Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Charlotte/Statesville NC Regional Championship - Statesville, NC 4/12/08

Five days to go, and they will go fast. I will have a posse of players this time eager for fun. See you all Saturday.
Just made final update to door prizes and also switched from side events to TFG demo (have a brave soul eager and willing to do this)!!! Only a few days to go before the big party!!! Look forward to seeing everyone. Safe travels to all.
LOL I'm glad to see my party thing caught on. I like the TFG demo idea count me in! I can't wait to meet you all hopefully you will know who I am once I decide what to wear.
I can't wait to see my friends again.

There's a Pokemon tournament too?! 0_0'
Tony, Mike I am sure this will be awesome. I expect a report card from you guys on my kids (excuse me young men, husband, adopted kids. little brothers etc) you know, Randy, Aaron, John, Steve, Garrett, Mike, Bobby, Lawman (lol) tymon and the GA crew. the list goes on. J/K
I cant make it up there this year.

Tony sorry I wont be there to have watch over the gang and cut up.Guys , remember I
am J/K with everyone

Seriously Safe travel people and have a blast.
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Tony, Mike I am sure this will be awesome. I expect a report card from you guys on my kids (excuse me young men, husband, adopted kids. little brothers etc) you know, Randy, Aaron, John, Steve, Garrett, Mike, Bobby, Lawman (lol) tymon and the GA crew. the list goes on. J/K
I cant make it up there this year.

Tony sorry I wont be there to have watch over the gang and cut up.Guys , remember I
am J/K with everyone

Seriously Safe travel people and have a blast.

Jeff and I will miss you! Sounds like we are getting a good crowd from there, guess everybody wants the great door prizes! Mike, well he will be too busy seeing all his buddies and trying to make his mark on the world of pocket monsters. Take care and see ya at Nats! Keep the home fires burning!:thumb:
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, sorry, I was thinking of Tony and Mike when I posted my reply. but I know you knew I was including you also. I was just having a mind moment (lol) I hope you guys have as great time as usual.
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, sorry, I was thinking of Tony and Mike when I posted my reply. but I know you knew I was including you also. I was just having a mind moment (lol) I hope you guys have as great time as usual.

Were you having a senior moment or a blonde moment??? LOL!
Were you having a senior moment or a blonde moment??? LOL!

Tony , good answer, (sorry to many game shows) lets go with working mom moment that sounds better. I'll take the 5th on the above quote (lol)

I can do that right? (keith/lawman)

you guys are fun and this thread is just the beginning.
Tony , good answer, (sorry to many game shows) lets go with working mom moment that sounds better. I'll take the 5th on the above quote (lol)

I can do that right? (keith/lawman)

you guys are fun and this thread is just the beginning.

The beginning of what??? what do you know that you aren't telling??? If you don't want to post- you can PM me...
I could use some good news...