Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Carrington388's Apprentice Contest: Team Torchic's Cards for Imakuni?


New Member
This thread is for the members of Team Torchic to make their Pokémon with Imakuni? in their names and ridiculous mechanics to match. Here is the list of Team Torchic members:

Team Torchic:
Captain: Burninating_Torchic
2. dragonspy900
3. ZoraJolteon
4. DragonSol
5. PenguinMaster (Temporary fill-in for Ancient Pokemon Trainer)

You will make 2 cards in this round. The 2 Pokémon you choose from the full slate of 386 are completely up to you. The same Pokémon cannot be used twice by this team.

Your 2 cards will be graded individually using the same rubric, then your score will be averaged to make your final score. All of the cards will be averaged together to make up the team average.

Here are the specifications of whether descriptors (i.e. Dark, Light, Shining), owners (i.e. Brock's, Aqua's, Sonic's), dual-types, Ultima types, etc. are present in round seven. And the rubric:

Descriptors: Permitted; Dark, Light, Shining, and Pokémon-* only
Owners: Required, Imakuni? Only, Must Come Before Descriptor
Dual-Types: Permitted
Ultima Types: No
Multi-Prize Mechanics: Permitted, Pokémon-ex Allowed
Chaos Emerald Mechanics: No
Legal Stages: Baby, Basic, Stage 1 and Stage 2
Fourth Generation: No

Name--3 points. Make sure you get the entire name right. Don't forget the all-important "?" in Imakuni?.
Picture--3 points. Try to make it descriptive.
Type(s)--5 points. Single-types and dual-types are acceptable. Make sure they fit.
HP--5 points. Make sure it fits the card well. Too much or too little and I dock you.
Weakness/Resistance--5 points. If a double-Weakness can fit (it can on a dual-type or a Pokémon-ex), it can have 2 Weaknesses; otherwise, give it only 1. Either way, up to 2 Resistances. Make sure they fit.
Retreat Cost--5 points. Again, make it fit the card.
Pokemon Power/Attacks--30 points. No more than three total per card, and the card must have at least 1 attack. You can have 1 attack only, 2 attacks only, 1 attack and 1 power, 2 attacks and 1 power, etc. on your card. If you do 1, it's worth 30; if you do 2, they're worth 15 each; and if you do 3, they're worth 10 each. Also, I will be grading the effects of the cards based on how ridiculous the effect is, not how proper it is. Which means watch the grammar, but let your imagination run wild when creating a ridiculous Imakuni? effect.
Rarity--3 points. Again, make sure it fits the card well. Just for the record, the rarity symbol will be white on all of these cards.
Explanations--8 points. May sound harsh, but it helps to explain what ridiculousness this card is meant to ensue.
Strategy--Not in play in this round. Imakuni?'s cards are unplayable in a normal environment, so strategizing around them is impossible.
Penalties--There are penalties for use of proper TCG mechanics on an Imakuni? card, as some of the usual ones.
Round 3 Possible Total--67 points.
If both teams have average scores of 39 points or lower, both teams go to the boardroom.

This thread is for Team Torchic's cards. Please do not look in Team Techno Fluff's thread of their cards. If you do, you could possibly be fired in the boardroom.

The deadline for round 8 is August 11 at 11:59 PM Central (that's 12:59 AM Eastern, 9:59 PM Pacific, and 5:59 AM GMT).
Imakuni?'s Ryhdon (F) HP:90
Stage 1 Pokemon (Evolves from Imakuni?'s Rhyhorn

Picture:You see Rhydon looking up to the bright blue sky, full with clouds. Rhydon's left arm is like ( and the the right arm is like ).Rhydon is standing on the ground which is craked *is that how it's spelled?* about to collaspe under the weight of Rhydon. Some trees are in the eastern part of the picture. The sun is up in the sky behind 2 clouds, glowing through the clouds.

Subitute (C)
You may put a dummy repilca of your self of where are you sitting. Then you may go wherever you want to. You can only use this attack if you have a dumy replica of yourself with you.

Drill Away (F) (C)
You may dig a tunnel in the floor. If you do you may steal your Opponent's deck and escape in the tunnel. You can only use this attack if you have a shovel or drill with you.

