Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Compendium Updates for April 2, 2009


Staff member
Trader Feedback Mod
Last edited: Thursday, April 2nd, 2009
(Added April 2nd Rulings)

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This edition of the Rulings Compendium includes:

* April 2nd, 2009 PUI Rules Team Meeting -- (*) --

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== CRAGGY FACE (Glalie - DP:Mysterious Treasures)

[CHRISBO NOTE: According to our sources, the phrases "before/after weakness/resistance" are not stated in the original Japanese text, but it seems that the original puts the effect on the attacking Pokemon.]

Q. Staraptor's "Protect Wing" attack and Glalie's "Craggy Face" Poke-BODY have similarly worded effects, yet Glalie has the protection from 20 damage "before applying Weakness and Resistance" while Staraptor has it "after applying weakness and resistance". What is going on here?
A. Based on the Japanese wording of those cards, both effects should be understood as being applied on the attacking Pokemon, and therefore preventing 20 damage "before applying weakness and resistance." (Mar 26, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== EMPEROR AURA (Empoleon - DP:Stormfront)

Q. If Empoleon uses its "Emperor Aura" Poke-POWER when it evolves, does it only prevent the once-per-turn energy attachment, or does it also prevent attaching as the effect of an attack or power such as Shaymin Lv.X's "Seed Flare", Groudon's "Drought", or Blastoise's "Waterlog"?
A. Emperor Aura says "your opponent can't attach ANY energy cards from his/her hand...", so this would include preventing attachments from their hand due to Attacks, Powers, etc. as well. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== INVISIBLE TENTACLES (Giratina Lv.X - PL:platinum)

Q. If my opponent has Giratina Lv.X with "Invisible Tentacles" in play, and I use an attack that put cards back into my deck (i.e. "Upthrow" which puts all Fighting energy cards back into the deck), do I get to put the card I discarded for "Invisible Tentacles" if it meets the criteria?
A. Yes, the discard for Invisible Tentacles is done before you do any part of the attack. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== LINK LIGHTNING (Raichu Lv.X - DP:Stormfront)

Q. If Raichu Lv.X comes into play and uses "Voltage Shoot" to KO an opponent's Dialga-G Lv.X with the "Time Crystal" Poke-BODY, does Raichu Lv.X's "Link Lightning" Poke-BODY turn on and allow Raichu Lv.X to attack again?
A. Yes, once the Pokemon with Time Crystal is KO'd, Link Lightning can then activate and allow Raichu Lv.X a second attack (as long as Link Lightning's conditions are met). (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== LOST CYCLONE (Palkia-G Lv.X - PL:platinum)

Q. If Palkia-G Lv.X uses its "Lost Cyclone" Poke-POWER to put one or more of my benched Pokemon into the Lost Zone, do those Pokemon count as being KO'd and the opponent takes a prize for each one?
A. No, they do not. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== TIME CRYSTAL (Dialga-G Lv.X - PL:platinum)

Q. If Raichu Lv.X comes into play and uses "Voltage Shoot" to KO an opponent's Dialga-G Lv.X with the "Time Crystal" Poke-BODY, does Raichu Lv.X's "Link Lightning" Poke-BODY turn on and allow Raichu Lv.X to attack again?
A. Yes, once the Pokemon with Time Crystal is KO'd, Link Lightning can then activate and allow Raichu Lv.X a second attack (as long as Link Lightning's conditions are met). (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)


== HEAD SMASH (Rampardos - PL:platinum)

Q. If I use Rampardos' "Mold Breaker" attack which reduces damage done to Rampardos by -20 until the end of my next turn, and then on the next turn I use Rampardos' "Head Smash" attack which can possibly do +40 damage to itself, would the effect of "Mold Breaker" reduce the self-damage from "Head Smash"?
A. Yes, that is correct; it would reduce the self-damage by -20. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== IMPERSONATE (Sableye - DP:Stormfront)

Q. If I have no hand, can I use Sableye's "Impersonate" attack to get & discard a Bebe's Search? I can't use the effect of Bebe's Search because I can't put a card on top of the deck before I search, Does this also mean that I can't select Bebe's Search to begin with?
A. You can use Impersonate to search for the card, discard it, then shuffle your deck. But since you don't meet the requirements for using Bebe's Search you cannot use its effect. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== MOLD BREAKER (Rampardos - PL:platinum)

