Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Corrupt a wish! Wait 5 posts before posting again.

GE claydolls. you mean grown exceptionally? now they are there own planet and your stuck on it.
i wish the person below me translated my sig. v, how
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Granted, but they stop making Ink Cartridges that fit that model.

I wish the next wish try and corrupt takes real thought, is not impossible to corrupt, and isn't completely stupid.
Granted... but then everyone hates actually having to think about things and they revert back to their old, impossible-to-corrupt-wishes days.

I wish I had 50 perfect, mint condition, real Claydols from the Pokemon Trading Card Game set Great Encounters, and nothing can harm me nor any of my Pokemon cards, and no one could steal my Claydols, and I cannot lose my Claydols.

v ...
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Granted, they translate it, but it turns out that it says something so bad, some assassin comes and kills you

I wish that I could find an amazing deck build so I could win another BR's
Granted, You find an amazing deck build so you can win another BR's, but it turns out that the person who lost it is playing at the same BR's and tell the judges after you won that it was there deck and they win BR instead of you.:lol:

I wish I come in at BR's in Md in a good spot (I don't have to win it, just be recognized):smile:
Granted, you get recognized, but for all the wrong reasons

I wish that when I get a job at Ukrops they will recognize my food retail ability and give me a big promotion with bigger pay and more vacation time.
Granted, You get a job at Ukrops. They recognize your food retail ability and give you a big promotion with bigger pay and more vacation time working in the city of Dhahranm, Saudi Arabia. You keep all these benefits only if you stay there. If you come back then you will be the men's room attendant no matter where you work at till u die..:lol:

I wish I was able to put together a good deck for BR..:smile:
Granted, its so, "Little fun" that you stop posting on it.

I wish my brother didnt leave on his misson tomarrow
you can speak every language, but you don't know what you are saying. you accidently say the wrong thing to an important person, and start WWIII. now the world blames you for WWIIII being fought with rocks and twigs.

i wish i could speak EVERY language, and knew what i was saying
Granted, but you're deaf. You can't hear what people are saying to you, so being able to speak every language flawlessly is useless.

I wish the person below me would corrupt this wish.

v But... then you granted my wish, because I wished my wish would be corrupted, and you corrupted my wish, so...
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