Weakness (G)
Resitance (L)
Retreat Cost (C) (C) (C)
Rarity: Rare

Explanations:Imakuni?'s Rhydon has 90 HP a (F) type a stage 2 pokemon and which evolves from Imakuni?'s Rhyhorn.
Subitute costs (C) and it makes you have a dummy replica of your self and put it in your chair your sitting on and escape to anywhere. Drill away costs (F) (C) and you must have shovel or drill with you and dig a hole in the ground and you steal your Opponent's deck and go in the hole to escape. Weakness is (W), Resitance is (L), and Retreat Cost is (C) (C) (C).

For my 2nd card i'm reserving Imakuni?'s Fearow.

Imakuni?'s Fearow (C) HP:70
Stage 1 Pokemon (Evolves from Imakuni?'s Spearow)

Picture:You see a Fearow in the upper right coner of the picture, flying down to the lower right of the picture. In the lower right part of the picture is a Pidgeot flying to the upper left part of the picture, battling the fearow. Fearow's wings are glowing, using wing attack, and Pidgeot wings are gray, using steel wing.

Peck Attack (C) 20
Go outside and find a wood pecker. Bring it inside and let it peck your Opponent's head. You can't use this attack if you can't find a wood pecker.

Fly away (C) (C) (C)
Stand on a table nearest to you, stand on and reveal a jetpack. Activate it and Fly through the celing. You can only use this attack if you have a jet pack on your back.

Weakness (L)
Retreat Cost (C)

Imakuni?'s Fearow is (C) type, has 70 HP and evolves from
Imakuni?'s Spearow. Peck Attck costs (C) does 20 damage and you must go outside and find a wood pecker and let it peck your Opponent's head. Fly away costs (C) (C) (C) and you have to stand on the nearest table and reveal a secret Jetpack on your back and then you activate it and fly through the ceiling.
Weakness is (L), no resitance and a retreat cost of (C). Rarity is Rare
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just a disclaimer, the feebass penguinmaster will be posting is strongly based on an actual image fake I made a while ago called Feebass from Heck(well, it didn't say heck, but you get it =P)...the only changes are the name(Making it Imakuni?'s Feebass) and some effects on the card's names and word selection.
Hmm..this should be fun...especially since I'm pretty tired =P
Imakuni?'s Porygon
Basic [C] Pokemon
50 HP

Poke-Power: My Modem was made from a Toaster
Once during your turn(before you attack), you may make a peice of toast and/or boot up a computer. If you burn the toast or get a fatal error on the computer, your opponent must call a judge and say they themselves are stalling. If you burn the toast AND get a fatal error on the computer, your opponent must dress up like neo from the matrix, get on the table, start doing the robot and say "I am the one. There is no spoon." Until a judge comes over to stop him. If you burn the computer or get a fatal error on the toast, you're so awesome that Imakuni? wants to hug you, and you may now go meet him in disney land.

If the Defending Pokemon has the color plaid, polka dot, periwinkle blue, mustard yellow, or Haxxor Green in its picture, the Defending Pokemon is now JXW4D. A Pokemon that is JXW4D will be eaten by a linux and must buy 87.5 copies of William Hung's most current album at the time.

Weak: [F]
Resist: None
Retreat: [C]
Rarity: Uncommon

Picture: on the Right side of the picture, taking up the whole picture vertically and about 1/4 of it horizontally, is a standard computer modem tower. On the left, taking up the whole picture vertically and about 1/4 of it horizontally, is a silver Toaster with a peice of toast sticking out of it. In the center 1/2, on the top 1/2 of the picture is Imakuni?'s face. On the bottom half of the center half if a Porygon cartoony style. Inbetween Porygon and Imakuni is a big black equals sign, showing that the Toaster=The Modem. The background is just blue.

Explanation: To fit the theme of it being a Porygon, its power involves a computer. And toast. Because everybody likes toast. And the reason theres no "Can't be used if affected by a special condition" is because that would be a normal mechanic =P. Anyways, the attack involves the colors in the defending Pokemon's picture, and it makes the pokemon affected by...well, I guess you could call it a special condition...
Imakuni?'s Porygon2
Stage 1 [C] Pokemon-Evolves from Imakuni?'s Porygon
70 HP

Poke-Power: Blue Screen of DOOM
Once during your turn(before you attack), you may find the nearest computer, yank it from its station, and bring it to your table. If someone is using it, you may smack them upside the head with this card until they let you take it. If they do not let you take it, tell the judge they are cheating. When the computer is at the table, you may attempt to replace its hard drive with a peice of swiss cheese and/or bump your knee into the modem tower. If you get the blue screen of doom, ask your opponent if they accept your challenge. If they ask "What challenge?", tell them the Lemonadestandian challenge of infinite fruitiness. If they decline, you may sit on their head until you lay an egg. If they accept, each of you must buy 3 plastic throwing stars from the closest store that sells plastic throwing stars. Then, take turns throwing them at each other, starting with you. The first one to hit their opponent wins the game.

