
003 Treecko (rh)x1
008 Torchic (rh)x1
010 Mudkip (rh)x1
- Darkness Energy (non Winner) (h )x1

My Needs:
Rayquaza Ex
Ampharos Ex

Blaziken (firestarter)
Rare Candy (reverse Holo)

____________'s Pikachu

Neo Genesis:

Promo (nintendo):
Winner Marshtomp
Winner Combusken
Winner Grovyle
Bagon Promo (3 Types)
Latios And Latias Promo

Pikachu Sealed Set Collection
Booster (neo Set And Above)
Other Reverse Holo Trainer

That's All I Need Now And Will Be Updated When I Need Anything Else. :d
I have Ampharos ex and I'v got 2 elekid's fron the neo Genesis set but one of the elekids has a slight crease and I do have a neo Genesis Cleffa but is in really bad cond. I'm not sure I want to trade them yet cause I kinda like ampharos ex I'm still looking at your stuff I'm not sure what I want yet so I am just letting you know:D

How much will you offer?
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OK.. I have 1 each of Elekid and Cleffa (both Genesis) for trade. Cleffa I won't trade cheaply.. maybe for a fairly bad holo.

Cleffa for one of these (your choice):
[SS]8/100 Lunatone (h )x1
[SS]9/100 Mawile (h )x1
[RS]plus #27 Combusken
[SK]H15/h32 Machamp (h )x1

Elekid for one of these:
[SK]16/144 Machamp
Oracle r/h (the top priority)
Winner Marshtomp
Winner Combusken
Winner Grovyle
Latios (OR) Latias Promo
How about my good condition elekid for a oracle? And is oracle in good condition? And uh I don't want to trade cleffa
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How does this sound?

Neo Genesis- Cleffa for your RH Rare Candy? I believe Cleffa is rare. Does that sound good? If not I may be able to offer something a little more.

MY elekid for YOUR (one of these):
[SK]16/144 Machamp
Oracle r/h (the top priority)
Winner Marshtomp
Winner Combusken
Winner Grovyle
Latios (OR) Latias Promo

and MY cleffa for one of YOUR:
[SS]8/100 Lunatone (h )x1
[SS]9/100 Mawile (h )x1
[SK]H15/h32 Machamp (h )x1
[RS]plus #27 Combusken
Registeel: I Need Ur Ampharos Ex As Well As The Eleckid Too.lmk, Thanks

Kitshera: I Also Believe That My The Rare Candy Is Rare And Reverse Holo Too.

Ancient Pokemon Trainer: I Think That's All I Need Now. Can U Pm Me With Ur Haves?
Hope To Make A Big Trade With U.lmk, Thanks

Bertrand: Sorry, I Don't Think I Will Trade 2 Holos For Just Ur 2 Rares.
Please Make An Fair Offer.
Hi, Ur Link To Ur Haves Don't Work.
By The Way, I Believe The Rayquaza Ex Is A Hot Wanted Card So I Don't I Will Trade My Rayquaza Ex For Ur Ampharos Ex Only.

Ampharos ex x1

R/S Rare cards
Lapras ex x1

Sandstorm Rare cards
Typhlosion ex x2
Aerodactyl x1
Zangoose x1

Aquapolis reverse holos
Warp energy x1

I'm Not Sure What U Can Offer Me So I'll Let U Make An Offer.
By The Way, Someone Has Offered Me 3 Holos Just For The Rayquaza Ex
Oh sorry I can't trade with you I live in the U.S. if we traded it would cost like 6 Dollars to ship then it would probly get lost sorry
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