Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Casual's Foray Into Tourney


New Member
Well, I'm posting the following here since it can't really fit under the announcements vibe of the Tournaments thread. So, I understand if this gets moved somewhere.

My question is this, as inspired in another thread (Chuck Shuck): What is the appeal of tournaments? I don't really get it.

I have yet to venture into the cold, heartless world of organized play. I see tournaments as a place to play people you have never met before. Why/How is that more appealing than playing with friends? Someone said that its better, since strangers have never seen you play before, so you have an edge. I dunno.

I have played stricly casual in every card game I play ever since. I only recently became a member of the DCI on konw, the Duel Masters scheme of signing up for DMax to get free stuff. Turns out it's not a promo card or anything. -_-

I was actually considering getting into tournaments when i heard i was moving to San Diego (a Card Town, as we say here). But it just seems like a rip off. Or maybe just like a big step towards losing the fun portion of the game. And that's why we play games, right? For fun? But if i start playing tournaments, then i fear that it will become a scene i seem to get hinted at: metagames, archetypes, etc. I don't want to end up seeing what has been described as three decks in a tournament (I read stuff about BAR and RAMBO being everywhere). Seems like a shame if everyone is playing similar decks. But maybe this is the voice of ignorance? Hmm...

Well, in any case, i would really appreciate the input from you grizzled tourney vets. I image there must be some mysterious enthrallment you guys experience at tournaments. So, please, share with the casual crowd: Why tournaments?

Thank you.
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The reason we need tornaments Psycho_Lugia_X is because without them Pokemon would be like the
Spongebob trading card game. If that happened I would probably faint.
I've met so many people at tournaments, people that I still keep in touch with even if they are no longer involved in the game.

Personally, tournaments are about the people. Sure, if you win, you manage to walk away with a few prizes. That's really the gimmick to bring new casual players in. But half the fun is playing against another competitive player, I always learn something new each time I play an experienced player. Just like each time I judge with another TO, I learn other aspects of how they organize and run their events.

Whatever the reason, tournaments are just fun. Casual play can become stale after a short time, especially with a small number of players. Tournaments and Premiere Events draw in many more players and brings a fresh edge to gameplay.

Personally, I walked into this game on a fluke. You cannot make assumptions about something you've never tried before, nor can you take what others say as the gosphel word. Give tournament play a shot, California has some of the best and brightest players, judges, and organizers. You're in good hands and if you dont like it, you dont have to attend again. It's just one day out of your life anyways. ;)
Tournaments ARE fun. So long as you are able and willing to expect the kind of environment going into it. You know Blaziken and Gardevoir and Swampert will be there. You play a deck accordingly.

Tournaments are awesome fun for several reasons. First, you get to meet a TON new people that you would never have met before. I've made quite a few friends and aquaintances just by playing in tourneys. You get to win great prizes. You get to test out that deck in an actual sanctioned event to see how well it does against other fierce competition. You learn the metagame and can create new decks based on it... heck you might even make your own archetype ^_^

There is a lot of fun to be had in casual play, I know. Casual play is a whole lot of fun. But don't you ever get the itch to get competitive? To "Play for keeps" as they say? I dunno, maybe I just crave competition to much, but I find that tournaments are a TON of fun to play in and you can really get your bang for the buck if you win or do well.
I find that the draw of tournaments for me, is that most people are there to have fun. (You'll always have a handful of people who are only there to win, those people can make things a bit miserable) Most of the people I talk with aren't too radically competitive, and are mostly into new and innovative ideas. When you get with a fun group of people who aren't really too worried about winning, you can have an excellent time.

A tournament is something you'll want to experience. If you think it's merely like free play with organization and prizes, you're very much mistaken. Your tournament experiences will usually stick with you as good memories, something you can sit around and talk about with other players.
Your tournament experiences will usually stick with you as good memories, something you can sit around and talk about with other players.

That's a big part of it, I agree ^_^ Gives you something to look back upon and laugh (or get angry lol) about. Its a great experience, every tourney. Even if you do poorly, you still have the friends you've met to mess around with and such.

...and lol Joshman
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Well, let's say--hypothetically speaking--some random casual player--hypothetically, of course--was considering checking out what tournaments are all about. How would this casual player--hypothetical, mind you--go about making the transition to tournament?

Seriously, the whole tournament vibe seems kinda...intimidating. I figure playing casually keeps the purchasing in check, a booster here and there a week, you know, nothing major. But i hear some people insist on getting a complete box or two! I don't want a hobby to become an obsession. Spending every cent i have to travel and play? Sheesh, maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion.