[C][C] Syntax Error 4040404-I just hate you
If Imakuni?'s Porygon2 has a bullet hole in it, you may blame any organization in history. If your opponent has a grudge against that organization, gurgle 10 gallons of water while singing the canadian national anthem and riding a deer with a built in musket. Either way, you may turn on your TV. If the show "Pimp my ride" is on any channel, scream "PIMP MY DONKEY!" at the top of your lungs. If someone from Europe or Asia hears you, they may sell you a donkey for 300 Yen or 3 Euros, whichever is most convenient for the president. If your opponent is still sane, you may ask them how they are feeling. If they reply with something other then a feeling, eat all their cards and give them proxies made out of base set 2 energy cards.

Weak: [F]
Resist: None
Retreat: [C]
Rarity: Rare

Picture: The background is framed by a computer monitor frame, with the screen being the Blue Screen of Death(you know, the one that basically tells you your computer got screwed up so badly you have to shut down and then has a whole bunch of code and stuff). To the right side of the screen is a cartoony Porygon2 riding on a cartoony Donkey. To the left is Imakuni? riding on a cartoony Donkey. Porygon2 and its donkey is facing Imakuni? and his donkey. Imakuni? and his donkey are facing Porygon2 and its donkey.

Explanation: Once again, the power involves a computer. Once again, the "Cant be used if..." line is omitted due to it being a normal mechanic. Lemonadestan is a made up country in the area where Pakistan/Kasahkstan/Afghanistan are. Pimp My Donkey is a made up TV Show based off of Pimp my Ride, but located in india or somewhere where they drive donkeys instead of cars. And since everybody hates Base Set 2, they need to have base set 2 proxies.
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Hmm, finally an enjoyable round! I think I'm gonna go ahead and do Imakuni?'s Aipom and Imakuni?'s Sneasel. I might need some help on the grammar end, though.

Imakuni?'s Aipom
50 HP (C)
Basic Pokemon

(C) Banana Boat Attack
To use this attack, you must sing The Banana Boat Song all the way through, including all "Day-O"s. After you sing The Banana Boat Song, you must run to the nearest exotic pet store to get Imakuni?'s Aipom a banana because you have made it hungry.

(C)(C)(C) Liebe Meine Abst-Monkey 20
When you use this attack, you and your opponent must run to the nearest T.V. (with cable) and find a channel playing a Saturday Night Live episode with Mike Meyers. If you find one, you may steal your opponent's toupee (if he/she is wearing one). If you can't find a channel playing a Saturday Night Live episode with Mike Meyers, you should slap yourself and be ashamed for not finding the show. Either way, your opponent must touch Imakuni?'s Aipom.

Weakness: (F)
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)
Rarity: Common
Pic: This pic is done in the style of all Imakuni? cards, like Imakuni?'s Doduo and Imakuni?'s Whismur, Loudred, and Exploud. In the middle 3/4 of the card, there is a giant banana tree coming out of a sandy beach. The ocean is about half way down the page. Aipom is at the top of the tree, holding a bunch of bananas in his tailhand and eating a banana with one of his hand hands. Imakuni? is a little underneath him, shimmying up the tree. His arm is outstretched, reaching for the bunch of bananas in Aipom's tailhand. He has a Japanese sweat drop thingy on his head.