Q. If I use Rampardos' "Mold Breaker" attack which reduces damage done to Rampardos by -20 until the end of my next turn, and then on the next turn I use Rampardos' "Head Smash" attack which can possibly do +40 damage to itself, would the effect of "Mold Breaker" reduce the self-damage from "Head Smash"?
A. Yes, that is correct; it would reduce the self-damage by -20. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== PERISH SONG (Altaria - PL:platinum; Misdreavus - Neo: Revelation Expansion)
[CHRISBO NOTE: This section was previously removed, but has been reviewed under current rulings conditions and is being reinstated.]

Q. If I use Misdreavus' Night Eyes attack on my turn and the Defending PokÈmon wakes up between turns, can I put it to sleep with Rocket Drowzee or a Sleep! trainer in order to knock the Defending PokÈmon out with Perish Song on my next turn?
A. Yes you could, it just has to be Asleep and have been attacked by Night Eyes last turn. It doesn't matter if it is asleep from another effect or not. (Oct 11, 2001 WotC Chat, Q5)

Q. If a Pokemon that was attacked by Night Eyes last turn goes to the bench, could I Gust it up, put it to sleep (with the Sleep! trainer or TR Drowzee), and then KO it with Perish Song?
A. Yes it would. (Nov 1, 2001 WotC Chat, Q9)

Q. Regarding the Perish Song Attack - Is there any way to clear the effect between the Night Eyes Attack and the Perish Song Attack next turn. Benching doesn't seem to as long as the conditions are met.
A. There is no effect to clear; it's a check of the Game State. Evolving, Devolving, or leaving play alters the Game State such that it is no longer the same Pokemon that got attacked by Night Eyes. But not benching. (Nov 1, 2001 WotC Chat, Q33; Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Regarding the Perish Song Attack - Is there any way to clear the effect between the Night Eyes Attack and the Perish Song Attack next turn. Benching doesn't seem to as long as the conditions are met.
A. Evolving, Devolving, or leaving play. But not benching. (Nov 1, 2001 WotC Chat, Q33)

* When a Pokemon evolves or devolves it is NO longer considered to be the same Pokemon. So if Misdreavus used Night Eyes against a Squirtle last turn and then that Squirtle evolves to Wartortle, Misdreavus could NOT use Perish song (even if Wartortle was asleep) as it is NOT the same Pokemon! (Oct 18, 2001 WotC Chat Announcements)

Q. Say I use Altaria's "Midnight Eyes" on an active Infernape. On my opponents turn, they level their Active up to Infernape Lv.X. On my next turn I put the active Infernape Lv.X back to sleep and use "Perish Song". Will this KO the active Infernape Lv.X?
A. Although evolving or devolving would not allow Perish Song to be used (since it is no longer the same Pokemon), a Leveled Up Pokemon is still the same Pokemon as it was before and in this case the Infernape Lv.X would get KO'd by Perish Song. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== PROTECT WING (Staraptor - DP:Stormfront)

[CHRISBO NOTE: According to our sources, the phrases "before/after weakness/resistance" are not stated in the original Japanese text, but it seems that the original puts the effect on the attacking Pokemon.]

Q. Staraptor's "Protect Wing" attack and Glalie's "Craggy Face" Poke-BODY have similarly worded effects, yet Glalie has the protection from 20 damage "before applying Weakness and Resistance" while Staraptor has it "after applying weakness and resistance". What is going on here?
A. Based on the Japanese wording of those cards, both effects should be understood as being applied on the attacking Pokemon, and therefore preventing 20 damage "before applying weakness and resistance." (Mar 26, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

== REMOVE LOST (Dialga-G Lv.X - PL:platinum)

Q. If the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out by Dialga-G Lv.X's "Remove Lost" attack, is a coin still flipped to see if the Energy attached to the Defending Pokemon will be sent to the Lost Zone?
A. Yes, you calculate the damage dealt first, then flip for the energies to go to the Lost Zone, and finally remove any Pokemon that are knocked out. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)








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