Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Cards for Legends Awakened

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In the news article on the POP website it says that Legends Awakened will have 'over 140 cards.' I made a list of all the cards we didn't get yet (that should be in LA) along with other reprints that may be there for higher stages (like magnezone and rhypherior lv. x.) I'm guessing there are only gonna be 141-149 cards in the set (why would they say over 140 if there would be over 160?) so, what do all of you think is going to be left out? Here's the list:

1. Bellossom
2. Deoxys (Normal Form)
3. Dragonite
4. Dusknoir (PRO)
5. Frostlass
6. Giratina
7. Gliscor
8. Heatran
9. Kingdra
10. Lucario (PRO)
11. Luxray
12. Magnezone (PRO)
13. Mamoswine
14. Metagross
15. Mismagius (DP)
16. Politoed
17. Probopass
18. Rayquaza
19. Regigigas
20. Rhypherior (DP)
21. Spiritomb
22. Vileplume
23. Yanmega
24. Armaldo
25. Azelf
26. Camerupt
27. Castform
28. Castform (Rainy)
29. Castform (Snow Cloud)
30. Castform (Sunny)
31. Cradily
32. Crawdaunt
33. Delcatty
34. Deoxys (Attack Form)
35. Deoxys (Defense Form)
36. Deoxys (Speed Form)
37. Ditto
38. Forretress
39. Glalie (MT)
40. Groudon
41. Heatran (PRO)
42. Heatran
43. Jirachi
44. Kyogre
45. Lopunny
46. Luxray (PRO)
47. Mespirit
48. Mewtwo
49. Poliwrath
50. Probopass (PRO)
51. Regice
52. Regigigas
53. Regirock
54. Registeel
55. Shedenja
56. Starmie
57. Torkoal
58. Unown !
59. Uxie
60. Victreebell
61. Yanmega (PRO)
62. Anorith
63. Dragonair
64. Drifblim
65. Dusclops (DP)
66. Exeggutor
67. Gliscor
68. Gloom
69. Gloom
70. Grumpig
71. Houndoom
72. Lanturn
73. Lanturn
74. Ledian
75. Lucario
76. Magneton (DP)
77. Marowak
78. Metang
79. Metang
80. Mightyena
81. Ninjask
82. Persian
83. Piloswine
84. Poliwhirl
85. Rhydon (DP)
86. Seadra
87. Swaloat
88. Swellow
89. Tauros
90. Tentacruel
91. Unown J
92. Unown R
93. Unown U
94. Unown V
95. Unown W
96. Unown Y
97. Unown ?
98. Weepinbell
99. Bellsprout
100. Beldum
101. Beldum
102. Buneary
103. Chinchou
104. Chinchou
105. Corphish
106. Cubone
107. Dratini
108. Drifloon
109. Duskull (SW)
110. Exeggcute
111. Gligar
112. Gligar
113. Gulpin
114. Hitmonchan
115. Hitmonlee
116. Hitmontop
117. Horsea
118. Houndour
119. Ledyba
120. Lileep
121. Luxio
122. Magnemite (DP)
123. Meowth
124. Misdreavus
125. Nincada
126. Nosepass
127. Numel
128. Oddish
129. Oddish
130. Pineco
131. Poliwag
132. Poochyena
133. Rhyhorn (DP)
134. Riolu
135. Riolu (PRO)
136. Shinx
137. Skitty
138. Snorunt (MT)
139. Spoink
140. Staryu
141. Swinub
142. Taillow
143. Tentacool
144. Tyrogue
145. Yanma
146. Buck’s Training
147. Cynthia’s Plan
148. Stark Mountain
149. Snowpoint Temple
150. Technical Machine TS-1
151. Technical Machine TS-2
152. Bubble Coat
153. Claw Fossil
154. Double Full Heal (E08)
155. Energy Patch
156. Energy Switch (E08)
157. Poke-Radar
158. Pokedex Handt 910is (E08)
159. Root Fossil
160. Switch (E08)
161. Azelf Lv. X
162. Gliscor Lv. X
163. Heatran Lv. X (PRO)
164. Magnezone Lv. X
165. Mespirit Lv. X
166. Mewtwo Lv.X
167. Rhypherior Lv. X
168. Uxie Lv. X
Just because there is a Lv. X in a set doesnt mean that hey will put in a line so you can use it in a Draft.