Explanation: Imakuni?'s Aipom much like Imakuni?'s Doduo, in the fact they both have 50 HP, both are colorless, and both are a Basic Pokemon. Aipom is common, like all other Aipom. Aipom's weakness and resistance are the same as other Aipom. All 50 HP Aipom had a (C) retreat cost, so mine does too. Aipom's first attack, The Banana Boat Song Attack, is basically an attack that makes you sing the entire Banana Boat Song through, including all the Day-O's. Then, you have made Aipom hungry because you talked about bananas, so you must go get him one at an exotic pet store. Liebe Meine Abst-Monkey is a line said by Dieter (played by Mike Meyers) in an episode of Sprockets on Saturday Night Live. In it, he tells someone to touch his monkey. Thus, you must go find an episode of Saturday Night Live with Mike Meyers to maximize damage, and get to steal a toupee from your opponent. If not, then you should slap yourself for not finding the show.


Imakuni?'s Sneasel
60 HP (D)
Basic Pokemon

Poke-POWER: Supreme Darkness Ruler
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. If you do, you may declare yourself Supreme Ruler of all that is dark and evil (and the state of Wyoming). Your opponent must then bow down to you and recite the Boy Scout Oath from memory. If your opponent is not able to remember the words, he must also kiss your feet (it is preferable that you remove your shoes and socks first).

(D)(C) Pointy Knives That Burn With The Fires of a Thousand Evils
You and your opponent must create a pointy knife with one of your Pokemon cards (It is best if you use a butcher knife to cut your card to dangerous point). Then, create a mock sword battle with the judges. If you slay more judges that your opponent, your opponent must forfeit all his Monopoly money to you. If your opponent slays more judges than you, you must sing karaoke to Britney Spears's newest song on the nearest karaoke machine. If you do all the sexy dance moves as well, you win the game.

Weakness: (F)
Resistance: (P)
Retreat Cost: (C)
Rarity: Rare
Pic: This pic is also done in the style of all Imakuni? cards. In this pic, there is a close up of "Lucky Stadium" from Neo: Destiny. You can only see the right side of the stadium, which is where Sneasel is standing in the middle of the card. It is staring intently at it's claws, as if they are something new, exciting, and shiny. Imakuni? is in the background of the right 1/4 of the card, jumping up and down, and pointing his finger as if to tell Sneasel to attack.

Explanation: Imakuni?'s Sneasel is a great Imakuni? card. It's Poke-POWER allows you to declare yourself Supreme Ruler of all that is dark and evil (and the state of Wyoming). Then, your opponent must recite the Boy Scout oath. If he can't, he then also has to kiss your feet. Sneasel's attack, Pointy Knives That Burn With The Fires of a Thousand Evils, is from "One Ring to Rule Them All-2" by Legendary Frog. It's a parody of LOTR (you can watch it at Flashplayer.com) It's attack makes you and your opponent create knives out of a Pokemon card, and engage the judges in a mock battle. If you slay more, you get all your opponent's monopoly money. If you lose, you have to sing karaoke to Britney Spears's latest song (I think its Spears's, help me out). Weakness, Resistance, and retreat cost are all normal for a Sneasel. HP isn't too high, at 60. Rare is just like other Sneasel's. Also, as BT said, I didnt include the special conditions line in the Poke-POWER because its a normal TCG element.

Well, there are my cards.
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Imakuni?'s Kadabra
100 HP (P)
Stage 1 Pokémon (Evolves from Imakuni's Abra)

Picture: You are looking forward from the back of the Origins 2005 TCG hall. In case you weren't there, it was very large, the right 1/3 was mainly empty because it was the decipher tables =P. On the left 1/3 is the Yu-Gi-Oh national championships, which unfairly has carpet and furnature and potted plants. Right in the center 1/3 is the Pokemon area. There are six long rows of tables, and nationals is going on. At the very front of the view/hall is the judges stand. Now, normally the large cheesy banner has a giant machamp and the National Championship Logo. But, this banner is very different. It has been taken over and now shows different angles of Imakuni? dancing around, and in one he is doing that one break dance move where you spin on your head. Right now you're thinking what does this have to do with Kadabra. Well, Kadabra are the judges a the judge table, they are patroling the play area, and at the bottom of the picture a Kadabra's head pokes up. Its eyes are wide and it has a giant grin as if it had just swallowed a 10 gallon megathermos of coffee. It is holding its spoons in the air as if it wanted to throw them, and one one you can see a large "I". On the other is a large "?". On the face of the picture you see psycho-green swirls that don't interfere or distort the picture, but are there and make you dizzy nonetheless.