I have a question, though: what is the point of tournaments? You just play and play until...what? go to the world tournament? Then you start over? Seems like a mouse in a wheel scenario.
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The last tourney I played 'seriously' ;) in was the WCSTS, in 2001. Since then, I've been judging/staffing the larger events rather than playing; now I usually only play in prereleases, out of my local area.

I'd have to agree with GLPhil: it's the people that make an event. For example, at WCSTS I played two different people who were from Europe, neither of whom I could really communicate with other than with the cards...and it was amazing :)

You CAN have fun at a tourney, even if you're not 'playing to win'. Each game is a learning experience, and even getting completely massacred is interesting, if only to see how that other deck works ;).

It's fun to play people outside of your regular circle of players; for the most part, Pokémon players are NICE people. Try it, I think you'll like it...and when are you moving to San Diego? The Gym Challenge is going to be on May 30th, and the next prerelease is on June 5; I'll be on staff at both. Hope to see you there :)

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We're actually headed over after school's out, so we're looking at June-ish.

Anyways, something i would really want to examine is how the tournament hierarchy works. I'm more familiar with the way that the Magic Pro Tour works because it's kind of spelled out, you know? Especially because the columnists always reference a higher tournament with a different mood, you know? I checked the POP site, but i want a human explanation, not a bland little sentence. It seems like there is never a new official article up at the PTCG site...

So, anyways, what i'm asking is: Could someone please set up the tourney pyramid from the lowest form of OP--battle zone?--to the highest, which is--what?--world championship? Plus the names of what they call 'em? I image there isn't like "Pokémon Pro Tour San Diego" type stuff.

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I think it goes...

Local tourneys
{start championship road}
City (CC)
State (SC)
Region (Regionals, RC?)
Nation (Nationals)
World (Worlds)
Solary System

Pokemon League (Casual Play with POP support)
Sanctioned Tournaments (No prize support from POP)
Prerelease Tournaments (Sealed Competition w/ New Set)
City Championships (Leads into State Champ)
State Championships (Leads into Nationals Champ)
Conventions (Places like GenCon, Origins, ComicCon, Multiple Tournaments)
National Championships (Leads into Worlds, more trips/invites than Gym Challenge)
Gym Challenge (Leads into Worlds)
Stadium Challenge (Leads into Worlds, more trips/invites, three in US)
World Championships (Cream of the crop, Florida this year)
Nope; the only tourney that is 'invite only' is Worlds.

You don't HAVE to go from City to State; I know plenty of players who couldn't for whatever reason make it to a City tourney but still went to States. There IS a progression, sure...for the winners, since winning a 'lower' tourney gets a bye at the next level; but ANYONE can play in the tourneys. It's not a requirement that one MUST go from one to the next and 'missing out' on one in the chain does NOT end your involvement...not at all.

Hope this helps :)

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lol imagine if all tourneys were invite only, there would be like no people in the tournaments!

well, thankfull that is not the case.

but, if one does want to get an invite to worlds there are many chances to in the upcoming months.

so lugia, if you want to get an invite gl, i hope i get 1 :)
well, let's just say I am not exactly ready for tournaments yet...It's too much of a shock just reading about it. Sounds interesting though.

So, since you can jump into the chain at any link, where would be a good entrance spot for a neophyte to the tourney scene? I did go to a couple of leagues at Toys R Us waaaaaay back when they still had a Pokémon league...apparently YGO is more worthy of their time and space... -_- Anyways, there was a bunch of older kids, like high school seniors (keep in mind i was like--what?--in 6th grade--7th?. So, maybe that's why i am reluctant to join up in a real OP event, it seemed like it was always an older-persons' thing. Hmm.

Are tournaments mainly dominated by older players?
I say that if you don't feel ready for a tournament just yet, go to one anyway and just hang out; there's no charge unless you actually play in it (except maybe for parking at larger venues, like the Convention Center). Introduce yourself to the TO and ask if you can just watch and see if it's something you'd like to do in the future. Most larger tourneys have smaller side events too like GameBoy stuff and booster drafts; at our larger tourneys we usually have a FREE Pokemon Pinball contest on the GameCube where you play for 5 minutes and the highest score at the end of the day gets some free packs or other stuff. Or bring your tradable cards and makes deals all day long. There's always something to do to keep busy if you're not playing.

Also, since you're moving down to San Diego, you can hang out with some of the nicest Pokemon players I think you'll ever find. And there are many PokeGym names you can meet if you introduce yourself (including SD_Pokemom, IPGeek21 Bulbasnore, and myself (I'm actually closer to L.A, but I go to the larger SD events too). Don't worry, they don't bite. ;)

Hope to see ya one of these days,
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