There are a bunch of Ex sets and DP sets that are like this.

Here are the Lv.Xs that came out that didnt have the regular card in the set

Lucario Lv.X - Lucario was in DP
Electivire Lv.X - Vire was in DP
Honchkrow Lv.X - Honchkrow was in MT
Garchomp Lv.X - Garchomp was in MT
Porygon-Z Lv.X - Porygon-Z was in GE

So don't always expect them to reprint or make a card just so you could use a Lv.X in draft
Also, don't expect to get 8 lv.Xs in a set when the highest we've ever gotten was 4 before. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that we'd get 4 lv.Xs in the set.
Also, don't expect to get 8 lv.Xs in a set when the highest we've ever gotten was 4 before. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that we'd get 4 lv.Xs in the set.

I'm a betting man, well not really but, I am telling you, your 100% wrong.

Wait, 140+ cards?
So they're actually giving us all of DP5 and not splitting it in half?
I don't understand why you have 168 cards. When POP usually says more than 140 cards, it's usually within 141-149 range.
Here are the Lv.Xs that came out that didnt have the regular card in the set

Lucario Lv.X - Lucario was in DP
Electivire Lv.X - Vire was in DP
Honchkrow Lv.X - Honchkrow was in MT
Garchomp Lv.X - Garchomp was in MT
Porygon-Z Lv.X - Porygon-Z was in GE

So don't always expect them to reprint or make a card just so you could use a Lv.X in draft
It's not just Lv.X's, its all cards. Golem and Weavile in SW had their lines come in the previous sets, and many basics came in MD without their Evos (Stunky, Drifloon). There won't be reprints for the sake of the cards being playable in the Pre-Releases or after a couple rotations.
Until you provide proof, you might as well join the speculation groups.

* More powerful new Pokémon LV.X than ever before!
* Includes Technical Machine and Fossil cards
* Features two theme decks, “Metal Surge” and “Bombardment”
* Exciting holographic parallel set for players and collectors alike
* • A big set—over 140 cards in all!

Sounds like proof to me...

But yeah, I'm pretty positive the rhyperior/magnezone/glalie/etc lines won't be in the set, which would cut it down to AROUND 140 cards.
More can mean additional or further too. Just because they use the word more doesn't mean they mean 8.
The way I see it, the 3 pixies are probably guaranteed Lv Xs, as well as Heatran and possibly Magnezone. Mewtwo and Gliscor will probably be regulated to the Tin sets. Alternatively, the could make the pixies a special 3 tin-set edition or something, and then make the threat of their deck much more accessable (and worrysome).
Just because they haven't placed out multiple Level X's over 8 before doesn't mean they won't now. Look at Dragon Frontiers and how many EX's they had in the set as opposed to many before it.

And wasn't 8 even stretching it Japan? If not 8, we'll at least get 6, but we need to catch up to the Japanese eventually, and apparently they're moving out of the Diamond and Pearl block next set. If we don't catch up now, we won't be in next block until next winter.
Just because there is a Lv. X in a set doesnt mean that hey will put in a line so you can use it in a Draft.

There are a bunch of Ex sets and DP sets that are like this.


Well, but a lot of these possible reprints were last printed 4-5 sets ago. The last rhypherior and magnezone lines were in DP for example. If they don't reprint some cards then the ones in this set that need reprints to complete the lines, those new cards will become next to useless (unless in a deck with Garch X) in the next next format (09-10) when, unless POP drastically changes their rotating out pattern, at least DP-SW will be rotated out (prolly GE too.) <-- (sorry if that's hard to follow)

Also, don't expect to get 8 lv.Xs in a set when the highest we've ever gotten was 4 before. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that we'd get 4 lv.Xs in the set.

If you go here it has proof that we'll get at least 5:

"More powerful new Pokémon LV.X than ever before!"
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