Poké-Power: Random Origins People
If you have been annoying your opponent by complaining about how you could use one card to win the game for the last 10 minutes, you may use this power. Run around the gaming area until you find someone with a Charizard ex and drag them to your table. Claim that you are now Charizard ex. Attach the random guy with the Charizard to yourself and flip the table and stomp on your opponent's cards. If the table is heads, you win. If the random guy you found has to leave, you lose and get disqualified from the tournament.

[C] Spammers: The Game
You may purchase a copy of Spammers: The game. Have at least 3 spammers sign it and give it to Pokemom. If she laughs, you win and all the judges must be your personal slaves until the end of the day. If she does not, your opponent gets a free throw. If he or she makes it, his or her name is now Chauncey Billups until the end of the day. If your opponent makes the shot and your name is Billy, you win.

[C][C] Live Roleplay Chess
You may start a game of Live Roleplay Chess. The judges are the White Mage and the Black Mage. You are the Black Mage's Wizard, and your opponent is the White Mage's Theif. If anyone asks what you are doing, put on a kilt and say "Froggies froggies, ribbit ribbit!" The winner of the game of Live Roleplay chess wins the game. If the game ends in a stalemate, you must challenge your opponent to a duel with large plastic swords. Your opponent's teammate is the White Mage and your teammate is the Black Mage. If everyone in the battle dies in a tragic accident, everyone in the RPG hall gets +20 karma.

Weakness: (P)
Retreat Cost: (C)
Rarity: Still deciding =/

Explanation: Well this pretty much makes fun of the "hardcore" RPG-ers that me and BT saw at origins. Yes, the guy in the kilt that said froggies was real X_X. This had alot to do with the random hilarious occurences at Nationals, such as the Random Origins People being BT's team sealed team. The reason this makes sense for Imakuni? was because 1) I swear I saw him there..., and 2) I can imagine this stuff actually happening at this place. I guess it's a kinda roundabout way of saying it, but basically the point of the card is to annoy people and start RPG battles within the card's requirements. XD
Imakuni?'s Feebas
30 HP (W)
Basic Pokémon

Picture: Taking up most of the Picture is a very cheaply drawn Feebas. On the left of the card is the text "Dood, crapface is copyrighted Strong Bad. Erm, Trogdor! Wait, what the poo is the point of this picture? Eh?!" In the top right of the picture is the text "Gotta love that Yu-Gi-Oh style tribute thing. Hey, look at that man that's down there!" In the bottom left is a lame excuse for a Chibi stick figure. On the bottom right is the text "|)00|), 7|-|15 (4|2|) P\/\//\/5! 1337 |-|4X0|2!" In the background you see Imakuni? dancing around like a maniac. He appears to have a Magikarp in is mouth.

Poké-Power: Crapface
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may chant "FEEBAS! FEEBAS! KICK MAGIKARP'S BUTT!" If you don't, put 6 damage counters on all of your Pokémon. If your opponent is even slightly annoyed by this, your opponent must find at least 15 Magikarp cards and offer them to you as a sacrafice within a time limit of two minutes and twenty-six seconds. If your opponent fails, Imakuni?'s Feebas is now a Fossil Ditto.

(W) I'm a Sucky Fish
Search your deck for any card, grill it, and eat it. If you use any ketchup, mustard, salt, pepper, or any other artificial flavor, you lose. If you refuse to eat the card, your opponent may keep all cards in your deck (excluding Imakuni?'s Feebas). If you successfuly eat the card, flip a coin. If heads, your opponent must buy you a large jumbo salted pretzel. Either way, follow your opponent around for the rest of the day. If anyone within 10 feet of his or her body mentions Magikarp, dump out your opponent's binder and draw on their cards with a fine-point red sharpie.

(C) I'm a Piece of Poo
Put a piece of poo counter on Imakuni?'s Feebas. At any time during your turn, you may remove a piece of poo counter from Imakuni?'s Feebas and go to the bathroom with your binder and extra sleeves that match the sleeves that are on your deck. The Defending Pokémon is now Constipated.

Weakness: (L)
Retreat Cost: (C)
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Zora, I just noticed, on your Imakuni?'s Gorebyss there is no rarity. Might want to add it! Dragonspy, you spelled ceiling wrong.
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Finally its Thursday... I never thought this round would end... Well, Zora just has one card to go and we're done, he'll have it in soon probably.
Sorry for the lateness everone, but my mum turned evil again. Apparantly the fact I like my hair the length it is is enough to justify stealing the modem for a week and banning me from attending a Prerelease. The only reason I managed to get on now is that she went out and forgot we have 2 modems, so if I can't make it to the boardroom you'll understand why.

