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Chaotic Transformation

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Well, it's true that since Aerodactyl EX came out, it's posed a threat to my current Unlimited deck, since I use SIX Pokemon Tools. Luckilly, Sandstorm not only released Aerodactyl EX, but also the new Dunsparce. I need to get out that Muk as soon as possible, and it's VERY possible if I get out Grimer along with two other Pokemon on the Bench on the first turn. And Dunsparce is hard to hit, since it can switch automatically! Here's my tweaked deck:

3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Sneasel
2 Cleffa
2 Dunsparce
2 Grimer
2 Muk

4 Computer Search
4 Erika
4 Copycat
3 Impostor Oak's Revenge
3 Rocket's Sneack Attack
3 Lass
3 Focus Band
3 Gold Berry
3 Chaos Gym
2 Gust of Wind

6 Electric Energy
4 Darkness Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
2 Warp Energy

What do you think?
I would put in two power charge or energy charge to try and get your dark and rainbow energies back from the discard pile....

I would also put in some other stadium card because you could get caught with Chaos Gym and not be able to use your own trainers. With another gym you can control this a little more....
Pokeplayer said:
I would put in two power charge or energy charge to try and get your dark and rainbow energies back from the discard pile....

If you play this deck right, you shouldn't have much of a problem with ER/SER Trainers. Mostly, I can easily control what Trainers my opponents have in their hand. After all, this is a disruption deck.

Pokeplayer said:
I would also put in some other stadium card because you could get caught with Chaos Gym and not be able to use your own trainers. With another gym you can control this a little more....

Since most of the good trainers in my deck won't hurt me much anyway, even if my opponent does use it, and the trainers that aren't may and should mostly be used before you play Chaos Gym, Chaos Gym is good to keep out from the first time you play it. I'm trying to make room in this deck. If I want to put something in, I must take something out! Every card in my deck is either a staple (Gust of Wind), or it contributes greatly to the strategy.

I want input from someone who has played a disruption deck before, so that input will HELP MY STRATEGY, which is disruption. Is there anyone who can do that for me? If so, please respond. Thanks!^_^
You're using a disruption deck, but no ER or SER? Tsk, tsk. For hand disruption, you could add Rocket's Trap to complete the Trap combo, or you could use Desert Shaman. Another option, which is a personal favorite of mine, is Sabrina's Gaze.
dkates - Point taken into consideration, but I think ER/SER isn't needed with a deck with Chaos Gym in it when it also has hand disruption. SER is the most dangerous thing I can play while Chaos Gym is out. And the Trainer denial should take care of most of my opponent's ER/SER, and I'll even get to use some of the ones they DO play! Like I said, I want input from someone who's played a disruption deck. ER/SER is more depletion than disruption. I've seen decks like this before, but I'd like to try to improve mine...

Has anyone ever played a deck like this before, and knows something that would help the strategy? Again, I've seen decks like this before, but I'd like to try to improve mine...
I tried disruption a little, and I think that Trap is the final piece of the puzzle. Also, try to get in the combo before getting out the Chaos hand and 50% chance of working Trainers is killer. I'm sure some room ca be made for the 2-3 Trap that would make the combo complete.

This deck will get absolutely PWNED by a Clefable Player. We ARE Out there, and waiting for you to use Zappy LOL LOL.

Sneasel is also bait.

Lass all you want, but Fable/AEX will own you!

Just my opinion. Add a rogue for Fable, and add a sprout tower!!!

Nice deck. Here's my fix.

-3 chaos gym
+3 eco gym or sprout tower
-4 erica
+4 item finder
-3 imposter oaks revenge
+3 energy charge

Why play chaos gym? I play sneasel I prefer to be able to play trainer's. Eco gym can protect your energies, or sprout tower scan protect R. zappy from cleffable. Item finder can help get your trainer's back and your opponent don't get to draw 3 card's. At last but not least, energy charge may get back your darkness energies. The rest looks good, I play a lot of the same trainer's in my sneasel deck. I am also glad to see another trainer play unlimited.
Captain Obviousx1 said:
I tried disruption a little, and I think that Trap is the final piece of the puzzle. Also, try to get in the combo before getting out the Chaos hand and 50% chance of working Trainers is killer. I'm sure some room ca be made for the 2-3 Trap that would make the combo complete.

I just tried The Rocket's Trap, and I'll say this much: it's too risky. If you have two, there's a good chance neither of them will work. And if you have 3, it's still too great of a risk to play in tourneys. It was a decent idea, though, Captain Obviousx1. I did fell that I at least had to try it, though it didn't work.
Be careful about Chaos Gym. Since your deck's main basis is your Trainer engine, Chaos Gym could hurt you at least as much as your opponent. Not saying you should drop it, just be careful. Do drop a Copycat for a Town Volunteers, though. Other than that, this deck should be solid enough.
Yea, I've given up on Trap as well...I'm usually lucky, but Trap doesn't work for anyone. When it does work though, it is soo nice. Anyway, I'm playing a psuedo-InSaNiTy right now...and I tried hand destruction there. It was horrible, to say the least...I just have a few Sneaks in there now, and some Lass(basically a staple). Anyway, good luck with the deck. ^_^
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