Explanation: Top and bottom stats are the standard for a Gorebyss. The first attack allows you to stab your opponent with a pointy stick, which looks just like Gorebyss' mouthparts. Like Imakuni's Doduo, the card provides a bit of advice for getting the best effect. Shell Bikini Boy is based on the fact that despite being very feminine, Gorebyss come in both genders. It allows you to become a transvestite, which if convincing enough will allow you to get extra cards at your opponent's expense. Imakuni believes girls will be too scared of this all powerful Pokemon to play it, so he forgot about them in the attack description.

Explanation: Top and bottom stats standard for Quaggy. Imakuni can never quite remember which one is Quagsire though, so he put both in the art just to make sure. The first attack is also centered around this theme, so you can solve the problem of what evolves into what by removing all evolution cards from play, in the least creative way possible, canine consumption. The second attack is more risky, as it requires you to have a boat, which may be difficult to get into play in some tournament situations. You must then bump your head against it, and use skill to ensure that you adaquately brace yourself for impact, allowing you to complete the second part of the attack, and smash your opponent's skull against the boat. This attack may cause the Special Condition, Concussion. Obviously, it's based off of Quagsire's Pokedex entry. The reason this card is an uncommon as opposed to a rare is mainly down to the fact that both attacks require you to already have special objects in play, and both of them have a decent chance of failure, the second one also possibly having pretty heavy recoil.
Imakuni?'s Rhydon (dragonspy900)
Name--2/3. You got the h and y in Rhydon mixed up here. Didn't take off more because you spelled it right in other areas of the card.
Picture--2/3. Looked a bit too realistic for an Imakuni? card.
Type(s)--5/5. Bingo.
HP--5/5. That works.
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. They both work.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Yep.
Subitute--14/15. Did you mean "Substitute"? The effect sounds a lot like the GBA Substitute attack, but other than that, too ridiculous for play.
Drill Away--15/15. Good thing this isn't format-legal, since the league organizers would find a ton of tunnels under their location if this were!
Rarity--3/3. Yep, that works.
Explanations--6/8. You said here that Weakness was {W}, yet the Weakness is {G} on the card itself. Something's not right.
Penalties--0/0. Nothing here.
Card Total--62/67.

Imakuni?'s Fearow (dragonspy900)
Name--3/3. This one you nailed.
Picture--2/3. Bit too realistic for an Imakuni? card.
Type(s)--5/5. Bingo.
HP--5/5. That works.
Weakness/Resistance--2/5. What kind of [OOPS!] forgets a Flying-type's {F} Resistance? Weakness is perfect, though.
Retreat Cost--5/5. That works.
Peck Attack--15/15. That's got to hurt! Of course, someone could sneak a woodpecker into the game and pretend to just find one, but I didn't take off for that.
Fly Away--15/15. Good thing this isn't format-legal, since the league organizers would find unwanted skylights at their location if this were!
Rarity--3/3. Again, good choice.
Explanations--8/8. Good.
Penalties--0/0. Nope.
Card Total--62/67.

dragonspy900's Average--62/67.
Imakuni?'s Porygon (Burninating_Torchic)
Name--3/3. Bingo.
Picture--3/3. "It's a story about a PC. Who was sandwiched by three beings all at once." Sorry, couldn't help it, reminded me too much of The Brady Bunch theme.
Type(s)--5/5. Good.
HP--5/5. Nice.
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. Bingo.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Good.
My Modem was made from a Toaster--13/15. What happens if you burn the computer AND get a fatal error on the toast?
FRVZACDE--12/15. Tries to be insulting and fails. Would be much more humiliating if the card had to buy Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, or Clay Aiken albums, William Hung's better than those three put together at least ten times over, maybe more. Also, who ever heard of half a copy of an album? William Hung would freak if he saw this card! Maybe I should show him, he's on this board. You got points, though, for being ridiculous enough.
Rarity--2/3. I don't know, I'm not sure if Uncommon fits the Imakuni? stereotype.
Explanations--8/8. Good.
Penalties--0/0. Nope. Making William Hung freak out may be ill-advised, but it does not induce a penalty.
Card Total--61/67.

Imakuni?'s Porygon2 (Burninating_Torchic)
Name--3/3. Bingo.
Picture--3/3. Perhaps someone could make something like this into a Flash movie?
Type(s)--5/5. Bingo.
HP--5/5. Nice.
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. Bingo.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Nice.
Blue Screen of DOOM--15/15. Pretty evil, but then again, what if the person using this attack dies from electric shock trying to replace the hard drive?
Syntax Error 4040404-I just hate you--15/15. Of course, they could just blame it on John Wilkes Booth or Lee Harvey Oswald, two famous President-killers.
Rarity--3/3. Fits here.
Explanations--8/8. Good.
Penalties--0/0. Nope.
Card Total--67/67. Nice recovery from the William Hung fiasco.

Burninating_Torchic's Average--64/67.
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Imakuni?'s Aipom (DragonSol)
Name--3/3. Good.
Picture--3/3. Good.
Type(s)--5/5. Bingo.
HP--5/5. Good.
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. Bingo.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Bingo.
Banana Boat Attack--13/15. Took off because of an easy cheat. You could just go to the grocery store or a fruit market to get a banana there.
Liebe Meine Abst-Monkey--15/15. Of course, what if the game is played in an area where you can't get cable?
Rarity--2/3. Eh, I'm not sure Common is in the Imakuni? tradition.
Explanations--8/8. Good.
Penalties--0/0. Nope.
Card Total--64/67.

Imakuni?'s Sneasel (DragonSol)
Name--3/3. Good.
Picture--3/3. But is there a crowd in the other seats?
Type(s)--5/5. Good.
HP--5/5. Nice.
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. Great.
Retreat Cost--5/5. We don't want another Neo Genesis Sneasel fiasco, now, do we?
Supreme Darkness Ruler--15/15. But how long would the rule last?
Pointy Knives That Burn With The Fires of a Thousand Evils--14/15. Who would bring Monopoly money to a card game? Of course, losing the bout would be humiliating. I mean, NOBODY wants to do Britney Spears on karaoke! I mean, what does Kevin Federline see in her, anyway?
Rarity--3/3. Nice.
Explanations--8/8. Nice.
Penalties--0/0. Good.
Card Total--66/67.

DragonSol's Average--65/67.
Last edited:
Imakuni?'s Kadabra (PenguinMaster)
Name--3/3. Nailed.
Picture--3/3. Who could imagine, Imakuni? live at a premier event! I just hope he doesn't show up at Worlds.
Type(s)--5/5. Nice.
HP--1/5. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't care if there isn't an Imakuni?'s Alakazam, 100 HP is way too much for a non-ex Kadabra!
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. They work.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Good.
Random Origins People--8/10. How do you flip a table?
Spammers: The Game--9/10. Too biased toward people named Billy.
Live Roleplay Chess--10/10. Now this is great!
Rarity--0/3. Sorry, the clock's struck midnight.
Explanations--8/8. Good.
Penalties--0/0. Nope. I didn't take off for having too many attacks because there wasn't an Imakuni?'s Dodrio printed.
Card Total--57/67. Broken HP and hitting midnight on rarity killed your score.

Imakuni?'s Feebas (PenguinMaster)
Name--3/3. Nailed it.
Picture--2/3. Would have been perfect, except I have no clue on what the "text" is supposed to read!
Type(s)--5/5. Good.
HP--5/5. What did you expect on a Feebas, 50?
Weakness/Resistance--5/5. Good.
Retreat Cost--5/5. Nice.
Crapface--8/10. The name sounds too offensive. I don't think Nintendo would use that name.
I'm a Sucky Fish--8/10. Nice effect. Only lost points because it belonged below the other attack.
I'm a Piece of Poo--8/10. How could you make a Pokémon constipated? Again, lost points because it belongs above the other attack.
Rarity--0/3. Only thing worse than hitting midnight on one card is forgetting it on the other!
Explanations--0/8. Uh, explain the names and ordering, please?
Penalties--0/0. Nope.
Card Total--50/67. Uggh!

PenguinMaster's Average--54/67. It would take a miracle for Ancient Pokemon Trainer to get his position back now!

Wow, I have the highest score so far... Zora will prolly get higher, but for a bit I can savor it... Good cards everyone, I think we might win this one!